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T O D AY ’ S T O P I C

Trends and patterns

Picture Talk
1 Look at the picture and talk about it.

① What can you see in the picture? Describe.

② What kinds of visuals are good for
demonstrating trends and patterns? Explain.
③ Talk about some current trends related to your
industry. Give details.

Let’s Discuss
2 Share your thoughts for each question in detail.
Q1 Why is it important to be aware of new
trends and patterns in business? Explain.

Q2 What resources do you use to find out about

trends in your industry? Be specific.

Q3 Some people use trends to try to predict the

future. Others think relying too much on
trends is dangerous. What do you think?

Expand & Develop

3 Make your own questions for this topic.
Bring your questions to the class for discussion.

Copyright ⓒ CARROT Global Inc.

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