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Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking

in the 21st Century Culture

General Academic Strand Humanities and Social Sciences

Name: Date:

4.4 Addressing Climate Change

Across the Words, Save the World

60 minutes

Learning Competency
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to explain and illustrate personal contributions
that can actually solve the problem of climate change (HUMMS_MCT12-lh-i-3).

● Climate change is a pressing global concern. As global leaders discuss its
growing threat, people in different parts of the world are experiencing the
devastating impact brought by climate change.
● For the private sector and civil society, the broad concept of climate change
action was simplified to the following applications: mitigation, adaptation,
and geoengineering.
● Climate change mitigation aims to reduce the harmful effects of the
phenomenon, among which are rising global temperatures, severe natural
calamities, and rising sea levels.
● The main goal of adaptation is reducing our vulnerability to the harmful
effects of climate change.
● Geoengineering refers to a large-scale intervention on the planet’s
landforms, water bodies, and the atmosphere to reduce the effects of
climate change.

Lesson 4.4: Addressing Climate Change 1

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking
in the 21st Century Culture

General Academic Strand Humanities and Social Sciences

An acrostic of the word climate change with the solutions ordinary people
and institutions can do to fight climate change.

1. This activity is done individually.

2. Create an acrostic of the word “climate change”. An acrostic is completed by
supplying words, phrases, or sentences that start with the letters of a given word.
3. The phrases or sentences must cite concrete examples of actions or strategies to
address climate change. The examples must adhere to the concept of mitigation,
adaptation, and geoengineering.
4. Refer to the example below:

C Conserve electricity at home.

5. Write original and interrelated statements. Use the space below to write the

Lesson 4.4: Addressing Climate Change 2

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking
in the 21st Century Culture

General Academic Strand Humanities and Social Sciences

Suggested Rubric for Grading

The rubric below is a suggested one. Your teacher may modify the rubrics based on your
needs. Consult your teacher for the final rubric.

Performance Levels

Criteria Suggested
1 2 3 Score
Beginning Proficient Advanced
Proficiency Proficiency

Content and Most of the words or Words or phrases Words or phrases

Relevance phrases in the presented in the presented in the
acrostic mostly meet acrostic meet
acrostic do not meet ×3
the requirements the requirements and/or exceed
set in the task. set in the task. requirements.

Completeness Less than 50% of More than 50% of All the required
the required the required components of the
components of the components of the acrostic are present. ×2
acrostic are present. acrostic are present.

Total Possible Score 15

Lesson 4.4: Addressing Climate Change 3

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking
in the 21st Century Culture

General Academic Strand Humanities and Social Sciences

Teacher’s Feedback



Lesson 4.4: Addressing Climate Change 4

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