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author = {Hamilton, William L. and Leskovec, Jure and Jurafsky, Dan},

booktitle = {Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)},

title = {{D}iachronic {W}ord {E}mbeddings {R}eveal {S}tatistical {L}aws of {S}emantic {C}hange},

year = {2016},

month = aug,

pages = {nil},

date_added = {Thu Jan 14 12:47:02 2021},

doi = {10.18653/v1/p16-1141},


author = {Bloomfield, Leonard},

publisher = {G. Allen \& Unwin, Ltd},

title = {Language},

year = {1935},

address = {London},

isbn = {9780044000167},


author = {Blank, Andreas},

publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter},

title = {Historical semantics and cognition},

year = {1999},

address = {Berlin New York},

isbn = {3110166143},


author = {Coseriu, Eugenio},

publisher = {Centre de philologie et de litt{\'e}ratures romanes de l'Universit{\'e} de Strasbourg},

title = {Pour une s{\'e}mantique diachronique structurale},

year = {1964},


author = {Fritz, Gerd},

publisher = {Niemeyer},

title = {{B}edeutungswandel im {D}eutschen.},

year = {1974},


author = {Geeraerts, Dirk and others},

publisher = {Oxford University Press},

title = {{D}iachronic prototype semantics: {A} contribution to historical lexicology},

year = {1997},


author = {Warren, Beatrice},

publisher = {Almqvist \& Wiksell International},

title = {Sense developments : a contrastive study of the development of slang senses and novel
standard senses in {E}nglish},
year = {1992},

address = {Stockholm, Sweden},

isbn = {9122015108},


author = {Traugott, Elizabeth Closs},

journal = {Current Issues in Linguistic Theory},

title = {From less to more situated in language},

year = {1990},

issn = {0304-0763},

pages = {497},

doi = {10.1075/cilt.65.28clo},

isbn = {9789027286000},

publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Company},

url = {},


author = {Blank, Andreas},

publisher = {M. Niemeyer Verlag},

title = {Prinzipien des lexikalischen {B}edeutungswandels am {B}eispiel der romanischen


year = {1997},

address = {Tubingen},

isbn = {3484522852},

author = {Andreas Blank},

chapter = {{W}hy do new meanings occur? {A} cognitive typology of the motivations for lexical
semantic change},

pages = {61--90},

publisher = {De Gruyter Mouton},

title = {{H}istorical {S}emantics and {C}ognition},

year = {31 Dec. 1999},

address = {Berlin, Boston},

isbn = {9783110804195},

doi = {},

url =


author = {{Wikipedia contributors}},

howpublished = {\url{

note = {[Online; accessed 18-January-2021]},

title = {Semantic change --- {{W}ikipedia}{,} {T}he {F}ree {E}ncyclopedia},

year = {2020},


author = {Zipf, George Kingsley},

journal = {{T}he {J}ournal of {G}eneral {P}sychology},

title = {The {M}eaning-{F}requency {R}elationship of {W}ords},

year = {1945},

number = {2},

pages = {251--256},
volume = {33},

doi = {10.1080/00221309.1945.10544509},

eprint = {},

publisher = {Routledge},

url = {},


author = {Jeffers, Robert and Lehiste, Ilse},

publisher = {MIT Press},

title = {Principles and methods for historical linguistics},

year = {1979},

address = {Cambridge},

isbn = {9780262600118},


author = {{de Saussure}, Ferdinand},

publisher = {Losada},

title = {Curso de {L}ing\"u\'istica {G}eneral},

year = {1945},

address = {{Buenos Aires}},

url = {

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