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“To save lives, celebrate lives, and lead the fight for a world without cancer.”
By: Haley Klingseisen, Zaria Miller, Courtney Grant, Kelsey Walton & Leeanne Clendenin

Table of Contents

Executive Summary 3

Secondary Research Findings 4

Client background
Communication Audit
Analysis of Similar Organizations
SWOT Analysis 7

Problem Statement 11

Key Publics 12

Goals & Objectives 13

Strategies & Tactics 15

On-Campus Promotional Campaign
Improve Online Presence
Timelines 19

On-Campus Promotional Campaign
Improve Online Presence
Budgets 29

On-Campus Promotional Campaign
Improve Online Presence
Evaluation 32

Bibliography 34

Executive Summary

This campaign for the American Cancer Society addresses and targets key publics such as

potential donors, existing donors, corporate sponsors, event sponsors, event attendees, patients

and caregivers, researchers, and individuals at-risk for cancer. The goal of this campaign is to

increase awareness of the American Cancer Society’s resources and events. It will address

creating objectives that will help our chances of retaining new patients and caregivers, increasing

donors, and forming new and long lasting partnerships. The key message of the American

Cancer Society is to prevent cancer through a healthy lifestyle and through preventative

screenings. The organization aims to increase research efforts through education of the public

and external funding. The campaign strategies include media outreach, hosting community

events, and improving American Cancer Society’s online presence. The cost of a campaign that

includes tactics within these elements totals to about ≅$34,000, and would require a timeframe of

around 12-13 months, at minimum one calendar year.




Client Background

The American Cancer Society was founded in 1913 in New York City by a mix of 15

doctors and businessmen who were set on a mission to spread awareness and lessen the public

fears of the disease. The 15 doctors and businessmen sought out to understand and further

develop research and treatments so that warriors of cancer had the gleaming hope and possibility

of a future without cancer. Their aim was to provide support to those affected by cancer, increase

knowledge about the disease through research, and educate the public on how to prevent and

detect it early. Initially, the organization focused on offering emotional and financial support to

cancer patients and their families. They also aimed to increase awareness and educate the public

about the disease. In the 1920s and 1930s, the ACS began to concentrate more on funding cancer

research and opened its own laboratory for this purpose.

With continued efforts and time, the ACS continued to grow and expand its research

initiatives. This included funding the development of chemotherapy and the first successful bone

marrow transplant. In the 1970s, the ACS became more involved in advocating for cancer-related

issues, such as funding for research and access to care for patients.

In recent years, the ACS has maintained its position as a prominent and leading voice in

the fight against cancer. They have funded billions of dollars in cancer research, provided

support and resources to patients and their families, and advocated for policies aimed at reducing

the impact of cancer. The ACS also continues to educate the public on the importance of early

detection, healthy lifestyles, and access to cancer screening and treatment.

Today, the ACS is a large and influential organization, with over $500 million in annual

revenue and a staff of more than 2,500 individuals. Its mission is to save lives, celebrate lives,

and lead the fight against cancer. Through research, advocacy, and education, the ACS is

working towards reducing the impact of cancer and improving the lives of those affected by it.

Today, the American Cancer Society is led by a CEO and governed by a board of

directors. Under the CEO, there are several senior leaders that manage particular areas within

the company, such as research, advocacy, community engagement, and mission delivery.

Underneath the aforementioned leaders and sectors are paid employees as well as a multitude of


The American Cancer Society communicates with its key publics via several different

websites and social media platforms, such as their official website, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok,

and Twitter. The American Cancer Society sends out newsletters, emails, direct mail, other print

materials such as brochures, flyers, and posters to ensure inclusion for public education on all

levels. The American Cancer Society hosts an array of events and fundraisers for maximization

of public involvement. The American Cancer Society also works with the media to bring

coverage to events and causes that they host and support.


SWOT Analysis

Strengths (internal):

High Salience Cause

Cancer is a devastating illness, and the ACS recognizes that. Since cancers are individual and
unique scientists have been working for a long time to develop treatments and clinical trials to
try and solve the puzzle. Due to the complexity of cancer ACS targets each aspect of treatment
from diagnosis to recovery or in unfortunate circumstances hospice. Americans are constantly
searching for hope and answers even if not personally affected by cancer and ACS’s initiatives
seek to provide that hope.

High Profile Partners

The ACS works with high profile partners such as Walmart, Pfizer, Bank of America and Delta.
This provides the organization with an advantage in terms of resources and support from
corporate avenues that many non-profits unfortunately don’t receive. In addition there are many
non-profit partners and sports alliances such as the NFL and the Black organization Alpha Kappa
Alpha sorority which help diversify the publics that the organization reaches and can impact
(“Our partners”).

National Brand Awareness

ACS has hosted one of the largest fundraisers for the past 35 years to raise money to fight against
cancer. The Relay for Life movement includes events, donations, and fundraisers to spread
awareness through multiple mediums. Relay for Life stands out from competitors because of the
global presence that ACS branded. This one event has provided the opportunity for ACS to grow
its name to reach a larger audience.


Unlike other competitors, ACS funds and provides its own research. The ACS also developed
Research Professor and Clinical Research Professor Awards granted to professors who have
made significant progress with the disease. The ACS’s approach by awarding grants to promote
progress is unique and sets them apart.


A unique factor of the ACS is the 24hr helpline provided for helping patients and caregivers with
free transportation and lodging. The 24hr helpline is also available to anyone with any questions

or concerns. Taking care of patients and those impacted by cancer is a top priority of the ACS
which stands out from other competitors. The ACS goes above and beyond fundraising to
improve the lives of those with the disease.

Weaknesses (internal):

Lack of Identity

While ACS has a strong scientific background many people prefer to engage with organizations
that have a “personality”. While this may be difficult to do while dealing with such a serious
cause the ACS’s materials contain a lot of medical jargon that may be difficult for some publics
to relate to or engage with. Using a language that everyone can understand is an extremely
important part of communicating with an organization's public.

Reduced revenue and fundraising

Beginning in 2020, fundraising efforts and revenue have been steadily decreasing. Although the
decline beginning in 2020 was due to the pandemic it has not changed. The lack of change is
concerning because decreasing revenue can indicate a lack of support from the public for the
organization. For an organization that relies significantly on public and corporate donations,
reduced funding could cause significant issues in regards to continuing research and assisting
patients and their families.

Receive criticism for environmental practices and inability to integrate sustainable


ACS has received backlash from environmentalists due to the fact that they have not adapted
their business model to be more sustainable. Backlash is something that ACS has faced before
and it is important that they continue to work towards bettering their public image. Being
proactive about their environmental impact will give them a better public image. The future is
coming fast and it is not sustainable for ACS as an organization to not adapt to new
environmental protocols.

Lack of workplace diversity

ACS has only ever expanded their organization on a national level, however there is significant
opportunity to expand on an international level. ACS’s website states that on a global level they
are primarily focused on cancer prevention. Prevention starts with sharing their research and
findings through social media and other forms of traditional media. However, there is still much
work to be done on a global scale and it is also an opportunity to increase funding for the
organization as a whole.


A weakness of the ACS is that they have a low return on invested capital. However, as a
nonprofit organization this is not completely out of ordinary. Much of their funding goes towards
research and patient care. Their financials should be reorganized so that they receive more return
on their investments regarding research.


Celebratory Months

Part of ACS’s mission is to help lead the charge towards healthcare equity. One opportunity that
presents itself is the different celebratory months that are used to honor different groups of
American people. Some months that the ACS could use to support their campaigns are Women's
history month (March), Black history month (February) and Hispanic history month
(September). This presents an opportunity for the ACS to diversify its campaigns and listen to
their more disadvantaged publics. This could also help impact their workplace diversity.


There are several national organizations that the ACS could partner with for their cause. Whether
that be Susan G. Komen or government organizations like CDC these partnerships could
diversify their audience and build credibility amongst key publics. Other than health
organizations in an effort to improve sustainability the ACS may want to consider partnering
with environmental organizations. One of the programs that ACS provides is rides and lodging
for patients and ridesharing companies could be a great partnership to look at. The ACS can
learn from organizations on how to continue growing and improving in the future.

Reduced Fundraising

While the COVID-19 pandemic impacted fundraising negatively, the ACS could use this as a
sort of “reset” in how it fundraises moving forward. This could include surveying its public on
what makes them hesitant or less likely to donate and trying to adjust organizational strategies
based on those responses. In addition this may present an opportunity for the ACS to change how
it financially supports patients and their caregivers due to the change in economic stability many
are faced with.


The ACS may benefit from not only expanding globally but representing more nationalities in
their campaigns. There are many cultural aspects that may stop or delay someone from seeking
support or confiding in family members about their cancer diagnosis. The ACS could benefit
from diverse spokespersons and striving to create messages that are tailored to more than just

Americans. This could be achieved through more in depth cultural understanding and
connections to a variety of different communities both internationally and nationally.

Social Media

While the American Cancer Society keeps up with a few platforms, there are a variety of
different ones that could be used to their advantage such as TikTok and online forum community
Reddit. These platforms are notorious for creating and sustaining dialogue around a variety of
issues and not only could the ACS use these platforms to campaign and spread awareness but it
could introduce the society to a new group of publics. Cancer unfortunately affects people of all
ages so being able to engage in communication with more publics can help support its mission.

Threats (external):

American Distrust in Science

According to Pew Research Center: “Current ratings of medical scientists and scientists have
now fallen below where they were in January 2019, before the emergence of the coronavirus”
(Nadeem, 2022).
In today’s social and political climate many Americans are conflicted over which public
institutions and entities to trust. There are many factors that contribute to this distrust including
socioeconomic status, political party affiliation, and education levels. This is a threat due to the
effect it may have on Americans' faith and trust in the American Cancer Society and its research
and initiatives.

A study done in 2018 by the American Society of Clinical Oncology was conducted among
4,887 American adults and found that 4 in 10 believed that clinically proven treatments such as
radiation and chemotherapy were inferior to alternative medicine treatment (Guthrie, 2019).
These alternative medical treatments include diet, taking vitamins and straying away from
treatments that have historically helped patients (Guthrie, 2019). In addition, misinformation
about cancer is on the rise in the social media age without broad strategies to combat it (Ben-Ari,
2021). Misinformation is a threat to the perceived credibility of the ACS by its publics.

Recessions are a concern to large nonprofit organizations for obvious reasons. With limited
government funding, ACS runs a greater risk of financial distress. This puts the organization at
risk of closing or being unable to fund research.

Similar organizations
There are hundreds of non-profit medical organizations. Whether or not the main focus is on
cancer, these organizations can still be a threat to ACS. Companies and organizations with
multiple acquisitions are common among the nonprofit world. “ Without shareholders, no
individual gets a penny to their name when nonprofits merge” ( Pradhan, 2019).

Fundraising is one of the most crucial parts of keeping a nonprofit organization going.
Nonprofits are driven by the overall message they aim to convey and need supplemental money
to help with the application of the messages. This money helps cancer research and progressive
outreach. Without proper funding, other organizations will grow a larger, more committed
audience and supporters.

Problem Statement

There are significant problems facing the American Cancer Society that need to be addressed. By

conducting SWOT analysis it is clear that one of the most important is increasing trust in the

organization. This research has uncovered issues of distrust regarding the ACS name as well as

an overall American distrust in science. American distrust in science is a growing problem that

ACS should aim to target by creating trust with the public. It is extremely important that the ACS

name is solidified as a strong and important organization that does good work. A lack of a strong

identity both nationally and internationally has a negative impact on the organization as a whole.

Especially considering a lack of identity will negatively impact fundraising efforts, which is

another area of concern for ACS. Declining fundraising ability could be detrimental to the

organization considering that they rely heavily on donations and other fundraising efforts to fund

research and patient care. Overall the biggest problem facing the American Cancer Society is a

lack of identity and trust. Their brand recognition is very high, however that does not carry as

much weight as having strong trust in the organization itself.


Key Publics

Potential Donors: (external, latent public): As of 2020 41.65% of $559,796 net revenue of the
ACS was contributed to by donors (American Cancer Society, 2020). These potential donors
range from adults across the nation to acquiring more corporate and government support.

Existing Donors: (external active) It is important to maintain the support of those who
contribute to the ACS through monetary donations.

Corporate sponsors: (external, active and latent) As of 2020, several large corporations donated
and contributed to the American Cancer Society’s initiatives. Some of these corporations include
CVS Health Corporation, Extended Stay America, Pfizer and several more. They donated over
$1 million dollars to the ACS (American Cancer Society, 2020). This public is important to
maintain funding and make up for funds that were lost as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic
and nationwide economic instability.

Event sponsors: (external, latent) As a non-profit these events are very important. While
corporate sponsors and donors may account for a large percentage of public support, special
events account for almost 25% (American Cancer Society, 2020). These event sponsors range
from small businesses, individuals, to large corporations as mentioned above.

Event attendees: (external, latent) As stated previously, events are a large factor in the ACS’s
fundraising initiatives. Adults 18+ are the main participants in these events. They include
marathons and relays as well as galas. It is important to target this public to drive participation
and have successful fundraising events.

Patients and Caregivers: (external, active) As of 2020, 37.99% of the expenses covered by
fundraising went to Patient Support. The ACS offers a variety of programs such as rides to
treatment, connecting cancer survivors, and hair loss and mastectomy products (American
Cancer Society, 2020) . This public is important not only to support and help during cancer
battles, but to receive testimony and maintain and build public trust and relationships.

Researchers: (internal, active) Research is a fundamental part of the ACS. The ACS provides
Research grants to further this mission and get more information on cancer. This public includes
university research programs, government agencies like the CDC, as well as independent
research organizations.

Individuals at-risk for cancer: (external, latent) ACS focuses on education on risk,
prevention, and screening. Unfortunately, all ages are at risk for cancer and it’s important that
information and conversations are created from the ACS’s campaigns and resources. This ranges
from adults, to educating children on sun exposure risks. Additionally, targeting underserved and

underrepresented communities such as low-income areas that have less access to healthcare can
help lead the mission. It’s important that the information in the campaign can be understood by a
variety of different people.

Goals and Objectives


● To increase awareness of the American Cancer Society’s resources and events.


● To partner with at least five new corporate sponsors and event sponsors by December
● Gain and retain 200 patients, caregivers and potential donors to communication lists

(electronic and mail) by December 2023.

● Increase donations made to research by both potential donors and pre-existing donors by

5% by January 2024.

● Increase participation in ACS events by sponsors and attendees by 10% by May 2024.

Key Messages and Timeline

Key messages:

● The American Cancer Society emphasizes the importance of cancer prevention through
healthy lifestyle choices, such as eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and
avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption.
● The American Cancer Society encourages people to get regular cancer screenings, as
early detection can greatly increase the chances of successful treatment.
● The American Cancer Society invests in cancer research to find better treatments,
develop new therapies, and ultimately, find a cure for cancer.
● The American Cancer Society provides a wide range of patient services, including
information and support, to help people facing cancer and their families navigate the
cancer journey.
● “The American Cancer Society awarded over $16 million in grants to establish Cancer
Health Equity Research Centers (CHERC) at Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) in
2022” (American Cancer Society, 2022).
● The American Cancer Society advocates for policies and laws that reduce the impact of
cancer and improve access to care for people facing cancer.
● The American Cancer Society engages with local communities through a variety of
programs and events, aimed at raising awareness and funds for cancer research, and
providing support to people facing cancer and their families.
● The American Cancer Society is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and works
to ensure that its programs and services are accessible to everyone, regardless of their
background or circumstances.


Awareness for the uncertain

Be someone’s hero

Giving strength in the fight


Strategies and Tactics

Strategy 1: Host community events

Description: We recommend hosting events to not only attract new corporate sponsors and
donors but to also share resource awareness to patients and caregivers. This may also be an
opportunity to help contribute to research funds and initiatives.


● To partner with at least five new corporate sponsors and event sponsors by December
● Increase donations made to research by both new and pre-existing donors by 5% by

January 2024.

● Increase attendance for ACS events by 10% by May 2024.

Key Publics:

● Corporate sponsors

● Patients and Caregivers

● Researchers

● Event sponsors

● Event attendees

Tactic 1: Rallies

We recommend partnering with another organization to host a 5k march. This will bring in

people from several different backgrounds and locations. Provide merch/prizes for winners and

options for people to donate. This is also good for existing and potential donors to talk about the

importance of ACS and will help word of mouth for future events.

Tactic 2: Summit

To attract corporate sponsors and researchers we recommend hosting a summit. This would

allow ACS to present its initiatives, resources and fundraising to higher level and C-Suite

members of corporations that are interested in helping ACS to help boost their CSR.

Tactic 3: Surveys and communications

We recommend giving event attendees surveys before and after events to gauge interest and

continuously improve events. We also recommend improving communications and giving

incentives to stay in touch with ACS about upcoming events. This could be through email lists or

more traditional means such as pamphlets and flyers.

Strategy 2: Improve ACS Online Presence

Description: We recommend improving online media to attract more audiences. While the ACS
utilizes Social Media already as seen in the analysis section there are areas to be improved upon.
In addition, creating accounts on additional media platforms such as TikTok can bring in a new
group of donors and improve the organization’s relevance.


● Increase donations made to research by both new and pre-existing donors by 5% by

January 2024.

● Gain and retain 200 patients and/or caregivers to communication lists (electronic and

mail) by December 2023.

● Increase attendance for ACS events by 10% by May 2024.


Key Publics:

● Potential Donors

● Existing Donors

● Patients and Caregivers

● Individuals at-risk for Cancer

Tactic 1: Appointing social media managers and spokespersons to create a content calendar and

stay educated on trends. In addition, moderating pages to improve two-way communication with

the public and create an organizational “personality”.

Tactic 2: SEO (search engine optimization) is a large aspect of attracting and maintaining
website traffic. It’s recommended that ACS takes advantage of keywords and backlinks to bring
its website and media pages higher in search results.

Tactic 3: Improving and overhauling content on social media platforms.

Strategy 3: Media Outreach

Description: Reaching out to different forms of media including local news, national news and
health and wellness magazines can expand ACS’s impact and awareness for the organization.
This strategy will target a variety of key publics with ACS’s key messaging.


● Increase donations made to research by both new and pre-existing donors by 5% by

January 2024.

● Increase attendance for ACS events by event sponsors and attendees 10% by May 2024.

● Increase donations made to research by both new and pre-existing donors by 5% by

January 2024.

● To partner with at least five new corporate sponsors and event sponsors by December

Key Publics:

● Potential Donors

● Event Attendees

● Event Sponsors

● Researches

● Individuals at Risk for Cancer

● Corporate Sponsors

Tactic 1:Writing tailored news releases

With ACS’s mission and key messages in mind we recommended writing 2-3 news releases that

would be appropriate for different media channels. That being said the messaging should stay

consistent and relevant to the public being targeted but also be a good fit for the different media

channels listed above.

Tactic 2: Gather patient and volunteer testimonials

Gathering patient and volunteer testimonials will bring human interest to ACS’s story.

Testimonials can be from patients and caregivers who have benefitted from ACS’s services or

from volunteers and previous event attendees. This will bring a level of humanity and

personability to those who viewing media content. In addition, having numbers and quick facts

ready will also give ACS credibility.

Tactic 3: Hold a press conference


We recommend ACS holds a press conference to garner journalist attention and answer

questions. The planners of this conference should contact relevant journalists and editors to cover

and help promote ACS’s resources, events and research initiatives.


Tactic Task Due Date Staffing

May 2023

Press release

Review press release prototype May 1st 1 PR staff member

Send out press release internally May 25th 1 PR staff member

and externally about newsletter

Surveys and Plan frequency of dissemination May 22 1 PR staff member


Create newsletter and mail May 25 1 PR staff member

templates with ACS branding

Summit 1 year pre-event: Choose venue May 1st 1 PR staff member

and book it

Improving and Create Tiktok, Instagram and May 1st 1 PR staff member
overhauling Snapchat account
content on social
media platforms

June 2023

Surveys and Begin creating and writing June 2 2 PR Staff Members

Communications content for emails, newsletters
and traditional mail.

Gather communication list with June 2 2 PR interns

contact information

Get together with event June 16 1 PR staff member 1

coordinators to highlight events PR intern
and resources in communications

Summit Develop purpose and key points June 1 2 PR staff members

of summit

Draft list of speakers and sponsors June 15 1 PR staff Member

Improving and 1st post to the three new social June 1 1 PR staff member
overhauling media platforms. Set a schedule
content on social for posting organization updates
media platforms each week. Start following
people/organizations that have
similar interests and value.

July 2023

Surveys and Create survey and feedback 2 PR interns

Communications questions to provide to key
publics within communications
and create google forms and
surveymonkey pages to receive

Finalize contact list

Send out first round of emails,

newsletters, and mail

Improving and Create posts of upcoming events 1 PR staff member

overhauling that need promoting
content on social
media platforms

August 2023

Surveys and Review Google Forms and 1 PR Staff Member

Communications Survey Monkey responses and
create excel sheet to record
responses in one place

Gather content and organizational 2 PR Interns

events/highlights from other PR

Begin creating next round of 1 PR Staff Member

communications to be sent out 2 Interns

Summit Finalize list of speakers & August 1 PR Staff member

sponsors 15th

September 2023

Surveys and Finalize and add or remove

Communications contacts to communication list

Revise and implement final edits

to written materials and create
new survey questions

Send out 2nd round of


Press release

October 2023

Review Google Forms and October

Surveys and Survey Monkey responses and 9th
Communications record them in excel sheet to
share and evaluate

Gather content and organizational October

events/highlights from other PR 15th

Begin creating materials and October

brainstorming Holiday themes 20th

Improving and Start posting seasonal content

overhauling with specific call-to-action
content on social
media platforms

Press release To accompany social media October 1 PR staff member

call-to-action release press release 25th

November 2023

Surveys and Finalize and revise contact list

communications November

Create new survey questions November


Finalize written materials, November

**approve Holiday theme 15th

Send out communications and November

surveys 30th

Summit Begin multi-platform marketing 1 PR Staff Member

(Informationals, infographics, November 1 intern
reels on the topic.) 1st
(LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook,

Press Begin research and develop goals 2 PR Staff

Conference of the press conference. November members

Improving and Start posting Thanksgiving 2 PR staff members

overhauling content with small call-to-actions
content on social revolving followers sharing
media platforms content.

December 2023

Hold event Dec. 17

Press Determine which journalists and 1 PR Staff member

Conference news outlets should attend/invite

Improving and Holiday post of a team of workers

overhauling within the American Cancer
content on social Society.
media platforms

Press release Send out communication about December 1 PR staff member

event 20th

January 2024

Surveys and Evaluate survey feedback and Jan. 2nd

Communications add to excel sheet to evaluate and

Make any template Jan 8th

changes/contact list changes for
the new year

Discuss goals and themes with Jan 11th

other PR staff for this years
surveys and written

Start preparing written materials

Summit Hire catering and decorators Jan 15th

Tour summit space with caterers Jan 30th

and decorators to develop floor

Improving and Welcoming posts on Snapchat,

overhauling Instagram and Tiktok. Welcome
content on social the new year and new people to
media platforms the platform.

February 2024

Surveys and Revise and finalize contact list


Make edits and final changes to

written communication materials
and survey questions

Send out first round of

communications of 2024

Summit Finalize floor plan Feb 7th 1 PR Staff Member

Press Conference Choose date, time, and place Feb 10th 1 PR Staff member
(Headquarters in Atlanta).

Improving and Post anything good going for the

overhauling organization. (accomplishment,
content on social events, etc.)
media platforms

Press release Share the date of the press Feb 15th 1 PR staff member
conference who will be attending
and what will be spoken about

March 2024

Surveys and Evaluate survey feedback and

Communications add to excel sheet to evaluate and

Discuss goals and themes with

other PR staff for final round of
communications for this

Start preparing written materials

and survey questions

Summit Confirm speakers, sponsors, March 10

caterer, decorators

Send invitations to guestlist, March

email & regular mail. 20th

Improving and Post showing confirmed speakers, March

overhauling sponsors and caterer. 21st
content on social
media platforms

Press release Press release showing confirmed March 1 PR staff member

speakers, sponsors, and caterers 25th
for summit

April 2024

Surveys and Revise and finalize contact list

Make edits and final changes to
written communication materials
and survey questions

Send out final round of


Summit Continue multi-platform April 1st PR intern

marketing, emphasizing
timeliness of the event (One
month until event day)

Press Begin contacting journalists and April 1st 1 PR Staff member

Conference promoting the conference.

Press Conference Hire videographer/ photographer April 10th 1 PR Staff member

May 2024

Surveys and Receive and analyze feedback

Communications from mentioned key publics to
incorporate into future
communications and campaigns

Summit Event Day: May 1st Staff + Interns +

8am: Have the decorating crew Hired Help
and caterers set up space.
9:00am: Begin setting up food
10am: Final walkthrough
10:30am: Event officially begins
with brunch/lunch
12pm: Convention begins
1pm: Intermission
1:30pm: Resume Summit
3pm: End Summit
After convention center is empty
of attendees: Have staff clear

Send out thank you letters and May 5th 1 PR Staff Member
emails to all attendees and hired

End the multi-platform marketing May 7th 1 PR Intern

with a wrap up of the summit!

Press Conference 9:00am: Gather at location. May 25th 2 PR Staff members

10:00 am: Hold press conference +interns
(answer any questions/ concerns)
11:00am: Conference is over. No
more questions.

Improving and Post pictures and appropriate May 2nd

overhauling videos of event day with a more
content on social in depth than usual caption.
media platforms



Tactic Item Cost Tactic Total

Tiktok, Instagram and $0 $0

Improving and Snapchat
content on
social media

Surveys Excel sheet to record $0 $1500~

and feedback
Survey Monkey Subscription $900
· Allows several *
members to have
account access and view

MailChimp $200

- A variety of customizable
email templates

- Campaign communications
- Contact list management

Mail Brochures $389

Primo Print w/ Direct Mailing

· 500 color copies @

.55 cents each

Surveys $0 $4,215
Communi $3,480

Postage and mailing $735

United States Postal Service


· 1,500 pieces sent

via first class mail at .49

Press Venue at HQ $0 $950


Videographer $800

Ropes for event


Press Release Roughly 5 different press releases $2,000 $10,000

released on newswire each

Fact Writing, editing and printing $0 $0

Sheet fact sheet

Summit Venue $7,500 $17,700

Decorators & Caterers $10,000

Paper for Invitations $200

800 @ .25 cents/piece


Campaign Total $34,365


Description of Recommended Evaluation Timing Resources Required

Evaluative Research

Objective 1: Gain and retain 200 patients, caregivers and potential donors to communication
lists (electronic and mail) by December 2023.

To evaluate the success of this objective, Software such as To view and analyze this
the client should view the change of the MailChimp for information the client
number of individuals signed up to a email lists can keep should use the pre-existing
communications list that classify track of the number feedback excel sheet along
themselves as patient and/or caregivers. of sign ups and data with MailChimp data
surrounding contact outlined above to compare
lists. In addition, the data points. This will
client should use the likely only need a few
feedback given to individuals as the
understand why information is centralized.
there may have been
a change in sign ups
for the indicated
time range.

Objective 2: To partner with at least five new corporate sponsors and event sponsors by
December 2023

To evaluate the success of this objective, Evaluation of the To find this information,
we would gauge how many new sponsors number of sponsors we will need to create a
were found for each tactic (each should be conducted file with the sponsors for
community event) and total the donations when the each event, including the
from each, to show not only the new community outreach amount they donated.
sponsors but the significance of the events (tactics) are Again, this will not only
support they provide to the ACS. completed, May give us a sponsor list, but
2024. will show us the monetary

significance of each
sponsor. The staff
necessary is 1 PR
professional, and if
delegation is needed then
an intern.

Objective 3: Increase donations made to research by both potential and pre-existing donors
by 5% by Jan. 2024.

To evaluate the success of this objective This information The evaluation of this
ACS should track the number of donations should be tracked objective will require
received from existing donors in an excel continuously from excel, a program that ACS
sheet. The number of new donors should May 2023 to already has access to. It
also be logged into an excel sheet. The January 2024. Over will also require the work
excel sheet should include who is the 7-month period of one staff member.
donating, and the amount they are ACS will be able to
donating to track if the donations have see if their donations
come from new or existing donors. have increased by
comparing it to the
donations they
received in the same
7-month period of
the previous year.

Objective 4: Increase participation in ACS events by sponsors and attendees by 10% by May

To evaluate this objective, the client will This information Evaluating the attendance
need to document in Excel the amount of should be evaluated of ACS events throughout
attendees from each event and keep the before and after each the course of 2022-2024
results of previous ACS events to compare ACS event. Begin will give the information
to recent ACS events. looking at ACS needed to examine if the
events from 2022 objective was met. It will
and continue require one staff member
through May 2024 and Excel.
to see changes in the
number of attendees.


American Cancer Society. Our partners. American Cancer Society | Information and

Resources about for Cancer: Breast, Colon, Lung, Prostate, Skin.

American Cancer Society. (2020). 2020 Annual report. American Cancer Society |

Information and Resources about for Cancer: Breast, Colon, Lung, Prostate, Skin.


Ben-Ari, E. (2021, September 9). The challenges of cancer misinformation on social

media. National Cancer Institute.


Guthrie, G. (2019, December 18). 2018 national cancer opinion survey: What Americans

think about cancer care. Cancer.Net.



Nadeem, R. (2022, February 15). Americans’ trust in scientists, other groups declines.

Pew Research Center Science & Society.


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