Celestial Running Fix

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LEGEND: Blue = information provided. Red = table values, etc.

Black = calculated values. Green = ANSWER

Celestial Observations
Fix and Running Fix (Fix at LAN) - Sun

On 23 May, your 0628 zone time position was LAT 28° 18.0' S, LONG 102° 42.0' E. Your
vessel was steaming on course 040° T at a speed of 20.0 knots. An observation of the Sun's
lower limb was made at 0758 ZT. The chronometer read 01h 02m 06s and was fast 04m 04s.
The observed altitude (Ho) was 13° 16.7'. LAN occurred at 1201 zone time. The observed
altitude (Ho) was 42° 32.0'. What was the longitude of your 1201 zone time running fix?

DR Time/Date 06:28 23-May
Sun's LL Latitude Longitude
DR Position 28° 18.0' S 102° 42.0' E
Course (T) 040º T 20.0 knots
Chronometer 01h 02m 06s
CE fast 04m 04s
Observations 07:58 Ho 13° 16.7'
12:01 Ho 42° 32.0'

ZT 06:28 Distance = Speed x Time

DR 07:58 Distance = 20 Kts. x 1.5 h
Advance 1.500 Distance = 30.00 mi.

Latitude Longitude
06:28 28° 18.0' S 102° 42.0' E
0º 23.0' N 0º 21.9' E
07:58 27º 55.0' S 103º 03.9' E

By plotting sheet or by mid-latitude sailing, advance your position from your

morning fix to your DR position at the time of the observation as required.

With this dead reckoning (DR) position, determine your GMT and then your
GHA for the sight. Determine your LHA and Declination. Apply your
Longitude using your ASSUMED POSITION as required in the question to
determine your morning observation intercept and azimuth and plot this line
of position.

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LEGEND: Blue = information provided. Red = table values, etc.
Black = calculated values. Green = ANSWER

CT 01h 02m 06s ZT = 07:58 23-May

CE + 04m 04s fast
CCT 00h 58m 02s
+/-12 ZD = -7
GMT 00h 58m 02s GMT = 00:58 23-May

GHA Sun 180° 50.8' Dec N 20° 31.1'
+ m-s 14° 30.5' d (0.5) + 0.5'
GHA 195° 21.3' Dec N 20° 31.6'
Ass. Longitude 102° 38.7' E +
LHA 298°
Ass. Latitude 28° S

LHA 298°
DEC 20° 31.6' N

0758 Hc
Htabular 13º 14.1'
-36.0 -15.8' dec. Corr. Tens (calculated)
-3.2' dec. Corr. Units (calculated)
Computed Hc 12º 55.1'
Greater Ho 13º 16.7'
AWAY Intercept 21.6' Towards 28° S Ass. Lat.
Azimuth 58.0º T 102° 38.7' E Ass. Long.

Base Base Tab* Z Correction
Increments (Z Diff x
Arguments Z Z Diff. Inc/60)
Dec = 20° 31.6' N 121.5º 122.4º 0.9º 31.6' 0.47º
Lat. = 28° S 121.5º 121.5º 0.0º 00.0' 0.00º
LHA = 298° 121.5º 121.5º 0.0º 00.0' 0.00º
Base Z 121.5 Total Corr: 0.47º
Corr: + 0.5 * Respondent for two base arguments and 1°
Z = S 122° E S change from third base argument, in
Zn = 58º T E vertical order of Dec., DR Lat., and LHA.
LHA greater than 180º Zn = 180º - Z

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LEGEND: Blue = information provided. Red = table values, etc.
Black = calculated values. Green = ANSWER

Now calculate your Latitude at the observed time LAN. Advance or retard your LAN
position, via mid-latitude sailing or plotting sheet, to the time desired.

Advance your morning observation to the time desired and determine your position as

05:01 GMT 12:01 LAN

90 89° 60.0'
Dec 20º 33.5' N Ho 42° 32.0'
d (0.5) 0.0' ZD 47° 28.0'
20º 33.5' N Dec 20° 33.5' N
Lat 26° 54.5' S

DR 07:58
LAN 12:01
04.05 h x 20 kts. =
81.00 miles

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LEGEND: Blue = information provided. Red = table values, etc.
Black = calculated values. Green = ANSWER

102º E 103º E 104º E

Longitude at 1201
is 104º 03.8' E

1201 LAN

0758 DR

South Assumed


1) Lay down you position, course and speed.

2) Advance your position to the DR time of
the first observation.
3) Calculate and plot your morning LOP.
4) Calculate and plot your Latitude at the
time of LAN.
5) Advance your morning LOP to the time of
LAN. This provides your LAN FIX.
6) Advance or retard this position to the time
requested to determine either your
Latitude and/or Longitude.

Select the closest answer.

A) 103° 57.9' E
B) 104° 00.4' E
C) 104° 03.5' E ANSWER
D) 104° 06.3' E

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LEGEND: Blue = information provided. Red = table values, etc.
Black = calculated values. Green = ANSWER

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LEGEND: Blue = information provided. Red = table values, etc.
Black = calculated values. Green = ANSWER

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