My Life As An en 607-WPS Office

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To our honoured guest, our beloved Purposive School is done through modular method.

Communication Instructor, Teacher Cherie first day of school is done online and through it,
Sison. Our very active class Mayor, Mr. Earl I've met 28 new faces. On October 10th - the
Joseph Escalante. Members of the BSME 1-2 next month is scheduled to be our first meet
Class, friends, ladies and gentlemen, Good face to face and I wasn't prepare to meet
evening. Life of an engineering student may everyone because I don't know them yet and I
come out as either ecstatic, miserable, and kinda feel shy to meet them but after we met,
neither of the two. Now hear me out as I we somehow get along on each other even on
explore you to my life becoming a student and a the first day. We tried to hangout more, talked
friend in Cebu Technological University. alot, share different things -the likes and
dislikes, and now we have created new circle of
Taking up the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical
friends and I'm glad about it. To my friends out
Engineering is quite hard and I think it is
there, thank you for being here at my side at my
impossible for me to catch up an Engineering
highs and lows. However, the life of an
course since my High School strand is not
engineering student is not that always fun
compatible in engineering. I tried to apply at
because it is expected that subjects will be tiring
CTU - the only university I applied for. I waited
and may come out as hard and uneasy. What
for several weeks then I am eligible to take the
I've expected became real. On the first
next step - the entrance exam which is the thing
Semester there are a lot of activities to be done
I feared the most since Engineering is focused
and lessons to be learned. All it takes is
more on mathematics but my background of
hardwork and some sleepless nights. There is a
math is limited and inadequate in scope. Life
surreal pressure in academics that pushes me to
goes on as they've said, I take the exam online
surpass my limits so that the things to be done
with courage and a little bit of fear in me. The
will be done and lessons to be learned shall be
next time I know, I am at the last phase of the
absorbed even further. After all, the hardworks
application process - the interview. There are
and sleepless nights have been paid off as I
questions asked in relation to Mechanical
received an average grade from professors. On
Engineering and an answer has been
the Second semester of my life, new subjects
responded. Another weeks have passed, and
means new challenge. The pressure that I feel
the university posted the initial list of qualifiers,
last Semester is kinda same and it seems like I
but sadly I didn't get one slot so I ended up
got the answer for Olivia Rodrigo's Do you get
being sad and overthinking where will I apply
Deja vu huh! Yes I felt it now as the semester is
next university since other universities are
going to an end. I've already expected this high,
already done accepting applicants for next
and I know engineering is not an easy course in
Academic year. Sad days have passed when
college, so there is no room for me to be
someone texted me on my phone saying that " I
regretful for since I entered this new life. All in
did not reach the cut-off rank for the BSME DAY
all, engineering is not an easy profession. From
Program. However, they are giving me a chance
the beginning of my life as a freshman going to
to transfer my application to the evening
senior, academic pressure will prevail. However,
program for me to qualify for BSME at CTU-
it's important to take time to loosen up the
Main." I immediately grab the opportunity and
pressure and enjoy life with family and friends.
replied saying: "yes I am willing to take the
Take time to relax, have fun and everything will
evening class." On that day, I became the most
go on smoothly. That's all, thank you and Good
happiest person in the world. Weeks later in the
morning, the CTU have posted the final list of
qualifiers and my name is there, I shouted
loudly and happily in my room like a crazy
The beginning of the class officially started on
September 5, 2022 and I can't seem to find any
clue about online class since our Senior High

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