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21/2/24, 19:32 Task 1 - Checking my Prior-knowledge - Evaluation Quiz: Attempt review

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Home / Courses / INGLÉS IV - (90170A_1701) / Evaluation

/ Task 1 - Checking my Prior-knowledge - Evaluation Quiz

Started on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, 7:10 PM

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Completed on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, 7:32 PM
Time taken 22 mins 36 secs
Points 13.0/15.0
Grade 21.7 out of 25.0 (87%)
Feedback High level - Very Good. It should be noted that the answers given to the test reflect an
outstanding level of achievement of the evaluated learning outcome. It is important to
maintain and consolidate this level of performance throughout the formative process.

Question 1

0.0 points out of 1.0

Read the text and choose the correct letter A, B, or C:

______ from the rocks and back in the town, there was a very sociable _______ in the cafes, where we compare notes on what
we'd achieved that day.

a. Far - relationship

b. Away - atmosphere

c. There – place 1/6
21/2/24, 19:32 Task 1 - Checking my Prior-knowledge - Evaluation Quiz: Attempt review

Question 2


0.0 points out of 1.0

According to the text, how old is Sheila?

Digital habits across generations

Today's grandparents are joining their grandchildren on social media, but the different generations' online habits couldn't be more
different. The over-55s are joining Facebook in increasing numbers, meaning that they will soon be the site's second-biggest user
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group, with 3.5 million users aged 55–64 and 2.9 million over-65s.

a. Sheila is older than her husband.

b. Sheila is older than 58 years old.

c. Sheila is more than 59 years old.

Question 3


1.0 points out of 1.0

Read the text and choose the correct letter A, B, or C:

The island has become ________ as a climbing venue and the ferry we took _______ to the island was full of climbers carrying
boots and backpacks.

a. important- in

b. visited-around

c. well-known - across

Question 4

1.0 points out of 1.0

According to the text, what kind of people are most likely to be the site’s second-biggest user group on Facebook?

Digital habits across generations

Today's grandparents are joining their grandchildren on social media, but the different generations' online habits couldn't be more
different. The over-55s are joining Facebook in increasing numbers, meaning that they will soon be the site's second-biggest user
group, with 3.5 million users aged 55–64 and 2.9 million over-65s.

a. Users aged 83-84.

b. People over 55's.

c. Users aged 12-20. 2/6
21/2/24, 19:32 Task 1 - Checking my Prior-knowledge - Evaluation Quiz: Attempt review

Question 5


1.0 points out of 1.0

Choose the best option for the following statement:

A place that is dirty or contaminated.

a. Polluted.
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b. charming.

c. ancient.

Question 6

1.0 points out of 1.0

Complete the sentence with the correct verb, taking into account the future time clauses:

I'll feel more relaxed after I __________ my project.

a. finish

b. finishes

c. am going to finish

Question 7

1.0 points out of 1.0

Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct option according to the context:

We will one day give the control of our nation to our _______ and if they are not educated _______ to take up the
responsibility, the goals that we have established for development will be ________.

a. guys – fast - dishonest

b. people – easily - impolite

c. children – well - incomplete 3/6
21/2/24, 19:32 Task 1 - Checking my Prior-knowledge - Evaluation Quiz: Attempt review

Question 8


1.0 points out of 1.0

Choose the best option for the following statement:

Someone who makes news reports in writing or on television.

a. Pharmacist.
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b. Lawyer.

c. Journalist.

Question 9

1.0 points out of 1.0

Match the following definition with the correct word.

It indicates the presence of something, used to give information.

a. traffic light.

b. sign.

c. church.

Question 10

1.0 points out of 1.0

Complete the conversation with the correct option:

A: I bought some new shoes.

B: Are they comfortable?
A: They’re very comfortable.
B: How much were they?

a. The shoes costs $80.

b. They were on sale for $80.

c. It was very expensive. 4/6
21/2/24, 19:32 Task 1 - Checking my Prior-knowledge - Evaluation Quiz: Attempt review

Question 11


1.0 points out of 1.0

Match the following definition with the correct word.

You go to that place to learn interesting things.

a. Stadium.
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b. Supermarket.

c. Museum.

Question 12

1.0 points out of 1.0

Read the text and choose the correct letter A, B, or C:

My dad and I have _______ done a bit of climbing at our local sports center. So we decided to go on a trip together,
climbing the high rocks _______ the coastline of a small island.

a. both -along

b. either-on

c. we- in

Question 13

1.0 points out of 1.0

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb, according to the context:

Have you _________ 'Gone with the Wind'?

a. seen

b. seeing

c. saw 5/6
21/2/24, 19:32 Task 1 - Checking my Prior-knowledge - Evaluation Quiz: Attempt review

Question 14


1.0 points out of 1.0

Choose the best option for the following statement:

An announcement in a newspaper, on the internet, etc. about a job that people can apply for.

a. Job interview.
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b. Job advertisement.

c. Job application.

Question 15

1.0 points out of 1.0

Read the text and choose the correct letter A, B, or C:

_______ it wasn't far from where we live, the journey across the sea ______ quite a long time- but it was worth it.

a. However- Spend

b. So-lasted

c. Although-took

◄ Evaluation Quiz - Task 6 - Final Exam

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