Example of Analyzing Test Items

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Muhammad Husnul Fikri (E1D021224)



A : Jawaban salah sekaligus distraksi
A : Jawaban Benar
A : Pengganti jawaban sekaligus penjelasan

The dialog is for number 1 - 3.

Girl : Why are you looking sad?
Boy : I am poor at physic (it shud be Physics). I want to attend a course or study group, but I don’t have
time. Any suggestios?
Girl :You’d better download learning applications related to physics. You can open them anytime you
Boy :That’s a good idea. Do you know recommended applications?
Girl :Look at mine! They are really good, aren’t they?
Boy :Yes, I think so. No wonder, you are good at physics.
Girl :Thanks.

1. What is the boy’s problem?

A. The boy is poor
B. The girl is smarter than the boy (it might seem plausible to some students, especially if they assume it
based on general stereotypes or assumptions about academic abilities.)
C. The boy doesn’t have time to attend physic (physics) course
D. The boy is poor so he can’t pay for a physic (physics) course
E. The boy doesn’t have phone so he can’t download the application

2. How could the girl be good at physics?

A. She studies by herself
B. She goes to study group
C. She attend (attends) physics course
D. She studies physics by application
E. She studies how to download the application related to physics. (This distracts from the main point of
the question, which is about the methods or actions that contribute to the girl's proficiency in physics.
Therefore, option E qualifies as a distraction because it presents a similar answer alongside the
correct ones but is not directly connected to the main focus of the question.)

3. Based on the dialog, which one is the expression of giving suggestion?

A. You’d better download learning applications related to physics.
B. Do you know recommended applications?
C. They are really good, aren’t they?
D. Any suggestion? (it's a question asking for a suggestion and theres a word “Suggestion” which is
match to the question with word “Suggestion” aslo. This might lead students to misinterpret the
question and select this option incorrectly.)
E. Yes, I think so.

The dialog is for number 4-5.

Erick : I think we should make different events to celebrate the Independence Day.
Andy : I think so. What is your idea?
Erick : Besides holding several competitions as usual, what if we hold a carnival and arts
Andy : That’s great!
Erick : Let’s discuss it in the next meeting!
Andy : I agree

4. What is Erick’s opinion about celebrating Independence Day?

A. Make same event
B. Do not make different events
C. Hold several competition as usual (might be confusing because it seems to align with what typically
D. Make a carnival and traditional competition
E. Make different events such as carnival and arts performance

5. Does Andy agree with Erick’s opinion?

A. Yes, it is. : Ambiguos (This ambiguity could lead students to select option A thinking it aligns with
Andy's agreement with Erick's opinion,)
B. Yes, he did.
C. Yes, he does
D. No, he didn’t.
E. No, he doesn’t.

The text is for number 6-10.


6. Where will the grand opening be held?

A. At Mataram
B. At Jl. Anggrek No. 56
C. At PT Muda Karya
D. At Kupang Exhibition Centre
E. At Mataram Exhibition centre

7. Who will attend the grand opening ceremony?

A. All hybrid car lovers
B. All the managers of PT Growth Auto
C. All the marketing managers in Indonesia
D. All the PT Muda Karya marketing managers
E. All the marketing managers of car industry in Indonesia

8. Why does the sender write the letter? (What is the sender's purpose in writing the letter?)
A. To inform the schedule
B. To offer business cooperation
C. To introduce the new products
D. To ask a person to attend an event
E. To welcome a person in an exhibition

9. What should the reader do after receiving the letter? (If the reader is willing to attend the event, what
should he/she do after receiving the letter?)
A. Inform her product
B. Confirm her attendance
C. Come to PT Muda Karya
D. Hold the same exhibition
E. Agree with the cooperation
10. “The exhibition will surely benefit our companies …” (paragraph 2)
The underlined word is the most closely associated ("Associated"
might not be the most accessible word for high school students. A
simpler alternative could be "related to" or "connected to,") to...
A. Definitely
B. Regularly
C. Extremely
D. Doubtfully (Option D, "Doubtfully," is considered a distraction because it presents a contrasting
meaning to the word "surely," which is the underlined word in the passage.)
E. Unfortunately

The text is for number 11-14.

Why exercise is important
The majority of us claim that we do not have time for exercise. We feel too busy to do that. However, many
experts said that exercise has great role in making our body healthy.
Being physically active offers many advantages. In physical reword (Reward), exercise can reduce weight
then our body will become fitter. Exercise is also believed to reduce stress levels, improve sleep patterns, and
reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer. Exercise also brings good effects
mentally. Due to the fitter body, exercise can make us feel refreshed and happy then we can increase our
life quality and expectancy.
How can we do exercise while we are busy? Such question is commonly found among us. Actually
exercise can be done in simple ways. We can go walking while shopping. In the office we can take stair rather
than lift to run up and down. Or we can go cycling while enjoy the leisure time.
Overall, doing exercise is little bit difficult in busy life but the little bit of exercise will help better.

11. Why do people have no time to do exercise?

A. They are not sick.
B. They all are healthy.
C. They are busy to do that.
D. They don’t need exercise.
E. They don’t want to do that.

12. The following statements are the advantages of exercise, except....

A. To reduce weight
B. To improving sleep patterns
C. To reduce risk of heart disease
D. To make us beautiful and handsome
E. To make us feel fresh

13. What is the main idea of paragraph three?

A. The advantages of exercise.
B. How to use stairs at the office.
C. Doing exercise in the leisure time.
D. How to do exercise while we are shopping.
E. Simple ways to do exercise while we are busy.

14. What can we do for exercise while we are busy?

A. Eating all kinds of food
B. Walking while shopping
C. Going for shopping by car
D. Using lift to run up and down
E. Sleeping all the time in leisure time

The dialog is for number 15-17.

Maya : Do you know Radit?
Tami : Radit? Our classmate?
Maya : Yes, you know what? I saw him smoke while he was riding his motorbike.
Tami : That’s awful. So, what did you do to him?
Maya : I told him to stop and I asked him to throw the cigarette. He was angry but I didn’t care. What do
you think about that?
Tami : I absolutely agree with you. I think I will do the same. Smoke in public places is really bad habit.
And it should be banned.

15. From the dialog above we know that... (From the dialogue above, what do we understand about Tami's
opinion about smoking in public places?
A. Smoke in public places is a habit.
B. According to Maya, Radit is a bad boy.
C. Tami thinks that Radit is a chain smoker.
D. Maya absolutely agree with Tami’s opinion.
E. Tami thinks that smoke in public places should be banned.

16. What will Tami do if she finds people who smoke in public places?
A. She will ask them to stop smoking.
B. She will let them smoke on the street.
C. She will banned smoking in public places. (She will ban smoking in public places ) (This option is
grammatically incorrect and unclear. It suggests that Tami herself will ban smoking in public places,
which seems unlikely given her individual capacity. It should be "She will advocate for banning
smoking in public places" to make it a clearer and more accurate option.)
D. She will do the same as Radit does to Maya.
E. She will not do the same as Maya did to Radit.

17. Where did Maya find Radit smoking?

A. In the cafe
B. In his house
C. On the road
D. At the school
E. In the restaurant

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