PBH 643 Pregnancy He Lesson - Wendling Final

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Grade: 9th and 10th Date: June 10th, 2023 SELECT 1 of the 7 TOPIC AREAS:

Unit: Safe and Healthy Relationships ___Consent and Healthy Relationships (CHR)
___Anatomy and Physiology (AP)
Lesson #1 – Pregnancy ___Puberty and Adolescent Sexual Development (PD)
___Gender Identity and Expression (GI)
___Sexual Orientation and Identity (SO)
Lesson Goal (s): ___Sexual Health (SH)
___Interpersonal Violence (IV)
1. Students will understand how people can
become pregnant and the symptoms.
Select those that apply:
1. Students will comprehend concepts related to
health promotion and disease prevention to
Objectives/ Student Learning Target: enhance health.
2. Students will analyze the influence of family,
- Students will be able to describe the peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors
process of conception, (fertilization and on health behaviors.
implantation). 3. Students will demonstrate the ability to access
valid information, products, and services to
- Students will be able to list symptoms of
enhance health.
early pregnancy.
4. Students will demonstrate the ability to use
- Students will be able to identify facts and interpersonal communication skills to enhance
myths about pregnancy. health and avoid or reduce health risks.
5. Students will demonstrate the ability to use
decision-making skills to enhance health.
6. Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-
setting skills to enhance health.
7. Students will demonstrate the ability to practice
health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce
health risks.
8. Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate
for personal, family, and community health.

Materials needed: Adaptations for students with special needs:

- SmartBoard - Larger Print

- Chromebooks - Simple Language
- Pencils - Alternative Space in Classroom to Work
- Diagrams
- Worksheets
o Fact and Myth Sheet
o Homework
National Sex Education Standard: National Sex Education Performance Desired Perform
Standard 3: Content Knowledge Teacher Indicators: Knowledge (core
candidates have accurate knowledge of the 3.1 Describe accurate and current content, as reflected in the (Know, understan
biological, emotional and social aspects of National Sexuality Education Standards1, in the following  The basics of pr
topic areas: d. pregnancy and reproduction.  The process of c
human sexuality and the laws relating to 3.6 Demonstrate the ability to identify valid and reliable  Where to get te
sexuality and youth. sexual health information, health products and community
services relevant to students.
Lesson Summary – Including specific functional knowledge, skills, teaching strategies Assessment Info
(Overview of lesson) (Method of monit
Anticipatory Set: (usually 5 minutes in length) Is the assessment
Formal o
Identify the asses
Assessment Type
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18fQuQtqeYQ21- Informati
69Hk307qI5ricchoQaPfQcG3IjAFLk/edit?usp=sharing or Perfor

What are the students doing (best practice instructional strategy)? Guided Journaling

Directions: Students are writing in their journals on their Chromebook, facts and other information
they know about pregnancy.

Teacher Modeling: Teacher journal entry is posted on the Smartboard as a model.

Problem that could go wrong: Students could not want to participate in the journal entry.
Solution for that problem: Students will need to finish their journal entry as homework, if
they do not complete it in class.

How will you check for understanding before moving on?

Ensure all students have completed their journal entry and start the class period with a short open

Content/New Learning: (10 Minutes) Is the assessment

Formal o
Input (new knowledge) – how is this being done (best practice instructional strategy) Identify the asses
Directions: Assessment Type
Good morning, class! We will be starting off today’s lesson with a short open discussion about the or Perfor
journal entry topic. Please raise your hand if you would like to share a few facts or some
information you wrote down in your journal about pregnancy.
*Students Respond* Great work everyone! Please remember if you chose not to complete your
journal entry during the beginning of class and I did not check it off, you will need to complete it
as homework.
Today we are going to be going through the basics of pregnancy. This is going to include how
pregnancy happens, some symptoms of pregnancy and what is conception.
*Show First Diagram from “Advocates for Youth” website*
First, we are going to discuss conception. Conception is when the egg from a woman and the
sperm from a man join, which is called fertilization.
The process of fertilization normally happens during vaginal intercourse. Does anyone know other
ways fertilization can happen, maybe with the help of a doctor or a laboratory?
*Student Response*
Great work, there are other ways to achieve fertilization like treatments such as IVF.
*Display 2nd Diagram from “Advocates for Youth” website
For fertilization to happen, the semen must travel through the vagina, cervix into the uterus and up
into the fallopian tube where it will meet up with an “ovum.” If an ovum is present and can be
fertilized, it will then travel back down the fallopian tube and into the uterus where it will plant
itself to the lining of the uterus.
*Display 3rd Diagram from “Advocates for Youth” website*
If the fertilized egg survives the process so far, it will then implant to the lining of the uterus
where it will begin to grow. This is also when conception would be considered complete because
fertilization and implantation are done.
Are there any questions so far about the diagrams or fertilization, implantation or conception in
*Student Response*

Teacher Modeling of what students should be doing

Students should be intently listening and looking at the Smartboard

They can also be taking notes on their Chromebook if needed

Problem that could go wrong: Students are not listening to the lesson and are distracted
Students are laughing or being inappropriate
Solution for that problem: Offer a secondary location for students who are being
inappropriate and redirect attention by engaging students in conversation with teacher or

How will you check for understanding before moving on?

Allow time for students to ask questions or review the diagrams before moving on
Quick anatomy review and pointing out on the diagrams when fertilization and implantation occur.

Lesson Activities/Guided Practice: (10 Minutes) Is the assessment

Formal o
Describe what the students will be doing during this time with the best practice instructional Identify the asses
strategy to implement the new knowledge and skill: Diagnosti
Assessment Type
Directions: Informati
or Perfor
Students will now brainstorm symptoms and signs they think are present during pregnancy. We
will right correct answers on the board and discuss why it is a symptom of pregnancy. Please do
not feel embarrassed if your answer is not correct, we are all learning about this topic as a class
There are some cases where women experience no symptoms at all and are pregnant. If a man and
a women have vaginal intercourse, without the use of contraception and she is beginning to
experience some of these symptoms, it would be important for her to be tested or take an at home
- Feeling tired
- Feeling sick, nausea or vomiting
- Having to use the bathroom/urinate more often
- Tender and/or swollen breasts
- Missed menstrual cycle or period
- Food Cravings
- Backaches and Pains
- Mood Swings
- Headaches
It is important to mention that every woman is different and not everyone experiences the same
symptoms when it comes to pregnancy.

I will now post on the board information on where to buy at home pregnancy tests or where to go
if you need to be tested professionally.

Are there any questions, comments or concerns before we move on?

Teacher Modeling of what students should be doing

Students should be actively listening and participating

Problem that could go wrong: Students are not listening to the lesson and are distracted
Students are laughing or being inappropriate
Solution for that problem: Offer a secondary location for students who are being
inappropriate and redirect attention by engaging students in conversation with teacher or

How will you check for understanding before moving on?

I will check for understanding, by opening the room up for questions or concerns before moving

Closing: (usually 5 minutes in length) Is the assessment

Formal o
Describe what students will be doing during this time with the best practice instructional strategy: Identify the asses
Summary of New Learning Diagnosti
Assessment Type
Students will complete an exit ticket where they need to explain the process of either fertilization Informati
or implantation, at least two symptoms of pregnancy and where they can go to get a pregnancy or Perfor
test. (Either bought or a clinic)

Have a wonderful rest of your day and please remember to complete the homework and return it to
the next class!

Problem that could go wrong: Students do not complete the exit ticket
Solution for that problem: Students will need to complete the exit ticket before they leave,
and I will write them a late pass to their next class

How will you check for understanding before moving on?


Look over the ticket before students are dismissed

Homework/Independent Practice: Is the assessment

Formal o
Describe what students will be doing during this time with the best practice instructional strategy Identify the asses
Students will be completing a myth versus facts worksheet about pregnancy Assessment Type
Problem that could go wrong: Students do not take their time when filling out the worksheet or Perfor
or students do not complete the worksheet
Solution for that problem: Work through the worksheet with the student and explain each
The student receives a zero for not completing the homework assignment

How will you check for understanding to ensure homework is complete?

Go through the homework as a class on the day it is due and explain and/or answer any questions

References, research, theories, plans and resources:

MUST have a minimum of one research basis (peer reviewed journal) or theory AND one reference, resource or
Please list this in APA format.

Advocates for Youth. (n.d.). Retrieved June 11, 2023, from https://www.advocatesforyouth.org/

Cook, M. (2020). Missouri sex education policy: Recommendations for revision to reduce teen pregnancy rates. Sexuality Res
668-674. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s13178-019-00424-x

This lesson plan format was adapted by the Department of Public Health and Health Education at SUNY Brockport from the Greece
CSD Health Lesson Plan Format.
On December 5, 2020, Revision 3

References for the development of this form:

1. Harmon, K, Marzano, R., (2015) Practicing Skills, Strategies & Processes, Classroom Techniques to Help Students Develop
Proficiency. Learning Sciences International, West Palm Beach, FL.
2. Herbert, PC, Lohrmann, DK,. (2011) It’s All in the Delivery! An Analysis of Instructional Strategies From Effective Health
Education Curricula, Journal of School Health, 81:258 – 264.
3. Joint Committee on National Health Education Standards. (2007). National Health Education Standards: Achieving Health
Literacy (2nd ed.). American Cancer Society. Standards only available online at:
4. Student Support Services Center. (n.d.). School Health and Health Education. Retrieved April 11, 2019, from
5. The University of the State of New York, State Education Department. (2005). A Guidance Document For Achieving the New
York State Standards In Health Education. Albany: NY, New York State. Available online at
6. The University of the State of New York, State Education Department. (2015). Health Education. Retrieved April 11, 2019, from
7. The University of the State of New York, State Education Department. (1996). Learning Standards for Health, Physical Education
and Family and Consumer Sciences. Albany: NY, New York State Education Department. Available online at

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