Informed Consent Form For Online Data Collection

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Research Title: SLAC: Effectiveness in Addressing Teachers’ Mismatch

Researcher(s): Greg L. Sangalang, Princess Lynn A. Padua
School/Organization/Office: Francisco P. Tolentino Integrated High School
Contact Number: 09365375446
Email Address:

You are invited to participate in an important research study. Before you decide, it is essential to
understand the nature and purpose of this research.

Research Purpose
The primary objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of SLAC in the mismatch of SHS
teachers. Your participation will involve completing a questionnaire. It is anticipated that this study will
require approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Benefits and Risks

Benefits: By participating, you may benefit in the following ways:
 Acquire the importance of SLAC in the workplace
 Realize the information that has been acquired in the conduct of SLAC
 Contribute in this research in addressing the problem of subject mismatch.

Risks: Please be aware that there are some risks associated with participating in this research:
 Information will be asked from you, but will be treated with confidentiality.

Voluntary Participation
Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. You have the right to decline participation or
withdraw from the study at any time without providing a reason, and there will be no cost or consequence
associated with your decision.

Confidentiality and Data Privacy

Respecting your privacy is our top priority, and we understand your concerns. We will implement the
following measures to ensure the security of participant data:

All data will be stored on secure, password-protected servers.

Access to participant responses will be restricted to authorized research team members only.
Personal identifying information (such as names and contact details) will be separated from participant
research data and stored in a separate, secure location.
Data will be anonymized and aggregated to further protect participant identities.
Coding or pseudonyms will be used to represent participant data in research reports.
Identifiable information will be destroyed within six months after data collection is completed.

However, please be aware that there may be situations where we are legally obliged to report specific
incidents. Rest assured, participant privacy and data security are fundamental to us, and we are
committed to ensuring that participant information remains safe.

By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read and comprehended the provided information, had
the opportunity to seek clarification, and voluntarily agree to participate in this research. You understand
that your participation is entirely voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time, without needing to
provide a reason or incurring any cost.


I have read and understood the information provided and have had the opportunity to seek clarification. I
agree to voluntarily participate in this research study and am aware that I can withdraw at any time
without incurring any costs.

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