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SEMESTER 1, 2020








PART 1: INTERVIEW…………………………………………………………………… 3

1.0 BACKGROUND DETAIL…………………………………………………… 3

1.1 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS…………………………………………………... 4

1.2 VIDEO RECORDINGS……………………………………………………….. 4

1.3 INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT……………………………………………….... 4-12

1.4 OUTCOME OF INTERVIEW……………………………………………….13-14


2.0 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………...… 15

2.1 LIBRARY RESEARCH……………………………………………………….. 17


2.2.1 ACTIVITY 1…………………………………………………………. 24

2.2.2 ACTIVITY 2…………………………………………………………. 23

2.3 REFLECTION………………………………………………………………….. 24




Our interview consists of 5 listening skills related questions:

1. How is your students' participation when they are in the listening class?

2. In your opinion, why listening skills is important?

3. What is the obstacles u face during teaching listening skill to the student?

4. What is the major distraction during the listening class?

5. What are the kind of task or work that you give to your student to test their listening skills?


We carried out the interview through Google Meet and uploaded it on Youtube. Here’s the
link for the video:


ADILAH: Good morning to madam Aminah and fellow friends. Thank you for allowing us
to conduct an interview with you today.

MADAM: Good morning dear it’s a pleasure.

ADILAH: We’re here today to gather information and data for our coursework TESL.
Therefore, we will be asking a few related questions about listening skills. Before that can
you tell us a little bit about yourself? Give us a short introduction. Tell us about your past
experience in teaching.

MADAM: Assalamualaikum, good morning. My name is Aminah Bt Hussin Mansoor. I am

teacher currently attached to Kolej Tingkatan 6 Kota Kinabalu and I've been in the college
since 2016. Before that I was attached to SMK Likas and way before that I was based in
Tawau. I've been teaching for more than 25 years. I have taught the student primary one and
the highest one is Form 6. I started teaching back at the end of 1991 but you were not even
born yet so up until now yeah and I have a long way to go before retirement (giggles) I think
that's all.

ELIAFIKA: Okay the first question, how is your student participation when they are in the
listening class?

MADAM: Well, this is where we are talking when you ask me about this some referring to
my Form 6 students and Laila was one of my students and she knew you know what was
going on during this listening class yeah so in MUET context even in the new format. Okay
let's talk about the old format. Listening class is to teach student to be able to answer. It is a
formal a class I must say it is a formal one and I'm teaching them formal listening skills
meaning to say that it is not for fun it is purely for comprehension purpose yeah so because
the objective for MUET is to be able to answer Paper 1 yeah and in that paper is all about
comprehension serious questions and you have to listen attentively in order to you know to be
able to answer correctly. So, because of this, I explained to them that this is formal and you
have to like really listen in order and they found it difficult so their participation during
listening classes is like you know they sit quietly (giggles) and listen to the recording and
listen to the recording was it fun I have no idea but I have also no choice but to give them this
kind of activity because all the questions post on the paper get printed on the paper the
serious type of questions. So, what the students found difficult during this listening classes
that the recording is too fast they were not able to catch up. They were not able to catch up
what the speakers were saying and for this they got like many wrong answers but if they are
more attentive then they would be would be able to answer better. I mean if they first join this
of course have to get familiar with the routine of listening so yeah it was not easy in the you
know in the beginning yes but gradually they will get used to it and I encourage them to like
listen on their own but there are other issues as well we will maybe discuss about that later.
Their participation reemphasise again is like they have to catch up are you saying in the
recording and yeah sometimes they managed to get the right answer they managed to you
know to understand and sometimes no because of other issues as well. So formal situation
they have to listen to the recording sitting in their own respective chair, their own respective
seat and try to juggle you know what they are hearing or listening. Hearing is another thing;
listening is another thing. Yeah, trying to comprehend what they have heard in order to you
know to be able to come up with something yeah that's all.

LAILA: Okay madam, next question in your opinion why listening skill is so important
among the student?

MADAM: Well of course it is important. When you learn a language is you listen okay. It is
an input skill. There are four skills in the English language; listening, speaking, reading and

writing. So input skills are listening and reading while input skills are listening and reading.
Listening is considered an important skill because it is required for communication. Good
listening skills makes you more productive. In MUET context, if you’re listening skill is good
then you’ll be able to answer more questions correctly. In general, listening is important
either in your mother tongue, BM or English because this is the key to productive
communication. If you want to be able to communicate effectively, then you should have
very good listening skills. You will be able to listen carefully, then to understand the literal
meaning and direct meaning. Direct message and indirect message yeah, we call it like that.
So that is why listening is important. It is for effective communication. In MUET context
other than to be able to answer the Listening Paper, this also serve as an eye opening for most
students to realize how important listening is. They are more to listening than just answering
paper. They are exposed to accent that they don’t know from primary one to Form 5. In Form
6 listening activity is crucial because this is like an exposure to students to realise that
listening is actually essential to communicate better especially if you want to understand a
message, to deliver something based on what you have understood. If you’re working then of
course your ability to listen effectively will lead to productivity.

FATIHAH: For the next question, in your opinion, what are the reasons the student can’t
master the listening skill?

MADAM: There are many reasons actually. There’re many complex processes involved in
listening especially when you’re listening to the second language which I'm referring to
English. Students face many problems actually. Students are not being able to master
listening skills but it not only students. Young people like you in my experience have
problems in mastering listening skills in the second language. I’m an adult and as a teacher
myself also have problems in mastering that, not only you. It is an ongoing learning process
to master listening skills to perfections I must say. It depends on what you are listening to as
well. For my student's context they not able to master the listening skills because they do not
practice enough. That is the key reason. Practice here means they don’t really go into finding
ways to listen in English. The easiest activity that they think could improve their listening
skill is by listening to English songs but that is not enough because in order for them to be
able to answer the MUET listening papers they have to listen to something more formal.
Again, the format. They have to listen to the formal format listening. If you listening to songs
yeah, you could get some messages and learn some language along the way but it’s not
enough. I told them to listen to news in English. Do they done it? No. Yeah, they told me

okay teacher but they didn’t watch the TV’s or news in English which is like more effective
way to improve their listening skills. Then the other reason could be because they don't really
pay attention to the paper, the questions, and the outline of the questions. When I enter the
class during MUET session, they will open the textbook and answer the question after
listening to the recording but that's is all they have ever done to improve their ability in
listening skills. That’s it. We are having listening now but it’s not like I'm conducting
listening every week. It is alternated with speaking yeah, I must admit the listening is not
really emphasise because of the orientation of our academy system. From Year One up until
Form 5, we don't really emphasise on that so its kind has become like a culture in our
education system that this listening part is neglected. I mean you don't you don't even you
don't even have listening session for BM right? Never, yeah and then it's like this listening
session suddenly pops up very heavily. So how would you expect them to master these
listening skills within a very short period of time and then it's not like I could assist them
most of the time. It depends on their own initiative as well to improve on their own and what
they have done to this you know skill improvement is not adequate. I must say not adequate.
They don’t listen to English language in their daily life and don’t speak English at home. You
don’t listen to English language seriously like when you watch a movie or cartoon in English
that is very light and you don’t have to look for specific words and then look at the meaning
and then to be specific in order to answer. You know, the question is just that you listening at
large and that’s it. That one is easy. I wish that you know listening activities design in such
way. Listening questions are designed like you watch a movie and then after that maybe you
give a review orally, that would be nice right? You listen and then you deliver in oral
presentation orally but then this one is from listening to writing so that are you practise. I
always tell my students practise makes perfect but you know do they pay attention to that?
Nahh. But I think it's only normal to be doing that yeah, only serious students would pay
attention to what I’ve said but majority (giggles). I mean they do get my message. It's just
that they don't have the time to you know to really break. Oh my God, you know today I'll
just spend my time on listening man. No, right? They are more worried about the STPM
coursework and other stuff. As the months pass, as the time goes by and when they are tested
for listening. That’s the result. Moderate achievement only not excellent achievement. But
Laila was one of those who took her MUET quite seriously (giggles).

LEILA: So we are moving to the next question. So Madam, what is the major distraction
during the listening class?

MADAM: Major distraction yah? Okay, um... hold on. I have jot down that one as well. Of
course the major distraction is it could be the quality of the recording. Yeah, um it is not
designed. Okay let’s say if I were to conduct listening activity using my voice. I’m speaking
and I’m talking to the student. Okay. Perhaps, student would be able to understand my
instructions because my accent, my language is erhh... you know, its Malaysian. Yeah I used
to it, you know because you listen to me every day, right? And then suddenly I play a
recording and they comes out this very British accent and then you have to listen to this
accent you know and it was like “aiyah this accent is unfamiliar” and then “what the person is
saying is new to me”. You see this is yeah one process. That’s why I said if you are not
exposed to this accent you would not be able to understand the message immediately. You
have to get used to it. I myself was like at loss when I first you now heard this accent.
Gradually as I listened to more to this accent, we call it an English accent it’s either American
or British then I was be able to comprehend the message. Yeah the message delivered using
this accent. Yeah, so that is one. Okay, sometimes the recording is too fast. I know most
commercial, commercial what you call that... textbooks they cram everything in to CDs. So
many recordings in only two CDs and then that is why because... they need to pay to save the
space. They are, you know they are making it very fast... the speed. I do not know how they
did it, but then it has become very fast, so you are not able to catch up because of the speed.
Yes, the speed of the speech. I call it the speed of speech. Yeah, so imagine you practice most
of the time in the classroom using this fast, you know, this speeding what do you call that
speeding speech yeah very speeding yeah. And then you don’t really get much exercises on
actual one. If you listen to the MUET recording the actual one, it is slower it is spoken at you
know slower pace. So that you can (ergh...) able to understand better. So this one of the what
do you call that? The distraction. Yes the distraction. And then other than that umm.. Because
you are not familiar with English, you don’t listen to English every day. So you.. Student
actually are distracted when they encounter words that they are not familiar with. And then
they was “Ah, what is that?” and then they would ask the teacher to repeat. Yeah, so you
cannot immediately.. After you know, when you heard something you have to wait until the
end of the recording then you repeat the recording again. Okay, it is very distracting that you
are unable to get the meaning immediately. Yeah, and then.. the other distraction is, of course
when you do not have this high vocabulary knowledge. Listening is like patches to you.
Patches of understanding. One recording, okay one line you understand and then blank.. blur..
because you are unable to understand and then it continues again understand not understand.
You know, so this made the connection between one messages to another like missing? You

know you miss one message link to another message because the vocabulary used is very
high, you are not used to it. So this could be a distraction as well. And then (um..) another
thing is another quality of the recording. You know some, I think Leila has experienced this
as well, you know inaudible recording right, very soft. So, when you are listen to the
unfamiliar language, you need to hear it loud and clear, right? So when you hear inaudible
recording or something that is not clear, then this could be also distracting. This could also
distract your listening, you know your concentration. Yes, yes when there are (what do you
call) glitches here in the recording because of the CD quality because of I don’t. There are
many things.. a technical. I must say that it’s because of technical issues. Okay, the quality of
the recording, you know (ummm..) what do you call that the CD player. Yeah technical
issues. And then another distraction is (ah um..) you lack vocabulary. Your vocabulary is
very limited. Yeah, another distraction is the contextual knowledge meaning to say you fail to
link what you are hearing what you are listening to your experience to what you already
knew. Yes. This is contextual, yeah it’s to guess for meaning or for message based on what
you are reading based on what you have experienced based on other clues displayed on the
questions and all that. Meaning you…what do you call it? You are able to guess for exact
meaning without referring to your dictionary or without referring to direct translation. Yeah,
so this is what we call contextual clues, you know, contextual knowledge. Yeah contextual
knowledge is based on your experience what you already knew. Yeah based on what you
have read on the questions, then you are able to guess. For the answers, so listening is a
strategy. Other than listen to the sound. Okay, you know getting message from the sound.
Okay, you also need to be able know assess the situation and get the message. This is
contextual knowledge. So student like this because again they don’t practice this on a daily
basis. They don’t used to it. They didn’t have this in Pengajian Am, “Adakah?”. None, right?
“Tiada kan dalam pengajian Am?”. You know it’s only during listening skills again. Like of
practice. Yeah, okay. So that is also distraction. So when they are unable to like “This one big
word that I do not understand” and then that’s it. It put them off. So, it is a distraction.

MADAM: Yeah, another one is concentration again, I do not know. Concentration, yes.. So
some student have long span of attention majority student have short span of attention.
Meaning “I cannot listen, I cannot pay attention for more than two or three minutes”. That’s
it. Even when we are talking face to face, okay if I talk too much, what will you do? You
were like, you mind start to wonder after three minutes, right after two minutes. And then you
begin what it is to pick up only patches of information from the speech. (Ah..) This could be

distraction as well, your span of attention to listening. Okay, most like (um..) I’m talking
about MUET format. Yeah, the listening is actually the recording last more than three
minutes, right? So, majority student are not able to pay attention for three long minutes. It’s a
natural human span of attention. I must say majority. So, it can be develop, span of attention
actually could be lengthened. “Boleh dipanjangkan, yah” if you practice, if you get used to
the format. Unfortunately. You don’t. You know because of lack of practice because of you
don’t have the opportunity to do so and so forth. Yes. I think those are the distraction during

NURFATIHAH: Okay, thank you Madam.

MADAM: You are welcome.

NURFATIHAH: So, we move to the next question. This is the last question. So the question
is what are the kind of task or work that you give to your student to test their listening skills.

MADAM: All right, when okay pertaining to MUET, okay, because I didn’t have you know
many opportunities to have this listening session with my students. Yeah, so I will normally
just go straight to the point. I would just ask them to you know. I would carry out listening
activities from the textbook. Yeah, from the textbook. Okay, so yeah again, I face all those
kind of problems that I have mentioned earlier. Yeah, but that’s the limit. But nowadays,
especially during this MCO, there are many listening activities being designed by teachers.
Okay, made available online. Yeah, so students have actually more choices in my current
situation. They have more choices to listen to carry out their listening activities. Normally, in
the face to face classroom, we are listening at what you call? As a group large scale listening.
Yeah, meaning recording and everybody listen to the recording. So, (um..) in this situation
maybe half of the students are able to catch up half didn’t. Especially those who unable to
concentrate longer than 3 minutes, you know, get the message from the recording. The good
thing about listening on your own, individual, you listen according to your own pace is that
(cough) excuse me.. You are able to repeat the recording at your own convenient wherever
you like, okay, and later on you get the message better, definitely. So, I managed to do that
during this MCO meaning online session. Yeah, I think they fair better answering the
question. This is because I just give the link to that recording listening activity, the link of the
recording and they listen on their own and answer the questions in Google form. So when
they submit the answer then I was able to like, you know to get same goes with other skills as
well. This is I think the major reason it’s because they are able to carry out the session at their

own pace. At the student’s own pace, they are able to answer. But the actual setting of the
exam is not like that. You can only play the recording twice with the MUET format and that’s
it. And you know student with many distractions like poor vocabulary, you know poor
contextual knowledge, short span of attention not able to catch up. Yes. So, (um..) you know
these are the task. I give them the same question but how it is carried out is different. Okay,
online, they are able to listen on their own. Okay, I get better results for that. And then
listening at the large in the classroom, (hmm) not so effective unless I think you expose them
to the question. You get them familiar, get them familiarize the questions and all that then
they are able to answer better. But, of course, I cannot do this all the time because you don’t
get you know, you are no allowed to do this during the exam. Yes. So, those are the task that
I give to student to test their listening skills, and then there are many activities listening
activities that I could carry out. It’s just that there are a bit childish. So, most of my form 6
student are not interested. You know it’s like a tongue twister and all that, you know the thing
that “Oh gosh, this is a waste of time”. Yeah, I enjoyed doing that with my form 2 students or
form 1 students or form 3, or form 3 they have started to get, you know, they are not into kid
stuff anymore. But, yeah for form 6 students, I think it is not so suitable. Yeah, not so
suitable. Okay, until we have like many materials available online for this in MUET context I
mean, but then they are not many. I have searched online for this not many I have yet to
design my own activity, but yeah, like other teachers, I also didn’t have time to do that. Yeah.
Maybe I should ask them to watch news in English and design some questions for them to
answer. I’m not sure if they interested, but on my part what keeps me from doing this, from
designing this kind of activity is because I also have limited technological knowledge. Yeah,
you know how to record the news and then how to bring this to the classroom. Yeah, I have
to master that. So far, I’m only using what is available online. Yes, so that is my limitation.
The weakness on my part. Leila, I should have forced you and your friends watch news in
English and answer few questions. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to do that or maybe watch
interview in English, you know. You could later in your assignment you could post this
recommendation and then propose ways how to help teachers to record interviews in English
and how they could design questions. Mostly, technical part. Yeah, and then how to post
these to students. Again if you are in school. You need LCD you need, you know LCD
projector, you need to have speaker. This really puts me off in order to carry out this kind of
activity. Trust me, Leila I think I’m telling the truth, right? I always post link to Instagram
and YouTube for you people to watch, Leila?

LEILA: Yes, yes, yes.

MADAM: Yeah it’s just that I was unable to watch this thing together with them because of
the technical problem, again. In this 21st century, and then we still facing this kind of
problem. And I’m also new to google meet. And my God, I know I go to, you know extra
miles to buy new laptop so that I could carry out this google meet. Yeah. That is only one
problem, another one problem, LCD all those thing in this 21st century. Yeah. But my
suggestion to you is that you could propose from this listening is you know helping teachers
to record or how to download a material the easiest way the safest way and make that as
listening activity. But then watching and listening is another level. You know when you
watch and listen, definitely you are able to (ah!) that is another thing that you could propose.
Listening without visual and listening alone reading the question. Okay, how could this?
Yeah, I think listening with video is much better. Yes. Again MPM might not be able to
provide this because it is too costly. (giggles). Yeah, too costly. So, okay my proposal just
now is the YouTube right, How to download then how to make this as a listening activity, but
then the mode of testing is not that it’s not.. No visual is involved. Only the question paper,
right? So, that is another thing that you should think about. What are the sources that you
could, you know. Maybe listening without visual but then the context is different because if
you see the on in the TV sometimes activity is shown visually not, you know. Not verbally,
yes. Okay, so is that enough, Leila? Is it long enough? Oh my God, it’s one hour.

LEILA: It’s long enough. That’s good.

MADAM: Okay, so yeah. I think that’s all from me. Yeah, you could propose that.

ADILAH: Thank you Madam for willing to spend your time answering our questions.

MADAM: (smile) You’re welcome.


Based on the interview we had with Madam Aminah, there are few challenges she face when
teaching listening skills to her students. Firstly, the students were not able to catch up what
the speakers said because it was too fast unless they are listening attentively to answer better.
This refers to the recording which she used as learning material when teaching listening

skills. This method had been used widely by most of the teachers when teaching listening
skills in their class as the examination would be using the recording for the students to answer
questions. After that, from the interview, we identified that students did not try to practice
enough or found their ways to listen anything in English. Practice here means they did not
really go into finding ways to listen in English. The easiest activity that they thought could
improve their listening skills was by listening to English songs but that was not enough
because in order for them to be able to answer the MUET listening papers they have to listen
to something more formal. In addition,

Next, according to the teacher, the teacher did not conduct the listening class every
week because it was not the only skills that students need to learn which made them did not
take this seriously resulting them not to perform the task. The teacher said that from Year
One up until Form 5, we did not really emphasise on that so it had become like a culture in
our education system that this listening skills part had been neglected. Also, the fact that they
did not listen to English language often and speak English at home in their daily life had
worsen the situation. This showed that the students did not practice the contextual knowledge
on their daily basis makes it difficult for them to understand the situation and get the

Besides, not getting exposed by any accent such as British or American accent made
the students unable to understand the message immediately. This could be show when the
teacher was conducting the listening skills class, the students could understand as she used
her own voice. However, when she played the recording which used the British accent, they
were quite clueless and couldn’t understand some of the words the speakers said in the
recording. In her opinion, maybe the students would be able to understand her instructions
because of her accent, which is Malaysian. They had been used to her voice and accent as it
was familiar to them. But, when they heard the British accent recording, which they not been
used to, it made them quite challenging for them to understand.

Then, during the listening classes, the students did not really pay attention to the
paper, the questions and the outline of the questions. They would only open the textbook and

answer the question after listening to the recording and that was all they had ever done to
improve their ability in listening skills. This was not enough for them to enhance their
listening skills. Plus, most of the students are lack of concentration during class. When
classroom doors slamming, cell phones ringing, students having conversations outside in the
hall are all examples of outside distractions. Maybe the teacher could adjust her volume,
pace, pitch, and tone of her speech or whatever it was that necessary to minimize the

Lastly, the students will easily get distract if they encounter words that they are not
familiar with and they do not understand the meaning of the word. They fail to link what they
are hearing to another message because they do not have high vocabulary knowledge from
that they only understand some of the information from the speech. In listening, the students
need to guess for meaning or for message based on what they had been read, what they
experienced, other clues displayed on the questions and all that. Which was that they were
able to guess for exact meaning without referring to the dictionary or without referring to
direct translation. These were what called contextual clues or contextual knowledge. It based
on their experiences and what they already knew. Resulting that they could guess what the
questions really want after read them.



Hearing is the physical ability, while listening is a skill. Listening skills allow one to make
sense of and understand what another person is saying. In other words, listening skills allow

people to understand what someone is talking about-the meaning behind the words. Listening
is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process.
Listening is key to all effective communication. Without the ability to listen effectively,
messages are easily misunderstood. As a result, communication breaks down and the sender
of the message can easily become frustrated or irritated. Good listening skills make students
more productive. The ability to listen carefully allows students to understand better the
assignments they are given. They are able to understand what is expected of them by their

The main objectives of this lesson plan are to develop the global listening abilities of
the students, to teach them a few basic listening strategies, to remove the flaws the students
might be facing in global listening, and to expose them to a number of different listening
situations through activities. Listening is not the same as hearing. Hearing refers to the
sounds that enter your ears. It is a physical process that, provided you do not have any
hearing problems, happens automatically. Listening, however, requires more than that: it
requires focus and concentrated effort, both mental and sometimes physical as well. Listening
means paying attention not only to the story, but how it is told, the use of language and voice,
and how the other person uses his or her body. In other words, it means being aware of both
verbal and non-verbal messages. Your ability to listen effectively depends on the degree to
which you perceive and understand these messages. Listening is not a passive process. In
fact, the listener can, and should, be at least as engaged in the process as the speaker. The
phrase ‘active listening’ is used to describe this process of being fully involved.


Why teach students tips and tricks that lead to active listening? The answer may seem
obvious, but helping students learn to listen can give them advantages you might not expect.
For example, students with strong listening skills don’t just retain more information, but they

are also less likely to feel unprepared and frustrated in class. Additionally, improved listening
skills can lead to improved self-efficacy, or a student’s belief that they can succeed in class.
This means that students who develop better listening skills are more likely to feel confident,
comfortable, and prepared to succeed in school.

Learning how to listen can also teach students how to communicate their ideas. This
is because students who listen pick up more knowledge to reflect on and think critically about
before they respond. Plus, for dual language learners in your class, learning how to listen can
help students pick up their second language faster.

The importance of active listening also branches into social-emotional development.

Active listening promotes mindful thinking, which can reduce anxiety and depression in
students. It can also help students build relationships because as they engage themselves in
conversation, their peers are more likely to view them as open and interested. And finally,
practicing active listening can promote empath; a skill that can enrich a student’s life both in
and outside of the classroom.


2.2.1 ACTIVITY 1






No. of pupils: 26

Level of profiency: A2

Topic: Bully

Skills: Listening to main ideas and specific supporting detail in a text.

Language aspect:

Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson, student should be able to identify the main
ideas and specific details in a text.

Previous knowledge: Student already familiar with bully cases.

Moral values: The students can avoid from being involve in negative activity such as bully.

Teaching aids: Oral text

Answer Sheet

Printed question

Stages Teaching/Learning activities Teaching Aids

(Allocation of time)

1. Teacher will tell
students about bully
Planning stage
cases that happen in the
(10 inutes) country.
2. Teacher will refresh
students’ schemata
about bully.

3. Teacher will give a

rough ideas about what
bully is.

1. Teacher will give

explanation on what
the students should do
Stage 1 (10 minutes) during the listening
2. Teacher will instruct
the students to get
ready physically and

3. Teacher will distribute

the answer sheets and
printed questions.

1. Teacher play the

recording with no
Stage 2 (5 minutes)
visual that the teacher
record on their own.

2. Student use the answer

sheet to jot down main
ideas and supporting
details from what they

hear in the recording.

Oral text

1. After the recording

end, students will be
Stage 3 (5 minutes) Answer sheet
given 5 minutes to
check the main ideas
and supporting detail Printed questions.
they have taken and
then submit it to the

1. For the next activity,

student will answer the
Stage 4 (5 Minutes)
printed question
provided by the
teacher. This question
require students to
match the right main
ideas with suitable
supporting details.

2. After that, student will

submit it to the teacher.

Closure Teacher will recall the points

in the recording with the
(5 minutes)

Extended activity Students asked to rephrase the

supporting details for one of
(5 minutes)
the main ideas in the


2.2.2 ACTIVITY 2

Time: 40 minutes
No. of Pupils: 30
Level of Proficiency: A2
Topic: People and Culture
Skills: Listening to the specific information and listening in details.
Language Aspect: Vocabulary Practice
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to listen and answer
the exercise which the students need to fill in the blanks with at least 10 answers correct
using the listening in details sub skill properly.
Previous knowledge: The teacher already taught them similes in previous class.
Moral Values: The students will listen to songs more attentively to appreciate and understand
each of the lyrics.
Teaching Aids: Printed A4 papers and a computer/laptop

Stages Teaching/Learning Activities Teaching Aids

(Allocation of Time)
Presentation/Set 1. Teacher shows to the Microsoft Power Point
Induction (5 mins) students some of the
common similes they

2. Teacher asks students to
tell if they know other
similes which are not

Stage 1(3 mins) 1. The teacher explains

(This is the what they are going to
explanation do and the instructions
stage/rationale) for the activity called
“Don’t Miss the
2. Teacher asks if there are
any questions regarding
the instructions
explained and explains
them again if there any.

Stage 2 (5 mins)
This is the practice 1. The teacher let the Computer/laptop (Youtube link:

stage/rationale students listen to the

song by Lenka,
“Everything at Once”
for the first time to give
first impression to them.
2. The song will be played
3 times in this activity.

Stage 3 (15 mins)

(This is the 1. The students are divided Printed A4 papers and
production into groups where there Computer/laptop (Youtube link:
stage/rationale are 3 students per group.
2. The teacher gives out
printed papers to each
group where each
contains the lyrics of the
song but with blank
3. Teacher remind the
students again to be
alert when they should
fill in the blanks.
4. The teacher starts
playing the song again.
5. The student can fill in
the lyrics directly or
listen again for the third
time then fill in the
blanks later.
6. After the song finished,
the teacher will play it
for t third time, which is
the last time so that the
students can check if
they fill in the answers
correctly or not.
7. Group with many
correct answers win.

Closure (2 mins) Teacher conclude the lesson

Rationale with a summary about the
things that they learn through
the games.
Extended Activity The students need to write
(10 mins) down on their notebook again
for the similes that they fill in

2.2.3 ACTIVITY 3


From activity 1, students can enrich their knowledge about certain topic if they take fully
participation during the class. Students also can practice their listening skill and being expose
to the format of real listening skills exam. Teacher also can track the students weaknesses on
their listening skill and come out with suitable activity to overcome it. At first, student will
get bored and cannot focus because the recording have no visual. Furthermore, like what
Madam Aminah mentioned before, student only have short span of attention. For this activity,

it require student to focus for whole 5 minutes long. It will make student get exhausted and
they will get zone out form the recording their listening to. This can be solve if teacher
provide 2 topics that can relate to students’ daily life. This activity also only can be done in
class and mostly student did not have any urge to practice it at home. It is useless if student
only practice this skill in class.

Next in Activity 2, there are some strengths of the activity called “Don’t Miss the
Lyrics”. One of them is listening to a song can make the students happy as the brain will
release a hormone called dopamine or ‘happy hormone’ when listening to music. This will
make them feel more excited to study and pay more attention during class. Next, by
participating this activity, it will enhance the students’ memory as music can help in learning
and recalling information better such as this activity which is to make students to explore
more similes through a song. Then, through this activity, the students can boost their verbal
intelligent. This is because it can improve their ability to understand words and explain their
meaning. However, besides having these strengths, this activity also has its weakness. This
includes technical problems during this activity such as internet or hardware problems. So,
the teacher need to have backup plan for this kind of problem so that the activity can be
carried out as planned. For example, provides extra laptop or computer for the activity or
using the teacher’s smartphone to play the song.


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