Sravan Kumar S Reports

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SRAVAN KUMAR S 26/03/2024

25 YEARS/MALE 810002944

Liver : Normal in size (13 cm) with normal parenchymal

echotexture. No solid or cystic lesions. No IHBRD.
Gall Bladder Distended. No calculi/pericholecystic collections.

CBD : Normal, no calculi.

PV : Normal.
Spleen : Normal in size (11.5cm) with normal echotexture.
Pancreas : Normal. No duct dilatation/ calcifications

Kidneys : RK: Normal in size (10.3cm) with normal parenchymal

echotexture. No solid or cystic lesions. No calculi No
dilatation of PCS
LK: Normal in size (10.7cm) with normal parenchymal
echotexture. No solid or cystic lesions. No calculi. No
dilatation of PCS

Urinary bladder : Distended. No calculi

Prostate : Normal in size (12 cc) and echotexture.

Para aortic area & Para iliac areas: No mass lesions / lymphadenopathy
A blinding ending, non-compressible, aperistaltic bowel loop measuring 8 mm diameter
noted in RIF with mild inflammatory changes in adjacent mesenteric fat. A lymphnode
measuring 4 mm in SAD noted in RIF
No ascites/ pleural effusion

IMPRESSION: A 25 year old male with pain abdomen. USG shows

- Features suggestive of acute appendicitis.

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