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La Salle Highschool-Margarita

English Dramatization
II Trimester

XI Grade A

Theme: Medical Doctors

Members of the group:

Buitrago, Adrián
Donado, Abigail
Lindsay, Saray
Ramirez, Jersson
Santander, Alberto
Villareal, Aliah

Monday, July 3, 2023

Title: "The Last Patient"

Abigail - General Physician - Dr. Emily Roberts
Adrian - Dr. Daniel Miller
Aliah - Patient - Sarah Thompson
Saray - Neurologist - Dr. Lisa Johnson
Alberto - Nurse
Jersson - Radiologist - Dr. John Reynolds

In the past (in med school)

Adrian: Hey guys you will be late for ethic class.
Saray: it is not even usefull, you are so bored miller.
Jersson: Shut up Lisa, you will be one of those doctors that only care about money.
Saray: John don’t make me start, I want to help people not steal from them.
Abigail: ARGH, Guys after graduation I hope you grow up a little. Lets go to class, it will teach
how you could really be a good person no just a good doctor.
Adrian: exactly, lets go.
Years later…
Scene 2: Medical Office Waiting Room
(Environment: A quiet waiting room with a patient waiting for their turn.)
Abigail: Finally, the last patient of the day, Dr. Miller. Let's hope it's just another simple cold.
Adrian: Doctor, you know the last patients are the most interesting ones.
Abigail: Couldn't agree more. You know what is funny, I just remember our last year at med
Adrian: Yeahhh, I remember the others hate ethic class.
Abigail: And at the end we all get into the same hospital.
Adrian: What can I say.
Abigail: lets keep working.
Adrian: (enters the waiting room) Good morning, I'm Dr. Daniel Miller. Sarah Thompson, could
you please come into the consultation room? Dr. Emily will see you.
Aliah: (stands up and approaches) I'm Sarah. Can you tell me what's happening to me, Doctor?
Abigail: Hello, Sarah. I'm Dr. Emily. It's important to know that I'm a generalist physician. Tell me
what symptoms you've been experiencing so I can know how to help you.
Aliah: I've been having severe headaches and constant dizziness. I can't concentrate on
anything. I've taken medications, but I haven't seen any improvement.
Abigail: I understand. I'll ask you a few more questions and then perform a complete physical
examination. Afterward, we can determine the cause of your symptoms. As you know, self-
medication is counterproductive and can worsen any underlying issues you may have.
Aliah: Look, Doctor, I really don't have time for beating around the bush. Just tell me what I have
and prescribe me a medication.
Abigail: I'm afraid it's not that simple. I need you to undergo a physical examination to rule out
any potential problems.
Abigail: Dr. Daniel, I need you to examine this patient to try to discover what's wrong with her.

Scene 3: Medical Office - Interior

(Environment: A medical consultation room with an examination table and medical equipment.)
Adrian: (while performing the physical examination) So far, everything seems fine, Sarah.
However, I want to run some additional tests to rule out any underlying issues. I'll make sure
you get blood tests and an MRI to gather more information.
Aliah: (worried) Do you think it could be something serious? They're just headaches, it can't be
that big of a deal.
Jersson: Good day, I'm the radiologist, Dr. John. We don't want to speculate before obtaining the
results, but we'll do everything we can to identify the problem and provide you with the best
possible treatment. If the pain brought you to the hospital, it's not just a simple pain. We're
here to take care of you.
Aliah: Doctor, I'm scared. It can't be that serious, I think. You know what? I'm leaving.
Jersson: In this hospital, we make sure to give the most accurate answers to our patients. If you
leave, you risk having more problems.
Aliah: (dizzy) Alright, Doctor, fine.
Jersson: Now I need you to stay still and lie in this surface to make you a MRI
Scene 4: Hospital Waiting Room
(Environment: Hospital waiting room, discussing test results.)
Adrian: Nurse, please come here. I need you to bring the blood test results and Sarah's MRI.
Alberto: Of course, here they are, Doctor. You should see this.
Adrian: (reviews the results) The blood tests and MRI show no significant abnormalities. What
should we do now?
Alberto: (thoughtful) It seems we've ruled out the most common causes of her symptoms. But
something isn't right. We can't give up. I'll talk to Sarah again and delve deeper into her medical
history. We can't overlook any details.
Jersson: Perhaps we could request a consultation with a neurology specialist. They might help
us find answers.
Alberto: That sounds like a good plan. Let's do that and work together to solve this medical
mystery. I will call Dr. Lisa.
(Dr. Lisa on the phone)
Saray: Hey, it’s been a while since the last time you guys don’t call me, what is wrong?
Alberto: Well, we have a deal of a case, her exams tell us nothing, Dr miller need you to come to
the hospital right now.
Saray: I am on my way.

Scene 5: Medical Consultation Room

(Environment: Dr. Emily talks with Sarah about her medical history and additional symptoms.)
Alberto: Sarah Thompson, please come to Dr. Emily's office.
Abigail: Sarah, I've reviewed your medical history again, and there's something that caught my
attention. You mentioned that your symptoms worsen when you're under a lot of stress. Has
there been any recent stressful event in your life?
Aliah: (teary-eyed) My father passed away a month ago, and I've been dealing with his loss. The
sadness and stress have overwhelmed me. Its been so difficult for me because, he was the last
family that I had.
Alberto: I'm so sorry for your loss, Sarah. Stress can have a significant impact on our physical
and mental health. I believe your symptoms may be related to stress and grief. I'd like you to
meet Dr. Lisa Johnson, a neurology specialist. She can provide you with more information and
help you through this process.
Aliah: Thank you, Doctor. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to feel better.

Scene 6: Dr. Lisa Johnson's Office

(Environment: Dr. Lisa's office.)
Saray: I'm Dr. Lisa Johnson, the neurologist at this hospital. It's a pleasure to meet you.
(Examines ST and reviews previous results) After reviewing your results and hearing your
medical history, Sarah, I believe you're experiencing stress and grief-related migraines. Emotions
can trigger physical symptoms.
Aliah: Is there anything I can do to manage these migraines?
Saray: Definitely. We can work together to develop a treatment plan that includes pain
medication, relaxation techniques, and supportive therapy to help you cope with stress and
Aliah: Thank you so much, Dr. Johnson. I never imagined that this could be affecting me. I didn't
think it would be such a big problem.
Saray: You don't have to thank me, Miss Thompson. That's what doctors are here for, to serve
you. In fact, I suffered something similar to what you're experiencing, and being in the company
of positive people who care about me helped me get better. I recommend scheduling an
appointment with a psychologist.
Aliah: You're absolutely right. Thank you for the help. Many doctors just take advantage of
people's ailments, but you have truly helped me. You could easily trick me and tell me I have a
lot to pay, but you didn’t.
Saray: what can I say, at the end the ethic class was truly important.
Alberto: Yes, And remember, if you don't feel well, don't self-medicate. It's better to consult
your trusted doctor. Goodbye!

Morale: People tend to neglect their emotional health until it manifests in physical health
issues. That's why it's crucial for individuals not to self-medicate and visit a doctor at least twice
a year. Doctors who genuinely value patients and their well-being are the ones most needed in
hospitals, and their help is crucial for patients to recover even emotional issue s. The other
doctors do not care about the patients, they just see what amount of money to ask for

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