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Rainy Day Surprise

Leah had been waiting for this day all week long. On Saturdays, Leah’s seventeen-year-
old brother, Aiden, took her to the playground. Today was Saturday.
As they walked together toward the playground, Leah noticed that Aiden was looking at
the sky. “What’s wrong?” she asked.
“I think it might rain, “he said. “Maybe we’d better go home.”
Leah was unhappy with the idea. “Can’t we just see what happens? Please!”
Aiden sighed and nodded. “OK. Let’s keep walking. But if it starts to rain, we might
need to head back. I didn’t bring any umbrellas or raincoats or anything, and you’re not wearing
your rain boots.”
Leah cheered up and skipped toward the playground. But before they got there, it did
start to rain, but only lightly.
“Let’s head home, Leah,” Aiden said.
Leah frowned, but she knew her brother was right. She just hoped they could get home
without getting too wet. She hated being wet.
So they turned around and walked in the light rain, staying mostly dry. But when they
were about half way home, the light rain turned into a downpour. They were drenched
Leah grew more and more unhappy that her trip to the playground had been spoiled by
the rain. She stopped running and dragged her feet as she walked toward home. The wetter
she got, the grouchier she felt until she couldn’t get any wetter or grouchier. She was beginning
to think that her day was ruined.
Suddenly, Aiden started running toward her. He took a flying leap into the puddle that
was right next to her, causing a humongous splash.
“Aiden, what are you doing?” Leah asked, surprised. She looked at his face and saw a
huge grin. Then she understood, he was having fun. She decided to try it too. She ran
forward, and the next time she came to a puddle, she jumped right in the middle. SPLASH! That
was fun! Maybe her day wasn’t ruined after all.
“I can splash higher than!” she called to her brother. The two splashed and laughed all
the way home.

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