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Chemistry Form 5 Answers

4. slow down, zinc / magnesium / iron (iii) – Bring near glowing (b) – The middle region of water
/ aluminium splinter into test tube droplet that covers the iron
melambatkan, zink / magnesium / ferum with gas X / oxygen block is the anode.
/ aluminium gas. Kawasan tengah titisan air yang
5. speed up, tin/ lead/ copper/ silver Dekatkan kayu uji berbara menutupi blok besi ialah anod.
mempercepatkan, stanum / plumbum / ke dalam tabung uji berisi – In this area, the
kuprum / argentum gas X / gas oksigen. concentration of oxygen gas
– Splinter relights is lower.
SPM Practice 1 indicates the presence Di kawasan ini, kepekatan gas
of gas X / oxygen gas. oksigen lebih rendah.
Paper 1 Kayu uji menyala – Iron undergoes oxidation
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B menunjukkan kehadiran reaction
6. D 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. C gas X / gas oksigen. Ferum menjalani tindak balas
11. D 12. D 13. D 14. D 15. D (c) (i) Copper(II) ion / Ion pengoksidaan
16. C 17. B 18. B 19. A 20. C kuprum(II) – by releasing electrons to
21. C 22. C 23. D 24. C 25. D (ii) Brown solid is formed. / form iron(II) ions.
26. D 27. C 28. A Pepejal perang terbentuk. dengan membebaskan elektron
(iii) Copper is deposited on membentuk ion ferum(II).
the cathode. – The edge region of water
Paper 2
Kuprum terenap pada katod. droplet that covers the iron
Section A / Bahagian A (d) 4OH– + 2Cu2+ → 2H2O + O2 + block is the cathode.
2Cu Kawasan pinggir air yang
1. (a – Concentration of ions 1.0 menutupi blok besi ialah katod.
mol dm–3 4. (a) (i) Anode: Carbon immersed
in iron(II) sulphate solution. – In this area, the
Kepekatan ion 1.0 mol dm–3
Anod: Karbon yang dicelup di concentration of oxygen gas
– Temperature 25 °C or 298 K dalam larutan ferum(II) sulfat. is higher.
Suhu 25 °C atau 298 K Di kawasan ini, kepekatan gas
Cathode: Carbon
– Pressure of 1 atm or 101 kPa immersed in acidified oksigen lebih tinggi.
Tekanan pada 1 atm atau 101 kPa – Oxygen gas and water
potassium dichromate(VI)
– Platinum is used as inert solution. undergo reduction reaction
electrode Gas oksigen dan air menjalani
Katod: Karbon yang dicelup
Platinum digunakan sebagai tindak balas penurunan
di dalam larutan dikromat(VI)
elektrod lengai berasid.
– by receiving electrons to
[any three answers / mana- (ii) Anode / Anod: form hydroxide ions.
mana tiga jawapan] Fe2+ → Fe3+ + e– dengan menerima elektron
(b) (i) Cl2  Ag+  Cu2+  Zn2+ membentuk ion hidroksida.
Cathode / Katod:
(ii) Cl– , Ag , Cu , Zn (c) – Half-equation in anode /
Cr2O72– + 14H+ + 6e– →
(c) Eº cell = Eº cathode – Eº anode Persamaan setengah di anod:
2Cr3+ + 7H2O
Eº sel = Eº katod – Eº anod Fe → Fe2+ + 2e–
(b) Oxidising agent / Agen
= (+0.34) – (–0.76) – Iron serves as a reducing
= 1.10 V agent.
Acidified dichromate(VI) ion / Ferum bertindak sebagai agen
2. (a) Anode / Anod: 2O2– → O2 + 4e– Ion dikromat(VI) berasid
Cathode / Katod: Al3+ + 3e– → Al penurunan.
Reducing agent / Agen
– Half-equation / Persamaan
(b) (i) Oxide ion undergoes
penurunan: setengah di katod: O2 + 2H2O
oxidation reaction by
Iron(II) ion / Ion ferum(II) + 4e– → 4OH–
releasing electrons to
(c) Electron flows from carbon – Oxygen gas serves as an
form oxygen gas.
immersed in iron(II) sulphate oxidising agent.
Ion oksida menjalani tindak
balas pengoksidaan dengan solution to carbon immersed Gas oksigen bertindak sebagai
membebaskan elektron in acidified potassium agen pengoksidaan.
membentuk gas oksigen. dichromate(VI) solution (d) – Coil magnesium on the iron
(ii) Aluminium ion undergoes through external circuit. block as a sacrificial metal.
reduction reaction by Elektron mengalir dari karbon yang Lilitkan magnesium pada blok
receiving electrons to besi sebagai logam korban.
dicelup di dalam larutan ferum(II)
form aluminium. sulfat ke karbon yang dicelup di – Magnesium is more
Ion aluminium menjalani dalam larutan kalium dikromat(VI) electropositive than iron,
tindak balas penurunan berasid melalui litar luar. thus it will be oxidised to
dengan menerima elektron (d) 6Fe2+ + Cr2O72– + 14H+ → 6Fe3+
protect iron.
membentuk aluminium. + 2Cr3+ + 7H2O Magnesium lebih elektropositif
(c) (i) Aluminium ion / Ion daripada besi, maka magnesium
aluminium akan teroksida untuk melindungi
Section B / Bahagian B besi.
(ii) Oxide ion / Ion oksida
5. (a) Presence of water and oxygen – Apply paint on the surface
3. (a) Oxygen / Oksigen
gas. of iron.
(b) (i) 4OH → 2H2O + O2 + 4e
– –
Kehadiran air dan gas oksigen. Sapukan cat pada permukaan
(ii) Hydroxide ion / Ion

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Chemistry Form 5 Answers

– Paint prevents the (b) Materials / Bahan: 3. Each iron nail is

penetration of water and Iron nails, zinc strip, placed into a test tube
oxygen gas into the iron magnesium strip, copper strip, respectively. Then, three
block. sandpaper, hot agar solution, drops of phenolphthalein
Cat menghalang penembusan phenolphthalein indicator indicator and three
air dan gas oksigen pada blok and 0.1 mol dm–3 potassium drops of potassium
hexacyanoferrate(III) solution hexacyanoferrate(III)
Paku besi, jalur zink jalur solution are added into
Section C / Bahagian C magnesium, jalur kuprum, kertas the hot agar solution and
6. (a) Electrolyte: Silver nitrate solution pasir, larutan agar panas, petunjuk stirred well.
Elektrolit: Larutan argentum nitrat fenolftalein, dan larutan kalium Setiap paku besi diletakkan
Anode: Pure silver rod heksasianoferat(III) 0.1 mol dm–3 ke dalam tabung uji masing-
Anod: Rod argentum tulen masing. Kemudian, tiga
Apparatus / Radas:
titis petunjuk fenolftalein
Procedure / Prosedur: Test tubes, test tube rack, and dan tiga titis larutan
1. The iron key is cleaned dropper kalium heksasianoferat(III)
using sandpaper. Tabung uji, rak tabung uji dan ditambahkan ke dalam larutan
Kunci besi dibersihkan dengan penitis agar panas dan dikacau hingga
kertas pasir. sebati.
2. 150 cm3 1.0 mol dm–3 silver Procedure / Prosedur:
4. The hot agar solution
nitrate solution is measured 1. All the metals and iron
is poured into each test
and poured into a beaker. nail are cleaned with
tube until the iron nails
150 cm3 larutan argentum sandpaper.
Semua logam dan paku besi
are covered with hot agar
nitrat 1.0 mol dm–3 disukat dan
dituang ke dalam sebuah bikar. dibersihkan menggunakan solution.
kertas pasir. Larutan agar panas itu
3. Pure silver is connected
2. Thin strip of magnesium is dituangkan ke dalam setiap
to the positive terminal of tabung uji sehingga semua
a battery and cleaned iron coiled on iron nail B, zinc
paku besi ditutupi dengan
key is connected to the on iron nail C, and copper larutan agar panas.
negative terminal of the on iron nail D. 5. The test tubes are left
Jalur magnesium yang nipis
battery using a connecting on the rack for a day. All
dililit pada paku besi B, jalur
wire. zink pada paku besi C dan observations are recorded.
Argentum tulen disambung ke Semua tabung uji tersebut
jalur kuprum pada paku besi D.
terminal positif bateri dan kunci dibiarkan selama sehari.
yang bersih ke terminal negatif Semua pemerhatian dicatatkan.
bateri dengan menggunakan
wayar penyambung. Result / Keputusan:
4. Both electrodes are
immersed into silver nitrate Test tube Observation Inference
Tabung uji Pemerhatian Inferens
Kedua-dua elektrod direndam A • Dark blue spots are observed • Rusting occurs
ke dalam larutan argentum Fe on the agar gel. Pengaratan berlaku
nitrat sulfat. Bintik-bintik biru tua kelihatan di
5. The switch is turned on and atas agar gel
the electricity is allowed to B • Pink colouration is found on • Rusting does not occur
flow for 30 minutes. Fe + Mg agar gel Pengaratan tidak berlaku
Suis dihidupkan dan elektrik Warna merah jambu terbentuk di
dibiarkan mengalir selama atas agar gel
30 minit.
C • Pink colouration is found on • Rusting does not occur
6. All changes that occur at Pengaratan tidak berlaku
Fe + Zn agar gel
the anode, cathode and Warna merah jambu terbentuk di
electrolyte are recorded. atas agar gel
Semua perubahan yang
berlaku pada anod, katod dan D • The whole agar gel turns • Rusting occurs the
elektrolit dicatatkan. Fe + Cu dark blue fastest
Keseluruhan agar gel menjadi Pengaratan berlaku paling
Observations / Pemerhatian: biru tua cepat
– Pure silver anode becomes
– Polish the rusted grill with sandpaper
Anod argentum tulen semakin HOTS Challenge to remove all the brown solid on the
– A layer of shiny grey metal – Conditions to cause rusting: grill.
Presence of oxygen gas and water. Gosokkan jeriji yang berkarat dengan
is coated on the antique key.
kertas pasir untuk menyingkirkan semua
Lapisan logam kelabu berkilat Keadaan yang menyebabkan pengaratan:
pepejal perang pada jeriji tersebut.
menyaluti kunci antik. Kehadiran gas oksigen dan air.

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07 Answers.indd 3 07/01/2021 9:21 AM

Chemistry Form 5 Answers

– Paint the cleaned iron grill. (d) C3H7OH(l) + 3O2(g) → 3CO(g)

Catkan jeriji besi yang telah dibersihkan. + 4H2O(g) //
– Paint can prevent the contact of water and oxygen gas with the iron grill. C3H7OH(ce) + 3O2(g) → 3CO(g) +
Cat dapat mengelakkan sentuhan air dan gas oksigen dengan jeriji besi. 4H2O(g) //
C3H7OH(l) + O (g) → 3C(s) +
2 2
ER 3
PT C3H7OH(ce) + O2(g) → 3C(p) +

Carbon Compound
Sebatian Karbon
(e) C2H4(g) + H2O(g) → C2H5OH(l)
C2H4(g) + H2O(g) → C2H5OH(ce)
Types of Carbon Compound
2.1 Jenis-jenis Sebatian Karbon (f) C2H5OH(l) + 2[O] →
CH3COOH(l) + H2O(l)
1. carbon / karbon C2H5OH(ce) + 2[O] →
2. (a) carbon, living / karbon, hidup CH3COOH(ce) + H2O(ce)
(b) saturated, unsaturated / tepu, tak tepu
(c) natural gas, petroleum / gas asli, petroleum (g) C2H5OH(l) + C3H7COOH(l) →
C3H7COOC2H5(l) + H2O(l)
3. Organic compounds Characteristics Inorganic compounds C2H5OH(ce) + C3H7COOH(ce) →
Sebatian organik Ciri-ciri Sebatian tak organik C3H7COOC2H5(ce) + H2O(ce)
Living things Source Non-living things 2. (a) Ethanol / Etanol
Benda hidup Sumber Benda bukan hidup
(b) 1,2-dibromopropane /
Lower Melting point and Higher 1,2-dibromopropana
Lebih rendah boiling point Lebih tinggi (c) Ethene / Etena
Takat lebur dan takat didih
3. (a) Mg(s) + 2H+(aq) → Mg2+(aq) +
Homologous Series H2(g)
2.2 Siri Homolog Mg(p) + 2H+(ak) → Mg2+(ak) +
1. General formula Colorless bubbles are
CnH2n+2 CnH2n CnH2n–2 observed. / Gelembung tak
Formula am
berwarna kelihatan.
Functional Carbon-carbon Carbon-carbon Carbon-carbon
(b) CaCO3(s) + 2H+(aq) →
group single bond double bond triple bond
Kumpulan Ikatan karbon Ikatan karbon Ikatan karbon
Ca2+(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)
berfungsi tunggal ganda dua ganda tiga CaCO3(p) + 2H+(ak) → Ca2+(ak) +
CO2(g) + H2O(ce)
Colorless bubbles are
2. (a) Pentane / Pentana Chemical Properties and observed. / Gelembung tak
(b) Propanol / Propanol Interconversion of Compounds berwarna kelihatan.
(c) Hexanoic acid / Asid heksanoik between Homologous Series (c) H+(aq) + OH–(aq) → H2O(l)
(d) Butyne / Butuna Sifat Kimia dan Saling Pertukaran
H+(ak) + OH–(ak) → H2O(ce)
2.3 Sebatian antara Siri Homolog
Blue cobalt(II) chloride paper
3. Octane Odourless 13
1. (a) C4H10(l) + O (g) → 4CO2(g) turns pink.
Oktana Tidak berbau 2 2 Kertas kobalt(II) klorida yang
+ 5H2O(g)
13 berwarna biru bertukar menjadi
Heptene Flammable C4H10(ce) + O2(g) → 4CO2(g) +
2 merah jambu.
Heptena Mudah terbakar 5H2O(g)
(b) C3H6(l) + 3O2(g) → 3CO(g) + 4. (a) Esterification / Pengesteran
Pentyne Soury smell
Pentuna Berbau masam 3H2O(g) // (b) Concentrated sulphuric acid /
Asid sulfurik pekat
C3H6(ce) + 3O2(g) → 3CO(g)
Ethanol Fragrant smell + 3H2O(g) //
(c) Methyl ethanoate / Metil etanoat
Etanol Berbau wangi 3 (d) – sweet / wangi
C3H6(l) + O2(g) → 3C(s) + – low / rendah
Methanoic Soluble in 3H2O(g) – Insoluble / Tidak larut
acid water C3H6(ce) + O2(g) → 3C(p) +
Asid metanoik Larut dalam air 2
Isomers and Naming Based on
Ethyl IUPAC Nomenclature
Very volatile (c) C5H8(l) + 7O2(g) → 5CO2(g) + Isomer dan Penamaan mengikut
butanoate Mudah meruap 4H2O(g)
Etil butanoate 2.4 IUPAC
C5H8(ce) + 7O2(g) → 5CO2(g) +
4H2O(g) 1. chemical formula, structural
formula kimia, formula struktur

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