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VTU LIBRAR a CENTRAL LAW Penta { ie | EXPOSURE TO PESTICIDES Exposure occurs through ingestion of food and water as well as skin respiratory absorption food .. Russa oe RESPIRATORY AND SKIN ABSORPTION < HEALTH EFFECTS OF PESTICIDES IN HUMANS . Environmental Effects on Public Health Introduction Water Quality Climate Change .. (v) Health Law 3 CONTENTS Chapter National Health Care Policies of 1983 and 2001 Chapter 2 Pe Concept of Health under sat Cetin) : Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 Policies The Evolution zi pee Plans and ; 24 Introduction NS s Health Policy at z gq Values on which the Right to Health Care is based NATIONAL HEALTH POLICY, 2002 .... Context rec sy Strategies. Resource Allocation 0...» sian Towards Structural Changes and a New Health Policy Chapter 4 Health Care as Function of State 1. Health administration at Union and State level 111 Role of the Union Government 1.1.2 Structure, growth and existing set up 113 stration 114 1.2 Health Administration at State Level 1.2.1 Organization of State Health Department . (a) Political Head . (b) Administration Head () Technical Head UNIT Il Chapter 1 WHO: Concept of Health and Medical Assembly Guidelines Establishment agi Operational history Overall focus Governance and support health education and action Membership The Commitments and the Actions since the Resolutio: Concept of the Right to Health Care in International Documents. 34 Content of the Right to Health Care .. 3q_ Implementation of the Right to Health Care ...... 3q Concept of the Right to Health Care in National Documents Chapter 3 Concept of Health under United Nation Declaration on b Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons, 1971 4] International and Regional Human Rights Instruments and the Protection i of People with Mental ‘ d Well-being and Disal 4 4 : ‘i a) Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (United N The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Si 4 development Goals 4 The new Agenda 4\ Conclusions Chapter 4 Declaration of Rights of Disabled Persons, 1975 n and Discrimination inance and Development Corporal Commi for India Chapter 5 ALMATA Declaration lth, Healt as a socio-economic issue and as a human right Role of the state , aie Primary health care and components ng vi 56 58 62 hoe 66 68 68 73 74 74 76 78 79 719 80 81 81 81 82 82 82 CONTENTS Chapter 2 Provision relating to Articles 38, 39, 41, 42, 48A and 51A of the Directive Principles of State Policy RIGHT TO SOCIAL JUSTICE: 1. Social Justice Social Justice as Fundamental Right: . 2. RIGHT TO LIVELIHOOD: .. 3. _ RIGHT TO HUMAN DIGNITY: fe Right to Health and Humane Conditions of Work : ing to Right to Health: I! — Right to Health and Medical Aid as Fundamental Rights Under Article 21: Chapter 3 Entries relating to health care under Schedule VII of the Indian Constitution Conflict between Patente 3 pharmaceuticals under the TRIPs Agreement HEALTH IN THE PREAMBLE TO THE CONSTITUTION : eee i ae . HEALTH IN THE INDIAN FEDERAL SET-UP : Seat P THE UNION LIST Pharma v, Nelson Mandela HEALTH AND THE STATE LIST: CONCURRENT LIST: United States v. Braz -Brazilan AIDS aie Chapter 4 Power of State to regulate Trade and UNIT III Commerce for securing health of people 4 . FREEDOM OF INTER-STATE TRADE AND COMMERCE IN SOME ; , Chapter 1 OTHER FEDERATIONS, i Right to Health as Fundamental Right under Comparison Provisions under the Government of India Act 1935 ‘ ’ Article 21 of the Indian Constitution ions of some other Federal Constitutions. Definition of health 104 Pe eee ial 10 | Panchayat, Municipality and Health . 1 4 Fundamental Rights and Health .. 1 ican and Australian decisions compared: Right to Health is a Fundamental Right jo} Relations of Part Xill with other provisions of Indian. Constitution Chapter 5 Right to health vis-a-vis, the right to confidentiality j and right to access to medical records Introduction gee tsps ee: Page 112 113 oe Lhe 117 a 118 we 118 = fae 120 120 121 4.12 pet. 123) 127 avi. 129 129 131 132 132 134 137 rrr era arctan oe aia Me Health Law Patients’ rights in India Page Status of patients’ rights rs 198) The way ahead ... 149 Privacy and the Right to Information Act. 2005 mera Privacy and confidentiality .. saa 144} 145 The Right to Information Act, “2005 e Public interest, patient privacy, and the RTI Tact -svne 146 UNIT IV Chapter 1 Ingredients of Medical Negligence Medical negligence and the law peer ase 150 Civil law and negligence ON: 150 Criminal negligence ..... 151 Burden of proof and chances of error WARES 152 Reasonableness and prudence are the guiding factors. ‘ 153 NEGLIGENCE. o..ccccsso ee 153 Essentials, E 153) 1. Duty of care to the pl ee 153 Duty depends on reasonable foreseeability of injury: 154 jury not foreseeable: .. 155) 1. _ Reasonable foreseeability does not mean remote possibility 156 2. Breach of Duty... 156 3. Breach of Duty must have caused the Damage 158 Professional _.... aon a 160, Professional Lial - "¢ 160 Negligence by Professionals i isis 160 Negligence by Medical Professionals ..... i 160 Dearee of Negligence i - 161 MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE - A CIVIL WRONG OR CRIMINAL OFFENCE: 165, MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE AND HOSPITALS 166 Liability of hospitals in cases of negligence 166 Direct 167 Vicarious 169 CONTENTS: Chapter 2 Role of consent in medical practice Consent in Medical Practice The legal and ethical basis The elements of informed consent The consent form Implied consent Tocit consent Anticipatory consent Delay or refusal of beneficial treatment .. Disclosure in informed consent Consent cannot be presumed on medical facts Consent in emergencies Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship Capacity to Conse a. Age of Consent b. Mental Incapacity Knowledge Forms the Crux of the Matter Regarding the Consent .. Consent in Emergency Blanket Consent Refusal of Treatment Proxy Consent (Substitute Consent) Informed Refusal . Situations Where Consent May not be Obtained ROLE OF CONSENT IN CIRCUMSTANCES OTHER THAN MEDICAL EXAMINATION AND TREATMENT Chapter 3 Gross Negligence nce: Law and Interpretation legligence by professionals Negligence by Medical Professionals Degree of Negligence .. Bolam Case Jacob Mathew Case Page 173 .173 173 174 ETS Oa Le 174 S175 175 175 176 176 176 7a 179 180 180 180 ~ 180 181 181 181 181 181 182 182 184 184 185 185 185 186 + 187 187 + 188 i £ Civil or Criminal Liability .... Martin D'Souza’s Case AIR 2009 SC 2049 . Difficulties in application of Mathew guidelines Judges as lay men : Police and Harassment of Doctors .. Consumer Courts . Critique Kishan Rao’s case Critique Minor Marghesh Case Problems and Suggestions .. ‘ General Practitioner v. Specialist Risk and adventure .. Protocol Paper work Electronic Records . Chapter 4 Wrongful/Negligent diagnosis Statistical Analysis of Medication Errors in Delhi, India .... ‘Communication Barriers ........... Traditional and innovative approaches to lea Where does the diagnostic process fail? sis error eval (DEER) investigators in assessing cases-Uncertait diagnosis and findings Relationship between diagnosis failure and adverse outcomes Clinician assessment and actions Global assessment of improvement opportunities Diagnosis error case vignettes ... tes. Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Lessons and issues raised by the diagnosis error cases—Dif sorting out “don't miss” diagnosis Issues related to limitations of diagnostic testing es The role of information transfer and the communication of critical laboratory information Physician time, test availability, and other system Sorat Cognitive issues in diagnosis erFOF ose... sstnstntsesesse and research ies about ties in ig from diagnosis error .. +196 196: -198 200 201 201 201 201 202 202 202 202. so 203 203 204 205 206 206 CONTENTS UNIT V Chapter 1 Law of Torts NEGLIGENCE, NATURE OF MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE COMPONENTS OF MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE WHAT IS A TORT? é PROFESSIONAL NEGLIGENCE STANDARD OF CARE REQUIRED IN IN TESTS USED IN INDIA Extended ambit of medical negligence PROOF OF NEGLIGENCE ..... a EVOLUTION OF LAWS GOVERNING MEDICAL PRACTICE IN INDIA TORT LAW-CIVIL LAWS CONSTITUTIONAL LAW E Context of Judicial Intervention and Evolving Understanding of 221 eee emgel Right to Health is a Fundamental Right: 221 People are entitled to adequate health care ........ 222 Compensation Claims against the State. Anuradha Saha Case AIR 2010 SCC262 Negligence per se ats BURDEN OF PROOF Res Ipsa Loquitur CAUSATION The ‘but for’ test REMOTENESS OF DAMAGE. VICARIOUS LIABILITY .. DEFENSES FOR MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE .... Exceptions to contributory negligence Volenti Non Fit Injuria 4 TECHNICAL IMPERFECTIONS ABSENCE OF PROOF .. LEGISLATIVE INTERVENTIONS INDIAN MEDICAL COUNCIL ACT, 1956 ..... EEE xin Health Law UABILITY FOR NEGLIGENCE Chapter 2 Law of Crimes REASONS FOR INCREASING LITIGATIONS. DEGREE OF NEGLIGENCE: .. ROLE OF MEDICAL EXPERT'S OPINION, APPLICABILITY OF SECTION 304 & 304-A OF IPC CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE so BURDEN OF PROOF AND CHANCES OF ERROR . RECENT SUPREME COURT RULINGS WHY DOCTORS ARE CONFUSED oven T THE ISSUE OF “CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE’? ROLE OF MEDIA: DIVIDED JUDICIARY: . Chapter 3 Consumer Protection Act LIABILITY UNDER THE CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT India Applicabily of the Consumer Protection Act to medical practioner ‘Consumer 7 Service Contract of personal service Deficiency in service .. Summary Procedures under the Act UNIT VI Chapter 1 Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994 Recognition of ‘right to health’ is the benchmark of developed human societies. RIGHT TO HEALTH ‘AND THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION Health-a ‘state’ subject in Indian Constitution dudicial activism and right to health ...... i Meaning and definition of organ transplantation: Sources of organs for transplantation: «258 - 260 ) 247 247 251 251 253 265: 270 271 21 21 272 CONTENTS a Page Intemational legal perspective on transplantation of human organs: «......272 Legal framework in India: Constitutional view on Organ Transplantation 0... ae 272 Laws promoting human health- Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act, 1994 ....... 272 The Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act, 1994 274 Commercial dealing of human organ: 274 Instances of commercial dealings on human organs: ... 275 Punishment for commercial dealing of human organs: 277 THOTA 1994- Impact assessment after two decades “eeueTS| TRANSPLANTATION: LEGISLATIVE DEVELOPMENTS IN INDIA «......:.... 280 Bottlenecks in the implementation of THOTA, 1994 .. 282 “Consent' and organ donation... ee 282 Deceased organ donation: role of rel 282 Obtaining consent from relatives—emotional, ethical and religious constraints : 283 Distrust against the medical staff 284 Ascertaining consent - ‘near’ relative v. ‘nearest relative hierarchy .......284 consent-a misplaced strategy ... Respect for the autonomy of the deceased - Section 9 THOTA, 1994 vis-d-vis right to life of a speci ESOF patients Public policy for welfare of the community Section 9, THOTA, 1994 -Needs rethinking ......0:.:rcssesseesnsesne Transplant coordinator(s) and organ donation/ retrieval . 287 TRANSPLANTATION: LEGISLATIONS IN THE UK AND THE USA ...293 TRANSPLANTATION: THE JUDICIAL ATTITUDE .......... 294 TRANSPLANTATION: ANALYSIS OF THE ACT'S IMPLEMENTATION .....295 TRANSPLANTATION: FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS; .....0::..:::...296 Chapter 2 Pre Conception and Pre Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act, 1994 Introduction 287 ‘An overview of the PNDT Act... eset, 298) IMPORTANT PROVISIONS OF THE PRESENT LAWS ON FEMALE FOETICIDE .............+000 | th jens Xvi Health Law The Constitution of India Indian Penal Code Section 312: Causing miscarriage ar Section 313: Causing Miscarriage without the woman's consent Section 314; Death caused by act done with the intent to cause miscarriage ..... Section 315: An act done with intent to prevent child being bom alive or to cause it to die after birth. a Section 316: Causing death of quick unbom child by an act ‘amounting to culpable homicide Section 317: Exposure and abandonment of chi by parents or person having care of Section 318: Concealment of birth of a child . Section 511: Punishment for attempting to commit offence punishable with imprisonment for life or other imprisonment. The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 IMPORTANT PROVISIONS OF THE PRE CONCEPTION PRE NATAL DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES ACT, 1994 AND THE PRE CONCEPTION PRE NATAL DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES ACT, 1994 RULES. The PCPNDT Act, 1994 Significant Definitions . Guidelines and Regulation ‘Numerous Implementing Bodies ... under 12 years CONTENTS nil 7. State of Haryana v. Dr. Ved Prakash Agarwal, Proprietor, Agarwal Nursing Home, Ultrasound & X-ray Clinic, Kurukshetra, Haryana... 338 8. _ State of Punjab v. Pushpa Maternity Home 339 9. S.K. Gupta v. Union of India and Ors. 340 10. Voluntary Health Association of Punjab v. Union of India & Ors. ...341 11. Vinod Soni and Anr v. Union of India. 12. Vijay Sharma and Ors. v. Union of India. . 13. Dr. Devendra Bohra v. State of Harayana and Ors. ....... 14. Dr. K.L. Sehgal v. Office of District ora ‘Authority and Dr. Sonal Randhawa v. Union of India (UO). .. 345 15. M/s Malpani Infertility Clinic Pvt. Ltd, & Ors. v. Appr le Authority, PNDT Act and Ors. 346 16. Suresh Manjibhai Prajapati v. State of Gujarat and Anr. 347 17. Satya Trilok Kesari versus State of Maharashtra and Anr. 18. Dr. Varsha Gautam versus State of Uttar Pradesh and Ors, «..ess-+ 19. Dr. Kavita Pramod Kamble versus State of Maharashtra and Anr. .. 350 20. Dr. Manoj Lamba versus State of Harayana and Ors. 21. Dr. Suhasini Umesh Karanjkar versus Kolhapur Municipal Corporation and Ors. LACUNAS IN THE PRESENT LAWS ON FEMALE FOETICIDE AND SUGGESTIONS FOR AMENDING THE LAW AND TACKLING. CASES. ai I (1) Policy level bodies ae et ae International Code of Medical Ethics Beene rece f Medical Ethics 377 NDT national Code of Me: ia eee Duties of physicians in general “371 Powers of the Appropriate Authority. Duties of physicians to the sick 378 Offences and Penalties chica EXTENT OF IMPLEMENTATION OF LAWS BY Be JUDICIARY Indian Meaicind oa CREST CERT Atty a ey A ee caver at Eee v KP Singh ‘THE INDIAN MEDICINE CENTRAL COUNCIL ACT, 1970 379 L ict Appropriate Authorit ERE e Sle 2. Harish G Thakkar (Hari X-ray and Colour Doppler Sonography ae — o pee ane ee Clinic, Ahmedabad v. State of Gujarat & Ors, ee ee oa 3. Dr Kaushik Babulal Shah v. Appropriate Authority, oe Sey oe a 4. — State of Rajasthan & Ors v. Dr. Naini Maiyyar, Coordinator, Foc eee ees ee Pariwar Sewa Cl 5. Dr. Shashi Mehta (CDMO and AA, under the Act) v Dr. Pawandeep Singh Ko! 6. Dr_PK Bansal, CDMO v. Dr. Sertaj Ahmad Withdrawal of recognition xvii Health Law Regulation of mii inimum standard: Maintenance of Central Register rds of medical education Revival, moder n and int Indi io mi ‘ nization and integration of Indian traditional herbal medi icine Modernization and cate reeaisien of herbal medicine in clinical practee— Rules, regulation & governing body ... Y AYUSH and health policy ......... Quality control, regulation of safety and etcay lease Pharmacopeia and formularies ... ss Research, industry, education and practice Traditional knowledge digital library (TKDL) Promotion, gradual integration .... Protection of biodiversity . Indian traditional medicine—revival stor ‘Ayurvedic drugs around the globe ISM, medicinal plants of India and economy Preventive and curative approaches of ISM ISM—evidences for effectiveness inal plants and drug eng ce tr ‘ Current science & technology in modemization of herbal medicine Towards the achievement of universal healthcare z Extent of cross-system practice Regulations Philosophical orientation ¢ of Concerns about safety and “ ‘commodific. The larger interest: public health perspective Non-licensed practitioners . path Rural Medical Assistants .... Telemedicine and virtual jearning platforms . National Rural Health Mission and AYUSH . Bridging the gap: approach to integrated medicine Investing in health .... ry and a gala n various systems of medicine .... ion" of medicines .. ‘CONTENTS Chapter 5 Dentists Act, 1948 PRINCIPLES OF ETHICS Non Maleficence Justice DCI CODE OF ETHICS AND DENTIST ACT, 1948 Veracity CONSENT Types of Consent ... Implied consent Expressed consent (Tacit consent) Informed consent ..... Proxy consent (Substitute Consen Blanket consent Valid Consent Capacity to consent Age of consent Issues related to consent Dental tourism and consent .. LEGAL ISSUES IN DENTAL PRACTICES .. Dental Negligence . fi 1 Tortious liabi 2. Contractue 3. Criminal liabi 4. Statutory liability STATUTES Consumer Protection Act, 1986 .... ‘The Bio-medical waste (Management and handling) Rules, 1998 Drug presc and Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1990 Clinical Establishment Act, 2010 PROTECTION AGAINST LITIGATION ..... ity of dental care: Perspectives and issues .. the context of unmet demand ... response to quality needs in dental care in private sector Le ‘Aim and objectives of this study... What is a policy? «..... Why do we need to analyse ‘policies concerning quality of dental care? Health Law icies—letter, spirit and practice ea framework for this study . Policy analysis Dental Act e National Oral Health Care Program (NOHCP) .... Tenth Five Year Plan ............ pfecdencs <0 The India Private Health Care Establishments Bill Task Force Report «0 pre Review of policies... Policy implementatior Quality of Private Der Recommendations .... Chapter 6 The Homeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 | ' The hallmarks of unitary homeopathy are .. Homoeopathy preparation ..... # Homoeopathy in European countries Homoeopathy in India. Central Council of Homoeopathy (CCH) in India ... Central Council of Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) Chapter 7 Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 Drugs and Cosmetics covered under the Act .. Technical Advisory Board ..... iia i Regulation of Drugs and Cosmetics other than Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Drugs Bi Regulating bodies .......... The Central Drugs Laboratory .s.esesnsosor.- i Regulations about import of drugs and cosmetics Standards of quality ...... nade Application of law relating to sea customs . 4 Rule making about import of drugs and cosmetics Penalties for importing prohibited drugs or cosmetics. Restrictions about manufacture, sale and distribution of dross and cosmetics ....... ene Inspection of drugs and cosmetics... Appointment and position of Inspectors Powers of Inspectors «0... ‘Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) CONTENTS, ™ Procedure of inspection ......... Reports of Government Analysis fin Prohibition on manufacture of drugs in public interest Penalties for contraventions in manufacture and sale of Drugs Confiscation and cognizance of offences oe... Regulations about Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Drugs Regulating authorities mena BNE tod Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Drugs Technical Advisory Board ‘The Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Drugs Consultative'Committee .. Prohibitions on manufacture and sale 7... Control Mechanism eae Appointment of Analysts and Inspectors Penalties and confiscation for contraventions ‘The Drugs (Control) Act, 1950 se Masheikar Committee Recommendations Directorate of Drugs Control, India so... i Functions undertaken by State Government Statutory Functions State of India 2 : SNe: 463 Function of Drugs Control Administration 463 Services * 3 464 Drugs Testing Laboratory India 464 India State pharmacy council 464 Chapter 8 Drugs Control Act, 1950 cement Agencies in India... EE 66 | Division 4 “466 : i 467 ives and Functions of the Narcotics Control Bureau... 467 of Narcotics (CBN) ..... 2 468 ies 469 ional Framework in India , 469 the Legislature sone oG a 470 The Opium Act, 1857 i 470 The Opium Act 1878 471 ‘The Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930. ....... 472 Opium and Revenue Laws (Extension of Apy 474 State Acts Eee g 474 The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 475 Enforcement Machinery .... 476 Health Law Licit Opium Cultivation Special Provisions Relating to Forfeiture of Property . Offences and Penalties Factors to be considered for Imposing Higher Punishments Precursor Control ¥ DPS Act -An Evaluation Prevention of Illicit Traf Substances Act, 1988. .... Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Chi ren)Act,2000 The Drugs (Control) Act, 1950 .. Chapter 9 The Mental Health Act, 1987 INDIAN MHA (1987) en iid Beane, Terminologies used in Other important terminologies used in the act Objectives of the act Gai ! Critical aspects of MHA Mental health act is divided into 98 Sections The short details of the chapters, suggested improvements are Suggested change: e Suggested changes: .. BelicsWaiee LTH PROGRAMME, THE BENEFITS, THE NATIONAL MENTAL HEA FALLACIES AND SCOPE FOR IMPROVEMENT THE MENTAL HEALTH CARE BILL, 2012 7 2. Autonomy and Eq 10 chapters consisting of the inadequacies in them and being described below: in the MHC Bill: a) Autonomy and Legal Capac b) mental disabilities: 3. Right to Independent Living Other noteworthy provisions of the MHC B 1, _ Systemic changes in the mental healthcare system ar forums for complaints: ts 2. Duties of the Government: 3. Decriminalization of Suicides: References INDEX in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Table of Cases ‘AS. Chandra (Dr.) v. Union of India, 248 5 AS. Mittal v. State of Uttar Pradesh, 108, 163 ‘Acchutrao Haribhau Khodwa v. State of Maharashtra, 159 ‘Achut Rao Khodwa v. State of Maharashtra and others, 237 ‘Achutrao & Ors. v. State of Maharashtra & Ors., 171 ‘Achutrao Haribhau Khodwa v. State of Maharashtra, 162, 227 ‘Additional Director, CGHS, Pune v. R.L. Butani (Dr), 253 Allied Maples Group Ltd, v. Simmons & Simmons, 229 ‘Anns v. Merton London Borough Council, 214 Anuradha Saha Case, 223 Aparna Dutta v. Apollo Hospitals Enterprises Ltd., 169 Arland v. Taylor, 157 Atiabari Tea Co. Ltd. v, State of Assam, 125, 133, 134 ‘Automobile Transport Lid. v. State of Rajasthan, 133, B BLL. Nagaraj and others v. Dr. Kantha and others, 295, Baker v. Willoubhby, 230 Balbir Singh v. Authorisation Committee and Ors., 294 eine Byabasai Association v. State of Orissa, 114 helsea an Kensington Hospital Management Committee, 228 v. Himalaya Gas Co., 157 v.R,, 128 Water Works Company, 157, 210 Sansthan v. Subba Chakravarthy, 117 Friern Hospital Management Committee, 161, 187, 215 10 v, City and Hackney Health Authority, 228 Booker v. Wenborn, 154 Butterfield v. Forrester, 234 way Health Law CES.C. Lid. v, Chai c ‘Table Cases w Re eirerahias \; Kurceen mae 16 | avn vat Berks fren Heath Aubry, 229 Colcutta Medical Ri my and another, 249 i Cassidy v Miley of ty '¢ v, Bimalesh Chatterjee, 152, 243 npero\Cherrca Indus Lid. Satu, 294 L Indian Medical Association VP, Shantha & Ors, 160, 217, 220, 290, 261, 254, 295 CEHAT °F ; 256, 257, 268, 271 ae igen war Dev v. Union of India, 155 CESC Lid. v. Subhash Chandra Bose, 108, 221 J Jacob Mathow v. State of Puna and Anather, 161, 162, 166, 172, 108, 286, 219, 14 “podish Kumar Baipa v, Union of dia, 246 Cosmopolitan Hospitals and another uv. Smt. Vasantha P. Nair, 25 D DK Yadav v. SMV. Industries, 114 Dalenia Cement Ltd. uv. Union of India, 112 Davhes v. Mann, 236 Delhi Development Horticulture Employees Union v. Delhi Administration, 114 Delhi Domestic Working Women's Forum v, Union of India, 117 Devendra Bohra (Dr) v. State of Haryana and Ors, 344 Dhamanthabal v. State, 295 District Appropriate Authority, PK. Bansal v. K.P. Singh, 342 Donoghue v. Stevenson, 213 Drug Action Forum uv. Union of India, 448 Drug pene Generel of India v. West Bengal Small Scale Manulacturers Avvo 2 Fardon v. Harcesn Rivington, 156 Fateh Chand Himmatial v, State of Mabaras! Francis Coralie v. Union Territory of Delhi Gagan Corporation v. usr, 154 Cregg 0, Scott, ZO H Harkh G. Thaldkar (Hori Yay and Colour Doppler Sonography Clinic Absn State A Goiparat te O18. 333 M Hari Ablswalia uv. Spring Meadows Hospital, 252 M4. Prness Roky OMe) v. hate oA Anetrn Process, 167 Hatcher v. Black, 226 | Health Law M.C. Mehta v. Union of India, 109 MAK Gourikutty & ete. (Dr) v. M.K. Madhavan and Ors.. 171 Mahendra Pratap Singh v. Orissa State, 222 Makbool Ahmed v. Bhura Lal, 155 Maikiat Kaur v. State of Punjab. 303 Malpani Infertility Clinic Put. Ltd. & Ors. (M/s,) v. Appropriate Authority, PNDT Act Ors., 346 Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India, 116, 271 Manoj Lamba (Dr.) v. State of Haryana and Ors., 351 Martin D’ Souza's case, 190 Meenaz Moloobhay (Mrs_) v. State of Maharashtra, 446 . Mchtab Majid uv State of Madras, 126 Merck v. Merck Generics, 99 Minor Marghesh Case, 192 Mohan Lal v, State of Rajasthan, 451 Mohanan v. Prabha G Nair and another, 243 Mohd. Shabir v. Maharashtra, 453 ‘Municipal Corporation of Delhi v. Subhagwanti & Ors., 155, 159 Municipal Council, Ratlam v. Vardhichand & Ors., 221 N Nataraja Mudaliar case, 124 Nirmala R. Parab v. Dr. Kalpana Desai, 253 Nirmala v. Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, 157 ‘Olga Telis v. Bombay Municipal Corporation, 113, Orissa Road Transport Co, Ltd. v. Umakant Singh, 155 P P.K, Bansal, CDMO (Dr,) v. Dr. Sartaj Ahmad, 337 P.N. Kaushal v. Union of India, 123 Pandian Roadways Corp. v, Paris v. Stepney Borough Co: Parmanand Katara v. Union Paschim Banga Khet Mazdoor Peoples Union for Democratic Ri People’s Union of Civil Libert Poonam Verma v, Ashwin Pa 164, 226, 242 Prag Rice and Oil Mills v. Union of India, 125 Pratap Pharma (Pvt) Ltd. v. Union of India, 446 Premshankar v. Delhi Administration, 116 Public Prosecutor v. Hatambhai, 446 Bengal & ors, 106, 222. 271 soo Table of Cases pun State v Surinder Kaur, 171 7] puchpaleela v State of Kamataka, 108 R palroad Co. v. Aspell, 235 Ra Kisban v- Mahaveer Prasad, 449 Rajaram S Parab v. Dr. Kalpana Desai, 253 Rajinder Kumar 0. State of Punjab, 294 Rajmal v. State of Rajasthan, 171 Rekha Gupta (Smt) v Bombay Hospital Trust & Anr., Rex v. Smither, 133 Raval Litigation and Entitlement Kendra v State of U.P, 109) ural Transport Service u. Bezlum Bibi, 155 Ryan v. Youngs, 156 170 s ‘5. Dhanaveni v. State of Tamil Nadu, 154 & Malgamma alias Malligawa and another u. State of Kamataka, 295 SK. Garg v. State of U.P., 222 SK Gupta v. Union of India and Ors., 340 SSS. Abbey's case, 230 Saghir Ahmed v. State of Uttar Pradesh, 127 Samira Kohli v. Dr. Prabha Manchanda and Another, 218 Medical Stores, Allahabad v. State of U.P., 447 (Smt) v. State of Haryana & Ors., 171 case, 242 1 Kesari v. State of Maharashtra and Anr., 348 State of M.P., 458 jlders v. Narayan Khimelal Totame, 109 DMO and AA, under the Act) (Dr) u. Dr. Pawandeep Singh Kohli, 336 lector of Central Excise, 444 e of Haryana, 451 icipal Committee, 114 india, 345 and another v. Harjol Ahlu Walia, 163, 227 Ved Prakash Agarwal, Proprietor, Agarwal Nursing Home, inic, Kurukshetra, Haryana, 338 Sanjay tha Det », Ghanshyam K. Zaveri and another, 448. v. RA. Chandawarkar, 458 State Janmajay Dinda, 453 State of Punjab v. Mohinder Singh Chawla, 119 State of Punjab v. Pushpa Maternity Home, 339 State State voxvill Health Law State of Punjab v. Ram Lubhaya Bagga, 105 State of Punjab v. Shiv Ram, 163 State of Rajasthan & Ors. v. Dr. Naini Maiyyar, Coordinator, Pariwar Sowa State of Tamil Nadu v. Sitalakshmi Mills, 124 Subhash Kumar v. State of Bihar, 109 Subodh S. Shah v. Director, Food and Drugs, Ahmedabad, 438 Suhasini Umesh Karanjkar (Dr.) v. Kolhapur Municipal Corporation and Ors., 352 Sunil Batra v. Delhi Administration, 117 Suresh Gupta (Dr.) v. Goverment of NCT of Delhi, 219, 243 Suresh Manjibhai Prajapati v. State of Gujarat and Anr., 347 T T. Damodar Rao and others v. Special Officer, Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad, 109 T. Ramakrishna Rao v. Hyderabad Development Authority, 109 Tarun Thakore v. Noshir M. Shroff, 237 Tika Ramji v, State of Uttar Pradesh, 126 Clinic, 335 U Unichen Labs Ltd, v. Union of India, 451 United States v, Brazil-Brazilian AIDS Programme, 97, 100 Unnikrishnan, JP v. State of A.P., 110 Vv VP. Santha, 172 . Varsha Gautam (Dr.) v. State of Uttar Pradesh and Ors., 349 Vijay H. Mankar v. Dr. (Mrs.) Mangla Bansod, 256 Vijay Sharma and Ors. v. Union of India, 343 Vincent Panikurlangara v. Union of India, 110 Vincent v. Union of India, 108 Vinod Soni and Anr. v. Union of India, 342 Virender Gaur v. State of Haryana, 109 Voluntary Health Association of Punjab v. Union of India & Ors., 34 w Wilsher v, Essex Area Health Authority, 230, 233 Zz Zim Laboratories, Bombay and Others (M/s.) v. State of Maharashtra, 450 the

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