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Case Report

SUBMITTED BY Muhammad Hamza


Registration No 70120204

Department DHPT


SUBJECT clinical practices

Topic Organization of an Operating Theater

Different zones of OT complex

 Protective zone:
 Clean zone:
 Aseptic zone
 Disposal zone

The operation theater is a specialized facility within a healthcare institution where surgical
procedures are performed. It typically consists of a sterile environment equipped with surgical
instruments, anesthesia equipment, monitoring devices, and other necessary tools. The
organization of an operation theater involves careful planning of space, layout, equipment
arrangement, and personnel coordination to ensure efficient and safe surgical procedures.

The organization of an operating theater is critical to ensuring efficient and safe surgical
procedures. Here's a general outline of how an operating theater is typically organized:

A. Pre-operative Area:

This is where patients are prepared for surgery. It may include:

 Admission desk for paperwork and registration

 Waiting area for patients and their families
 Pre-operative assessment area where patients are evaluated by medical staff and
necessary tests are conducted.
 Changing rooms where patients change into surgical gowns.
B. Operating Room:

The operating room itself is where the surgical procedure takes place. It is typically organized
into several zones:

a. Sterile Zone: This is the central area where the surgery is performed. It includes:

 Operating table: Where the patient lies during surgery

 Surgical lights: Illumination for the surgical field.

 Anesthesia equipment: Monitors, ventilators, and other devices necessary for
administering anesthesia.
 Surgical instruments and supplies: Arranged on tables around the sterile field.

b. Semi-Sterile Zone: This area is adjacent to the sterile zone and includes:

 Anesthesia workstation: Where anesthesiologists or nurse anesthetists monitor the patient

during surgery.
 Equipment table: Holds additional surgical instruments and supplies that are needed
during the procedure.

c. Non-Sterile Zone: This area is outside of the operating room itself and includes:

 Scrub sink: Where surgical staff wash their hands and arms before entering the sterile
 Equipment storage: Cabinets or shelves for storing non-sterile equipment and supplies.
 Documentation area: Where patient records, surgical logs, and other paperwork are
C. Support Areas:
 Post-anesthesia care unit (PACU): Where patients recover immediately after surgery.
 Sterile processing department: Where surgical instruments are cleaned, sterilized, and
prepared for reuse.
 Staff facilities: Break rooms, locker rooms, and restrooms for surgical staff.
 Administrative offices: Where OR scheduling, billing, and other administrative tasks are
D. Emergency Equipment:

Emergency equipment such as crash carts, defibrillators, and emergency medications should be
readily accessible within the operating theater in case of complications.

E. Communication Systems:

Intercoms, phones, and other communication systems should be available for efficient
communication between surgical staff, support personnel, and other departments.

F. Infection Control Measures:

Strict protocols for hand hygiene, sterilization of equipment, and cleaning of surfaces are
essential to prevent surgical site infections and maintain a sterile environment.

G. Environmental Control:

Temperature, humidity, and airflow should be controlled to minimize the risk of infection and
maintain the comfort of surgical staff and patients.

H. Safety Measures:

Safety protocols should be in place to prevent accidents and ensure the safe use of equipment and
medications during surgery

It involves in the overall management of the OT rooms and department. This refers to the overall
layout, design, and setup of the operation theater.

 It involves determining the optimal arrangement of equipment, furniture, and personnel

within the theater to facilitate surgical procedures.
 Organizing the operation theater also includes implementing protocols and procedures for
infection control, patient safety, and emergency response.
 The organization ensures that the operation theater is well-equipped, functional, and
conducive to providing high-quality surgical care.


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