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at first glance in tatters, on cloud nine at odds in the offing on the blink | beyond the pale in the saddle ‘on the hop | in aid of off the cuff cover the hill | in deep water off the peg under the weather —_——_ 1. The prime minister wasn't too well prepared for the press conference. His answers were .. ... and didn't satisfy the reporters. 2. It's the third time that the surgeon made a critical mistake and his patient died. His reputation and carreer are now .... 8. The peace negotiations have been broken off. Another outbreak of fighting is Within a few hours new attacks will be launched. ... when she had learnt about winning the main prize at 4. Edith was. the annual lottery. 5. We did argue before, but never have we been .... over such minor matters. 6. I need to have my video camera repaired. It's ... again. 7. could tolerate your noisy partes time and again, but throwing bottes out of the Window WAS «once this time. | want you to move out of my flat. 8. Nicole asked what the compass in my bag was | explained to her that we needed it in case we got lost in i the forest. 9, The Board have resolved that the director of our branch in Leeds will remain .. until he decides to leave on his own the new apprentice seemed quite witty, but it soon turned out with each other 10. he was all thumbs. 11. You can't expect your father to run as quickly as you do. He is... now and his physical strength isn't that good any more. 12. The coach's decision to put me in the first team caught me... | didn’t even expect to be appointed for the World Cup squad. 13. We do not have any tailored clothes on offer. We sell them ... only. 14, One of the salesmen found himself . osu afte it tured out he had stolen some documents from the directors cabinet 16. Sue is not coming. She'going to stay in bed as she's a bit 20 burn cry fan hit lead nail pluck poke read reap shed spare split stew work 1. It's useless to try to deceive Michael. He is so smart that he can... a lie with ease. 2. Despite the curator's scary stories about ghosts and creaking floorboards at night, we managed to . wv up the courage to spend the night in the castle. 3. So you have lost all your money on the bets. But i's NO GOOd OVE spilt milk. Next time you come to Las Vegas, you should stay clear of casinos. 4. He didn't put it straight, but | could a. between the lines that he was not satisfied with the fee that he was offered 5. Any form of irresponsible behaviour is punished at this school. Those who call other pupils names or «nu fun at them are put in detention. 6. The preparations for the secret mission must be completed within just two weeks. No wonder the agents have been ... the candle at both ends. 7. I've been worried about Carl since he started keeping company of those bad boys. He's a weak character and they may easily... him astray. 8. Itis hoped that Mr Hurston's testimony will... new light on the case of women kidnappings in Livingston. 9, It's not the matter of being a disciplined employee. Pete keeps rule to show his dissatisfaction with the fact that he wasn't given a rise. 40. We love visiting the Browns because they are so hospitable and friendly. They will s+. NO pains to make you feel comfortable in their house. 41. Poor Mr Daniels. When his wife left him with her lover he bottle. And he has been drinking heavily since then 42. I'm going to invest my savings in the business and hope to a considerable harvest in the future. 13. | offered to pay $100, and Sean insisted on $120. But finally, we agreed that we would ... .. the difference, so | paid him $110 for the moped, 14. twas Adam's decision to accept the bribes. Let him in his own Juice now. 15. You shouldn't have mentioned anything about Steve's failed exam. It only ... the flames of your brothers irritation. . to 241 (<= _ insert the nouns in the appropriate phrases, back eye heart neck shoulder — bone face leg nose __ teeth chin hair lip palm thumb | re 1. know it's quite a depressing situation, but keep your... will get better soon. 2. At the beginning, my boss would not take my ideas and suggestions seriously. But when my projects proved to be successful, he had a change of 3. The official can't be very honest if he expects us to grease his ... before arranging every matter. 4, We will never reach an agreement if you go on setting your against all our recommendations. 5. It was Stephanie who put Amy's sau OUt Of joint, The moment she arrived at the party, all the boys wanted to keep her company. 6. Did he tell you he worked in the theatre? Don't believe a word he says. He always lies through his T. The agent told the man he had to pay ten thousand pounds extra for the mortgage and he didn't even turn alan .... He must have been a millionaire. 8. It looks like the politicians only pay .. ..Service to our charity organization. They never really offer any financial support. 9. The farmers in the country must have their .... ... to the walll considering that the cereal and meat prices have slumped by 50%. 10. The suspect says that at the time of the robbery he was in a cinema. But nobody in fact saw him there. It seems he does not have a/an . to stand on. 11. Everybody was giving Anthony the cold . when we found out it was him who told the teacher that we were going to play truant from the lesson. 12. He treats me as if he had alan (0 pick with me. Have | done anything wrong to him? 13. You'll certainly get it in the... . if your mother discovers you smoke cigarettes in the backyard. 14. They say that Mr Palmer's resignation was his own decision. But | can assure you there is more to it than meets the 418, Jenny refused to wear her grandmother's hat during the ceremony saying that she wasn't going to stick out like a sore : 7 i up! Things > (TST _Fill the gaps with the appropriate nouns to complete the phrases. apple freak load sleight spot bed hive neck —slip_— walk can horse quirk spice ward ee 41. This fish is a 2. We are intending to gather people from every ... out their opinions about living in the city. 3. It's @ hard life we are living now, but honestly | cannot remember the times when itwas a/an.... of roses. 4. In the researchers’ account the market place was a/an activity in every ancient city. 5. Did she say one hundred? She certainly meant to say one thousand. It must have been a/an . of the tongue. 6. Nobody would have considered the problem to be such a/an worms. How are we going to deal with it? 7. Why did the professor mention the implant surgery at all? It is a/an .. of a different colour, isn't it? He was supposed to speak about hair analy: 8. Several coins of gold became the ... of discord between the explorers who had unearthed the treasure trove. 9. Both Hugh and Gill brought flowers for Caroline. Was it a/an fate or some intricate plan? 10. | suppose the man is trying to fool us. What he says is just /an of cobblers. 41. Everything's going fine so far, but there may be a/an ... when it comes to appointing the chairman. Not everyone likes Harold. 12. How about going to a disco? Why spend every evening in front of the TV set? of nature. |t has got no fins, but it still can swim. . Of life to find of of bother Don't you know variety is the of life? 13, The judge has resolved that the baby will become a/an .. of court until she turns eighteen. 14. Wolves haven't been spotted in this .. of the woods for about four years, so the area may be considered safe for tourists. 15. The little children were amazed at the conjurer’s unimaginable ... of hand. The trick with the rabbit popping out of the hat brought the house down. 23 1. It’s true Jack can be very critical. He is always everyone else's ability to run the business. putting BL casting BL drawing EJ applying aspersions on 2. She's very unhappy all alone with her problems. She's got nobody to their ear. EL pick EY jiet EL Jbend EL] speak 3. Don't throw that basket away! It may still se in handy when we go picking mushrooms. EL jfind EX} EL_]come ELJgive 4, Celia would always look up to her older brother. Whatever Adrian did she invariably ... - Suit, EX followed = BJ carried FI pursued EL kept 5. No matter how I tried to convince him that | was right, he dismissing all my arguments. thought EX] fixed claimed EL stood 6. The performance in the National Theatre really . last night. The actors were give a standing ovation. . his ground the house down EX took EX] brought EL jiet EL jset 7. The final decision has already been taken, so there's no use in your the toss, arguing EL disapproving F_|dismissing EEI_] quarreling 8. | wor''t listen to anyone. | am grown-up now and | can decide what | do in my life. I don't want anyone to _ my style. E_Jprevent BL spoil EJ distur Ej cramp 9. Sadly, my tutor gave me a poor mark for my piece of writing. She told me | had .. oo many liberties with the real facts. ET J placea EL] made EJ taken EL) found 10. What the secretary says doesn't necessarily . you should never disobey your director's instructions. EX play EL cary EL Jhold EL] mean 24 11. It... .. fo reason that the princess won't arrive unless you send her a formal invitation. EX Joets EY] comes E_|stands EL lays 12, We've had to quit our cooperation with this wholesaler as we could never a bargain, He asked for more than we could offer. EL J strike EL hit GJ beat EL) knock 13. Alot of scorn has been merciless practices. Eq Jbiamed ij launched =] poured EL fixed herself together after her . on the Canadian seal hunters for their 14, It may take a long time before Mary ... mother's death. EX] brings EV finds draws EL] pulls 15. According to the verdict, the boy will be removed from school on the grounds of : dirty tricks on the teachers and other pupils. ED] working BY driving EJ playing EJ committing 16. Your leftist views ... in the face of our party programme, so you'd better drop them or find another party for yourself. ELlty EL) un tun EJ look 17. This savage war had of its inhabitants homeless. EX cast ED grown aia EL set 18. She would have been fined for leaving her car in the wrong place, hadn't the policeman decided to . the rules on that single occasion. EV Jleave BL) bend Gait EL) skip the deadlock in the .. this beautiful country waste and left many 19. The new round of negotiations is hoped to Middle East. EY] break EX] remove Ei Jdispense I Juntie. 20. Let me take care of your scratched knee. I've been a nurse for eighteen years, 801... . the ropes like nobody else. EL Jhave EL rasp EJ know ET operate 25

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