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Professor Constança Casquinho

Indie Campers (IC) expanding its operation to Chile
Deductive Analysis: Inductive Analysis:

External An inductive analysis has been conducted to determine the approach for
entering the Chilean market.

Four areas for action were identified and divided into specific questions to
The Chilean camping market is experiencing growth. form initial hypotheses. These will be tested using a range of custom
With the financial support of the government, Chile's diverse landscape, analytical tools and methods throughout the process.
and the increasing number of tourists, Chile presents a great potential for IC.

Product Offering the needed vehicle models

Define pricing
Define discount strategy

IC possesses both tangible and intangible resources to enter the Chilean market STP
Promotion Define Communication Strategy
and tap into its expanding RV market potential. Their vision for expansion and
past international experiences are valuable capabilities to use the upcoming
Explore Synergies
opportunities in Chile. Operations
Establish Partnerships
01 Deductive analysis – why? ISN'T TIME SPENT,

02 Inductive analysis – how?

03 Initial hypothesis
04 Next steps
Chile’s geographical and market environment is encouraging for a potential
Should Indie Campers expand to Chile? YES

Why? How?

External Internal

Geographical Factors Regulations Economic Outlook Competitors Consumers

Chile is one of the most Similarly to other The RV market in Chile is Since the COVID-19
attractive road trip emerging markets, Chile Chile has been still small, but the few Pandemic there’s an
destinations due to its does not have dedicated increasing investment in competitors we found, obvious desire in
diverse landscapes. regulations for RVs. the tourism sector and mostly indirect ones, don’t consumers to spend more
its government supports share their prices and the time outside with nature
The country already has and encourages consumer journey through which represents an
some existing There could be some investment. their website isn’t as increase in demand for RVs
infrastructure for RVs, difficulties in moving pleasing as IC’s offer. and other camping options.
which has been expanding Chilean-plated vehicles
in recent years. across the border. In the context of South The mindset of most
Given that Chile is still a
America, Chile has a tourists in Chile is usually
developing and growing
There are many relatively strong adventurous or athletic
Camper vans need to be market without one big
opportunities for wild which creates a big
prepared for various economy, with the third player established, we can
camping and free camping, opportunity for IC to
landscapes and climates. highest GDP per capita predict a smooth and easy
and this practice is perfectly position themselves with
(ppp) in the region. market entry for IC.
legal. these same values.

Opportunities Threats
Despite not being a well-known brand in Chile, Indie Campers can leverage their
market expertise and existing digital infrastructure to successfully expand into this
Should Indie Campers expand to Chile? Yes

Why? How?

External Internal

Strengths Weaknesses
Pricing Strategy Culture Limited Brand Awareness

Effective pricing algorithm for Capable leadership and an IC as a brand is not known in Chile,
real-time market analysis and agile mentality is key for IC's which makes the entry to the
dynamic price adjustments expansion efforts country more difficult

resources Customer-Centric Policy Market insights and synergies Digital Infrastructure Business vulnerabilities and
Drawing from past successful IC already possesses an
IC is keen on customer The camping industry is strongly
expansions, IC has acquired established digital
satisfaction, which allows the affected by seasonality and
significant insights within the infrastructure and website,
company to remain consistent natural disasters, which can
road trip sector, which might enabling seamless utilization of
in its delivery influence consumer levels
indicate key synergies those resources
01 Deductive analysis – why? ISN'T TIME SPENT,

02 Inductive analysis – how?

03 Initial hypothesis
04 Next steps
How? The strategies enable IndiCampers to enter the Chile
Should Indie Campers expand to Chile?

Why? How?

Product Price Promotion Operations

Identify needed vehicle Define pricing STP Establish Partnerships
Areas of Should IC offer competitive Should IC explore partnerships
Should IC establish a buyer in order to acquire and finance
action pricing that is aligned with the
Should IC offer a camper van, persona for their target their fleet?
existing competition?
which meets the environmental audiences?
and landscape requirements? Define discount strategy Explore Synergies
issue Should IC take advantage of
Should IC offer discounts on Define
Should IC offer more models longer trips to increase the Chile‘s seasonality by migrating
Communication Strategy some of their North American
per category targeted at average booking days?
issue different customer segments? fleet?
Should IC offer discounts aimed Should IC have a 360º
at different target segments marketing strategy? Define how to enter the market
Should IC expand their
with differing purchasing Should IC stick with their usual
product portfolio beyond RVs,
power? wholly-owned entry mode?
thus leveraging potential
cross-selling opportunities? Should IC offer discounts to Should IC follow their current
previous renters? timeline of expanding in 2025?

Should IC follow their current timeline of expanding in 2025?

01 Deductive analysis – why? ISN'T TIME SPENT,

02 Inductive analysis – how?

03 Initial hypothesis
04 Next steps
Indie Campers should focus on their current product portfolio, adapting its
RVs to the demands of the country’s environment.

Main Issue Sub Issues Hypothesis Analysis Tools

Identify Should IC offer a YES, IC need to offer a resilient camper can model in • Cost Analysis
camper van, regarding to the different environment landscapes in the • External
needed vehicle
which meets the country to guarantee a positive costumer experience. Analysis
models environmental and

Should IC offer YES, offering more models per category targeted at • Market
more models per different customer segments allows Indie Campers to Research
category targeted at better cater to diverse preferences and needs, gain a • Consumer
different customer competitive edge, and ultimately enhance customer Behavior
segments? satisfaction and loyalty while maximizing revenue Analysis

Should IC expand their NO, in this early-stage IC should focus on their existing • External
product portfolio portfolio to leverage their strengths and expertise and Analysis
beyond RVs, thus keep their operations lean. The company could • Market
leveraging potential potentially look into these opportunities further down Research
cross-selling the line. • Cost Analysis
Indie Campers should offer competitive pricing aligned with the existing
competition and offer discounts to boost profitability.

Main Issue Sub Issues Hypothesis Analysis Tools

Define a Should IC offer YES, IC should follow a competitive pricing strategy as it • Competitors
competitive pricing simple and allows for efficient speed to market. It will allow IC Analysis
pricing strategy • Benchmark
that is aligned with to attract price-sensitive customers, whilst simultaneously
the existing being able to stand out for its superior vans and overall analysis
competition? experience.

Should IC offer

YES, IC should offer discounts for trips longer than the • Regulatory Environment
Define a discounts on longer
average booking days as this will create incentives for Analysis
discount trips to increase the
average booking days? customers to extend their trips in Chile. • Competitors Analysis
Should IC offer • Regulatory Environment
discounts aimed at YES, by offering discounts aimed specifically at different target
different target segments, IC can appeal to different willingness's to pay and
• Customer Segmentation
segments with differing broaden their client base.
purchasing power? Analysis

Should IC offer YES, providing discounts for returning customers not only • IC Database with travel
discounts to previous encourages loyalty but also fosters a positive relationship records analysis
renters? between IC and its customers. This incentivizes repeat
business and can lead to increased customer satisfaction and
long-term profitability for IC.
Indie Campers should establish buyer personas to better understand their
client base and leverage several means of communications to reach them.

Main Issue Sub Issues Hypothesis Analysis Tools

STP Should IC establish a YES, this allows them to reach their different target audiences • Customer Surveys
buyer persona for more effectively, reaching the right audience, at the right • Customer
their target time and place. Ultimately increasing Chile‘s RV market Journey Mapping
audiences? penetration and ensuring higher demand and an increase in

Define Should IC have a YES, given the demographic diversity of their audiences IC • Market Research
Communication 360º marketing should communicate through the different current means of • Customer Surveys
strategy? communication so they can ensure that they are reaching • Customer
Strategy everyone intended in their prefered platform where they will Segmentation Analysis
be more willing to receive information (e-mail marketing, • Consumer Behavior
social media, outdoors, newspaper, blogs, etc). Analysis
• Customer Journey
• Best Practice
Indie Campers should stick with their usual entry mode to expand into Chile
and should look to leverage potential partnerships and synergies.

Main Issue Sub Issues Hypothesis Analysis Tools

Should IC explore YES, Indie Campers should leverage potential partnerships for • Competitors Analysis
Establish partnerships in order fleet procurement and financing, in order to ensure the • External Analysis
Partnerships to acquire and availability of new vehicles to renew their fleet and to keep • Internal Analysis
finance their fleet? their operations less capital-intensive.

Should IC take YES. Since Indie Campers does not currently have a South
Explore advantage of Chile‘s American location it could take advantage of the different
• Regulatory Environment An
Synergies alysis
seasonality by migrating summer times by migrating some of their fleet from North
• Competitors Analysis
some of their North America to cover the high season, thus decreasing the
• Measure demand elasticity
American fleet? number of vehicles they have to acquire.

YES. By entering through a wholly-owned subsidiary IC is able • Regulatory Environme

Define how Should IC stick with
to implement its acquired know-how as well as being less nt Analysis
their usual wholly-
to enter the owned entry mode? dependent on partners. Although the risk is higher, • Risk Analysis
market profitability can also be higher with this choice. • Financial Analysis

Should IC follow their YES. Following the overall company‘s strategy and expanding • Market Research
current timeline of to this location in 2025 makes sense, as the market is still • Competitor Analysis
expanding in 2025? young and therefore there is an advantage in moving quickly. • Risk Analysis
It would, however be wise to try to capitalize on the summer • Measure demand elasticity
season between December and March.
01 Deductive analysis – why? ISN'T TIME SPENT,

02 Inductive analysis – how?

03 Initial hypothesis
04 Next steps
Next Steps
To achieve our vision: Become worldwide #1


Developed the hypothesis to be Test the hypothesis against collected data

researched and tested and review them


Based on the result of the tested
Gather the information to help support (or hypothesis, craft a set of
not) the previously stated hypothesis recommendations for IC
Project Team

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