Criminal Procedure

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San Diego California

Police Department


Taken by: Supervisor Officer in Charge of San Diego Divison Kevin J.

Witness name: Alejandro Green

Job - Profession: Police Officer

Identification number: 3538

Date: 10/06/2022

Time: 11:30:20 am

Narrative: Good morning ladies and gentlemen, Let me introduce myself, I am the
police Alejandro Green, I work in San Diego division’s police, I am responsible for
stopping the shooter Virginia Evans in the Chollas Mead Elementary school,
please I need you listen my history about the criminal case from how took place the
facts of the shooting, so all began when in the morning from The day of the events
I was patrolling near to Chollas Mead Elementary school at a distance 100 meters
when listen shots on the school in side the school and Lots of screaming, so I went
run for arrive a school, so inside the school in it's moment saw persons lifeless So I
asked for help on my radio and explain what happened in the school, so I kept
looking for more people inside the school so walk on the gym, when I meet with the
shooter and saw with his gun on hand so i knocked him down from behind and I
put the handcuffs on him and in the end I waited for the other cops to arrive and
handed her over.

1. Can you say your full name?

Alejandro Green

2. Could you explain to me what happened on the morning of June 10, 2022?
There was a shooting in a school where a minor was responsible for murdering 8
people with a gun at the scene, I was in charge of detaining the minor by force.

3. Can you give me the characteristics of the subject?

It was in a school, a minor did it by her own physical means a gun.

4. What did the subject carry with him?

Pistol Nine-by-nineteen-millimeter caliber.

5. What was your reaction once you stopped the subject?

Satisfied to know that I put an end to a great danger that threatened the entire
School and I am glad to be responsible for stopping the attack against the city of
San Diego.


1. How many years have you been working as a policeman?

15 years
2. Did you write a police report?
where is?
The other police officers did it because I was present at the time of the arrest.
Taken by: Supervisor Officer in Charge of San Diego Divison Kevin J.
3. How do you knock her?
Just the tackle.
4. After that you knocked her, what did you do with her?
I put handcuffs on her and took her outside with the other police officers.
5. What was the attitude when you saw her for the first time?
Surprise to see how a girl became a murderer and a threat against society.

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