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T O D AY ’ S T O P I C

Introducing business partners

Picture Talk
1 Look at the picture and talk about it.

① What is happening in the picture?

② When might you need to introduce new
business partners? Explain.
③ Do you often have to meet with new people
for work? Explain why you must meet them.

Let’s Discuss
2 Share your thoughts for each question in detail.
Q1 Imagine that you a introducing a new
partner to your colleagues. What
information should you give?
Q2 How can you make a guest feel at ease with
new people? Explain.

Q3 What kind of mistakes could you make when

introducing a new person. How can you
prevent these mistakes?

Expand & Develop

3 Make your own questions for this topic.
Bring your questions to the class for discussion.

Copyright ⓒ CARROT Global Inc.

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