Session 3

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Peer observation is a professional development
practice where teachers observe and provide
feedback to their colleagues in a collaborative and
1 WHAT IS PEER supportive manner. It involves the observation of
OBSERVATION TO YOU? teaching practices, instructional strategies, and
classroom dynamics to promote reflective practice
and continuous improvement among educators.

Quality control and CPD (Continuous Professional

Development) manifest in peer observation through
HOW CAN QUALITY CONTROL structured feedback mechanisms, clear evaluation
2 AND CPDMANIFEST IN PEER criteria, and opportunities for reflective dialogue. By
OBSERVATION? engaging in peer observation, teachers can identify
areas for improvement, share best practices, and
contribute to a culture of excellence within the
educational institution.

In peer observation, I would prefer to play the role of

both observer and observee interchangeably. As an
3 WHICH ROLE IN IT WOULD observer, I can offer constructive feedback and
YOURATHER PLAY? insights to my colleagues, while as an observee, I can
benefit from different perspectives and gather
valuable feedback to enhance my teaching practice.

 Approach peer observation with an open

mind and a willingness to learn from both
giving and receiving feedback.
 Focus on specific aspects of teaching practice
WRITE 3-4 PIECES OF ADVICE during observation, such as classroom
4 THATYOU LIKED MOST management, instructional strategies, or
student engagement.
 Use a collaborative approach to discuss
observations, highlighting strengths and
areas for growth in a constructive manner.
 Implement feedback received from peer
observation into your teaching practice,
reflecting on its impact and effectiveness.

NAME 2 OR MORE USEFUL  "Teaching English as a Second Language

5 COURSESTHAT YOU LEARNT (TESL) Certification" on Accredited Online
 "Advanced Teaching Techniques for ESL
Teachers" on English is a Piece of Cake

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