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Task 1: You are the HR manager of a sports hospitality company.

You have just appointed a new

Marketing Manager, Luis Morales. Write an email to the marketing team introducing Luis and
saying when he is due to start work with the company.
Your email should include the following information:
- Why he is the right person for the job.
- His skills and experience.
- An invitation to a meeting with him on the first day.
Tittle: Let’s welcome Luis Morales aboard.
Dear Marketing team,
I’m pleased to introduce our newest team member, Luis Morales. Luis will be joining us as Marketing
Manager starting from tomorrow.
While we all get acquainted, here’s a little bit about him:
His full name is Luis Morales. He is 31 years old. He was graduated from New York University and
his major is Multimedia Communications. He has 6 years work as a Event Planner at RK Sports
Hospitality, a one-stop solution for sports event management companies, corporate and fan ticket and
travel package concierge providers, as well as for leading brands and for professional sports teams.
I’m confident that he will be a valuable asset to the team. I’m sure all team will make him feel
welcome. Please join in welcome meeting with him on the first day.
Nghiem Thuy Trang.
Task 2: Modern cities are growing so quickly. Write a paragraph to discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of living in the city.
Your paragraph must include:
- A topic sentence that express the main idea.
- Supporting sentence that develop and support the main idea.
- A concluding sentence that summarises the whole paragraph.
- At least 150 words.
It's undeniable that living in the city brings great advantages but also some significant drawbacks.
First of all, if we live in the city, we will have many chances to approach the developing science and
technology. It means that we will have more job opportunities and broaden our knowledge more easily.
Secondly, we will have many different ways to spend our free time. There are a lot of theatres,
concerts and other kinds of entertainment. There are a lot of choices for shopping, in various shopping
centres and galleries you can buy whatever you want.
Besides the advantages, living in a city still has some disadvantages. There are many kinds of
pollution in the city such as air pollution, noise pollution, light pollution, water pollution, etc.
Furthermore, such a large number of vehicles make the road crowded so the traffic jams usually occur
during rushing hour. Additionally, the high rate of accidents and crime make people worried when
living in the city. Many young people living are easily spoiled by bad habits in including social vices.
Because many people want to rush to the city to find jobs, they put the pressure on supply of food,
water and shelters to live. City officials often meet difficulties dealing with building houses for
In conclusion, although living in the city has many drawbacks, I believe that many people want to live
there because there are many opportunities there in stead of staying in countryside with a low paid job.
Task 3: Write an essay to discuss the solutions the tackle obesity in modern life.
Your essay must include:
- An introductory paragraph that expresses the main idea.
- Body paragraph(s) the develop(s) and support(s) the main idea.
- A concluding paragraph that summarises the whole essay.
- At least 200 words.
Obesity has become increasingly recognized as a serious health issue and has aroused public concern
in modern life. There are a number of reasons causing this problem and each problem needs to be dealt
in a particular way.
The primary reason is we have seen earlier is an increasingly sedentary lifestyle and lack of activity.
This causes the deposits of excess fat principally in the abdomen areas and hence enlargements of
muscles concerned. Yet another reason could be the lower relative cost of foodstuffs. This enables
people of all walks of life to take in food whether necessary or unnecessary. Increased marketing,
accounts for the innumerable stock of junk food, preferred by children and adults alike. In two-income
households, the clock never ticks in the kitchen, the occupants never bother to take care of their health.
Food is often taken from restaurants where delicious and sumptuous food three or more times a day
causes unhealthy eating habits.
Regular exercise and eating right are considered to be the best solution to the problem. Exercise
requires energy (calories) stored as body fat. The body breaks down its fat stored to provide energy
during prolonged aerobic exercise. Medical help ranging from pills to surgery is recommended in
certain extreme cases of obesity. The probable reasons could be thyroid malfunction or other organ
dysfunction. Besides exercise, the best way to treat obesity is to eat a healthy, reduced-calorie diet
and exercise regularly. To do this you should eat a balanced, calorie-controlled diet as recommended
by your weight loss management health professional (such as a dietitian). You may also benefit from
receiving psychological support from a trained healthcare professional to help change the way you
think about food and eating.
To sum up, it’s clear that main causes of obesity are unhealthy eating and not enough physical
activities. This ailment is can be prevent and treated by healthy eating habits and physical exercises.

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