English A SBA Mark Scheme

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Candidate Number:

Name of Student:
Scoring Rubric for Plan of Investigation

Rating Scale Total Final

0 1 2 3 Score Score
Reason for No reason and Reason given Appropriate Original
choosing the topic title given or is vague or reason and title and
and selection of obscure reason weak; given insightful
(a) 3
title with appropriate reason and
inappropriate title given title given
Expected benefits No benefits Benefits Benefits are Benefits
to you as a given given clearly expressed, are clearly
student of English are not but they are not expressed ,
(b) clearly all sound, most sound and 3
stated, few are attainable attainable
Material to be Material to Material to be
collected not be collected stated
stated collected (type or nature
stated of material)
(type or Various sources
nature for possible
of material) material
Limited list (Internet etc…)
of given
Proposal for
sources given
(c) collection and use
Use of the Use of the Use of the English
of material
English English Language skills
Language skills Language clearly outlined
to be used in skills and clear
analysing the outlined and indication of how
material not an attempt they will be used
stated made to provided.
indicate how
they will be
Total 10

Final Score
Score Awarded = =¿
Name of Teacher: Time/Date:
Candidate Number:

Scoring Rubric for Individual Participation

Name of Student:
Areas Questions for Students Allotte
1. Do/Did you know what you are/were expected to do to work 1
well in a team?
2. Are you able to focus on what is taking place in your group? 1
3. How do /did you feel in the group? I feel self-confidence, self- 1
esteem and self-efficacy
4. Do/Did you know how to manage how you behave in the group? 1
5. Do /Did you manage your tasks on time and thoroughly? 1
Total 5

Name of Teacher: Time/Date:

Candidate Number:


Name of Group:
Facets of Process Rating Scale Score Final
0 1 2 3 Allotted Score
1 Communication Plan of work not The plan of All members
known by all work exists have seen,
group member and most read and
group discussed the
members plan of work
have seen,
read and
discussed it
2 Collaboration No awareness of Some Members
what members of awareness of seek out and
the group are what are aware of
doing members of what all 2
the group are members of
doing the group are
6 Reflection* Group members Group Group Group
show no members members members
evidence of engaged in engaged in engaged
reflecting on reflection on reflection on in
their work work at the work at the reflection
end of some end of most on work at 3
of the of the the end of
activities or activities or all of the
sessions sessions activities
7 Interaction There is obvious Members Members are Members
misunderstanding attempt to actively respect
among members. resolve creating and
Group unable to issues and interaction appreciate
resolve problems problems to with each each
ensure a other and other; and
comfortable displaying show
relationship trust and empathy
among group respect to all
members members
Total 10

Name of Teacher: Time/Date:

Candidate Number:


Facets of Marks
Task 1 2 3 4 Allotte
1. Content Does not meet the required The required number of Contexts in/from which the Contexts in/from which the
number of pieces stimuli has been stimuli are chosen are stimuli are chosen are explicitly
selected but some of the explicitly given. given.
Stimuli chosen are of little issues are only implied.
relevance or a weak attempt is There is evidence of the There is clear evidence of the
made to force relevance Some tasks are noted procedures used in procedure used in selecting the
but generally there selecting the three stimuli three stimuli
Only one or two tasks seems to be inadequacy,
attempted and lack of clarity. Some of the issues Issues raised (in the stimuli) are
associated with the stimuli clearly defined and fully 4
The report indicates an are not clearly stated(more explored
understanding of tasks information is needed)
but execution is All relevant tasks (processes,
insufficient There is indication of the procedures) which should have
tasks to be done but some been/ are to be, performed by
aspects are left out group members and described
in the reporting are noted and
2.Evidence of Weak response to the tasks: Analysis focuses on Excellent response to the
investigation (focus, summary, analysis some of the key issues. tasks: (focus, summary,
Issues are not clearly Good evidence of
identified research Analysis focuses on the
key issues.
Inadequate evidence of Good handling of
research documentation with the Findings of discussions
occasional error. and research of the
relevance to the stimulus
material are clearly stated
All sources of the various
stimuli are acknowledged
and documented.

Any comments on the

stimuli, apart from
students’ original
comments, are
acknowledged and
3. Language use The report: The report: The report:
and vocabulary Good control of basic Very good control of Excellent use of Standard
grammar, vocabulary and language (grammar and English in the appropriate
mechanics. Competent vocabulary) - errors do tone and register
sentence structure but lacking not suggest lack of 3
in maturity of expression capacity The vocabulary shows
excellent knowledge of and
interaction with the issues
and context.
Total 10

Name of Students:
Name of Assessor:
Candidate Number:

Time/Date of Assessment:


Facets of Tasks Rating Scale Allotted Final
0 1 2 3 4 Score Score
Fluency of delivery jerky, halting choppy awkward but intelligible;
fragmentar acceptable clear; smooth;
y long intonation; well-paced 3
pauses continuous; flow
Structure, connections Connection Limited Coherent; Key Clear
Comprehensibility, with topic/issue s with comprehensio issues well organisation
and development unclear; topic/issue n lacks developed Well of ideas;
of topic incomprehensib unclear; elaboration; expressed in Sustained
le; key issues Very Slightly many parts; treatment of
not depicted; incoherent incoherent in very effective topic/theme/i
style of in parts; parts; style ssues; Style 4
presentation Utterance Somewhat very
does not always incorrect limited; effective and
aid in depicting impactful in
the key issues. communicati
Language use and lacks basic Ideas Adequate Accurate use of
vocabulary words; lack limited to style of grammar
specificity; inadequate presentation Effective use of
very many words and Basic grammar and
errors in words jargon sentences are vocabulary;
and sentences Lacks used; Control High degree of
specificity of basic fluency; Rich 3
Limited grammatical vocabulary
range of structures;
grammar Reliance on
Total 10

Name of Students:
Name of Assessor:
Time/Date of Assessment:
Candidate Number:


Descriptors Marks Final
Candidate produces an excellent reflection comprising THREE entries which 5
 discusses how the THREE pieces of material have affected the
candidate’s thinking about the issue
 examines the use of language in the three pieces
 discusses the process and its effect on the candidate
Candidate produces a very good reflection which 4
 integrates the treatment of the issue in the three pieces
 provides a very good examination of the use of language
 discusses the process and its effect
Candidate produces a good reflection which 3
 addresses the treatment of the issue in the three pieces
 provides a good examination of the use of language
 gives little discussion of the process and its effects
Candidate produces a limited reflection which 2
 provides a limited treatment of the issue in the three pieces
 attempts to provide an examination of the use of language with
limited success
 gives very little or no discussion of the process and its effect
Candidate produces a weak reflection which 1
 mentions the issue
 very weak examination of the use of language OR none provided
 no discussion of the process and its effect.
Total 5

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