Checked Mapeh 10 q4 Periodical Module

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Holy Cross College of Sasa, Inc.

Km. 9, Sasa, Davao City

Junior High School
Modified Work and Study Program

Learning Module



The learner will independently use their learning of festival dance and cheer
dance so that in the long run, they will perform the different festival dances applying the
different techniques in cheer dancing, appreciate dance as an art form to enjoy physical
benefits, and improve overall health, fitness, and wellness.

The learner will understand that:
1. The physical activity participation of the community and society enhances the
lifestyle and weight management to promote societal fitness.
The learners will keep considering that:
1. How to enhance the lifestyle and weight management?


Group dances are popular in school and community. One of the reasons is that
group dances give health and social benefits to a lot of people. Street and festival
dances are what make town fiestas and festivals lively and entertaining. These dances
also attract a lot of tourists in various places in our country.

In this unit, you will perform cheer dance and festival dance, and with these dances,
while you are having fun moving to music and meeting new people, you are getting all
the health benefits of a good dance workout.

Lesson 4 – DANCE FORMS: Cheer Dance and Festival Dance

The learners…

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1. demonstrate an understanding of movement concepts, principles, and
techniques as they apply their learning and performance of cheer dance and
festival dance; and (PE10PFIVa-h-39)
2. perform the different dance forms applying the required movements and
techniques in dancing.(PE10PF-IVc-h-45)

Resources: Quennie S. Miranda, Laura R. Jugueta, et al., MAPEH for Today’s Learner
(pages 237- 257), Eduardo V Cipriano, et al., The 21st- century MAPEH in Action (pages
Learning Targets:
At the end of weeks 5 and 6, I can:
1. identify and describe the characteristics of cheer dance and festival dance
2. demonstrate an understanding of movement concepts, principles, costumes and
props and techniques in performing cheer dance and festival dance; and
3. perform the different dance forms applying the required movements and
techniques in dancing.


Have you ever seen the most awaited interschool dance competition, the UAAP
Cheerdance competition? How about the Festival dances of the different regions? During
the face to face classes, what types of dances were popular in your school these days?

Cheer dance is a recreational acivity and competitive sport composed of an

organized routine. Cheer dancing as an aerobic exercise can help lower the risk of
obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart diseases by improving blood pressure and
cholesterol levels. It also develops stronger muscles and bones.
Festival dance is a dance showcasing the abundant culture of a certain region
and city. Also, it showcases colorful presentations of costumes and props.

Activity 1- Table Completion. Complete the table below with the characteristics of
cheer dance and festival dance. Read your book from pages 316-324.
Dance Forms Characteristics
Cheer Dance

Festival Dance

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Very Good! Let’s get to know the different dance movement concepts, principles, and
techniques of cheer dance and festival dance.


Activity 2- Table Completion
Direction: Complete the table below by filling it out with the different festival dances
and the reason for celebrating them. Read your book from pages 330-331.
Philippine Festival Dance Reasons for celebrating it






Activity 3- Table Completion
Direction: Complete the table below by filling it with the different techniques in cheer
dancing. Read your book from pages 318- 320.




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Activity 4- Dance Master 3
Direction: Perform the five (5) techniques and skills in cheer dancing and document it.
Paste your pictures “wallet size” on the space below. Make use of the space below.

Activity 5- Illustration
Direction: Think and choose one (1) Philippine Festival Dance and draw the costumes
and props used in your chosen Philippine Festival Dance. Use the space provided

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The UAAP and Sining Tala is looking for new dancers that will compete in the
upcoming International Cheer dance and Festival Dance competition. You are invited to
submit a video of your cheer dance and festival dance performance. The videos will be
presented to the Dance Choreographers of UAAP and Sining Tala. Your videos will be
rated based on the rubrics presented.


Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Minimal
5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts
Knowledge of Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Minimal
Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Remember
excellent good knowledge knowledge of some knowledge s a few of
Memory of the knowledge of of choreography. choreography. of choreography, the steps/
routine and the Keeps up with Keeps up with but unsure of movements
execution of the choreography. group. Few group. Some some and tries,
moves looks true and does it errors, however it errors(3-5 errors) movements. but looks
to the moves well. does not interfere causing brief Sometimes lost and out
that were with performance. pause in hesitates/ of sync with
choreographed. performance. watches others others.
and makes
several errors

Technical skills Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Minimal

Dance was Dance was Dance was Only some Although

Pointing toes, performed with performed with performed with understanding of remembers
back straight, great attention attention to attention to most technical some of
arm placement is to quality of details of details of elements (ie. dance, little
not sloppy, movement, technique; it has technique, but, it footwork, quality attention
moves are body position, attained hasn't attained of movements, was paid to
executed placement on proficiency in proficiency in body positions) how
smoothly. stage and other dance style. dance style yet. was movements
details of There were some demonstrated in are done or
dance. Also, it technical errors. performance. other
demonstrates details of
an excellent dance.
of dance style.

Performance Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Minimal

The dancer The dancer The dancer The dancer is The dancer

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draws the communicates communicates generally is not very
Projection of eye judge to want with with focused, but only focused on
contact and to watch audience/judges audience/judges some attempts making eye
cheerful facial him/her and is through eye through eye are made to grab contact,
expressions with able to engage contact and facial contact and facial attention of the concentrate
the judges. The the audience and body and body judges with eye d or
dancer is completely expression. expression. contact and good committed
confident with through his/her He/she is able to He/she facial expression. to
movements. performance. A engage the occasionally performanc
true joy to judges. loses focus. e.

Rhythm/Tempo Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Minimal

Shows a Is accurate in Generally Shows a basic Attempts to

Staying on count complete beat, tempo, accurate in beat, understanding of keep a
and with the understanding rhythms of dance tempo, rhythms tempo and beat, rhythm, but
beats of the of tempo and sequences of dance but falls behind gets off
music. beat and stays throughout the sequences most and/or speeds up beat and
on rhythm dance. of the time. in places or speeds up
throughout the makes errors in or falls
dance. rhythm. behind
follow beat
in music.

PERFORMANCE TASK A: Individual Cheer dance techniques and skills

Direction: Perform three (3) techniques and skills in cheer dancing.
Additional Instruction
a. The video performance is 1-2 minutes only.
b. The performer must wear proper attire.
c. Deadline of Submission- April 14-15, 2022 (via Google Drive)
d. File Name: Family Name_CheerDance

PERFORMANCE TASK B: Philippine Festival Dance

Direction: Perform a Philippine Festival Dance.
Additional Instruction
a. The dance video is 1-2 minutes only.
b. The performer must wear proper attire. (if you have costumes and props
available, YOU CAN USE THEM!)
c. Deadline of Submission- April 21- 22, 2022 (via Google Drive)
d. File Name: Family Name_FestivalDance

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A. Write the corresponding step pattern of each dance movement.

Direction: Using a scale of 1-5, rate your skills.
(1=Poor, 2=Satisfactory, 3=Good, 4=Very Good, 5=Excellent)
Rate Skills
I can identify and describe the characteristics of cheer dance and
festival dance
I can demonstrate an understanding of movement concepts,
principles, costumes and props and techniques in performing
cheer dance and festival dance; and
I can perform the different dance forms applying the required
movements and techniques in dancing.

Please answer the following questions:

1. Which part of the lesson did you understand easily? Why?

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2. Which part of the lesson did you find difficult? Why?
________________________________ ____________________
Student’s Signature Over Printed Name Grade Level & Section

Date: ___________________________
Teacher’s Feedback

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Holy Cross College of Sasa, Inc.
Km. 9, Sasa, Davao City
Junior High School
Modified Work and Study Program

Learning Module



The learner will independently use their learning and consistently demonstrate an
understanding of the concepts in planning a health career so that they can create a
poster and prepare an appropriate plan of action in pursuing a health career in the long

The learner will understand that
1. To prepare an appropriate plan of action in pursuing health career is to
understand the concepts in planning health career.

The learner will keep considering…
1. How do you prepare an appropriate plan of action in pursuing health career?


The final year in your junior high school studies is an appropriate time for you to
think and reflect about future careers. Thinking about careers that will help you decide
on the academic track that you will pursue in senior high school.
In this unit, you will know the components and steps in making personal health
career plan.

Lesson 4 – Personal Health Career Plan

The learner…
1. discusses the components and steps in making a personal health career plan.

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2. prepares a personal health career plan following the prescribed components and
steps (H10-PC-Iva-b-1-2)
Resources: Quennie S. Miranda, Laura R. Jugueta, et al., MAPEH for Today’s Learner
(pages 426- 464), Eduardo V Cipriano, et al., The 21st- century MAPEH in Action (pages
365- 404)
At the end of weeks 7 and 8, I can:
1. identify and describe the components and steps in making a personal health
career plan; and
2. create a personal health career plan following the prescribed components and
Planning for health care is more important than ever. The health care industry is
changing, which affects what jobs are available.
ACTIVITY 2- Table Completion
Direction: Complete the table below by filling it out with the different components in
making a health career plan. Read your books from pages 431- 433.




Reflective Questions:
1. How will one decide which career pathway to choose?

2. How would you imagine your health career to be?

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3. Why should you plan for a healthy career?


Developing a plan will help you maintain a sense of direction and keep you
working toward your end goal. Your health career plan should be well thought, realistic,
and, more importantly, flexible.
Activity 3- Creating a Personal Career Plan
Direction: Create your health career plan and apply the different components and steps
in formulating your plan.

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Activity 4A- Planning your Senior High School Track
Direction: In the next year, your junior high school life ends, and it is also the start of
your senior high school life. Choose your SHS-TRACK and explain your reason and
everything you know about your chosen track.
REASON Everything you know about the track

Activity 4B- My College Course Soon!

Direction: After completing your SHS Track, complete the chart below by filling it out
with your chosen college course.


REASON Everything you know about the course

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Direction: Make/ Paste your biodata (it can be printed or handwritten). Use the space

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Direction: Make a creative poster showing a flexible, realistic, and well-applied career
plan. Your output will be graded based on the rubrics presented. (on the space provided
after this page)

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I- MUSIC- Multiple Choice
Direction: Choose the best answer.Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided before the number.
_______1. This refers to the one who creates the dances and
manages the overall movements of the performance to match the
directors’ vision.
a. Choreographer b. Costume Designer
c. Director d. Musical Director
_______2. This refers to the one who decides and oversees the
creation of what the actor will wear.
a. Choreographer b. Costume Designer
c. Director d. Musical Director
_______3. This refers to the one who organizes all the elements and
key players into his or her overall vision for the performance.
a. Choreographer b. Costume Designer
c. Director d. Musical Director
_______4. This refers to the one who conducts the actors while
singing as well as the instrumentalists who play the score.
a. Choreographer b. Costume Designer
c. Director d. Musical Director

II- ARTS- Multiple Choice

Direction: Choose the best answer. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided before the number.
_______1. This is considered as more than a theater company.
a. PETA b. NVC c. RP d. TP
_______2. This is another leading exponent of Philippine Theater.
a. PETA b. NVC c. RP d. TP
_______3. This produced blockbuster shows that include well- known
a. PETA b. NVC c. RP d. TP
_______4. This is the one who helps expose Philippines audiences to
an awareness of the many social and political concerns through
theater arts.
a. PETA b. NVC c. RP d. TP

III- P.E.- Multiple Choice

Direction: Choose the best answer. Write the letter of the correct answer on
the space provided before the number.

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_____1. These are the cheerleaders who are held and thrown into the air and are
doing the stunts.
a. Bases and mounts
b. Flyers
c. Spots
d. Torch
_____2. These are the persons in charge of holding and controlling the throw of
the flyers.
a. Bases and mounts
b. Flyers
c. Spots
d. Torch
_____3. These are the members who stand behind the flyers.
a. Flyers
b. Spots
c. Torch
_____4. This is an arm position that straightens one of your hands and extends
it upwards.
a. Bases and mounts
b. Flyers
c. Spots
d. Torch

IV- HEALTH- Multiple Choice

Direction: Choose the best answer. Write the letter of the correct answer on
the space provided before the number.
_______1. These are the services that include companionship and
assistance to people who need to remain safe and who need to
engage in day-to-day activities.
a. Maternal Health
b. Personal Health Care
c. Postnatal care
d. Prenatal care
_______2. This is an official declaration made by the President that is
related to
Professional Regulation Week.
a. Maternal Health
b. Personal Health Care
c. Postnatal care
d. Prenatal care
_______3. This is an official declaration made by the President that is
related to
Universal Child Immunization.

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a. Maternal Health
b. Personal Health Care
c. Postnatal care
d. Prenatal care

Direction: Using a scale of 1-5, rate your skills.
(1=Poor, 2=Satisfactory, 3=Good, 4=Very Good, 5=Excellent)
Rate Skills
I can discuss the components and steps in making a personal
health career plan.
I can create a personal health career following the prescribed
components and steps

Student’s Comments/Feedbacks
Please answer the following questions:
1. Which part of the lesson did you understand easily? Why?


2. Which part of the lesson did you find difficult? Why?


__________________________________ __________________
Student’s Signature Over Printed Name Grade Level & Section

Date: ___________________________
Teacher’s Comments/Feedbacks

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Holy Cross College of Sasa, Inc.

Km. 9, Sasa Davao City
Junior High School
Name:__________________________ Grade and Section: __________ Score:_____
Teacher: ________________________ Rating:____
Date of Exam:______________

A. Table Completion.
Direction: Complete the table below by writing down the characteristics of
Festival and Cheer dance.
20th century Dances CHARACTERISTICS

1. Festival Dance (8

2. Cheer Dance (7

B. Essay
Direction: Answer the following questions.
1. What is your most preferred track in Senior High School? Why?
Criteria: Content- 6 points and Neatness- 2 points = (8pts)

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2. How do you see yourself in the future?
Criteria: Content- 5 points and Neatness- 2 points = (7pts)


Reader’s Digest Good Health Fact Book. London: Reader’s Digest Association, Ltd.,
Reed,_____.American Historical Collection.
Reysio-Cruz, Emilia S. Filipino Folk Songs. Manila: Manila Community Publisher, 1950.
Rivadelo, Rosita F. Filipino Folk Songs. Quezon City: National Bookstore, Inc., 1992.
Roces, Alfredo R. Amorsolo (1892-1972). Manila: Filipinas Foundation, Inc., 1975.
Roces, Alfredo R., ed. Filipino Heritage: The Making of Nation. Vol 3. Manila: Lahing
Pilipino Publishing,
Inc., 1977.
Romualdez, Noberto, et al. The Philippine Progressive Music Series for the Primary
Grades. New
York: Silver Burdett Company, 1948.
Romualdez, Noberto, et al. Philippine Music Horizons: Intermediate Grades. New York:
Silver Burdett
Company, 1953.
Rosen, Mel and Karen Rosen. Track. USA: Time Inc., 1998.
Rush, M. New Media in Late 20th Century Art. New York: Thames and Hudson. 1999.
Saber, Mamitua and Diosnisio G. Orellana. Mindanao Folk Art: Survey of Form,
Designs, and Meanings.
Marawi: University Research Center, Mindanao State Unversity, 1981.
Santos, Ramon Pagayon,Ph.D.Tunugan: Four Essays on Filipino Music. Quezon City:
University of
the Philippines Press, 2005.
Schrimer, G. For Your Voices: Something New to Sing About. USA: Glencoe-McGraw
Hill Education, 1987.
Silver-Burdett. Making Music. Texas Edition. 7 vols. USA: Pearson Education, Inc.,
Taylor, Mary Catherine, Margarita Windham, and Claude Simpson. Catch that Catch
Can, One Hundred
English Rounds and Catches. USA: E.C. Schirmer, 1960.

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Parent’s Feedbacks
To the Parents:

Direction: Please answer the questions below and write your answers on the space
1. How is your child learning this grading period?
(Kumusta ang pag-aaral ng iyong anak ngayong markahan?)


2. Do you have any comment, question and suggestion regarding the Learning
Module and its contents? Write your answers below.
(Meron ka bang mga komento, tanong o suhestiyon tungkol sa Modyul at
nilalaman nito. Isulat sa ibaba ang iyong mga sagot.)

______________________________ ________________________
Parent’s Signature Over Printed Name Student’s Name & Grade Level

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Contact Number:_________________ Date: ____________________

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