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Osteoporosis effects

The effects of Osteoperosis

Nicholas Grokhowsky

Green Hope High School CTE Health Science


Oct 4, 2023
Osteoporosis effects

Osteoperosis is a disease that mainly effects the skeltal system the system that

keeps the body protected and supported it is made up of bones and cartilage.

Osteoporosis effects the bones ability to handle stress and fractures by decreasing the

density of the bones, thus making them fragile and easier to break.

Osteoperosis is caused because the creation of new boen cannot keep up with

the removal of new bone. The main symptom of osteoporosis is weakened bones from

a low bone density which causes bones to become extremely fragile and easily broken..

Osteoporosis dosen only effect the Skeltal system though it also effects the nervous

system by making vertebrae fragile and easy to break. A common fracture from

osteoperosis is a compression fracture which happens when there are small

breaks/cracks in the vertebrae that can mess with nervous function. causes of

osteoporosis are prolonged periods of inactivity, old age, and genetics. Osteoporosis is

an autosomal recessive trait which means that it can skip generations, but this dosent

mean it doesn't run in a family. Another factor that contributes to developing

osteoporosis is a persons race and sex. White and asian women are most prone to the

disease, but men with low testosterone are also very prone to the disease. People with

osteoperosis oftern experince many broken bones, limited movement, pain in the

bones, and decreases height ove rlong periods of time. This can cause people to not be

able to do physical activities because of the weakened state of their bodies. The

effected person bones break because the bones become porous and this leads to low

bone density which in turns makes bones weaker and much more fragile and break

much easier. A common indicator of osteoporosis is becoming shorter as you grow

older because your bones can start to collapse from being to weak to hold up your body
Osteoporosis effects

therefore shortning you. To determine if you have osteoporosis they have to put you

through some medical imaging such as a DXA(Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry)

which uses two xray beams aimed at the patients bones at different energy levels when

soft tissue is subtracted out they can find out bone mineral density. When they do this to

look for osteoporosis they are looking at bone mineral density. Another medical imaging

device they use is a CT scan which is a computed tomography scan is a medical

imaging technique used to obtain detailed internal images of the body this is also used

to find out bone mineral density. Once they officially find out if you have osteoporosis

they can prescribe you with medications but osteoporosis is not curable only treatable.

To limit the effects of osteoporosis you can use hormonal therapies which replaces

gender specific hormones(testosterone, or estrogen) and can increase the bone density

and help limit the effects of osteoporosis. Another treatment optinon would be medicine

such as Alendronate (Fosamax), a weekly pill. Risedronate (Actonel), a weekly or

monthly pill. Ibandronate (Boniva), a monthly pill or quarterly intravenous (IV) infusion.

Another way to limit the effects of osteoperosis is to have a healthy diet and exercize

often. A healthy diet would consist of a lot of dark green vegtables, calcium, vitamin

milk, cereal, bread, etc. As far as exercising walking and low aerobic exercise is a good

thing to do. More ways to decrease the osteoporosis symptoms, are to quit smoking,

and to give weightlifting a try.

Osteoperosis is a skeltal disese which also effects the nervous system. Its main

symptom is broken or weakened bones, and limtied range of motion. Osteoperosis is

not curable but is treated using over the counter medicines and types of hormonal
Osteoporosis effects

therapies. Osteoporosis is hard to live with but so long as you have a healthy diet get

enough exercize, and take medication you can live a normal happy life.
Osteoporosis effects

Professional, C. C. M. (n.d.). Osteoporosis. Cleveland Clinic.



Risk factors. (n.d.). UC San Diego Health.


Branch, N. S. C. a. O. (2023, September 25). Osteoporosis. National Institute of Arthritis

and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.



Birge, S. J. (2008). Osteoporotic fractures: A brain or bone disease? Current

Osteoporosis Reports, 6(2), 57–61.

Osteoporosis effects

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