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Absenteeism as a Factor affecting the Academic Performance: A

Phenomenological Study of Senior High School Students

Jhelary M. Catan

Miahra M. Tadena

Mary Theresa S. Beronilla


Background of the Study

The impact of student absences on academic performance is investigated in this

study The Ministry of National Education (MoNe) defines absenteeism as missing more
than one day of class without a valid reason (MoNe, 2015b). According to the Ministry of
National Education Regulation on Preschool Education and Primary Education
Institutions, kids' attendance in class and at school are critical factors in determining the
outcomes of their education and training. Any absence that does not fit within the
category of excused absences due to causes is referred to as unexcused attendance
(MoNe 2011). This study examines absenteeism broadly, defining it as the absence of a
student from class both with and without a justification. One of the issues developing
countries have in the educational sector is student absenteeism (Muhaisin, 2017). The
researchers found that when students miss school, it becomes more difficult for them to
comprehend the material that has been taught. Children as a result are unable to
perform well on examinations (Muhaisin, 2017). According to Brian and Kelly (2017),
14% of students were chronically absent in 2013–2014, meaning they missed 10% or
more of classes for any reason. The term "excused absenteeism" refers to the absence
of children who provide documentation of their absences from school for reasons such
as illness requiring either short-term or long-term treatment, fires, accidents, deaths,
and natural disasters. (e.g., Gershenson et al., 2017; Gottfried, 2009). However, such a
broad categorization may not fully account for the diverse reasons for school absence
and their educational outcomes. Other studies suggest associations between school
absences and academic achievement across more detailed absence reasons (Hancock
et al., 2018; UK Department for Education, 2016). The present study aims to advance
our understanding of the relationship between school absence and educational
outcomes. specifically, researchers investigate whether different reasons for
absenteeism (truancy, sickness, exceptional domestic circumstances, and family
holidays) an educational level for which additional absenteeism research is required
(Kirksey, 2019). Therefore, in order to produce better results, educational institutions
should shape their pupils and instill in them a sense of ownership over their education.

The researchers claim that countries and their educational institutions are very
concerned about the attendance and academic achievement of young school students.
It is an easy way to gauge how effective a country's future leaders will be. Most
importantly, examining the relationships between specific reasons for school absence
and academic achievement can help us understand possible mechanisms by which
absences decrease academic achievement. Where researchers have investigated
specific reasons, they have mainly considered truancy (Bosworth, 1994; Buscha), with
evidence supporting the negative relationship with achievement. The collected data was
analyzed qualitatively. The researchers calculated the unique associations between
absenteeism and students' achievement by taking into account the various reasons for
missed work. This approach also allows us to examine whether some forms of
absences are more negatively associated with students. One of the issues that
developing countries face in the educational sector is student absenteeism (Muhaisin,
2017). Attendance is a key component of youth and child success in school, according
to the Child Trend Databank (2015). Researchers have found that when students miss
school, it is difficult for them to understand what has been taught in class, which makes
it difficult for them to perform well on exams. Eneza (2013) states that absenteeism is
the habit of staying away from school without giving a valid excuse. persistently to some
unwanted and aberrant conduct, such as disobedience, drug misuse, absenteeism,
causing chronic tardiness, especially in exams, and so forth. A number of
circumstances can lead to pupils missing school, including family health or financial
challenges, poor school atmosphere, and transportation issues. Researchers found that
students who skip school, arrive late, or skip class have fewer opportunities to learn and
miss out on important material that was scheduled during that period. Absence rates are
also highest during the early school years, which are crucial for the development of
foundational skills like reading (California Department of Justice, 2014).

Research Question

1.What are the possible causes of absenteeism?

2.What can be the effects of absenteeism to students?

3.How does absenteeism impact the academic performance?

Theoretical Lens

The Faucet Theory states that when children are exposed to education on a
regular basis, they get more proficient and eventually stop learning new things. In other
words, once the faucet is turned off, they stop learning. Less instruction during the
school year has a negative impact on students' learning, increases their exam scores,
lowers their grades, and increases their likelihood of dropping out of school before they
reach compulsory schooling (Attendance Works, 2022). Empirical research supporting
the claim that greater academic attainment is correlated with more time spent on
instruction in the classroom. (Kirksey, 2019; Klein et al., 2022; Gershenson et al., 2017).
It is discovered that the impact of absence on academic performance is linear and
comparable in size for all student and school groupings. A student's test performance
appears to decline with each extra absence on average. Kirksey (2019) demonstrated
how a single unit of instruction First, absenteeism may have a behavioral pathway that
interferes with lower academic achievement, based on a parallel theoretical foundation
focusing on general deviance theory and deviant affiliation theory (Battin-Pearson et al.,
2000). (Klein et al., 2022). According to this behavioral pathway, unexcused absences
from school are linked to decreased academic achievement since they are known to
worsen risky behaviors including substance abuse, antisocial conduct, and other
externalizing problems.

Importance of the Study

The study was structured so that it would consist of five chapters. The study's
introduction is covered in Chapter 1, which also includes the study's history, problem
statement, goal, objectives, research questions, significance, delimitations, and
organization.The review of relevant material on students' absences is included in
Chapter 2.The study's methodology is covered in Chapter 3 as well.The proper
presentation and analysis of the data pertaining to the research issue are covered in
Chapter 4.Finally, but just as importantly, there is the study's summary, conclusion, and

Delimitations of the Study (Scope)

The main objective of this study will be how absence affects academic
performance. Tagum City National Comprehensive High School will respond to a survey
the researcher provides on the subject. The purpose of the survey is to identify the
reasons behind absenteeism and how it affects students' academic performance.
Definition of Terms

Lack of Attendance - the custom of routinely missing work or school without a valid

Academic Achievement - Academic performance, often known as academic

achievement, measures how well a student or teaching institution has met its short- and
long-term learning objectives.

Family Issue - a derogatory term used by social workers and members of the public to
refer to families whose socioeconomic circumstances or behavior they find to be
troublesome in some way.

Lack of resources - Being impoverished is the state or condition of having little or no

money, commodities, or means of support. Health Concern - an issue affecting their
academic achievement.

Organization of the Study

The study was structured so that it would consist of five chapters. The study's
introduction is covered in chapter 1.which also includes the study's history, problem
statement, goal, objectives, research questions, significance, delimitations, and

CHAPTER 2: This section included the research design, the role of the researchers, the
identification and process of the participants, as well as the methods and procedures to
be followed in the data analysis. The outline of the study technique, which included the
research design, the function of the researchers, and the research participants, was
also covered in this chapter. Along with the essential ethnic issues, it also covered the
data analysis and gathering procedures, as well as the methods employed to boost the
study's legitimacy and dependability.

The overall review of the study's findings was provided in

CHAPTER 3. The four main components of the results are the interview responses, the
data collected from the participants, the data analysis, the steps and emerging themes
in the data analysis, and a summary of the interview responses.

Chapter 4: This section examines the implications for further study as well as the
consequences for practice. The paper's concluding remarks section lists the major
findings and contributions. The References section contains a list of all the study's
sources. The Appendices contain additional documents, such as the Questionnaire,
Informed Consent letter, Audit Trail, letter granting authorization to perform the study,
and validation sheet.

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