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Waiver and Consent Form

I, a college student at the ________(Name of School), hereby acknowledge and voluntarily agree to participate in the
"Plant Tour" (the "Tour") of Maynilad Water Services, Inc. ("Maynilad").

I understand that my participation in this Tour is entirely voluntary and that there are inherent risks associated with this

There may be risks of injury or damage incidental to my participation in the Tour. I willingly assume these risks and
certify that I can participate in the Tour. I affirm that I am in good health and have no physical or mental disabilities or
infirmities that would limit my participation in any of the Tour's activities. In case of a medical emergency, I grant
permission for necessary transportation to a hospital for emergency medical or surgical treatment.

In addition, in consideration of being allowed to participate in the Tour, I hereby waive, release, and hold harmless
Maynilad Water Services Inc. \, its directors, officers, employees, and representatives from any liability for injuries that
may occur during my participation in the Tour and any associated activities, whether due to negligence or any other cause.

I also grant Maynilad the right to photograph, video, or otherwise record my likeness and name for promotional and
advertising purposes in all media, known or hereafter devised, without expecting compensation, reservation, limitation, or
further approval. I agree to indemnify Maynilad against any claims associated with this grant and the use of my image and
name. Maynilad is, however, under no obligation to exercise any rights granted herein.

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the terms of this waiver, and I willingly participate in
the Plant Tour.

Name of Student (Signature over Printed Name)

Name of School:
School Address:

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
__ __
Date of Birth School/Year Level/Section

Notable medical conditions, if any (e.g., allergies, ailment, etc.)

Contract Number In Case of an Emergency:



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