CPB3B Test1 S2 2010

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Chemical Process Design: Principles – EHCPB 3B

Test 1
Date: 24 August 2010 Marks: 100

Question 1 (37 marks)

1.1. Draw a block-flow diagram of the design process. Explain the following
terms and show where they fit into the flow diagram:
1.1.1.Design basis
1.1.2.Economic Evaluation

1.2. What are the 6 main groups of project documentation? Into which of these
groups does the following fit:
1.2.1.Material en energy balances
1.2.2.The design basis
1.2.3.HAZOP documentation
1.2.4.Piping and Instrumentation diagrams

1.3. Explain the term design factor as it applies in the design process.

Question 2 (19 marks)

2.1 Explain the different points the design engineer needs to consider when
designing for material hazards.

2.2 Explain what a Materials Safety Data Sheet is and its function as part of the

Question 3 (20 marks)

3.1 Many factors have to be considered when selecting engineering materials, but
for chemical process plants the overriding considerations are usually high
temperature strength and the ability to resist corrosion. The process designer
will be responsible for recommending materials that will be suitable for the
process conditions. The process engineer must also consider the
requirements of the mechanical design engineer; the material must have
sufficient strength and be easily worked.

Make a comprehensive list of all the characteristics that needs to be

considered when selecting a material of construction

3.2 With some processes, the prevention of the contamination of a process

stream, or a product, by certain metals, or the products or corrosion overrides
any other consideration when selecting suitable material of construction. In
industries such as the food, pharmaceutical, biochemical industries, the
surface finish of the material is as important as the choice of material.

Discuss this statement by looking at a typical surface finish and the reasons
for its use.

Question 4 (29 marks)

4.1 Identify each unit in the process diagram as (a) Raw material storage; (b)
Feed preparation; (c) Reaction; (d) Product separation; (e) Product
purification; (f) Product storage and/or (g) Ancillary processes.

4.2 Discuss the process hazards (Toxicity; Flammability; Explosions; Sources

of ignition; Ionising radiation; Pressure; Temperature deviation; Noise)
associated with this process.

4.3 A formal operability study is the systematic study of the design, vessel by
vessel, and line by line, using guide words to help generate though about
the way deviations from the intended operating conditions can cause
hazardous situations. Apply the following to the H2SO4 storage tank:

4.4 Which construction material will you advise for the H2SO4 storage tank?


Preparation of sulphuric acid by contact process is based upon the catalytic oxidation of SO2 to SO3.

SO2 is obtained by burning sulphur or by heating iron pyrite (FeS2) in pyrite burner.
S + O2  SO2
4FeS2 + 11O2  2Fe2O3 + 8SO2

SO2 contains a number of impurities such as dust particles, Arsenous oxide, vapours, sulphur etc. These impurities
must be removed otherwise the catalyst loses its efficiency (catalyst poisoning).

SO2 is first passed through the dust chamber where steam is spread over the gas to remove dust particles, which
settle down. Fe(OH)3 also sprayed over to remove oxides of Arsenic.

SO2 is then passed through a washing tower after cooling. Here it is sprayed by water to remove any other soluble

The gas is now dried by passing through drying tower where conc. H2SO4 (dehydrating agent) is sprayed. H2SO4
removes moisture from SO2.

Arsenic oxide is a poison for the catalyst. It is removed when the gas is passed over ferric hydroxide.
As2O3 + 2Fe(OH)3  2FeAsO3 + 3H2O.

In order to remove traces of As2O3, it is passed through a test box, where a strong beam of light is thrown against the
gas. If there is no scattering of light in the box, it indicates that gas is free from As2O3.

Oxidation of SO2 is carried out in contact tower where V2O5 is filled in different pipes. SO2 here reacts with air (O2) to
produce SO3. Under above conditions 98% SO2 is converted into SO3.
2SO2 + O2  2SO3 + 45kcal


Oxidation of SO2 is a reversible and exothermic process in which volume of product is less than the volumes of
reactants. In order to obtain maximum amount of SO3, according to Le-Chatelier’s Principle following conditions are
Excess of O2.
A decrease in temperature favours reaction in forward direction. Optimum temperature for this
process is 450oC to 500oC.
Since volumes of reactants are greater than the product (3:2), therefore, according to Le-Chatelier’s Principle a
high pressure is favourable. Optimum pressure is about 1.5 to 1.7 atmosphere.
At low temperature, rate of reaction decreases. To increase rate of reaction a catalyst vanadium pent-oxide (V2O5)
is used.

SO3 is not directly passed in water, because a dense fog of minute particles of H2SO4 is produced. It is therefore,
dissolved in conc.H2SO4 to form pyrosulphuric acid (oleum).
SO3 + H2SO4  H2S2O7 (OLEUM)

Oleum is now diluted with water to form H2SO4 of required concentration.

H2S2O7 + H2O  2H2SO4


Converter Exchanger

H2SO4 Drying Tower

Water Wash Tower

Steam Waste heat boiler

Steam Dust Filter Water


Sulphur Burner

Sulphur smelter Drying Tower

99% H2SO4

Contact Process (Sulphuric Acid Manufacturing)

Chemical Process Design: Principles – EHCPB 3B
MEMO Test 1
Date: 24 August 2010 Marks: 100

Question 1 (37 marks)

1.1. Draw a block-flow diagram of the design process. Explain the following terms and show where they fit into the flow diagram:
1.1.1. Design basis
1.1.2. Economic Evaluation

(Set Design Specifications) 

The design basis is a more precise statement of the problem that is to be solved. It will
normally include the production rate and purity specifications of the main productt together
with information on constraints the will influence the design such as:
 The system of units to be used
 The national, local or company design codes that must be followed
 Details of raw materials that are available
 Information on potential sites where the plant might be located, including climate data,
seismic conditions and infrastructure availability
 Information on the conditions, availability and prices of utility services such as fuel gas,
steam, cooling water, process air, process water and electricity, that will be needed to run
the process. 

(Evaluate Economics, Optimize & Select Design) 

Economic evaluation usually entails analysing the capital and operating costs of the process
to determine return on investment. 
(Any 25 marks)
1.2. What are the 6 main groups of project documentation? Into which of these groups does the following fit:
1.2.1. Material en energy balances
1.2.2. The design basis
1.2.3. HAZOP documentation
1.2.4. Piping and Instrumentation diagrams
 General correspondence
 Calculation sheets – 1.2.1 Material and Energy Balances
 Drawings – 1.2.4 Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams
 Specification sheets – 1.2.2 The design basis
 Health, Safety and Environmental Information – 1.2.3 HAZOP documentation
 Purchase orders
1.3. Explain the term design factor as it applies in the design process.
Design is an inexact art; errors and uncertainties arise from uncertainties in the design data
available and in the approximations necessary in design calculations.  Experienced designers
include a degree of over-design know ad a design factor, design margin or safety factor, to
ensure that the design that is built meets product specifications and operates safely. 

Question 2 (19 marks)

2.1 Explain the different points the design engineer needs to consider when designing for material hazards.
 Substitution:
- of the processing route with one using less hazardous material, or of toxic process
materials with non-toxic or less toxic materials. 

 Containment:
- sound design of equipment and piping, to avoid leaks. For example, specifying welded
joints in preference to gasketed flanged joints that are liable to leak or suffer materials
incompatibly problems. 

 Prevention of releases:
- by process and equipment design, operating procedures and design of disposal

 Ventilation:
- use open structures, or provide adequate ventilation systems.

 Disposal:
- provision of effective vent stacks to disperse material vented from pressure relief
devices, or use of vent scrubbers. Collection and treatment of sewer and run-off
waters and liquids collected from relief systems.

 Emergency equipment and procedures:

- automated shutdown systems, escape routes, rescue equipment, respirators, antidotes
(if appropriate), safety showers, eyebaths, emergency services.

2.2 Explain what a Materials Safety Data Sheet is and its function as part of the documentation.
A Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a document summarizing the hazards and health and
safety information for a chemical. 
The MSDS contains information needed to begin analysing materials and process hazards; to
understand the hazards to which the workforce is exposed; and to respond to a release of
material or other major incident where emergency response personnel may be exposed to the
Question 3 (20 marks)

3.1 Many factors have to be considered when selecting engineering materials, but for chemical process plants the overriding
considerations are usually high temperature strength and the ability to resist corrosion. The process designer will be responsible for
recommending materials that will be suitable for the process conditions. The process engineer must also consider the requirements of
the mechanical design engineer; the material must have sufficient strength and be easily worked.

Make a comprehensive list of all the characteristics that needs to be considered when selecting a material of construction
 Mechanical properties
- Strength: tensile strength
- Stiffness: elastic modulus
- Toughness: fracture resistance
- Hardness: wear resistance
- Fatigue resistance
- Creep resistance
 The effect of high temperature, low temperature and thermal cycling on the mechanical
properties. 
 Corrosion resistance
 Any special properties required; such as, thermal conductivity, electrical resistance,
magnetic properties
 Ease of fabrication: forming, welding, casting, etc.
 Availability in standard sizes: plates, sections, tubes, etc.
 Cost

3.2 With some processes, the prevention of the contamination of a process stream, or a product, by certain metals, or the products or
corrosion overrides any other consideration when selecting suitable material of construction. In industries such as the food,
pharmaceutical, biochemical industries, the surface finish of the material is as important as the choice of material.

Discuss this statement by looking at a typical surface finish and the reasons for its use.
Stainless steel is widely used, and the surfaces, inside and out, are given a high finish by
abrasive blasting and mechanical polishing. This is done for the purpose of hygiene; to
prevent material adhering to the surface; and to aid cleaning and sterilization. 

Question 4 (29 marks)

4.1 Identify each unit in the process diagram as (a) Raw material storage; (b) Feed preparation; (c) Reaction; (d) Product separation;
(e) Product purification; (f) Product storage and/or (g) ancillary processes.
(a) Raw material storage - no units indicated on the diagram
(b) Feed preparation – Sulphur smelter; Sulphur burner; Dust Filter; Wash tower;
Drying Tower (sulphur) ; Drying Tower (air) 
(c) Reaction – Converter; Absorption Tower
(d) Product Separation – no units indicated on the diagram
(e) Product Purification – no units indicated on the diagram
(f) Product storage – no units indicated on the diagram
(g) Ancillary processes – Waste heat boiler; Heat Exchangers; Cooler
4.2 Discuss the process hazards (Toxicity; Flammability ; Explosions; Sources of ignition; Ionising radiation; Pressure; Temperature
deviation; Noise) associated with this process.
Toxicity – concentrated H2SO4 is extremely dangerous
Flammability – very small problem
Explosions – there is a possibility where SO3 comes into contact with water forming a dense fog
of minute particles of H2SO4.  This mixture could be explosive under certain conditions. The
dust in the SO2 stream is also a potential explosion hazard. 
Sources of ignition – There is heating equipment (sulphur burner), compressors and other
electrical equipment that forms part of the system that could be sources of ignition 
Ionising radiation – not a problem
Pressure – as the pressure exceeds atmospheric pressure, there is the potential of hazardous
Temperature deviation – the reaction takes place at a very high temperature and is
exothermic, there will definitely be possible hazards from temperature deviations.
Noise – no obvious problem
(any answers that shows understanding)
4.3 A formal operability study is the systematic study of the design, vessel by vessel, and line by line, using guide words to help
generate though about the way deviations from the intended operating conditions can cause hazardous situations. Apply the
following to the H2SO4 storage tank:
Intention – To keep the H2SO4
Deviation – Tank overflows or ruptures or leaks
Causes – Increase in production, corrosion, flow restrictions, failure of outlet valves, etc. 
Consequences – H2SO4 coming in contact with personnel and other equipment
Hazard – Toxic, corrosive
(any answers that shows understanding)
4.4 Which construction material will you advise for the H2SO4 storage tank? Why?
H2SO4 storage tank – carbon steel. It is cheap, available, can be worked easily and
welded. It has good tensile strength and ductility.  It is corrosion resistant in a concentrated
sulphuric acid environment.

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