Sales Magic Tricks

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Magic Tricks
What do you want to

be when you grow up?

When I ask reps this question, you know what answer I never hear? 

“I wanted to be a sales professional!”

Most of us get into sales by accident. It’s because sales has a major PR
problem. The public consensus is that we’re pushy, coin-operated, and
don’t have the customer’s best interest at heart. 

According to Gartner, 72% of buyers would prefer a rep-free experience.

Every sales interaction starts behind the starting line. The first hurdle we
have to overcome is our prospect’s skepticism. 

That’s the bad news. 

The good news? There are tried and true tactics that build instant
credibility. Stuff that takes little brainpower to execute that the industry’s
elite sales professionals do on a daily basis to land more meetings and
win more deals. 

These are the same tactics I’ve taught to sales teams at Gong, Zoom,
Medallia,, and many more.

And I’m going to share them with you in the next few pages.

Jason Bay

CEO & Founder

Outbound Squad

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Magic Tricks
Find low-hanging fruit

How to put this into action

Step #

Step #1

Look Step #3

for ex
Look for introduction aware brand relevant 

ness Look for

Additional Resource

LinkedIn: How I generate dozens of qualified meetings without being pitchy or spammy w/ Marcus Chan

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Permission-Based Openers

How to put this into action

Armand Farrokh’s opener

The Gong opener
Starting with rele

Additional Resources
Cold Calling: Ditch the gimmicks and steal this tried and true framework instead
The cold calling framework behind 25k+ meetings set over 6 months with Eric Watkins
Cold Calling: How to be disarmingly blunt and drop the formality with Nick and Armand
Cold Calling: From 7.5% to 30%+ meeting booked rate with Ethan Parker
Cold Calling with Belal Batrawy Cold Calling: From Reluctant To Confident

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Boring Subject Lines


Reply rate boost/loss


24% 25%
10% 19%


-10% -13%
-40% -41% -47%

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

# of words in subject line

How to put this into action

Area you help Common problems Personalized

Additional Resources
Steal this cold email formula for double digit reply rates with Florin Tatulea

Cold Email: Steal these 3 subject line formulas for 57%+ open rates with Belal Batrawy

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Point voicemails to emails

How to put this into action


“Hey Katie, was ca

lling about 12+ AEs
you’re hiring right
now. Noticed they
very strategically ’re
working on 3-5
Formula accounts at a tim
e. I just sent you an
email with how a
ant trigger]

few of our clients

[personalized/relev including Gong an
d Medallia are gett
their AEs to self-s ing

ource more pipelin

The subject line is e.

‘AE self-sourcing.
[sneak peek of em This is Jason by th
e way. Again, the

subject line on th

at email is ‘AE self

sourcing.’ Talk to -
su bject line] you soon.”
[CTA with specific

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“Any thoughts?”

How to put this into action

Yep, it’s that simple. And it works.

Bonus: Use Drift Video to create a GIF file to drop into emails like this:


il framework
Subject: RE Steal this cold ema


CEO & Founder | Outbound Squa

© Outbound Squad™ All Rights Reserved

Boost cold call pick-up rates

How to put this into action

01 06

02 07

03 08

04 09

05 10

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Magic Tricks
Use these during your sales calls to increase win
rates, land larger deals, and improve engagement
rates with senior stakeholders.
Increase webcam usage

Successful deals have higher

rates of webcam usage Win rates


Closed-lost deals
Active webcam
No webcam

Closed-won deals 41% more often

Webcam usage throughout sales cycle

How to put this into action

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Text your main point of contact

e ti
to reply me

90 min


reply rate 45%

1.3 min

How to put this into action 6%

email text

Text templates

Here’s w
s before the
 you get g t to do if 

For question For questions after 
next meeting the meeting

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How to put this into action






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Additional Resources
Jen Allen on the subtle art of multi-threading complex deals
Self-sourcing pipeline as an Account Executive and CRUSH multi-threading

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Use your customer voice

How to put this into action

Example 1: Asking about problems

Sales voice
“What problems are you having with getting your AEs to do more prospecting?”

Customer voice
“A VPs of Sales shared with me the other day that a big focus of hers is getting AEs to self-source more of their pipeline.
They’re relying too much on SDRs and inbound leads, which are starting to dry up. How does this compare to what you’re
seeing from your AEs?”

Example 2: Asking about priorities/goals

Sales voice
“What goals do you have for the next 12 months?”

Customer voice
“I know every org is structured a little differently. I talk to a few VPs of Sales every day, and there are usually a few key focuses
of those conversations: 

1 - Economic uncertainty - deal sizes are getting smaller, and sales cycles are lengthening, so there’s a big focus on increasing
pipeline coverage. I usually hear a target of around 5x today as opposed to 3x last year

2 - AE prospecting - AEs are a bit reliant on SDRs and inbound, and they are wanting to get their AEs self sourcing about 30%
of their pipeline. 

How does that compare to your priorities, NAME?”

Additional Resources
Steal this discovery call formula if you hate getting ghosted Discovery: How to run a sales call that doesn't feel like a sales call
Discovery Masterclass: How to run a world class sales call

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Start sales calls with a hypothesis

How to put this into action


“I noticed that three of yo

ur AEs were 

hired within the last year.
And that currently, 

it doesn’t look like you’re
actively hiring AEs 

or SDRs. This reminded me

who was tasked with 2x’ing
their sales target
but without any additional
headcount. They’d
traditionally relied on SDRs
and inbound to fill
their AEs pipeline. This go
t me thinking you
might be focused on some
thing similar:
helping AEs self-source mo
re of their own
deals, and quickly rampin
g up your newest 

AEs to help them nail those

conversations with F1000

Where’d I miss the mark?

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ways we can help you out.

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