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One year ago, there was a student named Alisa.

Alisa is a student who is very diligent,

persistent and very ambitious in achieving her dreams. To the point that he won't just give up
when he loses. Subject grades are very important for him, because of his ambitions in the
academic field. Nathalia is Alisa's true friend who really cares and loves her friend like a
sibling. They always go to the canteen together, and Alisa often treats her best friend. Their
friendship is very beautiful, Alisa who enjoys learning various things and Nathalia who has a
highly curious spirit.

Nathalia gave Alisa information that there would be a writing competition at school. Suddenly
Alisa showed a very happy face, she immediately asked her friend

"When will the competition be held?" Nathalia was happy to immediately answer the question

"The competition will be held after the school exams." Alisa's enthusiasm made Nathalia smile
broadly because her best friend really likes writing and will always support her. Soon they
rushed to the library to read novels and so on. Alisa immediately looked for references to novels
that she would use as ideas to take part in the writing competition. Nathalia said "Hey... my
friend, don't rush to look for a novel, I'm sure you can create a truly amazing work." Alisa
stopped in her tracks and answered with a small laugh, "Yes, Nathalia, I will look for him
calmly, you know, I'm a very capricious child." Sit on the floor while reading the novel they
have come across. No need to worry, it was still break time, so the two friends continued their
reading activities.

The library is very peaceful. Suddenly there was a student with her gang, she was Lyana.
Alisa and Nathalia were unaware of Lyana's presence. Lyana patted Alisa's shoulder "Hey... are
you Alisa?" Alisa replied "Yes, I'm Alisa, what's wrong?". With an unsightly face, Lyana said
something that hurt her heart, "Oh, you Alisa, who pretended to take part in the writing
competition." Alisa was shocked by Lyana's words, "So what if I take part in that competition?"
he asked Lyana. Lyana "Heh... you won't possibly pass, don't worry, just think about school
exams, you're an academically ambitious kid. So there's no need to pretend to take part in
competitions like that. You nerdy kid." Nathalia couldn't accept hearing that her best friend was
treated like that. Then Nathalia took Alisa's hand and asked her to leave the library. They left
and left Lyana with her gang. Alisa shed tears as she left the library, and Nathalia immediately
hugged her. Her friend's sadness made Nathalia angry with Lyana

Alisa and Nathalia went to class. Alisa sat in her chair but still cried remembering
Lyana's words. In her mind, Alisa was still thinking about what Lyana's words meant to her.
Does she really not deserve to take part in the competition, is Lyana better than anyone else?
Alisa was pensive while flipping through her textbook, accompanied by her best friend.
Nathalia calmed Alisa so that she wouldn't think anything wrong. Her friend said, "It's beautiful
Alisa, don't listen to Lyana's words. Don't worry, I'm here for you, my friend," while hugging
Alisa. Alisa was very happy "thank you Nathalia, you are a very good true friend." Alisa smiled
again and they joked like very happy friends. This joy made Nathalia happy, then she invited
Alisa to eat the lunch. Because they have experienced unpleasant things since earlier.
It's already afternoon. The students went home. Likewise, Alisa and Nathalia returned
to their respective homes. Don't forget that before they part, they always hug and greet each
other. Alisa had arrived home, she put down her bag, took off her shoes and took off her
uniform. Then hurry to take a shower. In the bathroom, Alisa was still daydreaming and sad
again. Until you realize that the bathtub is full, ready to take a bath. He patted his face and said
"gosh, my tub is full...huh, what the heck, never mind, I'm just going to take a shower." Alisa
took a shower and wet her hair. After bathing, he rushed to eat and then studied. As usual, Alisa
always repeats lessons from school. He studied seriously to achieve his very high dreams.
According to him, dreams must be fought for.

Evening arrived. Alisa's cell phone rang. It turned out it was a call from Nathalia. Alisa
immediately picked up Nathalia's phone. Her friend asked about her condition, afraid that
something would happen to Alisa. Nathalia "Hello Alisa, are you okay?" he asked. Alisa
answered "yes Nathalia, I'm fine. Have you eaten?" Nathalia replied "Oh, thank goodness then.
Alisa, I ate meatballs earlier." They chatted for so long that they didn't realize it was getting
dark. And the two friends ended the call. Alisa was forced to lie to Nathalia because she didn't
want to worry her friend. Alisa put down her cellphone and went straight to sleep.

Runs one week. It's almost time for school exams. The school bell rang signaling the
start of class. Alisa and Nathalia were heading to the classroom in front of Lyana's gang. Again
they disturbed Alisa. Alisa, who was carrying a book, was immediately snatched by Lyana. She
was shocked by Lyana's attitude which was getting worse day by day. Nathalia, who didn't
accept it, immediately pushed Lyana until she fell. But how kind Alisa was, she told Nathalia
to stop that. And they continued to the classroom without Alisa's book because it was in Lyana's
hands. They arrived at class and apologized for being late. The teacher allowed them to take
part in the lesson. Alisa's sadness cannot be covered.

When the two friends were about to leave class. Lyana appeared carrying Alisa's book.
Lyana gave her the book, but it looked like she deliberately tore Alisa's book. Alisa was happy
because her book was back, even though it was a little damaged. So he was able to write for
the competition.

The habit of the two friends is to go to the library to look at novels. Alisa started writing
a short story for the competition later. He really likes fantasy worlds and expresses them in
written works. Nathalia was happy to see her friend smiling broadly, it was truly extraordinary
happiness. After several hours in the library, they left because the clock showed that break time
was over. When Alisa was wearing shoes, Lyana suddenly came and took Alisa's paper and tore
it. Of course Alisa was surprised by that. He put the paper nearby when he put on his shoes.
Alisa asked "Lyana what are you doing?" with her confused face. Lyana replied "UPS...sorry
Alisa, I accidentally tore it." Alisa responded "That's my short story writing competition paper,
Lyana, why did you tear it up?" With the leader, Lyana replied, "Oh... yeah... that's good, you
don't have to follow the signs. Or you can do it again. That's it. Goodbye Alisa." Alisa is very
sad, now the paper has been torn into pieces and can no longer be read.
But Alisa didn't give up. Because Alisa has a friend who always supports her, namely
Nathalia. He rewrote his writing, although with a different theme. Alisa is sure she can and will
definitely do it.

Slowly he composed the sentence bit by bit and finally finished it. It has become a short story
that is even better than the one that Lyana ripped off. He gave the writing to his teacher and it
was immediately accepted. Alisa was very happy that her struggle was not in vain. The teacher
really likes Alisa's writing. Nathalia congratulated Alisa. Alisa and Nathalia went to the
cafeteria to eat chicken noodles, their favorite food.

After that incident. After two weeks. School exams have arrived. The students enter
class and start taking the exams that have been given. As usual, Alisa and Nathalia always sit
together. Before entering the exam room, Nathalia muttered "Ehh... Lyana isn't there, I don't
want to make any more noise about her." Alisa replied " can't talk like that Nathalia.
Come on, let's go in." They entered the exam room. The exam has finished. The two friends
took the exam smoothly without any obstacles. It turns out that on the other hand, Lyana was
caught cheating on the exam and was ultimately disqualified from the exam. Lyana was
immediately taken to the teacher's room.

One week later the exam ended. And it turns out Alisa got second place in her class.
Alisa was so happy that she got the top two in her class. Her best friend Nathalia also got fifth
place. Alisa is very grateful that she got double the happiness starting from Sabahat who was
very good, her written work passed the competition and is now the 2nd place holder in her
class. It turns out that doing what you like will free you from misery.

In the end, it turned out that Lyana's words to Alisa were not proven. In fact, Alisa can
prove to Lyana that she is capable and can do it as long as she has business and also support
from the people closest to her. Alisa was able to get through it all because of the support of
those closest to her, one of whom was Nathalia. Do what makes you happy and don't think too
much about what other people say because the one who knows you is you, not other people.

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