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Police Oversight Commission Study Group November 8, 2011 Attendees: Jane Rands Matthew Leslie Judith Kaluzny Jill

Korenaga Patrick McGee 325-5223 (m) 738-6165 (h) 714-441-2355 (w) 714-309-6016 714-738-3866 (h) 714-270-0480 (m)

Documents Reviewed: (Patrick's Proposal)

Civilian Review Board Sample Model (ACLU Recommendations)

Proposal requested from Patrick by City Manager, Joe Felz. (Patrick suggested oversight committee during public comments a few times.) Proposal Submitted by Patrick to Felz Felz forwarded proposal to City Attorney Waiting for response. Will use feedback when developing second proposal Concerns about submitted proposal: A. Police Union as members of committee. Patrick understood from Felz that the Police Union had to be allowed Action: 1) Investigate state laws that may require union members 2) Get better understanding from Felz as to why he believes this to be the case B. Commission sending reports soley to Police Chief Concern that Police Chief could choose to not act as has happened with individual complaints filed with dept. Resolution: Comission reports delivered to City Council, like other committees and commissions Committee authority 1) Victim registers complaint with police and with committee 2) Committee requests police to follow up on complaint 3) Police have opportunity to respond voluntarily to committee 4) No follow up/response by police a. committee brings to attention of council - w/request for follow up b. committee brings to attention of grand jury (as warranted) 5) Committee presence at council meetings a. Track complaints made during public comments b. Hold police accountable for requests made at mtgs

6) Interview and make recommendations on police chief Should committee be independent of city like Neighborhood Watch? Goals/Purpose/Benefits 1) Legal settelements reduced - charges against victims dropped by police with no follow up on complaint result in costly civil litigation/settlements. 2) Police Accountability - creates confidence in and respect for police. 3) Victim Advocacy - fewercivil rights violations Police reform 1) Review Gennaco's recommendations 2) Determine whether leadership within dept has changed 3) How do peers within dept view officers when they violate rules/commit crimes 4) How to make police responsive to citizens 5) Who has good police dept - what makes it good - demographics, educated police? Requests of Dept 1) Close down shooting range - supports egotistical elitist attitude 2) Ask police to voluntarily stop endorsing council candidates - appearance of quid pro quo 3) Police Decompression - ways to address chronic PTSD a. required gym time at end of shift b. sharing feelings and experiences with other officers once a week i. affects of hanging with the drunkies downtown ii. disrespectful treatment of minor offenders. c. benefits - reduce violent conflicts, reduce domestic violence, better health 4) Track domestic violence incidence of officers (reported in other cities) 5) Police bring their issues to the committee Topics to review 1) Access to city camera feed 2) DAR policy 3) council involvement in Skelly process 4) reforming state laws

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