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PhD-IHTM 905
Advanced Entrepreneurship in Hospitality and Tourism Management



Submitted by:

PhD-IHTM Student

Submitted to:


Professor, PhD-IHTM 905

Logic and Argument

1. The main argument of this article is:

The main argument of this article is that the tourism industry had been seriously affected
by the COVID-19 widespread. However, it provides an opportunity for development and change
through digitalization with the integration of social robots as one such imaginative arrangement.
The paper emphasizes the potential of social robots in tending to the challenges confronted by
the neighborliness division, especially in actualizing unused wellbeing conventions and
upgrading visitor encounters. The creators contend that social tuning in and opinion investigation
especially on social media stages, give important bits of knowledge into open discernments and
states of mind towards social robots in tourism settings. By utilizing techniques such as
assumption investigation, the think about points to get it client assumptions and behaviors with
respect to the utilize of social robots in inns. Moreover, the paper highlights the significance of
ceaseless investigate and adjustment to technological headways, especially within the setting of
post-pandemic vital choices within the neighborliness industry.

2. The most important information in the article is:

The research looked at how people feel about robots in the tourism industry using a
specific method. This means finding information, finding data, getting the data ready, and then
analyzing people's feelings. We checked many social media sites, but we mainly used Twitter
because of privacy rules and not much useful information on the other sites. In six months, we
collected a lot of tweets, 8078 to be exact. When we looked at the feelings in the tweets, we
found that most of them were neutral (64. 4%), some were positive (20. 6%), and a few were
negative (15%). This shows how people feel about robots used in tourism, and how they could be
better or different in the future. More research looked at different things that affect how people
feel, like the words they use, what they say in their tweets, where they're from, and how much
they interact with others. Tweets with pictures or videos made people feel more positive,
showing that images and videos are important for shaping what people think. The research also
talked about how big data and social listening can help us understand how people like and use
new technologies like social robots. Recommendations for the tourism industry include using
positive content and pictures to make the brand look better. They also suggest using robots in
hotels to make the customer experience better. However, the study recognized some problems,
like having too few people in the study and not being able to get information from other social
media sites like Instagram and Facebook. Future studies could include looking at more people,
studying emotions in different areas besides tourism, and looking at how the COVID-19
pandemic has affected how people feel about things. In general, the study gave us important
information about how people feel about robots in the tourism industry. This will help us make
better decisions and learn more about this new area of research.
3. The key concept(s) we need to understand in the article are:

The article looks at using social media analysis to study how people feel about social
robots in tourism, especially in hotels and hospitality. The way we do things involves four
important steps: finding, following, getting ready, and understanding. At first, the researchers
found important words and checked social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for
information for six months. However, we mostly used data from Twitter because of privacy rules
and not much content available from other sources. The sentiment analysis showed that most
tweets were neither very positive nor very negative. Some were positive and some were negative,
but most were neutral. This process of gathering and studying information gave us important
information about what the public thinks and feels about using robots in the tourism industry. On
the other hand, it talks about sentiment analysis, which is about sorting text into positive,
negative, or neutral feelings. This method helps researchers understand how people feel about
social robots by looking at what they say online. It's important to know how to analyze social
media, so you can collect and understand data from different online platforms. The study shows
that analyzing people's feelings is important for understanding what the public thinks, and this
can help make better decisions in the tourism industry. Additionally, the study's findings mean in
real life and in theory. Basically, sentiment analysis can help tourism companies understand what
customers think about using social robots. This can help them know what customers like and
don't like. In theory, the study helps talk about how people accept new technology in the
hospitality industry. The researchers want to learn more about why people feel a certain way
about robots by looking at things like language, the type of content, and who uses them.
However, the study also says there are some things it can't do, like having only a small group of
people in the study and needing to do more research on other factors. However, despite these
restrictions, the results provide helpful information about how robots could improve the
experience for tourists. In the future, more research should look at these problems and keep
studying how people's opinions of new technology like social robots change, especially in
businesses like hotels and tourism.

4. The main assumption(s) underlying the authors’ thinking is/are:

The authors assume that social media stages, especially Twitter, serve as agent sources of
open estimation and conclusions. They accept that analyzing substance shared in these stages
gives important experiences into open states of mind and recognition towards innovative
developments, particularly social robots within the tourism division. Another suspicion is that
assumption analysis, despite its impediments, maybe a substantial strategy for categorizing and
understanding the tone of online talk. The authors accept that by utilizing opinion examination
methods, they can precisely evaluate whether open opinions towards social robots are positive,
negative, or unbiased. They also expected that social robots have the potential to play a
noteworthy part in the tourism industry, especially in hospitality. They accept that understanding
open discernments towards social robots is fundamental for tourism organizations to create
educated choices around actualizing such innovations to improve client encounters. Also, they
assume that dialect and substance sort impact open estimation towards social robots. They
hypothesize that tweets in English may evoke more positive assumptions compared to other
dialects. Furthermore, they accept that tweets containing pictures or recordings may produce
more positive assumptions than those with as it were text and expected that social
acknowledgment is vital for the effective usage of mechanical advancements like social robots
within the tourism division. They set that checking and understanding open opinion can give bits
of knowledge into the variables driving social acknowledgment, eventually directing tourism
organizations in their appropriation and execution methodologies.

5. If we take this line of reasoning seriously, the implications are:

Taking the authors' ideas seriously will have big effects on different people in the tourism
industry and in the world of new technology. First, it says it’s important for tourism and
hospitality businesses to make smart decisions based on good information. By looking at how
people feel on social media, companies can learn what the public thinks about social robots. This
helps them make smart choices about using this technology in their business. Secondly, when
people feel good about robots, it can make the experience of visiting a tourist place better. By
using popular technologies, businesses can provide better and faster services to make customers
happier and more loyal. Social robots can make tasks easier, offer new ways to interact, and meet
the changing needs of tech-savvy people. This can help businesses do better and compete more
effectively. Furthermore, following the authors' thinking helps to keep pushing for new
technology in the tourism business. Businesses can spend money on research and development to
make better social robots that people like and that take care of any worries people have about
them. This means that businesses are always trying to improve their products and services based
on what customers say. They want to be the best and make sure customers are happy. However,
there are also ethical issues to think about when using social robots. As companies use these
technologies, they need to deal with worries about privacy, people losing their jobs, and impact
on society. Deploying social robots responsibly means openly dealing with these ethical worries
and making sure that the use of social robots follows ethical rules and values in society. In this
way, companies can reduce negative reactions and build confidence with customers. This will
make it easier for people to embrace and use social robots in the tourism industry.

6. What are your reactions to this argument? Are you convinced? Why or why not?

Yes, I am convinced by the argument that posits that analyzing public sentiment towards
social robots, particularly within the tourism sector, can yield valuable insights for businesses
and contribute to enhancing the overall customer experience. This perspective is compelling
because it highlights the importance of understanding public perceptions and preferences when
introducing new technologies. By leveraging sentiment analysis from social media, I believe that
businesses can make informed decisions about the adoption and integration of social robots,
potentially leading to increased customer satisfaction and improved business performance. Also,
it's important to keep coming up with new technology based on what the public tells us so we
can stay ahead in today's ever-changing world. This step-by-step method helps make better social
robots and keeps them in line with what people want. Dealing with ethical issues about using
social robots helps people trust them more and accept them better. This makes it easier to use
them in different industries. However, it's important to recognize that while the ideas in the
argument make sense, actually putting them into practice requires thinking about many different
things. Making sure that sentiment analysis tools are accurate and reliable is really important for
making smart decisions. We need to think about what's right and wrong so that we don't have
any problems or negative effects. In general, using sentiment analysis in business decisions can
be really helpful, but it's important to be careful and plan things well to get the best results.

Writing Style

7. How do the authors establish authority? (Think about whether the authors seem
knowledgeable. Why or why not?

The authors establish authority through several means in the article. Firstly, they
demonstrate a strong grasp of the subject matter by referencing relevant literature and research
methodologies used in social media analytics and sentiment analysis. This indicates a depth of
knowledge and understanding of the field, enhancing their credibility as experts in the topic. For
example, they cite previous studies by Aral et al. (2013), Fan and Gordon (2014), and Stieglitz et
al. (2018) to outline the methodology employed in conducting social media analytics.
Furthermore, the authors present a comprehensive analysis of their research findings, including
detailed statistics and insights derived from the collected data. By providing specific figures such
as the sentiment polarity distribution and the number of interactions with identified publications,
they demonstrate a rigorous approach to data analysis, further solidifying their authority on the
subject. Additionally, they acknowledge the limitations of their study, indicating a level of
transparency and self-awareness that adds to their credibility.

However, it's essential to consider potential biases or perspectives that may influence the
authors' argument. While the article acknowledges the limitations of sentiment analysis on
platforms like Twitter, such as informal language and emoticons, it primarily focuses on the
benefits of social listening and sentiment analysis for businesses, particularly in the tourism
sector. This perspective may reflect a bias toward promoting the use of sentiment analysis tools,
potentially downplaying any challenges or limitations associated with these methods. Overall,
the authors establish authority through their comprehensive analysis, extensive referencing of
previous research, and transparent presentation of findings. However, readers should remain
critical and consider potential biases or perspectives that may influence the authors' argument,
particularly regarding the promotion of sentiment analysis tools for business purposes.

8. How does the authors’ overall style aid their argument?

The way the authors write helps make their argument strong because they present the
information clearly and in a way that is easy for the reader to understand. The article sounds
serious and fair, and it easily explains hard ideas. This writing style keeps the reader interested
and focused on the article. The authors use clear and specific words to get their ideas across in a
simple way. They don't use fancy words or complicated terms, so more people can understand
them. For instance, words like "the feelings positivity distribution" and "the number of times
people interacted with known publications" are easy to understand and give lots of detail for
studying. The paragraphs are a good length and each one talks about a different part of the
argument or a main discovery. This group helps people read and understand information better.
Also, using headings and subheadings helps organize the article and make it easier for the reader
to understand. In general, the way the authors write helps them get their point across well. They
make sure the reader can understand their argument and the importance of their findings by
writing clearly and professionally.

9. How do the authors get your interest?

This article looks interesting for a few different reasons. First, the authors make a strong point
about why it's important to study how people feel about robots in the tourism industry. They talk
about how social robots can affect how customers feel and how businesses work. This might
interest people who are curious about new technology and how it is used in different industries.
The authors also try to involve the reader by talking about how the information can be used in
real life. For instance, they talk about how looking at people's feelings on social media can help
bosses make decisions in the tourism industry. This shows why it's important for people who
work in this field to pay attention to this topic. The authors make the topic easier to understand
by talking about how it can be useful in real life. In addition, the authors think that the reader is
interested in new technology and how it affects society. They give information and explain why
social robots are important in hotels, for people who may not know much about the topic.
Moreover, using numbers and research makes the argument more believable and may be
interesting to readers who like evidence and research. The article is interesting and has useful
ideas about new technology. It's good for anyone interested in technology, from people who
work in tourism to people who just like learning about new things.

Adapted from Critical Thinking: Concepts & Tools by Paul and Elder & Empire State College
Writing Center

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