Ofiara 1997

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Local Determinants of Response to

Endobronchial High-Dose Rate

Brachytherapy in Bronchogenic
Linda Ofiara, MD; Ted Roman, MD; Kevin Schwartzman, MD; and
Robert D. Levy, MD, FCCP

Study objective: We evaluated bronchoscopic tumor appearance and tumor location as determi-
nants of response to high-dose rate brachytherapy (HDR-BT) in patients with symptomatic
unresectable bronchogenic carcinoma previously treated with external-beam irradiation.
Patients and methods: Thirty patients with symptomatic endobronchial bronchogenic carcinoma
who had previously completed external irradiation were divided into two groups based on
whether the initial bronchoscopic appearance showed an endoluminal mass or submucosal
infiltration/extrinsic compression. Furthermore, patients were also classified based on tumor
location: central (trachea or mainstem bronchi) and peripheral (lobar or segmental bronchi).
Patients underwent three treatments of 800 cGy intraluminal irradiation at 2-week intervals, with
follow-up evaluation 4 weeks later. We evaluated response in tumor extent based on broncho-
scopic and chest radiograph appearance, as well as symptoms with standardized scales.
Results: Fifteen of 24 patients who underwent follow-up bronchoscopy had reductions in the
degree of endobronchial obstruction. Seven of 24 patients had radiographic improvement in the
extent of atelectasis. Patients with both tumor appearances (endoluminal and submucosal!
extrinsic compression) had significant improvements following HDR-BT with regard to hemop-
tysis. Patients with submucosal disease also had improvement in cough. Patients with peripheral
tumors had better rates of response for hemoptysis and cough than did those with central tumors.
Conclusion: HDR-BT may result in symptomatic improvement in patients with bronchogenic
carcinoma, whether characterized endoscopically as endoluminal projection or submucosal
infiltration/extrinsic compression. Peripheral tumors have better rates of response than central
tumors, possibly on the basis of less extensive disease. (CHEST 1997; 112:946-53)

Key words: brachytherapy; bronchogenic carcinoma; lung cancer; radiotherapy

Abbreviations: CXR= chest radiograph; ECOG=Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; HDR-BT = high-dose rate

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in cancer. However, up to 40% of patients treated with
North America. Of the estimated 170,000 new external-beam radiotherapy will develop recurrent or
cases diagnosed each year, up to 80% will be inopera- progressive intrathoracic disease.3
ble either at presentation or at thoracotomy. 1 Half of High-dose rate remote afterloading endobronchial
patients with inoperable lung cancer will develop symp- irradiation (brachytherapy) has been used increas-
toms referable to endobronchial disease,2 including ingly as a palliative therapy to improve local control
hemoptysis, cough, dyspnea, and postobstructive pneu- of endobronchial tumor. Studies have reported im-
monia. External-beam radiotherapy is the standard proved symptoms using high-dose rate brachythe-
palliative treatment for patients with inoperable lung rapy (HDR-BT) as the sole treatment modality, or in
combination with external irradiation or laser de-
*From the Divisions of Respiratory Medicine (Drs. Ofiara, bulking.4-6 HDR-BT has also been shown to be
Schwartzman, and Levy) and Radiation Oncology (Dr. Roman ), helpful in the control of symptoms following dose-
Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada. limiting external irradiation. 7-9
Manuscript received August 7 , 1996; revision accepted February As a palliative measure, HDR-BT is relatively
27, 1997. invasive since in most protocols, multiple bronchos-
Reprint requests: Robert D. Levy, MD, Vancouver Hospital,
UBC Respiratory Division, 2775 Heather Street, Vancouver, copies are required for the placement of brachythe-
BC, Canada V5Z 3]5 rapy catheters on successive occasions. Furthermore,

946 Clinical Investigations

there is the potential for morbidity and mortality eluded any form of deform ation or narro\ving of bronchi, associ-
during the placement of the brachytherapy catheters ated \vith fixity and reduced mobility.
Patients were also classified according to tumor location, either
or as a result of the treatment itself. Therefore, there central (originating in the trachea or mainstem bronchi) or more
is a need to identify at the outset the patients most pe ripheral (originating in lobar or segmental bronchi without
likely to benefit from this intervention. To our abnormalities in the trachea or mainstem bronchi).
knowledge, this information is not currently available
in the literature. Brachytherapy Protocol
Radiation delivered by HDR-BT is characterized
All treatments were delivered on an outpatient basis. Patients
by a rapid fall-off of radiation from the source underwent flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy following topical
originating in the airway. 10 This allows for high doses anesthesia \vith aerosoli zed lidocaine (8 puffs of 10% solution by
of radiation to be delivered to target tissues while metered dose unit). Patients were given IV sedation \vith 1 to 5
sparing normal surrounding tissue.l 1 Since HDR-BT mg of midazolam, as well as atropine, 0.6 mg subcutaneously,
prior to the procedure.
delivers the highest dose of radiation closest to the
Endobronchial tumor was identified, and a hollow closed
source, we hypothesized that endobronchial disease ended 6F polyurethane afterloading catheter (Nucletron; Leer-
characterized morphologically by submucosal infil- sum , Netherlands) was inserted through the biopsy channel of
tration and!or extrinsic compression may be less the fiberoptic bronchoscope. The catheter was advanced under
responsive than endoluminal disease because of the direct vision and placed either beyond the obstructing mass or
adjacent to it. The bronchoscope was then r emoved over the
greater distance from the radiation source. Secondly,
catheter and a dummy source with radio-opaque markings at
we hypothesized that tumors located in the more 1-cm intervals was inserted through the treatment catheter. This
central ai1ways (trachea or mainstem bronchi) may procedure was repeated if cath eters were placed in multiple
cause more symptoms than peripherally located dis- locations to treat multiple foci of tumor or to irradiate a larger
ease since there is potentially a greater amount of volume of tissue for disease located at a carina. The position of
the catheter(s) was confirmed with fluoroscopy in two planes.
lung tissue affected, and consequently these patients
Based on knowledge of airway anatomy and tumor location, a
may respond better to the intervention. Therefore , treatment plan was generated with custom dosimetry software
the purpose of this study was to evaluate the poten- developed by Radiation Medical Physics at McGill University 13
tial importance of bronchoscopic tumor appearance using planning anteroposte rior and late ral chest radiographs
and tumor location as determinants of short-term (CXRs ) with r eference to the dummy source(s) placed during
bronchoscopy. A remote control afterloading device (Microselec-
response to HDR-BT using standardized symptom
tion HDR; Nucletron) then insetted a 10-Ci iridium 192 source
scores, bronchoscopic appearance, and radiographic at th e appropriate locations for the determined dwell-times
change as outcomes. within the hollow catheter. Treatment was delivered in an
adjacent, dedicated treatment room monitored by closed-circuit
television. Patients were treated with a nominal dose of 800 cGy
at a de pth of 1 em from the long axis of the catheter over 10 to
20 min. Patients were treated at 2-week intervals with a goal of
three treatm ent sessions. A follow-up bronchoscopy was then
Study Population performed 4 weeks following completion ofbrachytherapy (week
8) .
All patients referred for HDR-BT to th e Radiation Oncology
Division at the Royal Victoria Hospital between November 1992
Measured Outcomes
and Octobe r 1995 were recruited for the study if they met the
following criteria: (1) histologically proven bronchogenic carci- The following outcome variables were evaluated at baseline
noma; (2) tumor inoperable due to pulmonary function or (week 0) and 4 weeks foi!O\ving the third brachytherapy session
unresectable due to tumor stage; (3) recurrent or pe rsistent (week 8): (1) posteroanterior and lateral CXRs to assess the
symptoms (hemoptysis, cough, dyspnea, or postobstructive pneu- degree of atelectasis (if present ); (2) scoring of signs and symp-
monia) following previous maximal external-beam radiotherapy toms, including he moptysis, dyspnea, cough, and postobstructive
as determined by the referring radio-oncologist; ( 4) evidence of pneumonitis (fever, leukocytosis, and CXR abnormality) using
endobronchial disease at bronchoscopy; and (5) consent to ent1y standardi zed scales ranging from 0 (best) to 4 (worst), developed
into the study. by Speiser and Spratling;14 (3) performance status according to
the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) score (0, best,
Study Groups to 4, worst); 15 and (4) still photographs taken at comparable
locations from video recordings of the initial and final bronchos-
Based on the initial bronchoscopy, patients were divided into copy. Paired photographs were co mpared several weeks later by
two groups (Fig 1): group 1, tumor characterized by endoluminal a blinded observer in random order to semiquantitatively assess
disease, and group 2, submucosal infiltration and/or extrinsic the degree of endobronchial obstruction. They were rated as
compression, based on a classification system proposed b y Buc- improved (>25% decrease in the degree of obstruction), wors-
cheri et a!I 2 Endoluminal disease was defined as an endobron- ened (>25% increase in obstruction ), or no change.
chial mass presenting as either an irregular cauliflower-like
vegetation or as a lobulated fleshy growth. Submucosal infiltra- Statistical Analysis
tion refe rred to a tumor with an irregular area of mu cosal surface
that appeared swollen and was surrounded by a halo of redn ess Data are expressed as mean : +: SD. The \Velch's t test was used
and engorgement of blood vessels. Extrinsic compression in- to compare the distribution of baseline characte ristics between

CHEST/112/4/0CTOBER, 1997 947

FIGURE 1. Classification of tumor based on endobronchial appearance. Left, endoluminal tumor (group
1). Right, submucosal inflltrationlextrinsic compression (group 2).

groups before treatments. 16 Student's paired t test was used for study period or were unavailable for follow-up were
statistical analysis in the comparison of mean symptom scores not included in the statistical analysis .
prebrachytherapy and postbrachytherapy within each of the study
groups. Fisher's Exact Test was used to assess the significance of
improve ments in bronchoscopic appearance and degree of atel- Bronchoscopic Tumor Appearance as a
ectasis on CXR following brachytherapy between the study Determinant of Response
The two study groups (group 1, endoluminal
disease, and group 2, submucosal infiltration ancllor
extrinsic compression) were similar in age and initial
ECOG score (Table 1). All patients had completed
Thirty patients were enrolled in the study; 20 had external irradiation at least 1 month prior to entry in
tumor characterized by endoluminal disease (group the study (Table 2). The interval between the com-
1) and 10 by submucosal infiltration ancllor extrinsic pletion of external irradiation and the commence-
compression (group 2). Twenty-seven of the 30 ment ofbrachytherapy was similar in the two groups,
patients completed three brachytherapy treatment as were the doses of external irradiation and the
sessions. Six of the 30 were unavailable for follow-up number of catheters placed p er session.
bronchoscopy at week 8 (four patients in the endolu- Changes in symptom scores from baseline to 4
minal group, two patients in the submucosal group). weeks postbrachytherapy are shown in Figure 2.
Three patients unavailable for follow-up had died Symptoms for the total group tended to improve in
between weeks 4 and 8 (two in the endoluminal all categm;es; however, only changes in hemoptysis
group and one in the submucosal group). These and cough were statistically significant. When the
deaths were judged unrelated to a brachytherapy two groups were analyzed separately, there were
session and were attributed to progressive underly- significant improvements in hemoptysis in both the
ing disease. Baseline characteristics are presented endoluminal and submucosal/extrinsic compression
for all 30 recruited patients (Tables 1 and 2). How- groups, but only the submucosal/extrinsic compres-
ever, the six patients who either died during the sion group had a significant improvement in cough.

948 Clinical Investigations

Table !-Subject Characteristics

Group l Group 2
Characteristic Total (E ndoluminal) (Submucosal/Compression)

No. of subjects 30 20 10
Age, yr, mean (range) 64 (36-80) 64 (36-73 ) 65 (44-80)
Histologic types
Squamous cell 20 15 5
Adenocarcinoma 7 4 3
Small cell 3 l 2
Stage (TNM )*
Ilia 12 9 3
IIIb 12 8 4
IV 3 2
Small cell
Limited 0
Extensive 2 l l
Initial ECOG score (S D) 1.8 (0.9) 1.8 (0.8) 1.7 (0.9)

*TNM =tumor-node-metastases staging classification.

Improvements in bronchoscopic appearance and eral airways, of whom 7 had tumor characterized
CXRs are shown in Table 3. Of those with atelectasis bronchoscopically by endoluminal disease and 7 by
on the baseline CXR, 40% of the patients in group 1 submucosal infiltration/extrinsic compression.
and 50% in group 2 had improvement in the degree Changes in symptom scores from baseline to 4
of atelectasis over the 8-week study period. Half of weeks postbrachytherapy are shown in Figure 3.
the CXRs initially showing atelectasis remained un- Analysis of symptom scores in the peripheral tumor
changed for both groups. There was no statistical group showed significant improvements in both he-
difference in radiographic improvements behveen moptysis and cough. There were no significant im-
the two study groups. provements in symptom scores in patients with
Of the 24 patients who underwent follow-up bron- centrally located tumors.
choscopies, 15 had improvement in the degree of
CXRs were also analyzed by tumor location (Table
endobronchial obstruction at the end of the 8-week
3). Fifty-four percent of patients with peripheral tumor
study period. This represented 10 of 16 (62%) in group
and atelectasis on the initial CXR showed improvement
1 and 5 of 8 (62%) in group 2. These improvements did
in the degree of atelectasis, while 38% had no change
not differ significantly between the study groups.
and 16% worsened. In patients with central tumor,
25% had improvement in tl1e degree of atelectasis on
Tumor Location as a Determinant of Response
follow-up CXRs. However, there was no statistically
Ten of 24 patients had tumor predominantly significant difference in radiographic improvement be-
situated in the central airways. Bronchoscopically, tween the tumor location groups.
90% of these patients had endoluminal tumor. The Of the 24 patients who underwent repeat bron-
other 14 patients had tumor located in more periph- choscopies, 15 had improvement in the degree of

Table 2-Irradiation Interventions*

Group l Group 2
lnte1vention Total (Endoluminal) (Submucosai!Compression )

No. of subjects 30 20 10
Previous E J, cGy
Mean dose (SD) 4,298 (1,404 ) 4,350 (1,380) 4,140 (1,633)
Dose range 2,000-6,900 2,000-6,000 2,400-6,900
Mean no. of fractions (SD) 20 (15) 20 (14) 20 (16)
Inte1val between EI and brachytherapy, mo
Mean (S D) 13.8 (21) 13.8 (19) 15.0 (25. 2)
Range 1-84 1-72 1-84
Treatme nt sessions per patient, mean (S D ) 2.9 (0.3) 2.9 (0.3) 2.9 (0.2)
Catheters per session, mean (SD) 1.5 (0.5) 1.4 (0.5) 1.6 (05)
*EI =external irradiation; p = not significant for all comparisons between group 1 and group 2.

CHEST I 112 I 4 I OCTOBER, 1997 949

2.0 , - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - , 2.0 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
D pre-treatment
~ ~ • post-treatment
0 0

* * *
(.) (.)
(j) (j)

1.0 E 1.0
a. a.
>- >-
(j) (j)

0.0 0.0
Total Endoluminal Submucosal Total Endoluminal Submucosal


~ ~
0 0
~ 2.0 ~ 2.0

0 0
E 1.0
E 1.o
>- >-
(j) (j)

00 0.0
Total Endoluminal Submucosal Total Endoluminal Submucosal

FIGURE 2. Symptom scores prebrachytherapy and postbrachytherapy using numerical indexes

ranging from 0 (best) to 4 (worst ). Scores are shown for th e total group (n=24) as well as for the
endoluminal (n = l6) and submucosaVextrinsic compression (n =8) groups separately. H emoptysis
was significantly improved postbrachytherapy for the total group as well as both the endoluminal
group and the submucosal/extrinsic compression group (astetisk=p<.OS). However, cough scores
improved only in the total and submucosal groups (asterisk=p<.OS).

endobronchial disease. This represented 50% in the infiltration/exttinsic compression can have objective
group with central tumor and 71% in the group with improvements in symptoms following HDR-BT.
peripheral tumor (Table 3). These improvements did Furthermore, patients with endobronchial tumor in
not differ significantly between the two groups. the more peripheral airways have better symptom
response rates compared with patients with central
Symptoms related to airway involvement are com-
The major finding of this study is that patients with mon and problematic in many lung cancer patients.
endobronchial tumor characte1ized morphologically Increasingly, HDR-BT is being used for treatment of
by either endoluminal projection or by submucosal local airway tumor, with improvement in symptoms

Table 3-Summary of the Number of Subjects Showing Improvements in Variables Following Brachytherapy by
Subject Group*
Appearance Location

Total (n=24) Endoluminal (n =16) Submucosal (n=8) Central (n=10) Peripheral (n=14)

Hemoptysis 11/14 1 7/101 4/4 1 4/6 718 1

Cough ll/24 1 6/16 5/8 1 3/10 8/14 1
Dyspnea 8/24 6/16 218 3/10 5/14
Pneumonitis 1/5 0/4 l/1 0/2 l /3
CXH (atelectasis) 9/21 6/15 3/6 218 7/13 1
Bronchoscopy 15/24 10/16 5/8 5/10 10/ 14 1
*Denominators refl ect the number of subjects with the abnormality at baseline.
p< 0.01, posttreatment vs baseline.
1p < 0.05, posttreatmen t vs baseline.

950 Cl inical Investigations

2.0 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 2.0 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
D pre-treatment
~ ~ • post-treat ment
0 0
u u

§ 1.0
* * (f)

a. a.
>- >-
(f) (f)

0.0 0.0
Central Periphera l Tota l Central Peripheral


~ ~
2.0 8
(f) 2.0

.8 0
E- 1.0 E 1.0
>- >-
(f) (f)

0.0 0.0
Total Central Peripheral Total Central Peripheral

FIGURE 3. Symptom scores prebrachytherapy and postbrachytherapy using numerical indexes ranging from
0 (best) to 4 (worst). Scores are shown for central and peripherally located tumors. Hemoptysis and cough
were significantly improved in tl1e total and peripheral tumor groups (asteJisk=p <.05).

ranging from 50 to 90% in some series_17 This lower dose of radiation and therefore exhibit less
intervention may be particularly useful in patients response to HDR-BT than endoluminal tumor adja-
who have previously received maximal external irra- cent to the treatment catheter.
diation, as in this study, where therapeutic options Our data indicate that patients who present with
are limited.l 0 •11 There are a number of other modal- symptomatic endobronchial disease, regardless of
ities available to improve airway patency, including whether disease is endoluminal or submucosal, may
laser debulking, airway stenting, and cryotherapy. It show objective improvements in endobronchial ob-
has been suggested that tumor characterized by struction and radiographic abnormalities. Overall
submucosal infiltration and/or extrinsic compression response rates in both groups are consistent with
may be best palliated with the placement of airway tl1ose previously reportedP Symptom scores tended
stents and that endoluminal disease may respond to improve in most patients; however, the only
best to a combination of laser de bulking and brachy- significant improvements were in hemoptysis (both
therapy.18 However, there is little information indi-
the endoluminal and submucosal group) and cough
cating which factors, if any, might predict a good
(only the submucosal group).
outcome following HDR-BT.
The finding that hemoptysis improved signifi-
cantly in both the endoluminal and the submucosal
Bronchoscopic Tumor Appearance
infiltration/extrinsic compression groups is not sur-
Radiation delivered by HDR-BT is related to the prising. Although submucosal disease tended to
inverse square law, with the intensity of radiation spread extensively along the airway while endolumi-
delivered to the tissue falling off inversely as the square nal disease was often a discrete projection, the
of the distance from the radiation source.l9 For exam- mucosal surface was treated in both cases.
ple, if the distance from the radiation source is doubled, In contrast to hemoptysis, cough scores improved
the intensity of radiation delivered will be a quarter of significantly in the submucosal group but not in t he
the original intensity. With this principle in mind, we endoluminal group. This was not clearly related to
hypothesized that tumor characterized by submucosal improvements in the degree of atelectasis by CXR or
infiltration or extrinsic compression may receive a endobronchial obstruction since the two groups

CHEST/112/4/0CTOBER, 1997 951

demonstrated similar degrees of improvement in There was a v.ride range of time intervals between
both categories. This is not surprising since atelecta- the completion of external irradiation and the start of
sis is likely only one mechanism of cough in this brachytherapy, and this variable may have had an
group of patients. Other possible mechanisms may effect on the treatment response. For instance,
be related to secretions and irritation of the tracheo- tumor that recurs symptomatically after a brief time
bronchial tree or mediastinum, which may have been interval may behave differently from that which
affected differently by treatment in the two groups. recurs relatively later. However, both endoluminal
and submucosal groups had similar mean and me-
Tumor Location as a Determinant of Response dian time intervals from the initial treatment, and
therefore time is unlikely to have been an important
We observed that cough and hemoptysis improved
confounding factor.
significantly only in the group with tumor located at
sites distal to the main bronchi. Better response rates
in the peripheral airways may be the result of closer The Role of Brachytherapy
proximity of tumor to the radiation source within the Patients referred for brachytherapy generally have
airway lumen compared with larger caliber airways. advanced lung cancer. In this study, subjects had
This would result in a higher dose of radiation persistent and/or progressive disease despite previ-
delivered to the tumor in the former group. 20 Alter- ous external irradiation. The treatment goals for
natively, the improvement in tl1e group with more brachytherapy at our institution are thus palliative
peripheral tumor, which bronchoscopically was com- rather than curative. With this in mind, the interven-
posed of both endoluminal and submucosal tumor tion should be acceptable to patients with a mini-
types, may also be a result of less extensive endo- mum of discomfort and without the need for hospi-
bronchial disease. Tumor location classification was talization. Our results suggest that bronchoscopic
based on the initial bronchoscopy and the response tumor appearance does not predict the response to
was based on the degree of patency of the predom- endobronchial irradiation, and hence both subsets of
inant area of disease identified. The patients with patients can be offered this modality of therapy.
centrally located disease had similar response rates With regard to tumor location, peripheral disease
with regard to bronchoscopic appearance compared appears to have better response rates than more
to those with peripheral disease. However, in some central tumor. Based on these findings, it would be
cases, as central disease improved, tumor was ob- reasonable to consider treating more peripheral tu-
served to extend into more peripheral locations that mor with brachytherapy, while combined interven-
were now rendered visible by bronchoscopy. There- tions, such as laser ablation followed by brachythe-
fore, patients with centrally located tumor may have rapy, could be used to attempt to achieve better rates
had more extensive endobronchial disease, and the of response in more centrally located tumors. Larger
poorer response rates in this group may have been randomized controlled trials would be useful to
the result of initially unappreciated disease. Central determine whether combined modality therapy im-
tumor may also be associated with more bulky proves symptoms related to airway involvement bet-
mediastinal tumor which may account for the poorer ter than HDR brachytherapy alone, to better define
response rates. In future studies of this nature, it the role of brachytherapy in the palliation of lung
would be useful to more accurately quantify and cancer.
localize tumor burden, perhaps with CT imaging.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The authors wish to thank the Radi-
ation Oncology technicians and nurses, as well as the technicians
Study Limitations of the Department of Inhalation Therapy at the Royal Victoria
Although the number of patients studied was rela-
tively small, this does not detract from the observation
that patients with both endoluminal and submucosal
tumor may derive significant symptomatic improve-
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