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Laboratory Activity
Reception Simulation

At the end of the exercise, the students should be able to:

 Simulate the reception process.


 Pen and paper

 Props and corporate attire (optional)

Basic Principles:
The hotel’s entrance area, with the reception in the main role, is a place of particular value. It is here
where the first (and last) contact of the guest with the facility takes place. Because one cannot make
the first impression twice, it is worth trying to make it a favorable one. Moreover, the appearance and
arrangement of the reception area expose the character of the hotel and the way of treating its guests.
Every detail matters for every guest.
The registration process begins once the guest has made it to the front desk. At this point, most
guests begin to create an impression of the hotel in their minds; hence, front desk personnel must
continue to focus on guest satisfaction.
During check-in, the guest approaches the front desk, and the 10 x 10 rule is implemented. After
checking in at the front desk, the guest is assisted to his or her room by the bell staff.

Tutorials Point (2016). Front office management [PDF file]. Retrieved 09 December 2020 from


1. This laboratory activity is a part of your iLS output intended for Weeks 7-8.
2. Create a reception script, and assign yourselves the following roles to ensure that everyone
has a part or task to do. Refer to the sample check-in dialogue provided in 04 Handout 2 as
your guide.
• Guest
• Front Desk Clerk
• Bell Staff
Note: If the group exceeds four (4) members, other member/s may take the role of a
doorperson, another guest, or any role needed in the scenario.

04 Laboratory Activity 1 *Property of STI

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3. Create your script with the following formatting details. Submit your script to your teacher
for checking. Only approved scripts will be used for the presentation.
• Paper size: Letter (8.5” x 11”) • Line spacing: Single
• Font: Calibri or Arial • Margin: 1” all sides
• Font size: 11 pt. • Maximum no. of pages: 2
4. An actual reception procedure will be demonstrated during Week 8’s laboratory session. A
maximum of 10 minutes will be given for the group presentation where students are not
allowed to hold a script.
Optional: Students are encouraged to bring props and dress in more appropriate attire to
make the presentation more realistic.

5. Your overall output will be graded based on the following rubric:

Content The reception script contains complete and correct information. 10
(15 points) Printed output follows the specified format. 5
Greetings to the arriving guest/s evidently start from the door to the front
desk, with the latter observing the 10 x 10 rule; there is a sense of 10
hospitality projected towards the guest.
The front desk inquired about the guest’s reservation, asked the guest to
complete a registration card, and reviewed its completeness.
The front desk inquired about the payment method to be used by the guest,
Reception assigned a room, and issued the room key/card to the guest.
Process The bell staff performed rooming the guests. This includes the following
(60 points) tasks:
• Explaining how to use the room key, television, and DVD 5
• Showing the room service menu and other hotel in-room collaterals 5
• Showing the telephone and explaining how to reach the PBX
operator and bell services
• Briefing them on fire and emergency procedures. 5
The bell staff bids the guest to have a great stay, gives the room key/card
and closes the door upon leaving.
Presenters maintained confidence, composure, and good manners
throughout the demonstration.
Delivery Presenters used a clear, audible voice during the entire demonstration; the
(25 points) words were enunciated well; interactions had good natural pacing.
Appropriate attire, proper grooming, and posture are observed. 5
The length of the presentation is within the assigned time limit. 5

04 Laboratory Activity 1 *Property of STI

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