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Department of Education


City of Malolos

Quarter 4-Week 11
Identify the unique features of and requirements in
composing professional correspondence:
b. Application for College Admission


A college admission application letter is a formal letter that a student sends to

accompany their college application to a college. Writing a college admission
application letter is an excellent way to make your application stand out in the
highly competitive admissions process. Write your letter in a professional tone
and style, and make sure it is free of errors.


You have learned about the features and characteristics of a resume.

Now, you must determine whether the following statements about resumes
are true or false. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if not.

1. A resume is a document created and used by a person to present their

skills and accomplishments.
2. A résumé contains information about relevant job experience and
3. The curriculum vitae and the resume are the same thing.
4. Resumes usually contain more than ten pages of information.
5. The resume is shorter than the curriculum vitae.

It is important to do extensive research on colleges before applying for
entry. Until sending an acceptance application letter to the institution, gather
the information and sort it into a folder. To assist you in writing your
submission, here is a short guide with sample letters.

1. Do Some Research

Find out what characteristics your prospective college looks for in

applicants. Determine how you match the characteristics that your
goal college seeks. On a different sheet of paper, sketch out those

Determine the name of the college admissions representative to

whom your letter should be sent. Having yourself stand out needs a
high level of personalization. Any technical letter should not begin
with the phrase "To Whom it Should Concern." However, it is a safe
way to get the letter thrown into the trash.

2. Create a List of your Attributes

Below is an example of a list of attributes that will separate you from
the competition.

• Grade Point Average

• Extracurricular Activities
• Sports
• Music
• Class Government
• Pom, Cheer-leading, Drill Team
• Acting, Debate
• Societies
• Awards
• Community Service

3. Writing your Application Letter

Your aim is to stand out from the crowd of candidates who do not
bother to write a cover letter. You should explain why you believe the
college is a good one for you. How does the program you choose to
participate in tie with your long-term career goals? As a student and
potential alumnus, how can you represent the college? These are the
things a college needs to hear about you, so think about them and be
ready to talk about them clearly.


These are the usual parts of an application letter. In your answer sheet,
write the information given and assume that you are making applying
for real.

• Your Full Name, Address

• Date
• College Name, Address
• Salutation
• Body:
o Introduction
- Why you want to attend college, you are applying to
- Your academic interests
- How the college fits your interests and goals
- Why you are a great candidate to consider
- Personal connections to the college: Did any relatives
or friends attend? Is the college in your hometown?
- Explanation of how the college will receive your
application: Is it enclosed? Will you send it later?
- Request for admission to the college
• Complimentary close
• Name – Signature
• Your Contact Details

Taken from:


A college application letter is a sign of commitment to the college that

you chose to enter. Remember to list your best attributes, do some research,
and be straight to the point in writing this technical letter.


Assess the following application letter and place yourself in the point of
view of the one who will approve these letters. Will you accept the applicant
or not? Explain in one paragraph.

Elizabeth Ann Montgomery

2000 South Meridian Avenue

Los Alamos, NM 89776

March 22, 2039

Mrs. Janice Emory

University of Olympia

2008 South Livingston Place

Los Alamos, NM 89779

Dear Mrs. Emory:

My goal to attend the University of Olympia became a driving force in my high school years.
I have lived in Los Alamos since I was young, and I have always dreamed of attending my
hometown university. I have always wanted to teach History and the Humanities at the
University level, and Olympia’s history and art history programs are highly acclaimed. I am
certain these amazing programs are key to my future success as an educator.

As you can see from my academic records and my test scores, excellence has always been
my highest priority. I have spent the last two years serving in my class government. This has
allowed me to participate in making my graduating class successful at helping younger
students prepare for higher education. My fellow classmates and I tutored students who
needed some extra help to succeed. In addition, I have been active in my school’s drama
and debate programs for three years.

I believe my skills and experiences have prepared me to succeed at the University of

Olympia. I have no doubt I will represent Olympia well in debate teams and conferences. I
look forward to adding to Olympia’s reputation of producing leaders in the fields of
education and history. I am excited to enclose my application to the University of Olympia.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you soon
regarding my future at the University of Olympia. I can be reached at (918) 999-3558 or at
montgomeryeli @ email . com.


Elizabeth Ann Montgomery


Practice writing a college application letter using the following guide.

Put the information you would really use once you graduate senior high
{your full name, as written on your college application}

{your address}


{college admissions representative’s name}

{college name}

{college address}

Dear {Admission representative’s name}:

{Use this space to discuss why you have chosen this college to apply to attend. Did you take
a tour? Has it been a long-term goal?} {Use the next few lines to discuss why you feel the
academic program fits your career goals.} {Wrap up this paragraph with a strong statement
about your determination to succeed at this college and your career.}

{Here, discuss why you are a good fit for the college. Match those qualities you found in
your research. Highlight the qualities that make you a great candidate.}

{Here re-emphasis your conviction that you are a great student for the college to consider.}
{Explain how you are sending your application – is it attached or coming later?}

{Thank the college for their time and consideration. Express your interest in speaking with
them about your future attendance. Offer your telephone number and your email address.}


{your signature}

{your name}


Write TRUE if the statement is true about writing application letters for
college and FALSE if it is not.
1. Before applying to a certain college, it is important to do a thorough research about
2. To get admission in the college, it is important to provide the best reasons in the letter
for the admission.
3. Mentioning the specific skills in the application letter are likely to give the student a
competitive edge over the other competitors.
4. Full of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors are likely to give a negative
impression on behalf of the student.
5. You should just leave the writing of your application letter to someone better than
you in making it.
6. Your goal is to encourage your target college to consider you for admissions.
7. Writing a letter addressing “To Whom it May Concern” is inappropriate for any
professional letter.
8. Writing a college admission application letter is a great way to make your college
admission application stand out in the highly competitive application process.
9. You should antagonize the college you are applying for.
10. The college admission letter is a technical letter, meaning it requires you to be straight
to the point.

Prepared by


Teacher II
Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School

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