Age Distribution and Composition of Igneosrock-Carlin

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Age, Distribution, and Composition of Igneous Rocks of the

Pequop Mountains, Northeast Nevada: Association with

Carlin-type Gold Deposits
Ajeet K. Milliard*, Michael W. Ressel, and Christopher D. Henry
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, University of Nevada, Reno, MS 178, Reno, NV 89557

Christina Ricks and Gregg Loptien

Agnico-Eagle (USA), Ltd., 1675 East Prater Way, Suite 102, Sparks, NV 89434


Carlin-type gold deposits at Long Canyon and West Pequop in the Pequop Moun-
tains are two of Nevada’s newest and most signiicant exploration discoveries. These
discoveries have generated great interest, because they lie far east of the known gold
trends in the Paleozoic carbonate platform previously considered less prospective for
large gold deposits. Host rocks were deformed and variably metamorphosed, proba-
bly during the Late Cretaceous Sevier Orogeny. Recent work demonstrates the pres-
ence of abundant, previously unrecognized and still poorly documented intrusions,
mostly of Jurassic (~159 to 165 Ma) and Eocene (~39 to 41 Ma) age, with fewer late
Cretaceous dikes (Bedell et al., 2010). The range in age and composition of igneous
rocks of the Pequops is consistent with that observed regionally. The primary goals
of this study are to establish the character, absolute and relative timing, and spatial
relationships between tectonism, magmatism, and hydrothermal activity that led to
signiicant gold deposition in this geologic setting.
Abundant dikes, sills, and small, irregular, maic to silicic intrusions are recog-
nized in four areas of the Pequop Mountains. In addition, the Nanny Creek area ~5
km north of Long Canyon contains locally sourced Eocene volcanics. Jurassic intru-
sions are widespread and compositionally diverse, ranging from lamprophyre and
monzodiorite through granodiorite and granite. The Long Canyon gold deposit con-
tains a swarm of Jurassic lamprophyre and monzodiorite dikes and sills, and iden-
tical dikes are present at West Pequop. Our preliminary 40Ar/39Ar dating of horn-
blende and biotite phenocrysts from chloritized lamprophyre dikes at Long Canyon
provide imprecise Jurassic ages, which are consistent with previous U/Pb ages from
other Pequop Mountains locations. Distinctive textures, mineralogy, and geochemis-
try of Long Canyon lamprophyres are indistinguishable from those of Jurassic lam-
prophyres of the Carlin trend and Cortez area. Small, irregular lenses of Late Creta-
ceous(?) garnet-muscovite leucogranite occur in areas of highest metamorphic grades
along the west lank of the Pequops Mountains. Leucogranite is peraluminous, which,
together with its close spatial association with high-temperature metamorphic rocks,
suggests a crustal melt origin.
Eocene igneous rocks occur in at least three, possibly four, areas of the Pequop
Mountains. Intrusions in two areas in and near West Pequop are high-silica, spher-
ulitic rhyolite (41–39 Ma), whereas an undated but probably Eocene dike at Long
Canyon is basaltic. High-silica rhyolite dikes differ compositionally from andesite
through low-silica rhyolite lavas of the ~39 Ma Nanny Creek volcanic center suggest-
ing two loci for Eocene activity. Spherulitic textures in the Eocene rhyolites where
they intrude high-grade metamorphic rocks suggest: 1) very shallow level of emplace-
ment ~40 Ma, and 2) signiicant exhumation pre-40 Ma. In seeming conlict with this


896 Ajeet K. Milliard, Michael W. Ressel, Christopher D. Henry, Christina Ricks, and Gregg Loptien

interpretation, Eocene volcanic rocks at Nanny Creek and regionally everywhere rest
on uppermost Paleozoic rocks, indicating little exhumation by that time.
Source plutons for widespread Jurassic and Eocene igneous rocks remain un-
certain. A large (265 km2) magnetic anomaly centered in Goshute Valley and extend-
ing west into the southern Pequop Mountains may represent source plutons for both
Jurassic and Eocene dikes and sills. A small part of this anomaly overlaps with the
Jurassic Silver Zone Pass pluton in the neighboring Toano Range. Other sources,
especially for silicic compositions, may not be resolvable because of their inherently
weak magnetism.
Gold mineralization at Long Canyon postdates the swarm of Jurassic maic dikes
and sills, which host ore and provide some structural controls to mineralization. Min-
eralization at West Pequop is likely more tightly constrained, because spherulitic rhy-
olite dikes dated at ~40 Ma nearby are hydrothermally altered and host gold.

Key Words: Carlin-type, gold, Nevada, Jurassic, Eocene, magmatism

INTRODUCTION on gold mineralization and how do they relate to magmatism

and/or extension/uplift?
Discovery of Carlin-type gold deposits in the Pequop
Mountains in the early 2000’s spurred new exploration interest REGIONAL SETTING
in a region long considered less prospective for this type of gold
deposit for a number of reasons including: 1) the massive, less The Pequop Mountains are located approximately 50 km
reactive nature of Paleozoic platform carbonate host strata, 2) east of the Ruby Mountains-East Humboldt Range core com-
distance (~150 km) from the major gold trends at Carlin, Cor- plex (RMEH; Figure 1). Variably metamorphosed rocks of the
tez, and Getchell as well as the Roberts Mountains thrust, 3) a Pequop Mountains lie in the footwall of the Ruby fault, which
perception that regional metamorphic overprinting made rocks has been interpreted to be a major W-dipping detachment fault
less permeable and/or reactive to ore luids, and 4) perception that accommodated as much as 30 km of Cenozoic vertical
that Cenozoic high-magnitude extension may have attenuated slip. Metamorphosed strata of Paleozoic and older age in the
deposits or made them rootless. The complex geology of this footwall of the Ruby fault are estimated to have been buried to
region coupled with incomplete timing constraints on deforma- as deep as 30 km during culmination of Sevier contraction in
tion have fueled controversy, particularly with regard to the age the late Cretaceous (McGrew and Snee, 1994; Camilleri and
of Sevier deformation and metamorphism, the timing and style Chamberlain, 1997; Snoke et al., 1997; McGrew et al., 2000;
of exhumation of deeply buried metamorphic rocks, and the Howard, 2003; 2011). Rocks in the Pequop Mountains range
timing and style of extension. Recently, there has been a surge from non-metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies through
in exploration and research in this region including from the amphibolite facies, with increasing metamorphic grade from
gold and petroleum sectors. New research has examined causes east to west (Thorman, 1970; Camilleri and Chamberlain,
and hazards related to the 2008 Wells earthquake and better- 1997; Camilleri, 2010). Based on metamorphic assemblages,
constrained Mesozoic contractional deformation and Cenozoic the most highly metamorphosed rocks in the Pequop Mountains
extension and magmatism in the hinterland of the Sevier Orog- were buried to depths of ~8 to 16 km.
eny. The uplift and exhumation history and mechanisms of the
This preliminary study examines newly recognized igneous RMEH are controversial. All early work interpreted that ma-
rocks of the Pequop Mountains, which occur widely through jor extension and exhumation began in the early Tertiary, or
the range including within Carlin-type gold deposits. The pur- possibly as early as Late Cretaceous, and culminated by early
pose of this on-going study is to better document the timing, Miocene (e.g., Snoke and Miller, 1988; McGrew and Snee,
character, and extent of magmatism in the range, particularly as 1994; Camilleri and Chamberlain, 1997; Snoke et al., 1997;
it relates to Carlin-type gold mineralization. Speciic questions McGrew et al., 2000; Henry et al., 2011). Speciically for the
to be addressed in this study are: What is the timing of magma- Pequop Mountains part of the RMEH, Camilleri and Chamber-
tism and gold mineralization in the Pequop Mountains? What lain (1997) infer that ~10 km of crustal thinning was accom-
is the timing of uplift or exhumation, and what constraints does modated between 84 and 41 Ma by a single low-angle fault,
uplift history place on the depth of formation of Carlin-type de- the Pequop fault, exposed in the middle of the range. However,
posits? Finally, what are the deposit- and district-scale controls other mappers (CDH, Jim Leavitt, and Jim Trexler, personal
Igneous Rocks of Pequop Mountains 897

Figure 1. Regional map of northeast Nevada showing locations of major gold trends, larger Eocene plutons, and isochrons of the inception of Eocene magmatism.
The Pequop Mountains study area is shown in the red box. Dashed orange lines approximate high-grade metamorphic isograds from Camilleri and Chamberlain

communications) suggest that the contact is an unconformity 2014; Elison, 1995), 2) Cretaceous, from ~92 to 70 Ma (Barton,
because it is locally nearly horizontal and does not cut down- 1990; Howard, 2011), 3) Eocene, from 42 to 38 Ma (Brooks et
section as it must if it were a normal fault. The Pequop fault al., 1995a, b; Henry et al., 2011), and 4) Miocene, from 16.1 to
would have dipped ~40°W before 41 Ma if the current 40°E tilt 13.6 Ma (Brueseke et al., 2014). Jurassic magmatism was the
on early Cenozoic volcanic rocks is removed. Still, resolution irst to occur in the Phanerozoic and is preserved only as plutons
of the problems with a fault interpretation will require more and as swarms of dikes and sills generally associated with plu-
mapping and no doubt engender further debate. tons. Jurassic plutons in northeast Nevada range in composition
In contrast, recent studies interpret only minor Eocene ex- from diorite to granite and are calc-alkaline and metaluminous.
tension throughout northeastern Nevada, with possibly only 1 Most larger plutons are granite and granodiorite. Lamprophyre
km of slip on the Ruby detachment fault (Henry, 2008). The dikes are common in well-studied areas, particularly in and near
greatest extension, with ~5 km of displacement on the Ruby many Carlin-type deposits including in the Pequop Mountains.
detachment, occurred during the middle Miocene, ~17–10 Ma Compositions of these maic intrusions are unusual, with high
(Colgan et al., 2010; Henry et al., 2011). How rocks once at 30 concentrations of both compatible and incompatible trace ele-
km depth rose to the surface remains unresolved. ments the norm. In many areas of northeastern Nevada, Juras-
The magmatic history of the region east of the Ruby Moun- sic igneous rocks have been variably deformed, and penetrative
tains is more readily resolved than its tectonic history. Magma- fabrics are common, especially within smaller intrusions. Juras-
tism of four episodes is present, which include: 1) Jurassic, oc- sic stocks are associated with copper mineralization at Contact,
curring primarily from ~162 to 158 Ma (e.g., Wyld and Wright, Spruce Mountain, and Delcer Buttes (Figure 1). Bald Mountain
898 Ajeet K. Milliard, Michael W. Ressel, Christopher D. Henry, Christina Ricks, and Gregg Loptien

represents the only major Jurassic intrusion-related gold system magmatism, in the late Jurassic, the late Cretaceous, and the
in the region, and its deposits have many similarities to Carlin- Eocene (Table 1; Brooks et al., 1995a; Camilleri, 2010; Bedell
type deposits (Hitchborn et al., 1996; Nutt and Hofstra, 2007). et al., 2010). Miocene tephra crop out along the northwest lank
Cretaceous intrusions occur as small bodies of muscovite- of the range, but these do not indicate local igneous activity.
and garnet-bearing leucogranite and pegmatite in the RMEH The three documented stages of magmatism are spatially and
and surrounding areas and have ages that range from about 84 temporally consistent with magmatism that affected much of
Ma to 70 Ma (Howard, 2011), overlapping with the time of the northern Great Basin (Elison, 1995; Barton, 1990; Chris-
peak metamorphism during the Sevier Orogeny. Leucogranites tiansen and Yeats, 1992; Brooks et al., 1995a, b; Ressel and
are intimately associated with deformation in metamorphosed Henry, 2006). Jurassic and Eocene magmatism are volumetri-
rocks (e.g., Howard, 2011) and likely represent small volume cally the most important in the Pequop Mountains, both result-
crustal melts derived during high-grade metamorphism in core ing in a wide distribution and range of compositions (Tables
complexes. Larger ~80–92 Ma, granodioritic Cretaceous plu- 2 and 3). Jurassic and Cretaceous igneous rocks occur solely
tons, common elsewhere in eastern Nevada, are absent from the as intrusions, whereas Eocene igneous rocks comprise both in-
area of the RMEH and Pequop Mountains. trusions and volcanic rocks. Jurassic compositions range from
Eocene magmatism occupied roughly the same geographic granite through gabbro, including abundant lamprophyre dikes
area as Jurassic magmatism. Like Jurassic magmatism, Eocene and sills. Cretaceous intrusions are sparse and localized occur-
magmatism was intense and short-lived. Eocene magmatism rences of muscovite-albite granite associated with areas ex-
was the irst to follow a long hiatus in arc-related activity oc- hibiting higher metamorphic grades. Eocene lavas range from
curring from ~85 to ~42 Ma. Notable for Eocene magmatism andesite through rhyolite for the volcanic rocks (Brooks et al.,
is the large volume of intermediate lavas (i.e., “eastern andesite 1995a, b; our data), although most compositions are moder-
assemblage”; Brooks et al., 1995a, b; Henry and Ressel, 2000) ately to abundantly porphyritic dacite to low-Si (≤ 73% SiO2)
that was erupted from numerous centers over a broad region rhyolite. In contrast, Eocene dikes are predominantly aphyric to
of north-central and northeast Nevada and western Utah. This sparsely quartz-phyric, high-Si rhyolite (≥ 75% SiO2).
magmatism shifted rapidly southwestward between 42 and As currently understood, igneous rocks occur in ive ar-
36 Ma (Figure 1). Coeval with andesite-dacite effusive activ- eas of the Pequop Mountains. These include from north to
ity was the emplacement of many, generally small, plutons of south: 1) the Eocene Nanny Creek volcanic center (Brooks
similar intermediate composition, most notably to the west et al., 1995a,b; Henry, 2008; Henry et al., 2011), 2) the Long
in the major Carlin-type gold belts where they are associated Canyon area including in the Long Canyon Carlin-type gold
with gold skarns and distal-disseminated gold deposits (John- deposit, 3) the West Pequop Carlin-type gold deposits and sur-
ston and Ressel, 2004; Henry et al., 2015). In and east of the rounding area, 4) the southwest lank of the Pequop Mountains
Ruby Mountains, the Harrison Pass and McGinty (also Patter- south of the West Pequop gold deposits, and 5) the southern-
son Pass) plutons were emplaced between ~39 and 36 Ma as most end of the Pequop Mountains (Figure 2). Recognition of
were smaller stocks at Kinsley and Ferguson, Nevada, and Gold igneous rocks in the Pequop Mountains is mostly very recent.
Hill, Utah (Moore and McKee, 1983; Wright and Snoke, 1993; The Nanny Creek volcanic rocks, which have the largest out-
Brooks et al., 1995a, b; Barnes et al., 2001; Colgan et al., 2010). crop area, were identiied irst (Thorman, 1970; Brooks et al.,
Notably, Carlin-type, or sedimentary rock-hosted gold de- 1995a, b). The discovery of the West Pequop and Long Canyon
posits, although coinciding with Eocene magmatism, are con- Carlin-type gold deposits in 1995 and 2000, respectively, and
centrated in a few belts and clusters along the western edge subsequent exploration and development since 2005 resulted
of the magmatic province (Figure 1). World-class Carlin-type in the recognition of abundant dikes and sills in and near these
deposits are demonstrably Eocene in age (42-36 Ma), coeval deposits (Jarvie, 2009; Bedell et al., 2010; Felder et al., 2011;
with Eocene magmatism (Henry and Ressel, 2000; Cline et al., Smith et al., 2013).
2005; Ressel and Henry, 2006 and references therein), whereas
large-magnitude extension, cited by some as fundamentally im- Nanny Creek Volcanic Rocks
portant for Carlin-type deposits (Seedorff, 1991), did not occur
until the mid-Miocene (Henry and Ressel, 2000; Colgan and The Eocene section at Nanny Creek consists of a basal
Henry, 2009; Colgan et al., 2010; Henry et al., 2011). The pres- gravel overlain by ~41 and 40 Ma ash-low tuffs erupted from
ence of a larger Carlin-type deposit well east of these trends at sources near Tuscarora ~150 km to the northwest, overlain by
Long Canyon indicates that the major processes driving their locally derived andesitic through rhyolitic lavas and breccias
formation were active over a broad area, and not only limited (Brooks et al., 1995a, b; Henry, 2008; this work). The Nanny
to the trends. Creek rocks form a poorly to locally well exposed, ~40° east-
dipping section that crops out over 30 km2 in the northeast part
IGNEOUS ROCKS OF THE PEQUOP MOUNTAINS of the Pequop Mountains (Figure 2). Based on outcrop width
and the 40° dip, the cumulative thickness of locally sourced
The Pequop Mountains record at least three episodes of Eocene volcanic rocks is estimated to be more than 1,200 m
Latitude Longitude
Sample Unit Rock Type Location Material Ages (Ma) NAD27 Source

iso- 40Ar/
40Ar/39Ar Analyses plateau ±2σ %39Ar1 steps2 chron ±2σ MSWD 36Ari ±2σ total gas ±2σ
H09-93B Jl Hornblende Long hornblende ~173 4 61.4 3/10 165 3 1.5 1040 120 209 1.00 40.97163 –114.52669 1
lamprophyre Canyon
CLC-207 Jl Biotite lampro- Long biotite NM 127 1 1059 6413 670 147 0.06 40.98360 –114.52340 1
phyre Canyon
MRLC-1 Jl Monzodiorite Long biotite NM 132 1 10500 650 5 138 0.08 40.96640 –114.53500 1
91T10 Ted Dacite lava Nanny hornblende 39.7 0.5 87.0 5/10 NR 39.9 0.3 41.02444 –114.541667 2

Igneous Rocks of Pequop Mountains

Lower 206Pb/ Upper
U-Pb Zircon Analyses Intercept ±1σ n 238U3 ± 2σ Intercept
151P Jg Granite; foliated, Meyers TIMS 154 5 ~2400 40.9942 –114.6125 3
metamorphosed Canyon,
west Pe-
PQSG Jgb Gabbro, Central LA-ICP/MS 2 159.0 6.0 40.9417 –114.5789 4
medium-grained, high part
equigranular of range
34FGG Ja Aplite; v. ine- West LA-ICP/MS 14 159.5 1.9 40.9635 –114.6048 4
grained, holo- Pequop
SWPQR1 Ter Rhyolite; spher- Southwest LA-ICP/MS 6 41.0 0.8 40.9299 –114.6427 4
lutitic, devitriied Pequops
SWPQR2 Ter Rhyolite; spher- Southwest LA-ICP/MS 12 39.1 0.7 40.9433 –114.6296 4
lutitic, devitriied Pequops
SWCGG Kg Leucogranite; Southwest LA-ICP/MS 2 71.0 5.0 40.9396 –114.6324 4
garnetbearing, Pequops
Rockland Jgd Granodiorite; South LA-ICP/MS 161.4 1.9 40.7914 –114.6194 4
porphyritic Pequops
40Ar/39Aranalyses were at the New Mexico Geochronological Research Laboratory (methodology in McIntosh et al., 2003). Neutron lux monitor Fish Canyon Tuff sanidine (FC-1) with assigned age = 28.201 Ma
(Kuiper et al., 2008). Published age of Brooks et al. (1995a) was recalculated to the same monitor age.
Decay constants after Min et al. (2000); λtotal = 5.463 x 10–10 yr–1. Isotopic abundances after Steiger and Jäger (1977); 40K/K = 1.167 x 10–4
NM = not meaningful; no plateau. NR = not reported. Ages in italics are maximum or minimum ages from highly disturbed spectra.
1%39Ar = percentage of 39Ar used to deine plateau age.
2Steps = number of steps used in age calculation/total number of analytical steps.
3Weighted mean 206Pb/238U age

Source: 1 This study; 2 Brooks et al., 1995a; 3 Camilleri and Chamberlain, 1997; 4 Bedell et al., 2010

900 Ajeet K. Milliard, Michael W. Ressel, Christopher D. Henry, Christina Ricks, and Gregg Loptien

Figure 2. Geologic map of the Pequop Mountains region. Five areas of igneous rocks discussed in text are shown with solid yellow outlines. Other igneous centers
and associated magnetic anomalies in neighboring ranges also are shown. High-grade metamorphic isograds are from Camilleri and Chamberlain (1997). Red
isograds = garnet ield; white isograds = biotite-tremolite. Geologic units from Crafford (2007); magnetic anomalies from Hildenbrand and Kucks (1988).

(Brooks et al., 1995a, b), although some repetition of the upper whereas the upper paleovalley walls reach up to Permian Pe-
part of the section by normal faults is possible. quop Formation. The basal gravel and overlying ash-low tuffs
As shown by stratigraphic relationships in both underly- pinch out against paleovalley walls; this relationship is best ob-
ing Paleozoic rocks and the Eocene section, the Nanny Creek served on the north side of the paleovalley.
volcanic rocks accumulated in a paleovalley at least 6 km wide The locally derived rocks consist mostly of lava-low and
(Brooks et al., 1995a, b; Henry, 2008). The bottom, deepest part proximal pyroclastic breccias and lesser lavas. Lava-low brec-
of the paleovalley is in Mississippian Chainman Formation, cias are clast-supported with clasts up to ~1 m in diameter.
Igneous Rocks of Pequop Mountains 901

Pyroclastic breccias have matrix-supported clasts up to 3 m in 2013) hypothesized that dolomite gaps, therefore, represent
diameter in a soft, tuffaceous matrix; a few clasts have radial boudinage developed during contractional deformation from
cooling joints that show that they were deposited while hot. rheologic contrast between massive dolomite and bounding
Sources for these rocks have not been found but are likely dikes thin-bedded limestones. They argue that post-deformation ore
or other feeders that are covered by the volcanic rocks. Brooks luids migrated along these permeable gaps or discontinuities
et al. (1995a, b) report a hornblende 40Ar/39Ar date of 39.7±0.5 of the dolomite unit and reacted with thin-bedded to laminated
Ma on a dacite lava, and more 40Ar/39Ar dating is underway limestone. Decarbonatization of dolomite-bounded limestones
(Table 1). resulted in formation of discrete, ore-hosting breccia bodies
The rocks are mostly andesite to dacite, ~62 to 69% SiO2, that form strongly NE-elongate ore shoots. Evidence for ductile
but one low-SiO2 rhyolite contains ~73% SiO2 (Table 3). They shearing, including development of pre-mineral bedding-par-
have calc-alkaline, arc-like major- and trace element composi- allel penetrative fabrics, is widespread in the Pogonip Forma-
tions similar to, but with slightly less alkali elements than, other tion at Long Canyon. In general, the retention of stratigraphic
Eocene volcanic rocks of northeastern Nevada (Henry and Res- order and the continuity of individual carbonate units, despite
sel, 2000). variation in thickness of some thin-bedded units such as in the
Pogonip, implies the overall degree of shearing was moderate
Long Canyon Deposit Area to low.

The Long Canyon Carlin-type gold deposit is located about Long Canyon Intrusions
5 km south of the Nanny Creek volcanics, 1 to 3 km east of Intrusions are abundant at Long Canyon and vary in com-
the physiographic Long Canyon, and trends northeast (Figure position from silicic through maic. Maic intrusions are, by
3). Long Canyon is underlain by a sequence of weakly or non- far, the most abundant. Lamprophyre, diorite, granite, and an
metamorphosed, gently to moderately east-dipping, limestone unusual alkali basalt are present in outcrop or intersected in
and dolomite of the Cambrian Notch Peak and Ordovician Pog- drill core at Long Canyon. The intrusions generally are poorly
onip Formations. Small-scale folding and local areas of strong exposed in natural outcrops but many excellent exposures oc-
deformation are present, but the irst-order control of the depos- cur in drill road cuts, particularly in the southern half of the de-
it, which is the upper and lower contacts with a massive unit of posit area. Hydrothermal alteration of the intrusions is variable.
dolomite in the Notch Peak Formation, is remarkably consistent Intrusions within a few meters of mineralization are intensely
over its known 5-km-long down-plunge extent. At its northeast altered to a combination of clay and iron oxides, especially he-
extent, the deposit is cut and down-dropped to the east by a se- matite. However, alteration gradients are steep, and dikes and
ries of range-bounding normal faults. Minor quartzite and shale sills that are only a few meters outside mineralized zones gen-
occur in the Pogonip Formation. The Dunderberg Shale, which erally have only weak or moderate alteration, which typically
underlies the Notch Peak Formation, is only rarely exposed at consists of a propylitic assemblage of chlorite, ankerite, and
the south end of Long Canyon and at depth in drill holes. calcite. Maic intrusions at Long Canyon, including relatively
fresh samples, are only weakly or non-magnetic to a hand-held
General features of the Long Canyon Carlin-Type Deposit magnet. Similarly, airborne magnetic surveys fail to distinguish
As currently deined, the Long Canyon deposit is about dikes at Long Canyon despite a very low magnetic background
4.9 km long and elongate on a ~N35–40°E azimuth. Similar of platform carbonate rocks.
to many other relatively high-grade Carlin-type deposits, Long A striking feature of the Long Canyon deposit is its spatial
Canyon is structurally controlled. Ore-grade mineralization oc- association with a swarm of pre-mineral lamprophyric and dio-
curs in a series of northeast-trending, gently northeast-plung- ritic dikes and sills (Figure 4; Smith et al., 2011; 2013). These
ing, closely spaced ore shoots, which combined deine a struc- intrusions are intimately associated with the orebody. In the
tural corridor that averages about 0.6 km width. The longest ore immediate area of ore shoots, the intrusions are highly altered
shoot persists for at least 3 km (Figure 3). The deposit crops out and commonly host ore. Some of the highest gold grades at
in its southern third, and it plunges northeastward about ~12° Long Canyon are contained in dikes and sills. The iron-rich
(Figure 4) under cover by the pre-mineral Pogonip Forma- compositions of intrusions together with high intrinsic carbon-
tion as well as post-mineral Quaternary and probable Tertiary ate contents of lamprophyres made them very reactive to acidic
fanglomerate and volcaniclastic rocks. Ore is restricted to two Carlin-type ore luids and consequently, ideal hosts. Similar re-
main stratigraphic horizons, one at the base of the Pogonip in lationships are common on the Carlin trend (Emsbo, 1999; Res-
or near its contact with underlying dolomite of the Notch Peak, sel et al., 2000), where Jurassic lamprophyre and diorite dikes
the other, at the base of the dolomite in contact with limestone commonly control and/or host high-grade ore. Dikes and sills at
also of the Notch Peak Formation. As described by Smith et al. Long Canyon have two principal orientations: N10°–20°E and
(2013), ore shoots occur in persistent NE-trending gaps in the ~N35°E, the latter being subparallel to the trend of mineraliza-
dolomite layer, however, there is commonly minor or no offset tion and intruded into dolomite gaps. Dikes are generally sub-
of the dolomite across ore-controlling gaps. Smith et al. (2011; vertical or dip steeply to the west. Sills are subparallel to bed-
902 Ajeet K. Milliard, Michael W. Ressel, Christopher D. Henry, Christina Ricks, and Gregg Loptien

Figure 3. Geologic map of the Long Canyon Carlin-type gold deposit showing deposit gold footprint (0.17 g/t Au) projected to surface and samples collected
for this study. The deposit is continuous along the upper Notch Peak dolomite subunit contact for at least 4 km length. The lower zone at the base of the do-
lomite is less continuous but is equally extensive. Faults are shown with thin black lines, dashed where inferred. Geology is modiied from Camilleri (2010)
and Newmont Mining Corp. unpublished mapping (2011–2014).
Igneous Rocks of Pequop Mountains 903

Figure 4. (a) Plan view of the Long Canyon deposit displaying locations of drill holes in which igneous rocks of varying composition were logged, and their
relationship with the gold deposit footprint (Au > 0.17 g/t). Most intrusions are Jurassic lamprophyres and monzodiorite. (b) 3-dimensional cross-sectional view
looking north from the south end of the Long Canyon deposit showing igneous intercepts and modeled dolomite of the Notch Peak Formation. Note the subparallel
strike of individual intrusions to the trend of ore shoots. Also note how the form of intrusions changes from high angle below and in the dolomite to shallow, west
dipping in overlying thin-bedded limestone of the Pogonip Limestone. Grid is UTM (NAD83) meters. Elevation ticks are meters above MSL.

ding and dip gently west-northwest 10°–30° on the west limb of Biotite lamprophyres or minettes range (Figure 5) from
a gentle NE-trending anticline at Long Canyon. inely to coarsely porphyritic types but invariably have biotite
or phlogopite as the principal maic phenocryst, which ranges
Lamprophyres from 1–2 mm to as much as 6–7 mm. Biotite is commonly low
Three distinct petrographic types of lamprophyre dikes aligned yielding a platy appearance in some samples. How-
and sills are spatially associated with the Long Canyon deposit. ever, some lamprophyres are affected by deformation as well
These are biotite lamprophyre, hornblende lamprophyre, and and have a well-developed tectonic foliation imparted on them.
biotite-hornblende lamprophyre or monzodiorite. All are abun- Other maic phenocrysts in biotite lamprophyres include prob-
dant in the Long Canyon deposit. Long Canyon lamprophyres able olivine and/or pyroxene, although these are invariably
are petrographically and chemically nearly identical to late altered to carbonate, quartz, chlorite, and other ine-grained
Jurassic lamprophyres of the Carlin trend and Cortez district phyllosilicates. The groundmass of lamprophyres consists of
(Ressel and Henry, 2006), both major Carlin-type districts. a mixture of intergrown, often micrographic, potassium feld-
Long Canyon lamprophyres are typically narrow, tabular dikes spar and quartz, with lesser amounts of biotite, carbonate, and
and sills that vary in thickness from only a few centimeters to acicular to prismatic apatite. Apatite may comprise as much
as much as 2 meters. Most intrusions are commonly straight- as 1–2 percent of biotite lamprophyres and locally is coarse
walled, although many have highly irregular contacts with wall enough to be considered a phenocryst mineral. The presence of
rocks. Lamprophyres commonly change modes from dikes to groundmass quartz and feldspar in Long Canyon lamprophyres
sills over vertical and lateral distances of only a few meters due, indicates magmas were silica saturated. Where hydrothermally
in large part, to the nature and density of joints in carbonate altered, biotite and groundmass feldspars are altered to sericite,
wall rocks. In many cases, lamprophyre intrusions are observed carbonate, and ine-grained blebs of iron oxide.
intruding narrow (i.e., centimeter scale) joints in carbonates in- Hornblende lamprophyres are similar to biotite lampro-
dicative of the low viscosities of lamprophyre magmas due to phyres but have abundant and conspicuous hornblende pheno-
high volatile contents (e.g., CO2, H2O) and fairly high tempera- crysts instead of biotite. Hornblende phenocrysts vary in size
tures. The Carlin lamprophyres and similar dikes in the Cortez usually from 3 to 6 mm. Like biotite lamprophyres, hornblende
district were intruded over a short period in the late Jurassic lamprophyres have other maic phenocrysts that are usually al-
from about 162 to 158 Ma, similar in age to Jurassic magma- tered to secondary minerals replacing primary pyroxene and/
tism over a broad area of north-central and northeast Nevada or olivine. The groundmass of hornblende lamprophyres is a
(Wyld and Wright, 2014). ine-grained, intergranular mixture of feldspar and lesser quartz
904 Ajeet K. Milliard, Michael W. Ressel, Christopher D. Henry, Christina Ricks, and Gregg Loptien

with abundant apatite, carbonate, and ine-grained amphibole. geochemically similar to a dated granite in Meyers Canyon
Hornblende lamprophyres are also silica saturated, consistent about 7 km west of Long Canyon and just 2 km north of the
with calc-alkaline or arc-related intrusions. West Pequop area. We tentatively correlate undated granitic
A third lamprophyre type is probably more aptly termed dikes from Long Canyon drill core with the granite sill/dike
monzodiorite and gabbro because it is equigranular to only in Meyers Canyon. The granite in Meyers Canyon was dated
weakly porphyritic and has a medium grained groundmass. using TIMS U/Pb techniques on zircon and gave a concordia
This variety contains both hornblende and biotite with inter- lower intercept isochron age of 154 Ma±5 Ma (Camilleri and
granular plagioclase, and clinopyroxene. Accessory minerals Chamberlain, 1997). This age is interpreted to be the age of
include abundant apatite and carbonate. Monzodiorite dikes are crystallization of the Meyers Canyon granite. Signiicantly,
commonly thicker than lamprophyre dikes and sills and tend to the granitic intrusions from Long Canyon and Meyers Canyon
have more regular forms, possibly a result of their derivation have a penetrative foliation, which indicates the dikes preceded
from relatively viscous magmas. regional deformation (Camilleri and Chamberlain, 1997; Ca-
milleri, 1994).
Two samples from drill holes at Long Canyon are com- Alkali Basalt
posed of medium grained, foliated granite. The drill holes are One sample of very ine-grained, sparsely porphyritic ba-
from the central part of Long Canyon yet no surface exposures salt was collected from drill core at Long Canyon. The sample
of granite are thus far documented. Granite is porphyritic and has not been affected by shearing like many lamprophyre and
texturally unusual, being mostly composed of subhedral albitic granite intrusions at Long Canyon. However, this basalt has a
plagioclase, abundant circular- to fan-shaped myrmekitic in- trachytic texture of plagioclase laths now pervasively altered to
tergrowths, as well as discrete ine, anhedral grains of quartz, secondary carbonate and sericite. Sparse “ghost” phenocrysts
K-feldspar, and muscovite. Zircon is a rare accessory mineral. apparent in thin section are sericitized and carbonated plagio-
Fan-shaped muscovite deines a weak shear fabric consisting clase to 3–4 mm diameter (2–3 percent); rare pyroxene or ol-
of anastomosing, discontinuous layers. Myrmekite and weakly ivine phenocrysts are similarly altered. The age of this basalt
layered muscovite likely are the result of recrystallization dur- is uncertain, but it differs signiicantly from Jurassic lampro-
ing metamorphism of granite dikes at Long Canyon. The rela- phyres and granites in terms of its subvolcanic texture, miner-
tionship of gold mineralization at Long Canyon to these seem- alogy, and immobile trace-element geochemistry. The lack of
ingly rare granitic intrusions is uncertain. On-going work will deformation in this basalt coupled with unusual high potassium
attempt to derive an age for granitic intrusions at Long Canyon and low incompatible trace-element contents suggest a possible
as well as establish their relationships to shearing, metamor- Tertiary age. The sample of alkali basalt from Long Canyon
phism, and gold deposition. is hydrothermally altered to a sericite-carbonate-pyrite assem-
The granites from Long Canyon are petrographically and blage; pyrite comprises a few percent of the rock, although Au,

Figure 5. (a) Photograph is coarse-grained biotite lamprophyre core sample CLC-5-207′. (b) Photomicrograph of CLC-5-207′ biotite lamprophyre (crossed polars,
transmitted light; from Mark McComb, Newmont unpublished petrographic report, 2012). Shown is abundant phenocrystic biotite set in a ine-grained groundmass
of feldspar, quartz, apatite, and carbonate. Clot of chorite, carbonate and quartz in the center of the image is an entirely replaced olivine phenocryst now rimmed
by biotite.
Igneous Rocks of Pequop Mountains 905

As, Sb, Hg, and Tl are not anomalous. Sodium has been re- sample but petrographic examination showed biotite contained
moved through partial alteration of plagioclase. interlayered chlorite.
Biotite and hornblende separates were extracted from
Age of Long Canyon lamprophyres crushed, sieved samples by a combination of magnetic and den-
Biotite from a biotite lamprophyre and from a biotite- sity separation and hand picking. Analyses were made at the
hornblende lamprophyre or monzodiorite and hornblende from New Mexico Geochronology Research Laboratory. Methods
one hornblende lamprophyre were dated using 40Ar/39Ar step and data are summarized in Table 1.
heating (Figure 6; Table 1). Biotite and hornblende were cho- Step heating of the biotite and hornblende separates provid-
sen for analysis because they have blocking temperatures, the ed complex spectra that did not plateau or provide simple ages,
temperature at which radiogenic Ar is retained in a crystal lat- but the data are consistent with a Jurassic age (Figure 6; Table
tice, of ~300°C and ~500–550°C for biotite and hornblende, 1). For both biotites, individual age steps are irregularly older
respectively (MacDougall and Harrison, 1999). Thus, biotite and younger and vary from ~141 to 153 Ma in CLC-207′ and
could have lost radiogenic Ar during the variable greenschist from 128 to 160 Ma in MRLC-1. Total gas ages are ~147 Ma
to amphibolite grade metamorphism of the Pequop Mountains, for CLC-207′ and ~138 Ma for MRLC-1. These “crankshaft”
whereas hornblende probably would not have. As discussed be- spectra are common in chloritized biotites from areas that have
low, both minerals are partly chloritized in the Long Canyon undergone complex metamorphism and/or hydrothermal altera-
lamprophyres. Chlorite is a problem for 40Ar/39Ar dating both tion (Lo and Onstott, 1989, 1995). Lo and Onstott (1995) sug-
because it indicates some of the preferred mineral has been al- gest that such patterns relect a combination of Ar loss related
tered and therefore lost Ar and because of potential recoil loss to alteration-chloritization and possible excess Ar and that total
of 39Ar during irradiation (McDougall and Harrison, 1999). gas ages are probably intermediate between times of emplace-
The hornblende lamprophyre sample (H09-93B) was col- ment and metamorphism. The total gas ages for the Long Can-
lected from a small outcrop in the central part of the Long Can- yon biotites thus could be intermediate between the 84 Ma peak
yon deposit, one of several such outcrops and road cuts expos- of metamorphism (Camilleri and Chamberlain, 1997) and an
ing hornblende lamprophyre, which occurs as both dike and sill. older time of intrusion. Hydrothermal alteration that generated
The dated rock is medium greenish gray, dense, hornblende- the Long Canyon deposit was probably not a signiicant factor
phyric lamprophyre with abundant (~25–30%) acicular horn- in the biotite ages because the probable hydrothermal tempera-
blende phenocrysts to 2–3 mm long. The rock appears mostly ture was well below the blocking temperature of biotite, and
fresh, but the rock and hornblende are partly chloritized. Car- chlorite probably did not form from hydrothermal alteration.
bonate is common, true of all Nevada lamprophyres, and may, Hornblende from sample H09-93b gave a steeply declin-
in part, be of primary origin or resulting from alteration related ing age spectrum, from as old as ~1410 Ma on low-temperature
to the surrounding carbonate wall rocks. Hornblende lampro- steps from small amounts of released 39Ar, to ~170–180 Ma
phyre also contains abundant (~2–3%) phenocrysts of olivine, on higher temperature steps that account for ~64% of released
which are mostly altered to quartz, carbonate, and magnesian 39Ar. Along with a total gas age of 209 Ma, this pattern con-

phyllosilicates. A few xenocrysts of quartz with altered reaction clusively demonstrates a large amount of excess 40Ar. An iso-
rims are present. The groundmass of the sample contains inter- chron age calculated from the ive highest temperature steps is
growths of feldspar and quartz, with abundant acicular apatite 164.8±1.3 Ma with an apparent initial 40Ar/36Ar of 1040±120.
and carbonate. The feldspar has been partly altered to sericite This could still be a maximum age that incompletely allows for
and carbonate. excess Ar. Excess Ar could have been incorporated during ini-
The biotite sample (CLC-5–207′) was collected from core tial crystallization or during metamorphism when less retentive
in hole CLC-5 located in the south end of the Long Canyon phases, e.g., biotite, partly degassed.
deposit (Figure 5). This biotite lamprophyre appears fresh in Together, the biotite and hornblende determinations indi-
hand sample. In thin section, however, biotite is partly altered cate a probable intrusion age between ~147 and 165 Ma for
to chlorite. Biotite phenocrysts vary from 1–3 mm. Altered Long Canyon lamprophyres. In comparison, well-determined
olivine phenocrysts (2–4 mm) comprise 2–3% but are almost ages for Jurassic intrusions in northeastern Nevada, including
entirely altered to mixtures of quartz, carbonate, chlorite and lamprophyres from the Carlin trend and Cortez area, cluster
other magnesian phyllosilicates. The groundmass of this biotite tightly between 158–166 Ma (Mortensen et al., 2000; Ressel
lamprophyre is ine-grained and composed of an intergrown and Henry, 2006; Wyld and Wright, 2014; our unpublished
mixture of quartz, potassium feldspar, biotite, and carbonate, data). Additional 40Ar/39Ar dating on less altered samples and
with abundant accessory apatite. U-Pb zircon dating are needed to more tightly constrain the
Biotite from sample MRLC-1 is from an exposure of a time of Jurassic intrusion.
biotite-hornblende monzodiorite dike exposed in a drill pad on
the south end of Long Canyon deposit. The monzodiorite was West Pequop Mountains Intrusive Belt
moderately propylitized with secondary chlorite and carbon-
ate. Biotite phenocrysts appeared dark brown to black in hand Numerous sills and dikes intruded Lower Paleozoic rocks
906 Ajeet K. Milliard, Michael W. Ressel, Christopher D. Henry, Christina Ricks, and Gregg Loptien

in a belt along the west side of the Pequop Mountains from A foliated granitic sill, dated at 154±5 Ma (Table 1; Camil-
Meyers Canyon on the north to the mouth of an unnamed creek leri and Chamberlain, 1997), extends discontinuously for about
8 km to the south (Figure 7). A few intrusions at the north and 100 m northward from Meyers Creek. Any southward continu-
south ends had been recognized previously (Camilleri, 2010), ation is covered by colluvium or displaced by younger fault-
but most were discovered recently through mineral exploration ing. The sill is as much as 4 m thick and consists of a series of
in and near the West Pequop area of Carlin-type gold depos- boudins surrounded by deformed marble (Figure 8). As many
its (Bedell et al., 2013; Agnico-Eagle mapping). Published age as four lamprophyre sills, each 1–2 m thick, parallel the granitic
information and our new work indicate Jurassic, Cretaceous, sill slightly up section to the east. The lamprophyre sills are
and Eocene intrusions are present (Camilleri and Chamberlain, currently undated but almost certainly Jurassic based on their
1997; Bedell et al., 2013), and some individual rock types can correlation with the imprecisely dated intrusions at Long Can-
reasonably be assigned ages, but many are undated and are not yon and better dated Jurassic intrusions elsewhere. Both gran-
suficiently distinctive to be assigned ages. ite and lamprophyre are foliated, and Camilleri (2010) inter-

Figure 6. 40Ar/39Ar spectra for lamprophyre samples from Long Canyon. (a) step-heating plot for H09-93b hornblende; (b) isochron plot for sample H09-93b; (c)
step-heating plot for sample CLC-5-207′ biotite; (d) step-heating plot for sample MRLC-1 biotite.
Igneous Rocks of Pequop Mountains 907

Figure 7. Geologic map of the West Pequop area. Footprints of Carlin-type gold deposits are shown in solid yellow lines (using a cutoff of 0.17 g/t Au). Note
that gold deposits cut up-section to the southeast. Indeed, Carlin-type gold mineralization occurs from Middle Cambrian through Silurian strata in the northern
Pequop Mountains (e.g., Hellbusch et al., 2011). Geology is from Camilleri (1994) and unpublished data from Agnico-Eagle (U.S.) Mines, Ltd.
908 Ajeet K. Milliard, Michael W. Ressel, Christopher D. Henry, Christina Ricks, and Gregg Loptien

preted the granitic sill to have intruded before metamorphism spherulitic rhyolite dikes at West Pequop may be continuous
and deformation. with dated rhyolite dikes present along the southwest lank of
the Pequop Mountains (Bedell et al., 2010; this study).
Intrusions of the West Pequop Gold Deposits Area
At least ive Carlin-type gold deposits (Figure 7) occur at Jurassic lamprophyres
West Pequop on the west lank of the northern Pequop Moun- Maic dikes and sills at West Pequop are mineralogically,
tains approximately 6 km due west of the Long Canyon deposit texturally, and geochemically indistinguishable from those of
(Hellbusch et al., 2011; Felder et al., 2011; Bedell et al., 2010). Long Canyon. As at Long Canyon, lamprophyres are wide-
Gold deposits occur over a wide stratigraphic range from Low- spread and occur as generally N-striking, narrow, commonly
er Cambrian through Silurian rocks. Sedimentary rock-hosted high-angle, biotite- or hornblende-phyric dikes (Bedell et al.,
gold deposits are similar to Long Canyon and occur in associa- 2010). Feldspars occur only in the groundmass with smaller
tion with strong hematite and clays in thin-bedded calcareous amounts of quartz and carbonate along with accessory apatite,
units commonly at or near contacts with more massive carbon- rutile, and zircon. Also present at West Pequop are dioritic to
ate units. Styles of Carlin-type gold mineralization include gabbroic dikes having an equigranular texture and containing
bedding replacement as well as breccia–hosted mineralization. hornblende and biotite.
Gold mineralization postdates development of a tectonic folia- Lamprophyre dikes from West Pequop are variably altered.
tion as is most evident in breccia-hosted ores, which lack a pen- Quartz-sericite-pyrite is a common alteration type, which re-
etrative fabric. Abundant maic and felsic dikes are exposed in sults in bleaching and loss of sodium in many rocks. Pyrite was
exploration road cuts and outcrops at West Pequop in addition commonly deposited along subparallel, anastomosing shear
to being intersected in many drill holes. These tabular intru- planes. Where strongly altered, lamprophyre dikes at West
sions are similar in composition to those of Long Canyon. Like Pequop contain highly anomalous concentrations of gold and
Long Canyon, maic intrusions comprise both biotite and horn- typical Carlin-type pathinder elements including arsenic, anti-
blende lamprophyre as well as more equigranular hornblende- mony, mercury, and thallium.
biotite monzodiorite, none of which are dated but all of prob-
able late Jurassic age. Two types of felsic dikes are recognized Jurassic Aplite Dikes
at West Pequop: weakly foliated quartz-albite-oligoclase aplite Several felsic dikes intrude carbonate rocks in the West
of probable late Jurassic age (Bedell et al., 2010) and spheru- Pequop cluster of Carlin-type deposits. These dikes are gen-
litic, sparsely porphyritic rhyolite of Eocene age. The Eocene erally bleached white to tan, with a ine-grained and uniform

Figure 8. Photographs of a foliated granitic sill of Meyers Canyon located about 2 km north of Acrobat deposit, West Pequop area. (a) Outcrop lens or boudin of
foliated granite pinching out against Cambrian limestone as indicated by dashed lines. (b) Non-foliated core of granite sill. Sill is traceable for approximately 100
m along which it pinches and swells against recrystallized limestone and phyllite.
Igneous Rocks of Pequop Mountains 909

groundmass with only sparse phenocrysts of altered feldspar. obtained U-Pb zircon ages of 41.0±0.8 and 39.1±0.7 Ma on two
As pointed out by Bedell et al. (2010), these dikes appear super- aphyric rhyolites (Table 1). A sample of the muscovite-garnet-
icially like Eocene spherulitic rhyolite dikes, which also crop bearing leucogranite contained very sparse and mostly xeno-
out in the southern part of the West Pequop area in the vicin- crystic zircons as old as ~1675 Ma. The two youngest zircons
ity of the Mountain Top and Trapeze gold deposits. Aphanitic, suggested an age possibly as young as 71.0±5.0 Ma; many zir-
intergranular textures of Jurassic aplites differ from the devitri- cons are Jurassic (Bedell et al., 2010). We favor the interpreta-
ied groundmass texture of Eocene rhyolites, and aplites gener- tion that these muscovite leucogranites formed during Creta-
ally have a weak to moderate penetrative fabric whereas the ceous crustal melting, similar to peraluminous granitic rocks
Eocene dikes are non-foliated. Jurassic dikes also lack pheno- in the Ruby Mountains metamorphic core complex (Howard,
crysts, whereas Eocene dikes have very sparse sericitized pla- 2011), but additional dating and other work is needed.
gioclase and quartz phenocrysts. Zircons from one of the aplite
dikes from Mountain Top gave a 206Pb/238U age of 159.0±1.9 South Pequop Mountains Intrusions
Ma (Bedell et al., 2010; Table 1). Several sills and dikes are known in the southern Pequop
Mountains, and the lack of detailed mapping there allows the
Eocene Rhyolite Dikes possibility of more. A complex hornblende lamprophyre sill
Dikes of ine-grained, white to tan weathering, sparsely cuts gently east-dipping, upper Chainman Formation or lower
porphyritic, plagioclase-quartz rhyolite typically with spheru- Diamond Peak Formation on the west lank of the mountains
litic texture are present in the Mountain Top, Trapeze, and ~2.5 km north of Little Lake Pass Road and ~14 km south of
Section 34 areas of West Pequop (Bedell et al., 2010). These the West Pequop deposits. The sill was discovered by Fred
dikes are not dated but petrographically are nearly identical to Zoerner in regional mapping and subsequently examined by
spherulitic rhyolite dikes exposed 3 to 6 km to the southwest us. Where well exposed at its north end, the sill is as much as
(southwest lank of Pequops Mountains), which are 41 to 39 Ma 5 m thick, and it can be traced for at least 300 m along strike to
(Bedell et al., 2010). If West Pequop dikes are continuous with the south. The sill is a highly altered, variably weathered horn-
the rhyolite dikes in the southwest lank area, the dikes have a blende lamprophyre with hornblende up to 1.5 cm long in a ine
N40°E strike length of about 7 km. These Eocene rhyolite dikes to medium, equigranular matrix. Quartzite and shale xenoliths
project northeast toward the Eocene Nanny Creek volcanic cen- up to 3 cm are common. At its poorly exposed south end, the sill
ter, although no connection between the two is recognized other appears to split into two bodies based on distribution of loat.
than their similar ages. Also, the Eocene rhyolite dikes parallel The south area also has two petrographic variants. A porphy-
the trend of the Long Canyon deposit. Bedell et al. (2010) indi- ritic, probably border phase contains large hornblende pheno-
cate a spatial association between Eocene rhyolite dikes and a crysts in a ine matrix that also contains quartz xenocrysts(?)
weak magnetic anomaly. This magnetic anomaly is not a result and/or amygdules and coarse hornblende cumulate inclusions.
of the high-silica rhyolite dikes but could represent more mag- The cumulate phase also occurs as blocks up to ~1 m in diam-
netic rocks associated with rhyolites at depth. eter whose original setting, as inclusions or separate intrusions,
The spherulitic rhyolite dikes at West Pequop are sericitized cannot be distinguished.
and contain disseminated limonite after pyrite. A few assays of The main hornblende lamprophyre is compositionally sim-
rhyolite yield low but anomalous gold and arsenic. Bedell et al. ilar to the trace-element enriched lamprophyres of the Pequop
(2010) report that northeast striking, non-foliated rhyolite dikes Mountains, whereas the hornblende cumulate is similar to the
at West Pequop are a control for and locally host gold. less enriched. With 63% SiO2, the porphyritic phase is the most
silicic of the lamprophyric rocks in the Pequop Mountains.
Southwest Pequop Mountains Intrusions Two intrusive rocks are reported from near Rockland at the
A diverse set of dikes and sills cut Cambrian rocks at the south end of the Pequop Mountains (R. Bedell, written com-
south end of the West Pequop belt. The most common rock type mun., 2014). The Rockland porphyry is deinitely Jurassic,
is non-foliated, locally spherulitic, very sparsely quartz-phyric ~161 Ma (Table 1), and a more maic body is possibly Jurassic.
rhyolite. One, and locally at least two, dikes up to 20 m thick The porphyry is compositionally most like, but slightly more
crop out continuously for at least 1.5 km along strike. Coarse silicic than, the porphyritic phase located about 3 km northwest
quartz-albite-muscovite leucogranite is less common and forms of Little Lake Pass. The more maic body is compositionally
~1 m thick lenses and discontinuous pods (probably boudins) a similar to the less enriched lamprophyres.
few meters long in an at least 400 m long zone. Finally, a foliated
lamprophyre sill crops out in one drainage where it is ~3 m thick. Igneous Geochemistry
Although Camilleri (2010) interpreted all these southern
bodies to be Cretaceous and probably younger than the ~84 Whole-rock and trace element analyses were completed for
Ma metamorphism, newer dating shows that both Eocene and 53 samples of igneous rocks from the Pequop Mountains for
probable Cretaceous intrusions are present (Bedell et al., 2010), this study. In addition, geochemical data for another 8 samples
and the lamprophyre is probably Jurassic. Bedell et al. (2010) were obtained from Richard Bedell (Renaissance Gold, Inc.,
910 Ajeet K. Milliard, Michael W. Ressel, Christopher D. Henry, Christina Ricks, and Gregg Loptien

unpublished data, 2010) for rocks that were dated using U/Pb sitions are suggestive of an enriched mantle source and/or low
methods (Bedell et al., 2010). Representative samples for most degrees of partial melting. Jurassic magmas may have been de-
recognized igneous units were also examined petrographically. rived from a relatively enriched or fertile mantle source because
Major elements were determined using XRF or ICP-AES on this was the oldest Phanerozoic magmatism in the Great Basin.
lithium metaborate fused samples. Trace elements were deter- Of Jurassic maic to intermediate rocks, biotite lampro-
mined using a combination of ICP-AES and ICP-MS on fully di- phyres have the highest contents of incompatible trace ele-
gested fused disks. All analyses were performed at ALS Global ments, followed by hornblende lamprophyres (Figures 10
Minerals Laboratories in Vancouver, British Columbia. Major and 11). In turn, equigranular monzodiorites, which have
oxides were normalized to a 100% volatile-free basis with total both biotite and hornblende, have the lowest concentrations
iron reported as FeO. Many rocks, particularly those in or near of incompatibles. The similarity in overall patterns as well
gold deposits exhibit varying degrees of hydrothermal altera- as spatial association and sparse age data between lampro-
tion. Some foliated rocks were also affected by metamorphism. phyres and monzodiorite suggest they are genetically related,
Both alteration and metamorphism affected the composition of but more work is needed. We hypothesize that biotite lampro-
some rocks through the formation of new minerals, particularly phyre magmas, essentially hydrous basaltic magma, is parental
carbonates, phyllosilicates, and sulides. Sodium loss is most to hornblende lamprophyre and monzodiorite, possibly through
apparent in quartz-sericite-pyrite altered rocks. fractionation of apatite, which is very abundant in biotite lam-
Igneous rocks of the Pequop Mountains are readily dis- prophyre and less so in other rocks. Crystallization of apatite
criminated based on their petrography and chemical compo- has the effect of reducing the light REE and phosphorus content
sitions (Tables 2 and 3, Figures 9, 10, and 11). The range of in the melt, but would not affect SiO2. Fractionation of oliv-
compositions and age of Pequop igneous rocks are similar to ine and phlogopite would reduce the MgO/FeO ratio consistent
those of the Carlin and Cortez districts, which also contain in- with observed geochemical variation between biotite lampro-
trusive rocks of all three (i.e., Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Eocene) phyre and monzodiorite.
age suites (Ressel and Henry, 2006; John et al., 2008; Colgan More sampling and isotopic dating is necessary to evaluate
et al., 2011; our unpublished data), although Cretaceous intru- the connection between Jurassic maic and intermediate rocks
sions are signiicantly older in the Carlin trend and at Cortez. and granites and granodiorites. REE patterns of granite and
Other notable Carlin-type districts (Getchell-Twin Creeks, Eu- granodiorite are similar to monzodiorite suggesting they may
reka, Jerritt Canyon, and Bald Mountain-Alligator Ridge) lack be genetically related. The presence of felsic dikes and sills
one or more of the suites (Figure 1). Like in the Carlin trend, suggests larger source bodies in and near West Pequop, Long
Jurassic and Eocene intrusive rocks are most abundant in the Canyon, and at the south end of the range, although none is
Pequop Mountains. indicated in regional mapping or magnetic surveys.
Compositions of igneous rocks from the Pequop Moun-
tains range widely from maic through silicic. Jurassic and Eo- Late Cretaceous Leucogranite
cene maic and intermediate rocks are subalkaline, metalumi- Leucogranites occur as irregular, sill-like lenses of pegma-
nous, and calc-alkaline (Tables 2 and 3; Figure 9) consistent titic rock in high-grade metamorphic rocks of the southwest-
with a derivation from continental arc-related magmatism (e.g., ern lank of the Pequop Mountains. The rocks are composed
Christiansen and Yeats, 1992; Elison, 1995). However, more of coarse-grained quartz, albite, microcline, and muscovite,
evolved granites and high-silica rhyolites of all age suites are with accessory garnet, zircon, and carbonate. Leucogranites are
moderately peraluminous (Figure 9), which is supported by the moderately peraluminous and have somewhat variable major
presence of primary muscovite in Jurassic and Cretaceous gran- and trace element compositions. Some compositional variation
ites. Garnet occurs in Cretaceous leucogranites. likely relects contamination with wall rocks. They have mod-
erately high concentrations of Na, K, Rb, Cs, and Ta and low
Jurassic Rocks concentrations of Fe, Mg, Ti, and REE (Table 3; Figures 9, 10,
A curious feature of Jurassic rocks is the tendency for the and 11). Similar muscovite granites are widespread in the Ruby
least-evolved or most maic compositions to be most enriched Mountains core complex and interpreted to be rocks derived
in both compatible and incompatible trace elements (Table 2, from small-volume crustal melts formed during metamorphism
Figures 9, 10, and 11). This is most true of Jurassic lampro- (Howard, 2011).
phyres, which have high concentrations of compatible elements
Cr, Ni, and Co as well as incompatibles rare-earth elements Eocene Igneous Rocks
(REE), K, Rb, Nb, Y, and Zr. Concentrations of light REE (left Locally sourced, Nanny Creek porphyryitic andesite
half of REE plots) are proportionately greater than the heavy through low-silica rhyolite lavas are typical of Eocene volcanic
REE in lamprophyres, forming steep light REE patterns that are rocks over broad areas of north-central and northeast Nevada.
commonly several hundred times chondrite values, but latten Lavas from Nanny Creek range from plagioclase-hornblende
for the heavy REE. High concentrations of compatible and in- andesite through plagioclase-biotite-quartz rhyolite (~63 to
compatible elements for relatively primitive or low-Si compo- 73% SiO2). Samples show fairly linear patterns on the total al-
Sample CLC-99-393 CLC5-207 CLC268-933.5 H14-125 PQ South GD CLC176-350 H14-64 RB2maic porphyry CLC358-887 H14-82 Sec 34 AP

Boitite Boitite Hornblende Hornblende Hornblende Hornblende Hornblende Hornblende

Rock Type Lamprophyre Lamprophyre Lamprophyre Lamprophyre Gabbro Monzodiorite Monzodiorite Monzodiorite Granodiorite Granite Granite Aplite

Age Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic

Age Date1 >147 Ma 159±6 161.4±1.9 159.5±1.9

South Meyers West

Location Long Cyn Long Cyn Long Cyn Pequop S. Pequop Pk Long Cyn Long Cyn Rockland Rockland Long Cyn Cyn Pequop

UTME-83 708311 708183 708593 701209 703948 708008 708025 700983 701248 706298 700796 701722

UMTN-83 4539984 4539748 4539882 4524831 4534882 4538637 4538647 4517705 4518174 4536238 4540868 4537253
SiO2 46.77 53.16 54.42 52.28 50.38 55.88 55.36 54.14 66.71 73.62 73.73 75.01

Igneous Rocks of Pequop Mountains

Al2O3 15.54 10.88 15.19 11.06 16.89 16.15 15.58 15.29 17.39 15.12 14.76 16.09
FeO* 11.56 9.08 7.98 8.37 9.29 7.74 7.75 7.92 4.3 1.54 1.61 1.34
CaO 1.92 8.3 7.85 8.86 6.32 8.31 6.4 6.66 1.6 0.73 1.97 0.15
MgO 18.52 12.64 8.89 14.57 10.05 5.02 8.16 10.05 2.49 0.63 0.39 0.47
Na2O 0.01 0.1 1.45 2.51 3.44 2.63 3.27 2.94 3.5 4.06 4.48 4.08
K2O 1.7 2.96 2.42 0.54 1.30 2.39 1.68 1.41 2.6 3.89 2.21 2.47
Cr2O3 0.2 0.14 0.07 0.12 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.01 0.01 0 0.01
TiO2 2.41 1.66 1.35 1.1 1.74 1.37 1.24 1.00 0.87 0.17 0.18 0.17
MnO 0.02 0.07 0.05 0.15 0.16 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.06 0.01 0.05 0.02
P2O5 1.28 0.91 0.29 0.31 0.31 0.24 0.2 0.21 0.24 0.09 0.08 0.09
SrO 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.1 0.01 0.04 0.01
BaO 0.07 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.12 0.12 0.1 0.10
LOI** 8.03 8.58 9.82 2.64 3.99 6.54 2.58 3.64 3.1 1.61 2.53 1.66
S 0.6 0.82 0.04 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.38
C 1.41 1.48 0.01 0.88 0.01 0.16 0.01
Total 99.97 99.59 101.55 100.32 99.75 99.4 98.36 99.63 99.73 99.35 98.89 99.93
Ba 560 703 335 262 433 444 1140 934
Ce 340 225 97.1 95.6 46.7 60.6 60.2 58.5 91.8 78.7 75.5 80.3
Co 34 42 40 38 28 32 2 2
Cr 1360 980 450 1160 390 410 10 5
Cs 8.21 6.16 2.1 0.18 10.25 1.15 4.85 4.24
Dy 7.13 6.18 4.1 3.75 4.6 3.81 3.92 3.6 3.9 2.07 2.18 2.2
Er 3.08 2.49 1.93 1.88 2.7 1.89 2.04 2 2.2 0.98 1.24 1.2
Eu 3.9 3.61 0.73 1.97 1.7 1.64 1.51 1.4 1.7 0.77 0.88 0.9
Ga 25.6 18 15.6 13.5 16.5 17.2 15.8 15.8

Sample CLC-99-393 CLC5-207 CLC268-933.5 H14-125 PQ South GD CLC176-350 H14-64 RB2maic porphyry CLC358-887 H14-82 Sec 34 AP

Ajeet K. Milliard, Michael W. Ressel, Christopher D. Henry, Christina Ricks, and Gregg Loptien
Boitite Boitite Hornblende Hornblende Hornblende Hornblende Hornblende Hornblende
Rock Type Lamprophyre Lamprophyre Lamprophyre Lamprophyre Gabbro Monzodiorite Monzodiorite Monzodiorite Granodiorite Granite Granite Aplite

Age Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic

South Meyers West

Location Long Cyn Long Cyn Long Cyn Pequop S. Pequop Pk Long Cyn Long Cyn Rockland Rockland Long Cyn Cyn Pequop
Gd 13.6 11.75 5.41 5.44 5.2 4.75 4.46 5 6 2.74 2.68 3.9
Hf 13.7 9.9 4.3 3.9 4.2 4 4.2 4.5
Ho 1.21 0.98 0.76 0.72 0.9 0.76 0.71 0.7 0.8 0.36 0.41 0.4
La 173 113.5 52.6 48.8 22.3 32.8 29.7 29.5 52.3 45.5 43.6 46.3
Lu 0.34 0.26 0.31 0.25 0.4 0.28 0.27 0.3 0.3 0.17 0.2 0.2
Mo 1 3 1 0.05 0.5 0.05 0.5 0.05
Nb 50.7 34.2 13.6 12.5 11.6 12.3 17.8 17.7
Nd 159 102 40.6 42.2 24.4 27.7 27.5 27.3 38.6 26 24.6 27.2
Pr 40.5 25.9 11.3 11.2 6 7.42 6.94 7.1 11.2 8.15 7.6 8.4
Rb 61.2 82.6 44.3 7.7 96.4 36.7 103.5 88.7
Sm 26.2 18.2 7.28 7.73 5 5.58 5.59 5.2 6.6 4.38 4.06 4.1
Sn 4 3 1 1 1 1 2 2
Sr 125.5 239 139.5 502 562 540 109.5 350
Ta 2.6 1.5 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.7 13 1.5 1.4
Th 31.4 21.3 11.7 8.34 4 5.61 5.66 6 14.95 14.2 15
Ti 0.25 0.38 14.5 0.01 0.25 0.03 0.3 0.56 0.11
Tm 0.37 0.31 0.29 0.26 0.4 0.31 0.28 0.3 3.5 0.17 0.18 0.2
U 6.61 5.35 2.76 1.63 1 1.52 1.58 1.7 2.98 3.68 4.2
V 245 187 192 155 192 170 8 6
W 4 3 7 0.5 2 0.5 2 1
Y 34 26.6 19.8 18.2 23.3 19.5 19.3 17.8 19.7 10.8 11.8 11.6
Yb 2.34 1.75 1.83 1.63 2.3 1.74 1.85 1.7 2 1.06 1.36 1.1
Zr 547 417 176 160 166 164 148 165
Ni 260 125 308 101 152 1 3
Sc 26 22 26 24 21 2 2
Cu 92 50 7 47 58 3 3
Zn 124 70 93 64 72 26 46
Pb 5 1 8 7 2 4 16
All major oxides recalculated to 100% volatile-free; *total iron reported as FeO; ** LOI = lost on ignition; 1Refer to Table 1 for summary of age determinations.
All whole-rock analyses by lithium metaborate fusion followed by XRF or ICP-AES for major oxides, ICP-AES and ICP-MS for trace elements.
Igneous Rocks of Pequop Mountains 913

Figure 9. Chemical classiication plots of igneous rocks of the Pequop Mountains, Nevada. (a) K2O vs. SiO2 (Peccerillo and Taylor, 1976); (b) Alumina saturation
index (Maniar and Piccoli, 1989); (c) Total alkalis-silica plot (LeMaitre et al., 2002); (d) AFM diagram (Irvine and Barager, 1971); (e) Modiied alkali-lime index
(Frost et al., 2001); (f) SiO2 vs. Zr/TiO2 volcanic rock type classiication (Winchester and Floyd, 1977). Intermediate to maic rocks of all ages are metaluminous,
calc-alkaline, and potassic. Silicic rocks (SiO2 > 74 wt. %) are peraluminous, suggesting a higher degree of crustal input.
914 Ajeet K. Milliard, Michael W. Ressel, Christopher D. Henry, Christina Ricks, and Gregg Loptien

Figure 10. Elemental X-Y plots of Pequop igneous rocks. (a) (FeO*+MgO)/SiO2; (b) Log Zr vs. SiO2; (c) P2O5 vs. SiO2; (d) TiO2 vs. SiO2; (e) Log Cu vs. log Cr;
(f) Log Nb vs. log Zr. Strong enrichment in Jurassic maic rocks in most compatible and incompatible trace elements is a distinctive and regional feature of Juras-
sic igneous rocks. The separation between all high-silica rocks (Eocene rhyolite dikes, Cretaceous leucogranites, and to a lesser degree, Jurassic granites) from
intermediate and maic rocks of the same age suite on the Nb vs. Zr plot (plot f.) imply different sources from lower-Si rocks.
Sample H14-87 140814I SWPPQ CLC16-801.2 H14-89 140819I SWPQAP1 SWPQAP2 H14-73 H14-68 H14-127 H14-71 H14-72 H14-70

Leuco- Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Andesite Dacite Dacite Dacite Rhyolite Rhyolite
Rock Type Leuco-granite Leuco-granite granite Alkali basalt dike dike dike Rhyolite dike lava lava lava lava lava lava

Age Cret. Cret. Cret. Tertiary? Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene

Age Date1 ~71±5 41.0±0.8 39.1±0.7


SW SW SW SW Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny

Location SW Pequop SW Pequop Pequop Long Cyn Pequop Pequop Pequop SW Pequop Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek

UTME-83 699472 698331 698451 708387 699508 698518 698389 698575 708038 709352 709926 708511 708164 708569

Igneous Rocks of Pequop Mountains

UMTN-83 4534753 4533665 4533540 4539594 4535173 4533788 4533407 4533556 4545636 4546705 4547231 4545664 4545671 4545619
SiO2 75.95 76.26 74.25 53.49 76.05 75.96 75.80 75.57 62.67 64.21 64.67 67.07 69.14 72.73
Al2O3 15.41 13.59 14.90 15.7 13.72 13.81 14.43 14.80 16.51 16.81 16.63 16.67 16.47 13.96
FeO* 0.41 0.52 0.49 4.6 0.82 0.86 0.90 0.86 5.16 3.98 4.12 3.25 2.42 2.39
CaO 0.53 0.67 0.70 12.33 1.64 1.36 1.12 0.94 5.88 4.82 4.72 4.49 4.55 2.88
MgO 0.17 0.1 0.09 8.05 0.11 0.14 0.15 0.15 3.3 2.5 2.45 1.27 0.24 0.9
Na2O 5.34 4.41 3.76 0.16 3.34 3.64 3.42 3.52 3.35 3.64 3.45 4.42 3.76 3.44
K2O 1.98 4.08 5.55 4.22 3.71 3.64 3.90 3.88 1.98 2.87 2.89 2 2.35 2.98
Cr2O3 0 0 0.01 0.03 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0
TiO2 0.01 0.02 0.01 1.14 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.68 0.5 0.55 0.48 0.6 0.31
MnO 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.02 0.03
P2O5 0.04 0.23 0.17 0.2 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.16 0.18 0.23 0.11 0.17 0.12
SrO 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.04
BaO 0 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.13 0.11 0.28 0.13 0.11 0.17 0.15
LOI** 1.4 0.46 0.44 11.54 2.66 2.13 1.88 1.7 1.46 2.7 2.33 0.87 1.19 1.24
S 0.12 0.01 1.5 0.37 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.06
C 0.01 0.03 2.26 0.01 0.32 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Total - 99.93 100.52 99.73 102 99.29 100.36 99.5 99.64 100.12 99.15 100.8 98.4 98.88 98.51
Ba 41 304 666 1160 1220 1005 2600 1235 965 1570 1390
Ce 1.5 6.1 3.8 10.5 22.9 23.2 23.4 23 47 49.4 59.2 32.3 55.5 52.4
Co 0.5 2 14 0.05 0.5 18 13 13 10 6 6

Ajeet K. Milliard, Michael W. Ressel, Christopher D. Henry, Christina Ricks, and Gregg Loptien
Sample H14-87 140814I SWPPQ CLC16-801.2 H14-89 140819I SWPQAP1 SWPQAP2 H14-73 H14-68 H14-127 H14-71 H14-72 H14-70

Leuco- Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Andesite Dacite Dacite Dacite Rhyolite Rhyolite
Rock Type Leuco-granite Leuco-granite granite Alkali basalt dike dike dike Rhyolite dike lava lava lava lava lava lava

Age Cret. Cret. Cret. Tertiary? Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene
Cr 10 10 270 10 10 40 50 40 30 10 10
Cs 8.16 5.05 3.75 1.67 1.92 1.53 3.13 3.09 0.61 1.15 2.94
Dy 0.24 1.31 1.1 1.1 2.2 2.26 2.2 2.2 2.95 2.22 2.73 1.71 2.49 1.98
Er 0.11 0.63 0.6 0.94 1.14 1.21 1.1 1.2 1.64 1.23 1.49 0.94 1.3 1.13
Eu 0.04 0.06 < 0.1 0.2 0.56 0.48 0.5 0.5 0.96 0.91 1.08 0.67 0.99 0.84
Ga 25.1 20.7 18.5 17.8 17.3 19.4 17.9 18.3 18.7 18.6 15.9
Gd 0.17 0.88 0.7 0.93 2.17 2.31 2.4 2.4 3.27 2.89 3.47 2.02 3.07 2.64
Hf 2.3 2.8 3.7 2.1 2 3.5 3.4 3.8 2.6 3.9 3.3
Ho 0.04 0.21 0.2 0.29 0.4 0.44 0.4 0.4 0.63 0.45 0.56 0.35 0.48 0.4
La 0.8 3.2 2 5.3 12.8 12.8 12.9 13 25 26.7 32.1 19 30.6 29.4
Lu 0.02 0.11 0.1 0.17 0.17 0.16 0.2 0.2 0.26 0.2 0.22 0.13 0.17 0.17
Mo 0.05 0.5 1 0.05 0.5 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Nb 65.2 13.8 11.6 13.1 13 6.5 7 8.2 4.3 7.7 8
Nd 0.6 2.3 1.4 4.8 8.7 9.4 9.6 9.4 19.4 20.6 24.8 13.2 21.7 18.9
Pr 0.16 0.69 0.5 1.21 2.48 2.54 2.6 2.6 5.21 5.53 6.83 3.65 5.89 5.52
Rb 207 260 99.6 123.5 117.5 57.1 69 71.4 36 61 88.2
Sm 0.15 0.86 0.6 0.97 2.33 2.43 2.3 2.3 3.72 4.08 4.7 2.65 3.94 3.32
Sn 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sr 78.2 78.7 114.5 66.7 93.2 459 502 530 467 477 359
Ta 51.1 4.8 0.7 1.6 1.5 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.7
Tb 0.03 0.2 0.2 0.16 0.37 0.36 0.4 0.5 0.39 0.5 0.31 0.46 0.37
Th 19.5 2.24 2 4.77 7.05 7.16 7 0.47 7.61 9.29 10.05 4.3 10.55 11.05
Tl 0.1 0.07 0.39 0.1 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.12
Sample H14-87 140814I SWPPQ CLC16-801.2 H14-89 140819I SWPQAP1 SWPQAP2 H14-73 H14-68 H14-127 H14-71 H14-72 H14-70

Leuco- Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Andesite Dacite Dacite Dacite Rhyolite Rhyolite
Rock Type Leuco-granite Leuco-granite granite Alkali basalt dike dike dike Rhyolite dike lava lava lava lava lava lava

Age Cret. Cret. Cret. Tertiary? Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene Eocene
Tm 0.01 0.11 0.1 0.15 0.18 0.18 0.2 0.2 0.25 0.19 0.2 0.13 0.19 0.15
U 4.27 4.73 3.9 2.73 3.94 3.81 3.5 3.7 1.87 3.32 3.23 1.54 2.66 4.31
V 2.5 2.5 159 2.5 2.5 136 74 84 102 90 37

Igneous Rocks of Pequop Mountains

W 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
Y 1.3 7.5 6.4 7.5 12.1 12.7 11.8 12.5 15.7 13 14.4 9.4 13.2 10.5
Yb 0.14 0.86 0.6 1.03 1.17 1.19 1.1 1.2 1.7 1.29 1.37 1.03 1.38 1.09
Zr 18 39 147 38 37 129 127 139 99 144 118
Ni 2 9 68 1 2 21 29 21 18 4 7
Sc 0.05 0.5 18 1 1 16 8 8 8 8 4
Cu 1 9 4 1 1 27 23 16 21 10 8
Zn 9 25 50 33 39 71 70 64 60 61 40
Pb 5 39 2 26 34 19 23 18 12 15 23
Au 0.0017
Ag 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Cd 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Li 40 20 60 30 40 10 10 10 10 10 30
As 0.8 1.5 8.6 5.5 1.5 1.6 0.5 0.1 0.8 1.4 0.5
Bi 0.16 0.52 0.37 0.18 0.11 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.04
Hg 0.0025 0.022 0.015 0.006 0.021 0.005 0.0025 0.066 0.005 0.018 0.006
Sb 0.1 0.78 0.12 0.08 0.17 0.2 0.12 0.08 0.12 0.4 0.21
Se 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1
Te 0.005 0.01 0.01 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
All major oxides recalculated to 100% volatile-free; *total iron reported as FeO; ** LOI = lost on ignition; 1Refer to Table 1 for summary of age determinations.
All whole-rock analyses by lithium metaborate fusion followed by wave-dispersive XRF or ICP-AES for major oxides, ICP-AES and ICP-MS for trace elements.

918 Ajeet K. Milliard, Michael W. Ressel, Christopher D. Henry, Christina Ricks, and Gregg Loptien

kalis versus silica plot, the FeO+MgO versus silica plot, and of Ti, Cr, Ni, and Co for such a maic rock. Concentrations of
most other major and trace element plots (Figures 9, 10, and the light REE (Figure 11) are also very low (~10× chondrite)
11). The Nanny Creek rocks are similar to, but slightly less yielding a relatively lat REE pattern with a slight negative Eu
alkalic than, other Eocene volcanic rocks of Nevada (Figure anomaly. The low Fe/Mg ratio (Figure 9) of the basalt coupled
9; Henry and Ressel, 2000). REE patterns are similar between with its low contents of Nb, Zr and light REE are inconsistent
samples, but the andesite samples (SiO2 < 63 wt. %) have with Miocene basaltic rocks and most similar to Eocene rocks.
the lowest light REE and highest heavy REE concentrations, If this basalt proves to be Eocene, its maic composition could
whereas highest silica dacites and a rhyolite have the highest provide important information on the parental magmas for Eo-
light REE and lowest heavy REE. If magmas were cogenetic, cene magmatism. The Long Canyon basalt sample is similar
then this pattern could be explained by a modest degree of frac- in some respects to an Eocene basaltic andesite dike from the
tionation of hornblende in the more maic magmas. Hornblende northern Carlin trend (Ressel and Henry, 2006), which also has
is a common phenocryst in both andesites and dacites at Nan- high K and Rb, and low Ti, Cr, Co, and Ni, but differs in having
ny Creek and strongly fractionates heavy REE, thus lowering slightly more elevated light REEs.
heavy REE contents in the melt fraction. These patterns may
relect a discrete pulse of magmatism that progressed to more DISCUSSION
silicic compositions. However, only one isotopic age on locally
sourced lava is reported (39.7±0.5 Ma; Table 1; Brooks et al., Sources of Jurassic Dikes and Sills
1995a, b), and more work to better deine Nanny Creek mag-
matism is underway. In several districts that host sedimentary rock-hosted gold
Spherulitic rhyolite dikes at West Pequop and the south- deposits, swarms of Jurassic lamprophyre and diorite dikes are
west lank of the Pequop Mountains have U/Pb zircon ages spatially associated with larger granodiorite to diorite intru-
of 39.1±0.7 Ma and 41.0±0.8 Ma (Bedell et al., 2010), which sions. Examples of larger Jurassic intrusions associated with
broadly overlap the 39.7±0.5 Ma age of a dacite lava from dike swarms include the Goldstrike laccolith in the northern
Nanny Creek (Table 1; Brooks et al., 1995a, b). In spite of age Carlin trend, the Mill Canyon laccolith at Cortez (Ressel and
similarities, the spherulitic dikes on the west side of the Pe- Henry, 2006; John et al., 2008; Colgan et al., 2011), and the
quop Mountains differ substantially from Nanny Creek lavas McCoy pluton at Cove-McCoy (Emmons and Eng, 1995). At

high-silica rhyolite (SiO2 ≈ 76 wt. %), much more evolved than

in composition. Dikes from the west side of the Pequops are the Goldstrike mine, the ~300-m thick Goldstrike laccolith is
mostly quartz diorite but zoned from uppermost granodiorite
those from Nanny Creek (Figure 9; Table 3). These devitri- through basal gabbro (Ressel and Henry, 2006). Although Juras-
ied, high-silica rhyolite dikes are aphyric or contain small and sic intrusions predate Carlin-type gold mineralization in all three
sparse quartz phenocrysts. High-silica rhyolites have very low areas, they served as important controls for gold mineralization
concentrations of TiO2 (0.02–0.04 wt. %) and P2O5 (0.02–0.04 in providing avenues for luid migration and sources of abundant
wt. %), very low Zr (36–42 ppm), Nb (~13 ppm), and REE iron for sulidation (Emsbo, 1999; Ressel and Henry, 2006).
(all of which are incompatible in maic magmas but compat- No large Jurassic intrusion is known in the Pequop Moun-
ible in more silicic magmas), and moderate to high concentra- tains. However, Jurassic dikes and sills ranging from granite
tions of K, Rb, and Ba (Figures 10 and 11), all of which are to gabbro and including lamprophyres, are widespread in the
consistent with high degrees of differentiation. However, small Pequop Mountains. Source plutons for these abundant intru-
Eu anomalies on REE plots indicate only modest fractionation sions may lie buried under areas of dike swarms, although
of plagioclase. Similar aphyric, high-silica rhyolite dikes occur published aeromagnetic data show no indication of a larger
in the Carlin trend (Ressel and Henry, 2006) as well as in the intrusion in the immediate vicinity of dikes and sills (Hilden-
Eocene intrusion-related Au-Ag-Cu districts at Railroad (Hen- brand and Kucks, 1988). A Jurassic granitic intrusion at Silver
ry et al., this volume), Hilltop-Shoshone (Kelson, 2006), and Zone Pass is associated with a small part of a much larger
Battle Mountain (Theodore et al., 1992). High-silica rhyolites (265 km2) positive aeromagnetic anomaly that underlies part
fall well within the peraluminous ield using the alumina satu- of Goshute Valley between the Toano Range and Pequop
ration diagram (Figure 9b; Maniar and Piccoli, 1989), similar Mountains (Figure 2). The center of the anomaly is about 16
to Cretaceous leucogranites. In contrast to low-silica rhyolite, km southeast of the Long Canyon deposit, but the anomaly’s
high-silica rhyolite is thought to form only at shallow crustal northwest edge extends to Long Canyon and covers a large
levels (Gualda and Ghiorso, 2013). area in the southern half of the Pequop Mountains, although
A single sample of altered, very ine-grained alkali basalt signiicantly weaker than the highest part of the anomaly in
occurs in a core hole from Long Canyon (sample CLC-16-801). Goshute Valley. Higher resolution magnetic data would be
This basalt’s composition is dissimilar to any of the Jurassic in- useful to better discern these anomalies. A large buried intru-
termediate to maic intrusions, which are characterized by con- sion southwest of Silver Zone Pass indicated by the magnetic
sistently high Ti, Cr, Ni, Co, Nb, Zr, and light REE. Instead, this data is a possible source for Jurassic diorite and granite dikes
basalt has high potassium and rubidium but fairly low contents of the Pequop Mountains.
Igneous Rocks of Pequop Mountains 919

Figure 11. Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element (REE) plots of igneous rocks from the Pequop Mountains (Nakamura, 1974). (a) Jurassic rocks
show a progressive decrease in light REE from biotite lamprophyre through hornblende lamprophyre, and monzodiorite suggestive of a fraction-
ation of apatite. (b) Cretaceous leucogranite have highly fractionated (0.1 to 10× chondrite), lat REE patterns with low to moderate negative Eu
anomalies. (c) Eocene rocks show higher concentrations of light REEs similar to but lower than Jurassic rocks; Eocene high-silica (spherulitic)
rhyolite have distinctly lower light REE and larger Eu anomalies than Nanny Creek volcanics.

Sources of Eocene Volcanic Rocks and Dikes West Pequop (SW Pequop on Figure 2), which is 10 to 13 km
from the Nanny Creek volcanics. Bedell et al. (2010) show a
Nanny Creek lavas and low breccias are locally sourced northeast-elongate magnetic high that spatially corresponds to
although no vent areas for lavas are identiied. The lavas along the Eocene rhyolite dikes and extends from the Southwest Pe-
with distal ash-low tuffs and conglomerates ill a paleovalley quop area to West Pequop. Possibly, this magnetic high repre-
that was cut into Paleozoic rocks (Brooks et al., 1995a, b; Hen- sents more magnetic rock types currently not exposed. Alterna-
ry, 2008; Henry et al., 2011). The volcanic rocks are as much tively, the moderate magnetic high under parts of Long Canyon
as 1,200 m thick. However, no other Eocene volcanic rocks are and extending westward to near the West Pequop area (Figure
exposed in the Pequop Mountains. A westerly source area for 2) may represent a source pluton for the Eocene rhyolite dikes
ash-low tuff and presumably underlying gravels requires east- and possibly, the Nanny Creek volcanics. This anomaly appears
ward drainage. Therefore, it is possible or probable that Nanny continuous with the larger anomaly underlying Goshute Valley,
Creek lavas lowed down gradient from nearby westerly vent and it is uncertain if this represents two composite plutons or
areas since eroded. Other than broadly coeval rhyolite dikes ex- just one.
posed along the west side of the Pequops, southwest of Nanny
Creek, no areas of Eocene intrusions that may have sourced the Spatially Overlapping Regional Jurassic and Eocene
local Nanny Creek volcanics is known. The rhyolite dikes occur Magmatism
in the West Pequop area of Carlin-type gold deposits approxi-
mately 6 km from Nanny Creek as well as in the area south of A common theme among several districts that host impor-
920 Ajeet K. Milliard, Michael W. Ressel, Christopher D. Henry, Christina Ricks, and Gregg Loptien

tant sedimentary rock-hosted gold deposits, including those in observed garnet-bearing metamorphic assemblages. The co-
the Pequop district, is a spatial association with Jurassic and alesced spherulites that characterize these rhyolites are a re-
Eocene intrusions. This association, in part, relects the wide- sult of devitriication shortly after dike magmas had entirely
spread distribution of Jurassic and Eocene magmatic events in quenched to glass, indicating extremely rapid undercooling.
the northern Great Basin (e.g., Elison, 1995; Wyld and Wright, Such undercooling is possible only at shallow crustal levels.
2014; Christiansen and Yeats, 1992; Henry and Ressel, 2000). For example, in a detailed study of rapid undercooling of rhyo-
Unlike Cretaceous magmatism, which occurred over a broad lite lavas and intrusions at Obsidian Dome and Inyo dike, Cali-

to glass occurred at depths ≤ 400 m due to abrupt degassing and

age and geographic range, Jurassic and Eocene magmatism fornia, Westrich et al. (1988) found that quenching of magmas
were relatively short but intense. Using more precise modern
ages, Jurassic magmatism occurred in a back-arc setting in increase in melt viscosity due to vesiculation, whereas rhyolitic
northern Nevada from about 166 to 158 Ma (Wyld and Wright, magmas emplaced at depths >400 m were entirely crystalline
2014), with peak activity in the eastern Great Basin from ~162– despite being undercooled because volatiles had not completely
158 Ma. Jurassic magmatism was largely restricted to latitudes degassed, which promoted rapid crystallization.
38.5°–42°N. Eocene magmatism, while essentially continuous An implication of the spherulitic dikes on the west lank
with Oligocene and Miocene magmatism, is spatially and com- of the Pequop Mountains is that the high-grade metamorphic
positionally discrete from younger magmatism. Eocene mag- rocks they intruded were cold and shallow, possibly 0.5 to 1.0
matism in the northern Great Basin occurred mainly from about km depth based on the data of Westrich et al. (1988), by the
42 to 36 Ma (Henry and Ressel, 2000), over latitudes similar 41–39 Ma time of their intrusion. If true, much of the exhuma-
to Jurassic magmatism: from about 39°–42°N. Both Jurassic tion of the deeply buried Paleozoic strata in the Pequop Moun-
and Eocene magmatism occurred in E-W elongate belts that tains occurred prior to the late Eocene. This, in turn, would be
were nearly orthogonal to the plate margin. Wyld and Wright consistent with the Long Canyon and West Pequop deposits,
(2014) suggest Jurassic magmatism in Nevada resulted from assuming they are of Eocene age, forming at relatively shal-
an eastward-propagating slab tear in the back-arc that caused low depths, which is now also interpreted for Carlin-type de-
asthenospheric upwelling. In contrast, Eocene magmatism is posits (Ressel and Henry, 2006; John et al., 2008; Muntean et
widely thought to have resulted from the start of slab rollback in al., 2011). In contrast, Eocene volcanic rocks at Nanny Creek
post-Laramide time, following a ~40 Ma hiatus in subduction- (Figure 2) and regionally in northeast Nevada, rest on upper-
related magmatism (Christiansen and Yeats, 1992; Humphreys, most Paleozoic, even Mesozoic strata. This relationship indi-
1995; Henry and John, 2013). cates that the Lower Paleozoic rocks were still deeply buried in
Although many major Carlin-type deposits have been the Eocene. These seemingly contradictory pieces of evidence
shown to be of Eocene age and coeval with Eocene magma- have signiicant implications for the formation of Carlin-type
tism, many of the largest deposits occur near Jurassic intrusive deposits and the evolution of the RMEH.
centers. Also, the Bald Mountain “Carlin-like” gold deposits
are Jurassic and related to the Jurassic Bald Mountain stock Signiicance of Pre-Mineral Dikes and Sills for
(Figure 1; Hitchborn et al., 1996; Nutt and Hofstra, 2007; Pace, Mineralization
2009). This raises the possibility that other Jurassic Carlin-like
deposits exist in the region in association with Jurassic granitic As discussed, a swarm of maic dikes and sills cuts Pa-
intrusions. leozoic strata of the Long Canyon deposit. More than 10,000
drill hole intercepts of intrusions at Long Canyon (Figure 4)
Implications of Eocene Spherulitic Rhyolite Dikes indicate that intrusions are persistent and abundant features of
the deposit. Dikes and sills are spatially discrete, apparently
The uplift history of the RMEH and surrounding areas, in- because marked rheologic contrast between massive dolomite
cluding the Pequop Mountains, is controversial. Debate centers and thin-bedded limestone inluenced how intrusions were em-
on the timing and magnitude of uplift with earlier research sug- placed. Discordant, near-vertical dikes crosscut bedding in and
gesting large-magnitude exhumation began in the late Creta- below the massive dolomite unit of the Notch Peak Formation.
ceous and early Tertiary (Snoke and Miller, 1988; Camilleri and However, the same dikes latten to roughly bedding conform-
Chamberlain, 1997; Howard, 2003). More recent work (e.g., able sills in the overlying Pogonip Limestone. Most dikes and
Colgan and Henry, 2009; Colgan et al., 2010; Henry, 2008; sills at Long Canyon are oriented N10°–20°E, and thus have
Henry et al., 2011) suggests all or most uplift occurred in the a ~15–20° angular discordance with the ~N35–40°E deposit
mid-Miocene. trend (Figure 4). Gold mineralization is closely associated with
On the west lank of the Pequop Mountains, Eocene spher- dikes and sills and with breaks in the dolomite, i.e., boudins.
ulitic rhyolite dikes intrude amphibolite facies metamorphic A fourth control apparent in the 3D model of the dolomite is
rocks developed in Lower Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. Ca- a low-amplitude, ~N40°E anticline along which gold mineral-
milleri and Chamberlain (1997) suggest Paleozoic rocks were ization and some intrusions are centered. The anticline served
at depths of 8-to16 km in the late Cretaceous to produce the as a culmination or structural high to focus ore luids already
Igneous Rocks of Pequop Mountains 921

channeled along subparallel dikes. These relationships suggest Eocene devitriied rhyolite dikes cut amphibolite grade
that the Long Canyon Carlin-type deposit formed from a com- metamorphic rocks on the west side of the Pequop Mountains.
bination of trapping mechanisms that included: 1) strong rheo- Textures indicate dikes were emplaced at shallow crustal depths
logic and compositional contrast between massive dolomite implying signiicant pre-40 Ma exhumation of metamorphic
and laminated limestone host rocks, 2) structural preparation rocks, which is in contrast to deposition of Eocene volcanic
through boudinage or separation of the dolomite presumably rocks only on the stratigraphically highest, non-metamorphosed
during early contractional deformation and small-scale folding, Paleozoic rocks. This contradiction bears on the Cenozoic up-
and 3) pre-mineral intrusion of reactive, Fe-rich dikes and sills lift history of the Ruby Mountains-East Humboldt metamor-
of lamprophyric and dioritic composition, which not only sup- phic core complex as well as the depth that Carlin-type deposits
plied some iron for sulidation, but the margins of which likely of the Pequop Mountains formed.
served as conduits for ore luids. Once luids reacted with wall Abundant Jurassic lamprophyres are present at Long Can-
rock limestone and intrusions, dissolution of carbonate in both yon, West Pequop, and in the northern Carlin trend. Lampro-
limestone and lamprophyre resulted in roof collapse and the phyre dikes and sills clearly contributed to deposits by provid-
formation of ore breccia. ing conduits for hydrothermal luid low in some cases, and
barriers to luid low in others. Equally important, lampro-
CONCLUSIONS phyres are ideal hosts for Carlin-type mineralization because
they provided much needed iron in an otherwise iron-starved
Similar to the Carlin trend and Cortez district, both of platform carbonate environment. Lamprophyres, because of a
which contain major Carlin-type gold deposits, Carlin-type de- high primary carbonate content, were also highly reactive to
posits of the Pequop Mountains are spatially associated with Ju- acidic Carlin-type luids. Eocene high-silica rhyolite is altered
rassic, Cretaceous, and Eocene intrusions (Bedell et al., 2010). and mineralized at West Pequop gold deposits, suggesting Car-
Unlike Carlin and Cortez, the occurrence of Carlin-type gold lin-type gold mineralization there is ~40 Ma or younger.
deposits in the Pequop Mountains is unusual, because deposits
are located far to the east of the major gold trends and the Ant- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ler orogenic belt as well as being hosted in Paleozoic platform
carbonates instead of slope-facies carbonates. Despite these Agnico-Eagle (US) Mines, Ltd. and Newmont Mining Cor-
major differences, the Pequop deposits occur well within the poration provided us with logistical support and access to de-
Eocene or “Tuscarora” magmatic province (Figure 1; Christian- posits, drill core, and data without which this study would not
sen and Yeats, 1992; Ressel and Henry, 2006), which was co- be possible. We greatly beneitted from discussions with many
eval with deposition of gold in many Carlin-type deposits and geologists from both companies; Jeff Blackmon, Dan Norleet,
is implicated as the likely source of heat (Henry and Boden, Jon Powell, and Jason Rampe were especially helpful at Long
1998; Henry and Ressel, 2000; Cline et al., 2005; Ressel and Canyon. John Muntean provided much-needed support early in
Henry, 2006) and gold (Johnston and Ressel, 2004; Muntean et this project. Chuck Thorman and Connie Nutt provided us with a
al., 2011). If Carlin-type deposits are indeed genetically related geologic framework. We thank Richard Bedell, Eric Struhsacker,
to Eocene magmatism as close spatial and temporal ties would and Mark Coolbaugh for use of unpublished age and geochemi-
suggest, then Carlin-type deposits together with other Eocene cal data and for helpful geological discussions and Fred Zo-
“intrusion-related” gold deposits should be present over the erner for discovering and informing us about the lamprophyre
broad region affected by this magmatism. Thus, the presence sill in the southern part of the Pequop Mountains. This study is
of Eocene igneous rocks, especially silicic intrusions, is consid- supported by funding to A. Johnson from the Ralph J. Roberts
ered important for the occurrence of Carlin-type gold deposits. Center for Research in Economic Geology at the University of
Dikes and sills are abundant in and near Carlin-type depos- Nevada, Reno with additional funding from Agnico-Eagle and
its at West Pequop and Long Canyon. Only a few isotopic ages Newmont and award G14AC00237 of the U.S. Geological Sur-
have been determined on intrusions, but they demonstrate that vey Statemap program. 40Ar/39Ar dating was done at the New
Jurassic (161–159 Ma) and Eocene (41–39 Ma) magmatism Mexico Geochronology Research Laboratory (New Mexico In-
was dominant as they are regionally. Compositions of known stitute of Mining and Technology) under the patient guidance
and suspected Jurassic rocks in the Pequop Mountains, ranging of Bill McIntosh, Matt Heizler, and Lisa Peters. We thank Odin
from gabbro through monzodiorite and lamprophyre to granite, Christensen and GSN editors for reviewing a draft manuscript.
are similar to those of regional Jurassic rocks. Eocene rocks
range from probable basalt through high-silica rhyolite. Broad-
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