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Intercultural Activity

1. Get in pairs.
2. Find a person that has had any experience living or traveling abroad and is willing
to share their story with you.
3. Use the questions below and any other questions you find relevant to conduct the
interview. Take notes on the information provided by your interviewee in each
What’s the interviewee’s name? Camilo Prieto
Where has the person traveled to? Turkey

 Choose one of the places the person has experience with and do the following

Interview Questions

1. How was your experience in that place? Why?

It was interesting because he can saw different cultures
2. Why did you travel to that country?
For vacations
3. What were the most difficult challenges in that place?
The language, the food
4. What cultural differences did you find?
The religion in this country is Musselman
5. Do you know how they celebrate different events? (birthdays,
weddings, festivals)
He doesn’t have information but he know that the people
celebrate festivals
6. Did you attend to any of those celebrations? How did you feel?
7. Your question what is the typical of the place?

8. Your question What is the typical transport of this place?

After conducting the interview, carefully review the collected information to identify and
analyze cultural differences and similarities between the location visited by your
interviewee and your own country.
Individually, upload this document to your portfolio (Intercultural activity) and have it ready
for session 1, week 13.
Place visited by the interviewee Your country


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