Five Years Later Progressing The Rhys Model CARLIN

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Five Years Later: Progressing the Rhys Model of Fold and

Fault Geometry on the Carlin Trend via Integration of Mapping,

Sequence Stratigraphy and Lithogeochemistry
Gerry Griesel*
Nevada Gold Mines, Elko, NV

Franck Valli and Jim Essman

Newmont Corporation, Denver, CO

David Rhys
Panterra Geoservices Inc., Surrey B.C., Canada

Erin Hart
Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines, Kalgoorlie, Australia

Allison Phillips
Nevada Gold Mines, Elko, NV

Edward Berg
Nevada Gold Mines, Elko, NV


Ongoing mapping in new and historic mining areas along the Carlin Trend con-
tinues to test the structural model of deformation and the relation to ore-controlling
structures proposed by Rhys and others (2015). That study proposed a three-phase
contractional history, commencing with the Antler orogeny (Phase 1) and the associ-
ated Roberts Mountains Thrust (RMT) followed by widespread probable Jurassic E-
ESE verging folding (Phase 2) that preceded Jurassic extension, and finally NW trend-
ing upright folds and reverse faulting (Phase 3). This structural history accounts for
district-wide orientations of fold and fault styles, interpreting previously unrecognized
low-angle structures that repeat and overturn stratigraphy. The study emphasized that
intense mineralization, alteration, and focus of Eocene extensional faulting associated
with mineralization are spatially coincident with earlier areas of structural complexity.
Integrating this structural understanding with sequence stratigraphic analysis
yielded a new mapping and lithostratigraphic approach to building a 3D model ca-
pable of reconciling mapping and drill logging, providing an improved lithostructural
model for exploration. The high degree of tectonism, alteration, and visual similarity
of units along the trend commonly resulted in inconsistent, incorrect, or overly simpli-
fied layer-cake interpretation within drill logs. These interpretations are not compat-
ible with the complex fold and thrust geometries observed in mapping. The lithogeo-
chemical approach used geochemical patterns, thresholds, and ratios determined via
empirical observation and geochemical criteria predicted by sequence stratigraphic
principles. Geochemical ratios such as Mg/(Mg + V) and Ni/Co have been utilized to
trace key stratigraphic horizons that highlight deformation styles and architecture,
allowing for unbiased tracing of structural complications predicted by the new struc-
tural model in drill holes. These data have allowed tracking of geochemical marker
units to identify stratigraphic imbrication of Phase 2 thrust faults and the location
and trend of Phase 2 and Phase 3 folds.
Continued mining in new and old surface operations has created exposures north,


138 Gerry Griesel, Franck Valli, Jim Essman, David Rhys, Erin Hart, Allison Phillips, and Edward Berg

west, and deeper than previously investigated areas. At the Arturo deposit, mapping, his-
torical logging, and relogging identified an east-vergent Phase 2 thrust placing Devonian
Bootstrap over Devonian Rodeo Creek, overturning the east-vergent Phase 1 RMT in
the north high wall. An east-dipping normal fault which exploits a steeply overturned
fold limb cuts these features. These observations also establish that Genesis-style fold and
thrust geometry is present in the far northern Carlin Trend at Arturo. In the Genesis area
new mining exposures in the Revelation thrust footwall confirm the overturned nature
of the Genesis anticline, and the presence of a previously inferred thrust below it. A west-
vergent overturned Phase 3 fold in the Bluestar Ridge area indicates Phase 3 deforma-
tion is more widespread than previously recognized. In the Maggie Creek sub district,
new mapping in the historic Tusc pit identified multiple shallow dipping thrust splays of
the Good Hope fault emplacing Roberts Mountain Formation over the Devonian Rodeo
Creek-Popovich contact, and cut by a Hewetite-parallel normal fault. Collectively these
studies have advanced the understanding of the lithostructural architecture of the Carlin
trend and will continue to be utilized in exploration efforts in the district.

Key Words: Carlin Trend, Nevada, Structure, Sequence Stratigraphy

INTRODUCTION in extensional events: Phase 1) is the long-recognized Antler

orogenic event associated with development of the Roberts
Bulk tonnage mining on the Carlin Trend has been ongo- Mountains Thrust (“RMT”), Phase 2) is a second contractional
ing since 1961, during which the understanding and interpreta- event that refolds and locally offsets the RMT but is in turn cut
tion of the district geology has evolved greatly. With the vast by Jurassic intrusions, and Phase 3) defined by thick skinned
amounts of data collected throughout the history of mining, Laramide- to Sevier-age upright folding and reverse faulting
utilizing evolving technologies, the increasing levels of outcrop that postdates Jurassic igneous activity. Finally, post-contrac-
and underground exposure available due to mining and explo- tional Eocene to Miocene extensional faulting, and magmatism
ration activities, we are now better positioned to refine and and volcanism, invert the contractional architecture and overlap
advance the geological interpretation of the Carlin Trend. Fur- in early stages with mineralization (Figure 1). Continuing post-
thermore the interpretive advantages through the recent amal- mineralization Miocene and younger extensional fault develop-
gamation of the formerly separate operations of Barrick Gold ment further exploits and overprints the cumulated structural
and Newmont Mining along the trend have eliminated barriers geometry. This deformational sequence provides a consistent
between deposits. This paper provides an update on the contin- structural nomenclature and framework for geologists across
ued structural interpretation of the Carlin Trend, specifically the the Carlin Trend that has improved communication, understand-
central and northern portions, since the seminal interpretation ing, and collaboration amongst the groups. It has also been fur-
of Rhys and others (2015) integrating lithogeochemistry and ther reinforced by continued mapping of new exposures, which
refined sequence stratigraphy to aid in the construction of geo- we discuss below. This ongoing work has provided a context
logic models that reflect the structural interpretations. for the setting and structural architecture of mineralization in
Prior to the work of Rhys and others (2015), strong struc- mining environments, enhancing the identification of favorable
tural controls on the distribution of mineralization on the Carlin structural sites of ore concentration in exploration.
Trend were recognized in the association of mineralization with The other significant advancement over the last decade
high-angle normal faults and folding (e.g., Evans and Theodore, has been in using sequence stratigraphy to define local allos-
1978; Leonardson and Rahn, 1996; Peters, 1996; Peters and oth- tratigraphic patterns versus a facies-based lithostratigraphic ap-
ers, 1998; Peters, 2004; Volk et al., 1996, 2001; Orobona, 1996; proach to formational and/or unit boundaries. Variable quality
Nemitz, 2003; Hall, 2006; Powell, 2007; and Essman, 2010). and sometimes inaccurate core and reverse circulation (RC)
These studies, many of which were focused on individual parts logs can be nearly impossible to reconcile with the newly
of the district, were synthesized with new observations in the (or historic) recognized fold and thrust geometry seen in the
Rhys and others (2015) work along the whole Carlin Trend, mapping, especially where intense alteration, deformation, or
relating high and low-angle faulting to folding into a trend-wide structural complexity obscure lithologic patterns. Combining
sequence in the context of mineralization. From this work, at lithogeochemistry with structural mapping has provided an im-
least three phases of contractional deformation are recognized, proved workflow for the creation of 3D models used within the
here termed Phase 1, 2 and 3, which are separated or terminate production and exploration environment on the Carlin Trend.
Carlin Trend, Elko/Eureka Counties, NV 139

Figure 1. From Rhys and others (2015) geologic setting of the Carlin Trend.
140 Gerry Griesel, Franck Valli, Jim Essman, David Rhys, Erin Hart, Allison Phillips, and Edward Berg

Figure 2. Modified from Rhys and others (2015). Au deposits, principal faults, and Bootstrap reef facies margin from Maggie Creek to the North Carlin
Trend. Moz figures represent gold amounts, total production + reserves in millions of ounces, end of year 2014, and are unchanged from the 2015 publication.
Carlin Trend, Elko/Eureka Counties, NV 141

Figure 3. Stratigraphic column of the Carlin trend between Maggie Creek and the North Carlin trend. UM = Upper Mud, SSD = Soft Sediment Deformation, PL
= Planar, WS = Wispy.
142 Gerry Griesel, Franck Valli, Jim Essman, David Rhys, Erin Hart, Allison Phillips, and Edward Berg

REGIONAL GEOLOGIC AND STRUCTURAL SETTING zone of lithified cataclasite or protomylonite, although it may
locally thicken to broader, foliated and protocataclastic zones
The Carlin Trend is a 70–km long, north-northwest striking up to 200 m thick.
trend of associated Eocene gold deposits in northeastern Ne- Phase 2 deformation may represent the cumulative effects
vada. Its extents are defined by the Rain and Railroad districts of late Paleozoic to Jurassic events, although it is consistent
at the southeast end, to the Dee-Arturo deposit at the northwest in style and kinematics with Nevadan (Elko) orogenesis in the
limit (Figure 1). The Trend is proximal to the leading edge of region, which is of early Jurassic age (Thorman, 2011). Phase
the Roberts Mountain Allochthon (RMA). The majority of the 2 accommodates significant shortening throughout the strati-
deposits on the trend occur in erosional windows through the graphic section, manifested by east-southeast vergent folds and
allochthon that coincide with structural highs (Figure 2). moderate to gently west- and northwest-dipping thrust surfaces
Deposits along the Carlin Trend lie within the Paleozoic with top to the east-southeast or southeast transport direction
miogeoclinal shelf margin and slope facies carbonate rocks (Nemitz and McLelland, 2005; Orobona, 1996; Rhys and oth-
(Cook, 2015). Silurian to Devonian platform carbonates are ers, 2015). Thrust surfaces include the Stellar and Revelation
present to the east and northeast, and host mineralization at the thrusts, which are interpreted to have repeated and overturned
northern and southern ends (Figures 1, 2). The bulk of miner- stratigraphy and refold the RMT in the Genesis area (Figures
alization occurs within Silurian to Devonian slope facies, with 5, 6, 7). At Gold Quarry, abundant folding and duplexing is
lesser amounts in Mississippian to Permian foreland basin fa- observed throughout the Rodeo Creek and Devonian Popovich
cies at the southern extent. Major breaks between and within Formations. Laterally extensive Phase 2 thrust surfaces are not
formations are defined by stratigraphic high and low sea level recognized in the Goldstrike pit, but may have been overprinted
stands (Cook and Corboy, 2003; Cook, 2015). Allochthonous by the strong Phase 3 Dillon Deformation Zone (DDZ) and/or
Ordovician to Devonian basin-facies siliciclastic stratigraphy the bulk of the slip may have been accommodated by bedding
of the RMA lie structurally above the autochthonous slope-to- parallel slip planes observable throughout the pit within indi-
platform stratigraphy, forming a typically poor upper plate ore vidual units of Devonian stratigraphy. Macroscopic folds asso-
host due to their impermeable nature and lack of hydrother- ciated with Phase 2 include the Tuscarora (Caddey, 2004), Post,
mally reactive units (Figure 3). Ridge, and Genesis anticlines, in which the steep easterly limbs
Mesozoic plutonic rocks intrude the Paleozoic sequence are often exploited by younger Tertiary faults (Figures 5, 6).
along the trend, and include the Jurassic Goldstrike stock and Intrusion of the Goldstrike stock, Little Boulder Basin
its associated dikes, as well as the Cretaceous Richmond Moun- stock, and Vivian sill followed Phase 2 at 158–160 Ma in the
tain stock. The youngest rocks are Eocene to Miocene dikes, northern Carlin trend. The bodies have the same granodiorite
volcanic sediments, and tuffs deposited within extensional gra- composition, implying a comagmatic association (Ressel and
bens and half grabens. Eocene volcanic rocks in the Railroad Henry, 2006), and are interpreted to be minimally offset by
district show close temporal and spatial relationships to gold post-intrusion faulting. Mapping within the Betze-Post open pit
mineralization (Jackson and others, 2015) and Eocene dikes are at Goldstrike indicates that the Goldstrike stock and associated
host to mineralization locally in the northern Carlin Trend (Res- dikes cut and exploit limbs of Phase 2 folds and preferentially
sel and Henry, 2006). intrude and follow the Post-Gen fault zone. These relationships
indicate that the Phase 2 deformation may predate the intru-
Deformation History sions, and that the corridor of the Post-Gen fault zone is at least
Jurassic in age. North-northwest-striking mafic to intermediate
As defined in Rhys and others (2015) and earlier studies, dikes of the same age can be traced over 18 km, from the Carlin
mineralization, alteration, and Eocene extensional faulting as- pit to well north of Arturo, suggesting southwest-northeast ex-
sociated with mineralization are spatially coincident with, and tension during magmatism.
often focused along earlier areas of structural complexity (Fig- Thick-skinned Phase 3 deformation accommodates south-
ure 4). This is specifically the case where structural complexi- west—northeast-directed shortening that affects Jurassic dikes in
ties are intense, due to the interaction and local superposition of the Betze-Post pit and Genesis area through open folding and
the three principal phases of contractional deformation: Phase reverse thrust displacement (Rhys and others, 2015). This phase
1, Phase 2, and Phase 3. Key features associated with these is characterized by northwest- to north-northwest-striking, south-
events across the Trend are summarized below. west- to northeast-vergent reverse faults, with broad upright to
Phase 1 is the late Paleozoic Antler orogeny, recognized inclined southwest-vergent folds. At the Goldstrike deposit, these
across the trend by the RMT, which places allochthonous deep features include the West Bazza reverse fault and associated Be-
basin stratigraphic sequence of Ordovician Vinini, Silurian El- tze anticline, the Dillon Deformation Zone, and the Dormant
der, and Devonian Slaven over the autochthonous Devonian fault which offsets the Post fault (Rhys and others, 2015). At the
Rodeo Creek slope facies (Figures 3, 4). Emplacement is thin- Gold Quarry deposit, Phase 3 features include the Good Hope
skinned, and associated with east to east-southeast transporta- fault and associated Alta and Snowbird anticlines, while on the
tion. The fault zone is typically a 2–10 m thick, brittle-ductile south end of the Trend the dominant Phase 3 feature is the Rain
Carlin Trend, Elko/Eureka Counties, NV 143

fault (Essman, 2010). While no large Phase 3 features have been stratigraphy and structures across the entire Carlin Trend cor-
previously recognized in the Genesis area, recent review of open relate with orientations generated by earlier deformational
pit blast hole assays suggests the presence of a broad, upright, events. This suggests that reactivation of pre-existing structures
open, northwest-trending anticlinal morphology that is compat- and inheritance of pre-existing structural geometries are impor-
ible with Phase 3 geometry in this area. tant controls on the localization of gold mineralization. There-
The Cenozoic tectonic environment of the Carlin Trend is fore, understanding the complex structural history of the Carlin
defined mostly by an east-west extensional regime. Uplift, ex- Trend has important implications for further exploration and
tension, exhumation, and intrusion of dikes and sills during the discovery along the Trend.
Eocene correlate with the age of gold mineralization that has
been defined by direct dating of alteration minerals and which INTEGRATING STRUCTURAL MODELS WITH AL-
is implied by field relationships (Emsbo and others 2006, Henry LOSTRATIGRAPHY AND LITHOGEOCHEMISTRY
and Ressel, 2000, Hofstra and Cline, 2000, Arehart and others,
2003; Rhys and others, 2015). Post-mineralization extension in- Integrating the Rhys and others (2015) structural model
cluded a period of east-west extensional fault development and with allostratigraphic analysis and lithogeochemistry has yield-
reactivation of principal Eocene faults during Miocene forma- ed a new mapping and 3D modelling approach that is capable of
tion of the Northern Nevada rift, followed by late Miocene to reconciling mapping and drill logging, and identifying complex
recent Basin and Range high-angle extensional faulting. These local fold and thrust patterns.
later faulting events offset Carlin style mineralization and are The principles of describing carbonate slope stratigraphy
associated with deposition of tuff, volcaniclastic units, and allu- have changed little over the nearly 60 years of modern mine life
vial gravel fill along grabens and half-grabens that can obscure along Carlin Trend. Lithologies are described using a facies ap-
underlying older Carlin mineralization. proach, using grain size, bedding thickness, textural variations,
It is significant to note that the orientation of mineralized carbonate content, and sedimentary structures. The protocols of

Figure 4. Schematic, north-looking cross sectional views illustrating the geological history of the Carlin trend. (A) Paleo-
zoic deposition of the hosting Paleozoic shelf and slope Lower Plate Stratigraphy. Later, ore-controlling structures and
mineralization will form oblique to the Bootstap margin. (B) Phase 1 Antler orogeny, the Roberts Mountain allochthon is
emplaced eastward over the autochthonous slope and platform rocks on the Roberts Mountains Thrust (RMT). (C) Phase 2
thrusting is coaxial or more southeasterly-directed than Phase 1, folds and imbricates the RMT, and locally thickens/repeats
stratigraphy. (D) Intrusion of Jurassic intermediate to mafic stock and dikes, cutting Phase 2 folds and thrust surfaces. (E)
Southwest-northeast shortening forms reverse faults and coeaval broad northwest-trending upright folds during Phase 3
deformation. (F) Eocene extension and magmatism, normal faulting and mineralization are focused on pre-existing fold and
thrust geometries during extensional inversion.
144 Gerry Griesel, Franck Valli, Jim Essman, David Rhys, Erin Hart, Allison Phillips, and Edward Berg

Figure 5. Geologic Map of the Spur Sub-district. Mine grid is a state plane NAD 27 projection, converted to feet, with
digits truncated.

assigning lithologies to formations have evolved significantly alization, is the common obscuring of primary local features
during that time. In some cases, these criteria have evolved in by alteration, dissolution and superposed fault disruption. Since
isolation, within a given deposit, or mine site. Historical desig- many of the Paleozoic carbonate slope rocks are texturally very
nation of formations was based on mappable facies that can be similar, it is often challenging to identify an individual forma-
laterally traced over significant distances. tion or stratigraphic position in drill core, and even more dif-
A significant issue in defining stratigraphy, and thereby ficult in RC or mud rotary holes. Complicating matters, vary-
utilizing stratigraphic units to define the structural architecture ing levels of alteration, associated with multiple metasomatic
of favorable stratigraphic-structural locations for gold miner- and intrusive events, mask key sedimentary structures. Finally,
Carlin Trend, Elko/Eureka Counties, NV 145

the long-lived structural history has overturned and/or repeated to the principles of allostratigraphy within a sequence strati-
stratigraphy, forming complex lithologic patterns which are graphic framework. While facies may vary both parallel and
rarely or inconsistently recognized in drill logs. Collectively, perpendicular to the slope, sequence stratigraphy utilizes global
this results in drill logs that are highly variable, overly sim- sea level high and low stands, which change the chemical in-
plified, often incorrect, and impossible to correlate across the puts into system. The controlling inputs for fine-grained car-
Carlin Trend. bonate slope rocks are detrital, authogenic, and biogenic flux
Two approaches have helped to better address these issues: (Sagemon and Lyons, 2003). The relative contribution of these
(a) allostratigraphy, and (b) lithogeochemistry. inputs varies through time and space. In a landmark compila-
tion paper, Cook (2015) demonstrated that sea level low-stand
Allostratigraphic Application of Sequence Stratigraphy systems tracts are characterized by discrete sedimentary fea-
tures which record aggradational, progradational, and retro-
Over the last 15+ years, the facies approach has given way gradational cycles that are time equivalent (isochrons) at the

Figure 6. Cross section A-A′ modified from Rhys and others 2015 (see Figure 5 for section location and stratigraphy
legend). (A) Formations and Au >1.0 g/t in drilling. (B) Location of drill holes with multi-element geochemistry, and
lithogeochemical trends used to update and/or confirm the section.
146 Gerry Griesel, Franck Valli, Jim Essman, David Rhys, Erin Hart, Allison Phillips, and Edward Berg

Figure 7. Bluestar Ridge open pit and interpreted geology. (A) Cross section B-B′ (see Figure 5 for section location and
stratigraphy legend) showing formations and Au >1.0 g/t in drilling. (B) South facing photo of the Bluestar Ridge high-
wall (section B-B′ is in the foreground) and the newly interpreted Challah Phase 3 reverse fault.

district scale. The use of these isochron markers, and not so data are extremely helpful, although analyses are locally lim-
much facies variation between them, forms an effective allos- ited by elemental concentrations that are below or close to the
tratigraphic method to map and model the structural architec- detection limit. In addition, lithogeochemical-alteration studies
tures across the Trend. also show patterns of elemental flux in Ca, As, Au, Sb, Hg), Se,
Ba, and Mg concentrations into and out of Carlin type deposits
Lithogeochemistry: (e.g. Cline and others, 2005). Consequently, while helpful in
The use of lithogeochemistry provides a repeatable quan- defining alteration footprints, it is best practice to avoid these
titative approach to the identification of chemical marker hori- elements for stratigraphic analysis, although in certain instanc-
zons in drill holes that can be preserved even with the effects of es they aid in stratigraphic definition. For example, the Ca con-
alteration. The standard collection of multi-element data since tent of a partly decalcified rock would still indicate the calcare-
2010 on the legacy Newmont properties has provided a large ous nature of the protolith. The largest handicap in the data to
geochemical dataset across most of the Carlin Trend. These date is due to the previous use of aqua regia partial digestion.
Carlin Trend, Elko/Eureka Counties, NV 147

This technique renders analyses for elements such as Zr, Hf, and with the chert at the top of the Ordovician Hanson Creek
U and the rare earth elements ineffective. It also limits the use Formation (Figure 3).
of elemental ratios in some lithologies to address the constant 5. V-Mg ratio: The abundance in V relative to Mg empirically
sum effect of elemental abundance in open or partially open correlates with radiolarian cherts of Rodeo Creek member
systems (Aitchison, 1986). Moving forward, the use of 4-acid 3. A V-Mg ratio [Mg/(Mg + V)] has been utilized to iden-
digestion has now been adopted as standard practice along the tify this lithology (Arndt and others, 2016). This ratio is
Carlin Trend, to partly overcome these issues. extremely useful in RC holes where logging calls are highly
Despite the issues in alteration effects and methodology, inconsistent because chert and silicified mudstones can be
several elemental concentrations and ratios have proven effec- visually difficult to distinguish.
tive to develop a lithogeochemical-stratigraphic approach to 6. Rare-earth elements: Rare-earth elements, most notably
identify and track stratigraphic marker horizons on the Carlin Ce, prove to have a robust signal that, based on observed
Trend. Effective use has been made of the following elements patterns during this study, defines the contact between the
and elemental suites in particular: Rodeo Creek and Popovich formations (where detection
1. Ca and Sr: During original deposition, carbonate sediment limits allow), specifically at 4-Corners in the Leeville area
production is reduced or even terminated on the platform (Figure 2).
during a low-stand sea level tract (Cook, 2015). Ca and Sr,
the latter which substitutes in the carbonate lattice, track Geochemical patterns and profiles using these criteria have
low-stand intervals (Arndt and others, 2016). proven effective in refining and confirming structural models,
2. Al, Be, Ga and Li: A local tectonic event can generate to- and ultimately in the construction of 3D models for resource
pography and can increase the relative siliciclastic contri- estimation and exploration targeting. Where discrepancies be-
bution to the sediments as well as a change in the sea level. tween historical drill hole logging and new mapping have been
Al is present in many silicates and clay minerals and is im- apparent, the geochemical markers have often allowed a much
mobile (conserved) during alteration (Hofstra and Cline, more effective structural interpretation, which locally has dra-
2000). Consequently, it represents the best candidate to matically changed the geologic understanding.
track primary siliciclastic input even in altered areas. Be,
Ga and Li are less abundant but display a similar trend as Applications of the Combined Structural and
Al, as they have similar ionic radiuses and therefore also Lithostratigraphic Approach
occur in the lattice of these minerals.
3. Elements associated with organic C: The deposition of black Spur Sub-District
mudstones during a sea level highstand is associated with en- Rhys and others (2015) provided, at the time, a signifi-
richment of V, As, Mo, Se, Ni, Ag and Zn, because the rela- cantly improved surface mapping and structural interpretation
tively high amount of organic C acts as chemical trap (Large for the Spur District, which is located in the northern portion
and others 2010). While As and Ag are useable outside of of the Carlin Trend and encompasses the Exodus Underground
alteration zones, subsequent alteration and mineralization and Genesis Open Pits (Figure 2). This 2015 work identified
mobilize them, rendering them incapable of reflecting the multiple low-angle thrusts, overturned folds, and repeated stra-
primary rock signature (Cline and others 2005). During dia- tigraphy that had not been identified previously (Figure 6A).
genesis, V accumulates in illite, Zn in sphalerite, and Ni, Mo, Combined with lithogeochemical interpretation of drill holes,
and Se in pyrite. These minerals appear to have remained this work has allowed projection of map and cross section in-
immobile since then (Large and others 2010). Therefore, the terpretations along strike, and at depth.
use of a “V-score” (V + Mo + Se + Ni + Zn) has been utilized The initial application of the lithogeochemical signatures
to recognize sea level high stands. The use of immobile (dur- in the Spur District focused on drill holes with multi-element
ing alteration) element ratios such as V/Cr or Ni/Co shows data located along two cross sections produced by Rhys and
similar trends, making their use more reliable than individual others (2015) across the Genesis and Beast pits (Figure 6B). To
elements variations in highly altered zones. remove bias, lithogeochemical interpretation took place initial-
4. P: The solubility of P in the water column is sensitive to sea ly without referencing the cross sections. Utilizing ioGas soft-
level changes because upwelling of cold phosphorous-bear- ware, downhole drill plots of lithogeochemical signatures and
ing waters during sea level lowstand systems results in radio- logging information were evaluated and reinterpreted. Samples
larian blooms (Blatt and others, 1980 and references therein), with logged igneous rocks were removed from the interpreta-
thereby resulting in the accumulation of phosphate nodules tion to allow focus on the primary sedimentary signature.
at the sediment/water interface (Cook, pers. comm., 2016). Rodeo Creek member 3, Popovich Upper Mud and Pla-
For example, P blebs and nodules are visible at the top of nar, and Ordovician Hanson Creek have easily identifiable geo-
the Vinini, Popovich Upper Mud, and Planar members, the chemical signatures in this area. The distinct V-Mg ratio (< 0.8)
top and base of the Silurian Roberts Mountains Formation, of Rodeo Creek member 3 is thicker in multiple holes compared
148 Gerry Griesel, Franck Valli, Jim Essman, David Rhys, Erin Hart, Allison Phillips, and Edward Berg

to documented stratigraphic thicknesses. When compared to the the Popovich Upper Mud and Planar units are subdued or non-
Rhys and others (2015) surface mapping interpretation, drill- existent in this area. Overall, the concentration levels of most
ing geochemical patterns confirm a mapped fold and thrust se- elements are lower than in areas outside of the thermal aureole
quence in the Rodeo Creek Formation west of the Genesis pit of intrusion, suggesting that the alteration associated with the
in “Goldstar” (Figure 6B). Highs in the V-score and Ni/Co, V/ stock resulted in silica lockup, thus amplifying the incomplete
Cr ratios are diagnostic of the Popovich Upper Mud and Planar digestion of the aqua regia analysis. Another hypothesis is that
units. V-score highs that define these stratigraphic patterns cor- depletion only affects certain elements during the metamor-
relate with folding that over-thickens the Popovich Upper Mud, phism; however, this is less likely because all marker ratios and
outlining the trends of the fold axes, and extending the patterns elements in this area have suppressed signatures.
of the previous interpretation to the north (Figure 6B). The lithogeochemical interpretation in the Genesis pit cor-
The dolomitic Hanson Creek Formation does not crop out relates extremely well with the Rhys and others (2015) structural
at the surface in the Genesis area, and was not identified in interpretation. Notably, this locale is outside of the intense con-
the original drill hole logging. The dolomite has distinct Mg tact metasomatism related to emplacement of the stock. Further
and Ca concentrations compared to the overlying siltstone and work in this area will include: additional ratios, utilizing 4-acid
limestone units. The Mg and Ca levels in drill holes imply the digestion analytical results in areas with intense silicification, and
existence of dolomitic Hanson Creek formation here below the tracking of patterns from less affected rocks into their equivalents
Silurian Roberts Mountain formation (Figure 6B), an observa- within zones of hornfels and contact metasomatism.
tion that is supported by drill core photos. New mapping in the Bluestar Ridge is a small oxide pit that was mined in 2017
footwall of the Post-Gen fault also displays overturned debris and 2018 southwest of the Silverstar pit and east of the Castle
flow channel scour of the Popovich Wispy unit, confirming the Reef fault (Figure 2). Historical surface mapping suggests the
overturned nature of the Genesis anticline (Caddey, 2004). Col- area contains a structurally thinned section of west-dipping,
lectively these observations confirm the inferred thrust (named moderately folded stratigraphy from the Roberts Mountain to the
the Nova thrust) proposed in Rhys and others (2015) (Figures 5, Rodeo Creek Formations. New exposures in the Bluestar Ridge
6A) and constrain the fold geometries at depth. pit display intense polyphase fold and fault relationships, with
Ongoing open-pit mining in the Genesis area continues to both upright and inverted Rodeo Creek and Popovich stratigra-
provide new exposures in areas with supporting lithogeochemical phy. The east half of the wall displays an inverted stratigraphy,
information, thus enabling better interpretation. Along the eastern with north-northwest plunging, tightly folded Popovich units
portion of the Genesis pit, in the hanging wall of the Gen fault, above Rodeo Creek units (Figure 7). On the west pit wall stra-
V-Mg ratios in drilling identified the presence of the Rodeo Creek tigraphy is upright, and also folded into a north-northwest plung-
Formation where it had not been previously mapped or logged ing orientation. The newly recognized “Challah” fault is steeply,
(Figure 6B). Subsequent mapping confirms the presence of Ro- west-southwest dipping and juxtaposes and truncates folds. We
deo Creek that was interpreted from lithogeochemistry, and defines interpret the Challah fault to be a Phase 3 reverse fault, and the
southeast dipping, structurally imbricated siliceous mudstone and tight to isoclinal folds in the footwall of Challah as Phase 2 fea-
chert interpreted as Vinini and Rodeo Creek Formations within the tures that are structurally above the projected trace of the Revela-
RMT zone. The southeast dip of the shear zone indicates the RMT tion thrust (Figures 5, 7). The steep nature of the axial planes
is folded. Previous surface interpretation placed a thicker Vinini here suggest steepening during Phase 3 shortening, although we
directly over Popovich. These new lithogeochemical and field in- do not observe any west-vergent structures east of these folds to
terpretations inform the 3D model to include the Rodeo Creek, and accommodate the steepening.
raise the elevation of the RMT on the hanging wall of the Gen Prior to these observations along the Challah fault in Blue-
fault, implying less separation along the Gen fault than was previ- star Ridge, the effects of Phase 3 deformation had not been rec-
ously interpreted in this area. This implies that fault offset may be ognized this far west. The Challah fault is parallel to, and roughly
accommodated over multiple structures in a stair-stepping fashion, along strike of the Phase 3 West Bazza reverse fault to the north
folding may account for the offset of matching formations drilled in the Goldstrike pit (Figure 2). This observation implied that if
in Little Boulder Basin at depth, or both if the fault zone is local- ore-controlling or hosting folds and faults are continuous along
ized along the steep fold limb. this trend, exploration targets may lie in the connection between
Application of a lithogeochemical approach to the iden- them.
tification of stratigraphic marker units is problematic, and in
some cases impossible, in the metamorphic aureole around the Leeville-Four Corners
Goldstrike stock in the north and northeastern portion of the The Leeville deposit contains tabular ore bodies that are
Spur District. A suppressed geochemical signature is common typically stratabound within favorable host lithologies. Analy-
in many drill holes with significant hornfels contact metamor- sis of lithogeochemical signatures in this area began in 2016 in
phism and/or metasomatism associated with the development an effort to improve upon the existing structural model, where
of calc-silicate mineral assemblages around the stock. Elemen- intense alteration and highly fractured rock have contributed to
tal peaks and ratios that are normally present in units such as inconsistencies in lithologic core logging. These inconsisten-
Carlin Trend, Elko/Eureka Counties, NV 149

cies in turn steered the geological model of Leeville toward the sion of structural patterns implied by Rhys and others (2015)
conclusion that numerous faults of various orientations were into this area.
present. However, with increased amounts of drilling it became The Jerry’s thrust is a mineralized, continuous, west-dip-
clear that the existing 3D model could be improved to be better ping feature exposed in the Dee Pit and Storm portal that is in
predictive of lithology and mineralization distribution. the footwall of the Dee fault, and which has emplaced Bootstrap
In the Four Corners area (Figure 2), lithogeochemical pat- Limestone-breccia-Rodeo Creek sequence over the RMA (Fig-
terns have proven to be especially effective in defining strati- ure 9). The footwall of the fault hosts gold at Dee and Storm;
graphic patterns despite strong metasomatism that has obscured however the fault was not previously projected east of the Dee
sedimentary features, thus resulting in inconsistent lithological deposit due to multiphase brecciation obscuring interpretations
logging of drill holes. The lithogeochemical patterns show sig- in logging. New core drill holes, relogging, and evaluation of
nificantly greater continuity of ore hosting lithologies than had historical logs in this breccia display the pattern of limestone
been previously interpreted, allowing removal of unnecessary over siliciclastic rocks that defines the thrust. This observation
normal fault complications in the deposit modelling. Subse- extends the thrust farther east than previously interpreted, to
quent drill hole results showed high-grade Au mineralization the Phase 3 area of the Arturo pit, and suggests it continues as a
in places that were not predicted by the previous model, which favorable mineralization trap (Figure 9).
was based solely on core logging (Figure 8A), but which are New mining exposures in the Phase 2 pit of the Arturo De-
more consistent with the presence of continuous lithological posit show that the upper plate Elder and Vinini Formations of
units in laterally continuous fold limbs and thrust panels. the RMA are in thrust contact along the Phase 1 RMT above
Utilizing the presence of Ce (>15 ppm) that is diagnostic the Rodeo Creek. The structural contact changes from west to
of the basal Rodeo Creek Formation contact with the underly- northeast dipping, indicating that the RMT is overturned (Fig-
ing Popovich Formation, the structural model of Four Corners ure 9). This observation is confirmed by new and historic drill
was re-interpreted to have a large fold in place of several nor- holes northeast of the pit that show the limb steepening to near
mal faults, with the outcome being highly predictive of lithol- vertical. The Rodeo Creek in this area above the Bootstrap
ogy and mineralization (Figure 8B). The reinterpretation al- platform margin is a highly deformed cataclasite interpreted as
lows the modelling of favorable stratigraphy without multiple
fault offsets, resulting in a significant increase in the continuity
of modelled Au mineralization, with a reduction of structural
complications. The patterns also imply that some areas that are
interpreted as faulting may instead represent the effects of fri-
ability related to alteration or drilling conditions, rather than the
presence of offsetting faults.
In addition to the work at Four Corners, other areas of the
Leeville deposit have effectively utilized Ni/Co, P, V-Mg ra-
tio, and locally U and Re, to define lithologies and improve the
structural model. The resulting model has enhanced the under-
standing of the deposit and generated new exploration targets
to expand the known footprint of the deposit. The patterns also
indicate that a model in favor of longer fold-thrust limbs and
panels, with reduced emphasis on younger high angle faults is
compatible with the geology at Leeville-Four Corners, which
was also an important interpretation of the Rhys and others
(2015) study of the Carlin Trend as a whole.

Northern Carlin Trend

At the northern extent of the Trend is the historic Dee Mine,
which was mined in the 1990s, the Storm underground portal
mine (mined between 2010 and 2013), and the Arturo deposit,
where open pit production began in 2015 and underground de-
velopment is underway (Figure 2). These deposits are east of
isochron 6 (Figure 2), hosted in the tectonized and brecciated
interface of Devonian Bootstrap Limestone ± Popovich Upper
Mud and Rodeo Creek (Figure 3). Newly exposed highwalls, Figure 8. Cross sections from the Four Corners area of Leeville, showing lithol-
continued exploration drilling, and reinterpretation of historical ogy and Ce concentration. A: previous interpretation with original log call and
data allowed new opportunities to assess the potential exten- Ce. B: New folded interpretation with log reinterpretation and Ce.
150 Gerry Griesel, Franck Valli, Jim Essman, David Rhys, Erin Hart, Allison Phillips, and Edward Berg

Figure 9. Compilation map and cross section of the Dee-Arturo area, north Carlin Trend. Upper plate formations include
Devonian Slaven, Silurian Elder, and Ordovician Vinini. Post mineral cover includes Tertiary Carlin Formation, Quater-
nary alluvium, and mine dumps. Covered faults represent the trace of the fault at the erosional Carlin Formation-bedrock
contact based on 3D model projections built from drilling and mapping. Non-projected mine grid in feet

broad damage zone associated with the RMT. Highwall map- The orebody is controlled by the southeast-dipping Hendrix
ping shows the tectonic foliation is asymmetrically folded; fault, and is offset along the east-dipping East Bounding nor-
folds are overturned, tight to isoclinal, moderately northeast- mal fault (Figure 9). We interpret these observations to indicate
plunging, with southeast vergence. At the lower contact with that Jerry’s thrust is a Phase 2 feature with significant reverse
the Bootstrap Limestone, the lower sandy to silty portion of imbrication of the RMT and the immediate lower plate below.
the Rodeo Creek Formation is less deformed, and the Upper We also interpret the folding of the RMT to be accommodated
Mud unit of the Popovich is locally preserved. Multi-meter- during this Phase 2 shortening, and the steep limb of the fold
scale slivers of Bootstrap Limestone are locally thrust into, and controls the location of the East Bounding normal fault. These
imbricated with basal portion of the Rodeo Creek Formation. are comparable geometries to those observed in the Genesis-
Carlin Trend, Elko/Eureka Counties, NV 151

Goldstrike area along the Post-Gen fault system, indicating that Tusc pit, and the normal offset mapped in the pit is traceable in
these patterns may repeat and form ore-controlling geometries the drill logs south of Tusc towards Gold Quarry. This normal
that can be predictable in new target areas. fault is parallel to the Hewetite normal fault; however, Hewetite
is post-mineral at Gold Quarry.
Maggie Creek Sub-District: Tusc Pit Original pit mapping and earlier publications identified a
The Tusc pit is northwest of Gold Quarry along strike of southeast-dipping, unnamed normal fault (Harlan and others,
the Good Hope fault, a northwest-trending Phase 3 reverse 2002), herein named the “Misfit” fault (Figure 10). The newly
feature (Figure 2) with at least 300 m of apparent offset (Har- recognized map patterns described above require the Misfit to
lan and others, 2002; Powell, 2007). Historical pit mapping of have reverse offset, as drill logs in the footwall interpret Rob-
the Tusc pit interpreted the Good Hope fault to juxtapose the erts Mountain structurally above Popovich about 180 meters
Roberts Mountain and Rodeo Creek Formations as a steeply below the bottom of the pit (Figure 11B). If the Misfit inter-
northeast-dipping reverse fault. New mapping of the histori- pretation is correct, and the low-angle thrust is the Good Hope
cal exposures within the pit indicate a more complex history fault, it represents an anomalous observation along the Carlin
that generates multiple interpretations. The dominant feature Trend: a reverse sense structure offsetting a Phase 3 fault. The
that defines the long (~1 km) axis of the pit is a steeply north- fact that this is an anomaly may actually be the strongest evi-
east-dipping fault. A half graben of Miocene Carlin Formation dence that the low-angle feature may not be the Good Hope.
volcaniclastic rocks which is preserved in the hanging wall of Another possibility is that the drilling within the footwall was
this fault in the northwest corner of the pit indicates syn- or misinterpreted, because most holes are RC, and there is no geo-
post-Miocene displacement. All workers agree the footwall of chemistry data; with this misinterpretation, the Misfit could be
the fault is Rodeo Creek Formation steeply (> 80°) northeast- a normal fault. The Good Hope fault, and associated folds are
dipping bedding. The Roberts Mountain Formation in the hang- critical mineralization controls in the Maggie Creek sub-dis-
ing wall displays broad northwest-trending upright folds in the trict. Resolving cross-cutting relationships such as this one is
upper northeast highwall, and cm- to m-scale asymmetric re- critical to understanding the structural architecture and tectonic
cumbent southwest-vergent folds in the southeast corner of the history, and therefore exploration potential in the Maggie Creek
pit. Below these folds is a highly tectonized gouge zone with sub-district. More work is needed to resolve these conflicting
two newly recognized exposures of the Rodeo Creek-Popovich interpretations.
contact structurally beneath the Roberts Mountain Formation
(Essman, 2016; Figure 10). The Rodeo Creek–Popovich con- DISCUSSION
tact has been structurally repeated, and the tectonized zone has
a mylonitic foliation that has been folded (Rhys and others, The formation of the Nevada Gold Mines joint venture be-
2015). Mapping indicates that the thrust and mylonite are shal- tween Newmont Goldcorp and Barrick took place at the begin-
lowly northeast-dipping and cut by the aforementioned high- ning of this compilation update. The Rhys and others (2015)
angle, northeast-dipping fault (Figure 10). Au mineralization in study was compiled with separate input from Barrick and New-
blast and drill holes indicates that both the high- and low-angle mont co-authors. With the recent consolidation of operations,
northeast-dipping faults control mineralization (Figure 11) (Es- the newly formed company now has access to all of the geo-
sman, 2016). physics, geochemistry, mapping, and drilling along the entire
The interpretation of the features described above is debat- Carlin Trend. Furthermore, the merged geological teams are
ed among the authors: interpretation 1 or 2. In interpretation 1 now actively sharing their ideas and interpretations, inspiring
the high-angle fault with Miocene sediments in its hanging wall new discussions that integrate geological understanding ob-
is the Good Hope reverse fault, that was inverted in the Mio- tained from not only the trend, but across Nevada. The merging
cene (this is compatible with the historic interpretation). The of two world-class data sets into a singular entity is an enor-
low-angle deformation in its hanging wall that places the Si- mous task that at the time of this writing has only just begun. It
lurian Roberts Mountain Formation over the Devonian Rodeo has spawned a renewed excitement to further the interpretations
Creek-Popovich contact is an older, likely a Phase 1 or 2 thrust and exploration applications of key ore-controlling features to
feature. In interpretation 2 the high-angle fault is a normal fault, the identification of new orebodies.
parallel and proximal to the Hewetite normal fault that proj- One of the first steps to obtaining a unified interpretation
ects near the Tusc pit, and the low-angle features represent the along the Carlin Trend is the application of allostratigraphy,
Good Hope fault and splays thereof. Arguments that favor in- through sequence stratigraphy principles, to develop a correla-
terpretation 1 are: the folded mylonitic nature of the low-angle tive stratigraphic column for all of the newly merged sites. In
deformation is more compatible with Phase 1 or 2 deformation, conjunction with this, the lithogeochemical approach which
and the high-angle feature is mineralized (the Good Hope is has proven useful at some of the legacy Newmont properties,
mineralized in Gold Quarry). Arguments that favor interpreta- will be expanded across the entire trend. To avoid the limita-
tion 2 are: the mappable trace of the Good Hope fault correlates tions of the aqua regia partial digestion, 4-acid digestion for
well with drilling and projects into the southeast corner of the geochemical analysis has now been implemented for all proj-
152 Gerry Griesel, Franck Valli, Jim Essman, David Rhys, Erin Hart, Allison Phillips, and Edward Berg

Figure 10. Geologic map of the Tusc pit (modified from Essman, 2016). Mine grid is a state plane NAD 27 projection,
converted to feet, with digits truncated.

ects moving forward. These data will support consistent inter- as the compilation map by Harlan and others (2002). The newly
pretation across all sites, and help see through intense areas of merged data set allows deposit-scale map data to be used in 3D
alteration that obscure primary lithological features. Unravel- model interpretations in conjunction with drilling and geophys-
ling the stratigraphic complications and inconsistencies will aid ics. These efforts are currently underway, but still in their infan-
in structural interpretations, and identification of favorable ore cy; questions regarding structural and mineralization trends are
hosts in future exploration efforts. being answered and raised. Key deposit- to sub district-scale
Two of the new compilation maps presented herein are ore-controlling structures that project between the Genesis and
adjacent to historic company property lines, the Genesis area Goldstrike areas include: 1) the west-southwest dipping J-Series
map (Figure 5) abuts next to the Goldstrike deposit, and the Jurassic dikes of the Screamer deposit and the Reindeer, Lobo,
Arturo-Dee map (Figure 9) lies immediately north of the Boot- and “Number” dikes (Nos. 3, 6, 9) of the Genesis area, 2) the
strap-Capstone pit (Figure 2). Up to this time, the only map Post-Gen fault system, 3) the West-Bazza reverse fault in the
interpretation across these zones has been at district-scale, such Goldstrike pit, and 4) the Stellar and Revelation thrust faults in
Carlin Trend, Elko/Eureka Counties, NV 153

the Spur sub-district. Drilling is sparse on some of these struc- has further exposed the Stellar and Revelation thrust faults, cre-
tures along the former property line, and these areas may of- ating new exposures which have helped reconcile some of the
fer growth opportunities. Key ore-controlling structures which historical interpretations with the Rhys and others (2015) inter-
project between Bootstrap-Tara, Dee-Arturo and Goldstrike ar- pretation. The historically published No. 3, 6, and 9 dike-filled
eas include: (1) west-southwest dipping dikes of Capstone and faults (Harlan and others, 2002) exploit the steep overturned
Arturo, (2) the Jerry’s thrust fault at Dee-Arturo, and 3) the Tara limbs and/or axial planes of the Revelation and Ridge anticlines
and Dee faults of the Tara and Dee pits. Better understanding of within the pit, while the Lobo and Reindeer dike-filled faults
the connections between, and the larger scale geometry of these are correlative to the J-series dikes in the Screamer portion of
structures may identify new ore targets. the Betze-Post pit to the north. The intersections of these dikes
In the Genesis area (Figure 2), mining in the Goldstar pit with thrust planes are favorable sites for mineralization devel-

Figure 11. Cross section A-A′ and B-B′ showing interpretation 2 (see Figure 10 for section locations and stratigraphy leg-
end) in the Tusc pit (modified from Essman, 2016).
154 Gerry Griesel, Franck Valli, Jim Essman, David Rhys, Erin Hart, Allison Phillips, and Edward Berg

opment in Genesis area, just as the Jurassic dike intersections permission to share these data and conclusions presented here.
with northwest-dipping normal faults are critical ore controls at This compilation is the product of the efforts of numerous people
Screamer (Rhys and others, 2015). Work is currently underway that have worked on the Carlin Trend over the years, and offered
to evaluate the northern and southern extent of these features countless hours of discussion, geologic knowledge and data, in-
for a unified map and model. A large amount of this area is cluding: Kerry Hart, Harry Cook, Kiel Arndt, Doug Eck, Paul
underlain by the Goldstrike stock; however, the full extent and Dobak, Scott Briscoe, Kevin Creel, Rachel Burgess, Jon Powell,
geometry of the stock are not completely understood. The rheo- Jerry Potter, Wilson Bonner, Dean Heitt, and Charles Weakly.
logical contrast between the stock and surrounding carbonate
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