Farmer 08 Multimedia Tools Lesson Idea Template 1

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Multimedia Tools

Lesson Idea Name: The Giver

Content Area: ELA
Grade Level(s): 7th
Content Standard Addressed: ELAGSE7RI3 Analyze the interactions between individuals, events,
and ideas in a text (e.g., how ideas influence individuals or events, or how individuals influence ideas
or events).

Technology Standard Addressed: 1 a.-d.-3 a.-d.

Selected Technology Tool:

Movie (list application): Youtube
Audio (list application):
Other: (list)
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):


Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

Level 1: Awareness
Level 2: Exploration
Level 3: Infusion
Level 4: Integration
Level 5: Expansion
Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Reflect upon the activity you have planned for the students.
The technology tool you selected for this lesson idea will support ALL students. Thinking about the
UDL principles, how do this activity and the technology tools you selected support and enhance the
learning experience for students in the classroom? (The UDL Wheel may help you identify the ways
this activity and selected technology tool will support the Engagement, Representation, or Action and
Expression components of the UDL framework.)

Lesson idea implementation:

In alignment with Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts, this lesson plan aims to
engage students in a comprehensive exploration of Lois Lowry's "The Giver." Over two weeks,
students and teachers will collaboratively dissect the novel's themes, characters, and symbolism. The
project will commence with an interactive discussion on dystopian literature, followed by a detailed
introduction to the project objectives and assessment criteria. Throughout the project, students will
engage in various activities such as independent reading, group discussions, and creative assignments.
Multimedia Tools
Assessment will encompass both formative and summative measures, including class participation,
written reflections, and a final project that showcases students' understanding of the novel's themes.

The project will be introduced through a dynamic discussion of the elements of dystopian literature
and an exploration of the central themes in "The Giver." Teachers will provide a project overview
detailing the objectives and expectations, setting the stage for student engagement and participation.
The project will span two weeks, allowing ample time for in-depth analysis and reflection. Students
will have the opportunity to choose from a variety of project formats based on their interests and
strengths, promoting differentiation and personalized learning experiences. Advanced learners will be
encouraged to extend their understanding through additional research or comparative analyses with
other dystopian texts. The lesson will conclude with a culminating activity where students present
their final projects to their peers or the larger school community. Feedback will be provided through
written comments, rubrics, and individual conferences, fostering continuous growth and reflection.

Importance of technology:
Using a multimedia authoring tool is critical to the project as it allows students to creatively express
their understanding of the novel's themes and concepts through various media formats such as videos,
presentations, or digital artwork. While the project could still be completed without this technology,
much of the richness and depth of student expression would be lost. Without multimedia tools,
students would likely rely solely on traditional written assignments, limiting their ability to explore
alternative modes of communication and creativity.

In addition to multimedia authoring tools, other types of technology may be incorporated into the
learning experience, such as online discussion forums for asynchronous collaboration, digital research
databases for gathering information, and educational websites or interactive simulations to supplement
understanding of complex concepts within the novel. These technological resources enhance
engagement, facilitate collaboration, and provide access to a diverse range of multimedia content,
enriching the overall learning experience for students.

Internet Safety and Student Privacy:

Issues regarding internet safety and student privacy may arise during this learning experience. To
minimize risks, I'd ensure students use secure online platforms and emphasize responsible online
behavior. Transparent communication about privacy measures and adherence to school policies would
alleviate concerns by parents/administrators and ensure compliance with acceptable use policies.

Reflective Practice:
After designing this lesson, I feel confident that the activities created could greatly impact student
learning by fostering critical thinking, creativity, and deeper engagement with the text. As an
introductory activity to a unit of study, further extensions could include student-led discussions on
related literature or real-world connections to the themes explored in "The Giver." Additionally,
incorporating technology tools such as virtual reality simulations to immerse students in the novel's
dystopian world or augmented reality apps to visually represent key scenes could further enhance the
project and deepen student understanding.

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