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Module MIS10090: Data Analysis for Decision Making

Week 9

Tutorial Questions: Confidence Intervals

Question 1. Confidence Intervals for a Population Mean µ

Several business-related job positions have been reviewed. 31 randomly selected job adverts report
the following salaries (expressed in thousands of €):

[49 47 39 42 31 40 42 44 45 39 51 47 42 35 49 48 36 41 48 44 43 39 52 42 37 45 49 47 49 43 42]

Assuming that the population standard deviation σ is equal to 4.6, find a:

 90% confidence interval for the mean salary;

 95% confidence interval for the mean salary; and a
 99% confidence interval for the mean salary.

Assuming that the sample standard deviation s is known, find a:

 90% confidence interval for the mean salary;

 95% confidence interval for the mean salary; and a
 99% confidence interval for the mean salary.

Question 2. Confidence Intervals for a Population Proportion p

Considering a random sample of 100 students enrolled on a BSc course, the GPA of half of them is
greater or equal than 3.23. Find a:

 90% confidence interval,

 95% confidence interval, and a
 99% confidence interval

for the population percentage scoring that GPA.

Question 3. Determining the Sample Size/1

A baker makes muffins. If the standard deviation of their weight is equal to 14g, what sample size
shall be used to ensure the margin of error is no more than 0.2g at:

 90% confidence,
 95% confidence, and
 99% confidence?

Question 4. Determining the Sample Size/2

A baker makes muffins that can either be with dark chocolate chips or white chocolate chips.
Assuming that the proportion of muffins with white chocolate chips is equal to 0.6, what sample size
shall be used to ensure the margin of error is within +/-2% at:

 90% confidence,
 95% confidence, and
 99% confidence?

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