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Senior High School

Philippine Politics and

Quarter 1 – Module 9
Roles and Powers of the Executive Branch
of the Government

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Development Team of the Module

Writers: Argiepy J. Gumapac, RN, Anna Lou A. Pijoto,

Revilyn O. Regunda, Vincent L. Becena

Editors: Maribeth L. Dimla, Christyl P. Anota

Reviewers: Dante M. Orozco, Cristie M. Curias, Angelina M. Ebueza
Illustrator: Danilo L. Galve
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Kathy Mae F. Daclan
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Gemma C. Pullos
Manuel L. Limjoco, Jr.

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Senior High School

Philippine Politics and

Quarter 1 – Module 9
Roles and Powers of the Executive Branch
of the Government

Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to the Philippine Politics and Governance Self-Learning Module on
Roles and Powers of the Executive Branch of the Government.
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by
educators both from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or
facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum
while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of the

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that will help

you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You
also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their
own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as
they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:

Welcome to the Philippine Politics and Governance Self-Learning Module on

Roles and Powers of the Executive Branch of the Government.
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled
to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the historical background of
Philippine democratic politics, the executive, the legislative, the judiciary, and
decentralization and the local governance

The learner explains the roles of different political institutions.

The learners shall be able to:
a. Analyze the roles and powers of the executive branch of the

At the end of the module, you should be able to:
1. identify the different roles and responsibilities of the Philippine
2. recognize the responsibilities that come along with the power of the
President; and
3. explain concisely the role of the Philippine President.


Every institution follows a system. The Philippine government has three (3)
branches: the executive headed by the President, judicial held by the Chief Justice,
and legislative which acts as policy-making body and is composed of two houses –
the upper house (senate) and the lower house (congress). This lesson will focus on
the overview of the roles and functions of the President and all other people or
agencies associated with the executive branch of the government.


Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. To qualify as a candidate for the presidency, a person must be ________,

A. A natural-born Filipino citizen
B. At least 45 years of age on the day of the election
C. A registered voter
D. Able to read and write

2. To qualify as a candidate for the vice-presidency, a person must be ___________,

A. A resident of the Philippines for at least 10 years immediately preceding
such an election
B. A registered voter
C. A naturalized Filipino citizen
D. Able to read and write

3. Which of the following tells the term of office of the President?

A. Six-year term C. Five-year term
B. Four-year term D. Ten-year term

4. Which specific date tells the exact date of the assumption of office of the President?
A. 4th day of July C. 25th day of February
B. 12th day of June D. 30th day of June

5. On what condition can a President be qualified to run for re-election?

A. The person who served as President only held office for four years or less.
B. The person who served as President only held office for five years or less.
C. The person who served as President only held office for 3 years or less.
D. The person who served as President only held office for two years or less.

6. The following statements tell the conditions that the President can be replaced
within his term of office, EXCEPT:
A. In case of death C. Permanent Disability
B. After his term of office ends D. Resignation by the President

7. The following persons could fill up the line of succession for the position of
presidency, EXCEPT;
A. Vice-President C. Chief Justice
B. Senate President D. Speaker of the House

8. Aside from the executive power, there are other major powers held by the
president, EXCEPT;
A. Power to appoint the heads of executive departments
B. Administrative power
C. Military power
D. Police power

9. Among the major powers of the president, what is his first major power?
A. Administrative power
B. Power to appoint the heads of executive departments
C. Military power
D. Executive power

10. The president can appoint the following, EXCEPT;

A. Heads of executive departments C. Heads of the ambassadors
B. Local Chief Executive D. Other public ministers and consuls

11. The president has control of the following, EXCEPT;

A. Regional offices C. Executive bureaus
B. Executive department D. Executive offices

12. What does Section 16, Article VII of the Philippine Constitution state?
A. Executive power of the president C. Administrative power
B. President’s power of appointment D. Military power

13. What does Section 17, Article VII of the Philippine Constitution state?
A. The executive power of the president
B. President’s power of appointment
C. Administrative power
D. Military power

14. What does Section 18, Article VII of the Philippine Constitution state?
A. The executive power of the president
B. President’s power of appointment
C. Administrative power
D. Military power

15. It is called the president’s power to release a wrongdoer from punishment after
A. Forgiveness
B. Public apology
C. Amnesty
D. Pardon


Guide Questions:

1. Write four events during each period in the Philippines evolution of Politics and
Philippine Politics and Governance in Pre-Spanish Period

Philippine Politics and Governance During the Spanish Period


2. Discuss how the Philippine president exercises power.


Activity 1: GAME: CHARADE

Direction: Given the names of the president, cite one thing that made the person
notable in history and politics.


1. Fidel V. Ramos

2. Joseph Ejercito Estrada

3. Benigno “Ninoy” C. Aquino III

4. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

5. Rodrigo Roa Duterte

Note to the Teacher

There are several possible answers based on the experiences of the
students. Consider answers that are relevant to the questions and could
have been a possible answer but not included in the answer key.


Direction: Given the pictures of the public officials, identify the branch of government
they belong to. Write executive, legislative, or judiciary.

(Executive, Legislative or Judiciary)
1. Chief Justice Renato Corona

2. Senator Emmanuel “Manny” D. Pacquiao

3. Congressman Robert “Ace” Barbers

4. Vice-President Leni Robredo

5. President Rodrigo Roa Duterte


Direction: Answer and explain the following questions below. Rubrics will be provided.
(5points each)

1. What are the powers and functions of the president?


2. How should a president exercise his power?


3. Why should the citizens be vigilant to observe the exercise of the power of the
4. Are the powers of the president unlimited? Why or why not?



The Philippine Government

The Philippine government has an organized framework of a presidential,

representative, and democratic republic whereby the president is both the head of
state and the head of government. This form of government involves three separate
and sovereign yet interdependent branches: the legislative branch (the law-making
body), the executive branch (the law-enforcing body), and the judicial branch (the law-
interpreting body). Executive power is exercised by the president. Legislative power is
vested in both the government and the two-chamber Congress—the Senate (the upper
chamber) and the House of Representatives (the lower chamber). The Supreme Court
of the Philippines is the highest judicial body where judicial power is vested in the

Executive Branch

We have a presidential form of government in the Philippines. The center of

power is the president of the Philippines, the head of both government and state
(Santiago, 2002). This also means that he/she is not constrained by both the judicial
and legislative branches in the performance of his/her duties as the country’s chief
executive (Watson in Ramirez, 1969). The executive power vested upon the president
and the executive branch basically means “the power to enforce and administer the
laws” (Ramirez, 1969).

The qualification of a candidate for presidency includes the following:

1. A natural-born Filipino citizen;
2. A registered voter;
3. Able to read and write;
4. At least forty (40) years old on the day of the election; and
5. A Philippine resident for at least ten years immediately preceding such

The position of the vice-president has also the same qualification a president has.

The president and the vice-president are elected through direct voting by the
majority of the voters and will begin their six-year term on the 30th day of June following
the day of the election. The president cannot run for re-election for the said office again
unless that person who served as a president only held office for four years or less. In
case of death, permanent disability, removal from office, or resignation by the
president, the following line of succession is observed until the position of president is
filled up: Vice-President, Senate President, and Speaker of the House of

Aside from the executive power, there are other major powers held by the
president. The first major power is the power of appointment provided in Section 16,
Article VII of the Constitution. The president can appoint the heads of executive
departments, ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, officers of the armed
forces from the rank of colonel or naval captain, and other officers whose
appointments are vested in him/her by the Constitution.

The second major power is administrative, as stated in Section 17, Article VII.
The president must have control of all executive departments, bureaus and offices. He
must ensure that the laws be faithfully executed.

The third major power is the military power for being the Commander-in-Chief
of all the Armed Forces of the Philippines under Section 18, Article VII. Along with this
power is the power to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus and to place
the country or any part of the Philippines under martial law in some cases where
invasion or rebellion arises or when public safety requires it. The president is given 48
hours from the proclamation of martial law to submit a report regarding such
proclamation to the congress which will then decide if the proclamation be revoked or

The president has also the power to grant pardons and amnesty. Pardon is the
power to release a wrongdoer from punishment after conviction. Amnesty is a pardon
extended to a group of persons and abolish the offense before or after conviction.

Other powers of the president include the power to contract or guarantee

foreign loans on behalf of the Republic subject to the prior concurrence of the Monetary
Board and subject to limitations as may be provided by the law; the power to sign a
treaty or international agreement provided that the validity and effectiveness of such
treaty will be ratified first by at least two-thirds of all the members of the Senate; and
the power of the budget under Section 22, Article VII, where the president submits to
the Congress a budget of expenditures and sources of financing, including receipts
from existing and proposed revenue measure.

Though the president exercises a lot of powers, he/she should be reminded

always that the true power rests in the people and that the Office of the President, as
well as other branches of the government, exists to serve the people of the Philippines.


Direction. Choose one of the topics below. Be an “expert” on the executive branch of
the government you have chosen. Research on the topic and write an analytical essay
whatever you have learned.
1. The Executive Lifestyle and Other Business Transactions
2. The President and the Armed Forces of the Philippines
3. The Other Functions of the Executive Branch
4. The Executive Branch Power over the Legislative and Judicial Branches


Direction. Choose one of the presidents of the Philippines and briefly discuss how
he/she performed his/her duties. Describe some of her/his successful programs as
well as the issues against him/her during his/her term. State how his/her programs and
administration would have been better.



Direction: Complete the concept map below. Write information or description of the
executive branch in the circles around the main concept.



Direction. Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following tells the term of office of the President?

A. Six-year term C. Five-year term
B. Four-year term D. Ten-year term

2. The president can appoint the following, EXCEPT;

A. Heads of executive departments C. Heads of the ambassadors
B. Local Chief Executive D. Other public ministers and consuls

3. The president has control of the following, EXCEPT;

A. Regional offices C. Executive bureaus
B. Executive department D. Executive offices

4. To qualify as a candidate for the vice-presidency, a person must be ___________,

A. A resident of the Philippines for at least 10 years immediately preceding
such election
B. A registered voter
C. A naturalized Filipino citizen
D. Able to read and write

5. Among the major powers of the president, what is his first major power?
A. Administrative power
B. Power to appoint the heads of executive departments
C. Military power
D. Executive power

6. Aside from the executive power, there are other major powers held by the president,
A. Power to appoint the heads of executive departments
B. Administrative power
C. Military power
D. Police Power

7. To qualify as a candidate for presidency, a person must be ___________,

A. A natural-born Filipino citizen C. A registered voter
B. At least 45 years of age D. Able to read and write
on the day of the election

8. The following persons could fill up the line of succession for the position of
presidency, EXCEPT;
A. Vice-President C. Senate President
B. Chief Justice D. Speaker of the House

9. Which specific date tells the exact date of the assumption of office of the President?
A. 4th day of July C. 25th day of February
B. 12th day of June D. 30th day of June

10. The following statements tell the conditions that the President can be replaced
within his term of office, EXCEPT;
A. In case of death C. Permanent Disability
B. After his term of office ends D. Resignation by the President

11. On what condition can a President be qualified to run for re-election?

A. The person who served as President only held office for four years or less.
B. The person who served as President only held office for five years or less.
C. The person who served as President only held office for 3 years or less.
D. The person who served as President only held office for two years or less.

12. What does Section 16, Article VII of the Philippine Constitution state?
A. The executive power of the president
B. President’s power of appointment
C. Administrative power
D. Military power

13. What does Section 17, Article VII of the Philippine Constitution state?
A. The executive power of the president
B. President’s power of appointment
C. Administrative power
D. Military power

14. What does Section 18, Article VII of the Philippine Constitution state?
A. The executive power of the president
B. President’s power of appointment
C. Administrative power
D. Military power

15. It is called the president’s power to release a wrongdoer from punishment after
A. Forgiveness
B. Amnesty
C. Public apology
D. Pardon

1. B
2. C Philippine Politics and Governance in Pre-Spanish Period
3. A 1.Classless Societies
4. D 2.Warrior Societies
5. A
6. B 3. petty plutocracies
7. C 4. principalities
8. D
9. D Philippine Politics and Governance During the Spanish Period
10. B
11. A 1. Indigenous political systems in hispanized areas were removed and
12. B replaced by the colonial form of the government for easier management.
13. C 2. Hispanized areas in the Philippines became tied to the government in
14. D Spain with the king as head, followed by the viceroy in Latin America
15. D (Gripaldo et al 2005)
3.Communities were arranged according to the reduccion policy that
centralized settlements around colonial institutions, such as the church and
municipal hall.
4. The governor general became the head of the colony, followed by the
alcades and corregimientos, gobernadorcillos, and cabreza de barangays
(Gripaldo et al. 2005)
Activity 1: Game Charade (Answers may vary) 1. C
Activity 2: Picture Perfect 2. D
3. B
1. Judiciary
4. D
2. Legislative 5. A
3. Legislative 6. B
4. Executive 7. D
5. Executive 8. B
9. A
10. C
(Answers may vary) 12. B
13. C
14. D
15. D

Book References
Rex Bookstore – Philippine Politics and Governance

Online References

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division of Surigao del Norte

Peñaranda St., Surigao City
Surigao del Norte, Philippines 8400
Tel. No: (086) 826-8216
Email Address:


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