Table Class A

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The presented table shows the information of the underground rail line system in five big cities:
London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angeles. The information includes the date
open, kilometers of route, and total passengers per year. Ok

Overall, there is a significant difference between the older railways (London, Paris, and Tokyo) and
the newer railways (Washington DC, Kyoto, and Loa Angeles). The older ones have longer routes and
higher number of passagerspassengers than the newer ones. Ok

With regard to the subway in London, it started to operate in 1863 and it is the oldest railway among
the others, followed by Paris and Tokyo which are were first opened in 1900 and 1927 respectively.
London also has the longest route (394 km), while Paris and Tokyo account for 199 km and 155 km
respectively. However, the busiest subway was is recorded in Tokyo with a total of 1927 million
passengers per year, whereas Paris serves 1191 million passengers and London only carries 776
million passengers in a year. Good!

On the other hand, the newer subways have shorter routes and less number of passeangers than the
older subways. The railway in Washington DC (126 km) is longer than Kyoto (11 km) and Los Angeles
(28 km). In addition, the total passengers served by Washington DC is ranked first (144 million) of
three, followed by Los Angeles (50 million) and Kyoto (45 million). Good!

TA: 7, CC: 7, LR: 7, GRA: 7, Overall: 7

Ali Yashfi:

The given table illustrates about the tube systems in six cities. Overall, it can be clearly seen that the
earlier the tube systems isare built, the more people will use itthem. The older the railway systems,
the higher their total number of passengers./ Cities with older tube systems tend to have higher

The London tube was establisedestablished in 1863, being the oldest tube among the other six cities
which servingserving 775 million passengers annualyannually on its 394 kilometer route. In 1900,
Paris built almost a nearly two hundred kilometer subway system,s which accommodates more than
a thousand million passengers traveled by, while 27 years later, Tokyo did the same thing with a
shorter route (155 kilometer) but has more commuters (1927 million). Ok

Furthermore, in 1976, Washington DC built an underground railway system with a route along 126
kilometers which served 144 passengers anuallyannually. Another American city that also built a
subway was Los AngelsAngeles, which constructed 28 kilometer route and has a half of hundred
million (fifty million) travellers per year. The subway with the shortest route was founded in Kyoto in
1981 with a length of only 11 kilometers and is used by 45 million Japanese every year. Ok

TA: 7, CC: 7, LR: 6, GRA: 6, Overall: 6.5


The table presents information about the underground subway systems, including the opening date
of opening, the length of the route in kilometres, and the number of passengers per year, for six
different cities.

Overall, it is clear that London (1863), Paris (1900), and Tokyo (1927) had the oldest opening date
and the highest number of kilometers of route length and passenger numbers per year. In contrast,
cities with the newest underground railways (Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angeles) that had the
newest opening date had the lowest number of kilometers of route and passenger numbers per year,
namely Washington DC (1976), Kyoto (1981), and Los Angeles (2001).

In terms of operational time, London hasd the greatest number of travel routes, at 394 kilometers,
followed by Paris and Tokyo, with recorded numbers of 199 kilometers and 155 kilometers,
respectively. In contrast, for the number of passengers per year, the highest figure iswas recorded in
Tokyo, with 192 million, followed by Paris and London, with recorded numbers of 1191 million and
775 million, respectively. (repetitive use of the word recorded). In terms of operational time, London
has the greatest number of travel routes, at 394 kilometers, followed by Paris and Tokyo, with
recorded lengths of 199 kilometers and 155 kilometers, respectively. However, for the number of
passengers per year, the highest figure is seen in Tokyo, with 192 million, followed by Paris and
London, with recorded numbers of 1191 million and 775 million, respectively.

Nevertheless, Kyoto has (encompasses)d the lowest number of travel routes, at just under 11
kilometers, and the lowest number of passengers per year (45 million). Los Angeles and Washington,
D.C. also hasd the lowest number of these, but just above Kyoto, with recorded distances of 28
kilometers and 126 kilometers for travel routes and of 50 million and 144 million for the number of
passengers per year, respectively.

TA: 7, CC: 6, LR: 6, GRA: 6, Overall: 6


The given table illustrates information about the underground railway systems in six significant
different townscities.

On the whole, it is apparent from the figures that London is the city with the oldest underground
railway system and has the longest route kilometers and serves the most passengers, followed by the
cities of Paris and Tokyo, .With the exception of Washington DC, Kyoto and Los Angeles which were
on the reverse. Overall, it is apparent from the figures that London has the oldest underground
railway system, the longest route length, and serves the most passengers, followed by Paris and
Tokyo, while Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angeles have the youngest systems, shorter routes, and
smaller number of passengers.

To begin with, the London underground railway system, which was built in 1863 with the longest
kilometer route (394), has served as many asserves 775 million passengers per year. WhileLooking
further, even though Paris and Tokyo are the next oldest cities to have built underground railway
systems with route kilometers of 199 and 155 respectively, they have served more passengers than
London, with 1191 and 1927 respectively, with a significant gaps the number of passengers is quite
large, amounting toof 416 and 1152.

On the contrary, Kyoto and Los Angeles as cities with the youngest subway systems, only have 11 and
28 kilometer routes respectively, with the lowest number of passengers compared to the other 4
cities, namely at 45 and 50 million per year.

TA: 7, CC: 6, LR: 6, GRA: 6, Overall: 6


The provided table presents information about the establishment of underground railway systems in
six countries cities, includingrelated to the distances they been madecovered and the total number
of passengers. The provided table presents information about the establishment of underground
railway systems in six cities, including the distances covered and the total number of passengers
served per year.

Overall, the countries that has the old-established underground railway systems will increase the
length of route they have crossed and the total passengers they served per year (problem with
wrong reference: countries vs cities) . The oldest railway system from the five countries is London.
Their train have traveled 394 kilometres which is the longest railways route with 775 million people
has been served on train. Suggested: Overall, cities with older underground railway systems tend to
have longer routes and serve more passengers per year. The oldest railway system among the six
cities is London as its trains have traveled 394 kilometers, the longest route length, and have served
up to 775 million passengers per year.

On the other hand, Kyoto and Los Angeles as the newest systems, made up 11 and 28 kilometres as
long as it is built and only one in fifteen million persons traveled on the systems (LR problems,
awkward). On the other hand, Kyoto and Los Angeles, with the newest systems, only have 11 and 28
kilometers of track, respectively, and serve the lowest number of passengers compared to the other
four cities, at 45 and 50 million per year.

Paris and Tokyo are the countries that built railways system in the 19th century, having 199, 155 and
126 kilometres. Currently, they have the most occupant in their train namely 1191 and 1927 both in
millions. Paris and Tokyo are cities that built railway systems in the 19th century. They have route
lengths of 199 and 155 kilometers, respectively, and currently serve the highest number of
passengers, with 1191 million and 1927 million respectively.

TA: 6, CC (pronoun reference problem): 5, LR: 5, GRA: 6, Overall: 5.5

Pemy Ria:

The given table provide information about the system of underground railway in six cities: London,
Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto and Los Angeles. The data provide includes date of open, length
of route, and total passengers per year.

Overall, the London, Paris and Tokyo underground railways were established earlier than others with
longer routes and larger number of passengers. However, Washington DC, Kyoto and Los
angelesAngeles were built later (have newer systems) with shorter route and fewer travellers.

To begin with, London's subway was the oldest underground railway that was established in 1863 as
394 km length and accomodated 775 million people per year. A century later, Paris and Tokyo were
built in 1900 and 1927 respectively. Both trains were carried (passive voice problem) huge number of
passengers per year as 1191 million and 1927 million respectively. Suggested: To begin with,
London's subway is the oldest underground railway, established in 1863 with a length of 394
kilometers and serving 775 million people per year. A century later, Paris and Tokyo were built in
1900 and 1927, respectively. Both systems carry a huge number of passengers per year, with 1191
million and 1927 million respectively.

In contrast, Washington DC, Kyoto and Los Angeles were set upbuilt severalfew decades later,
sequentially at after at 1976, 1981, and 2001 sequencely with shorter routesway. Theose trains
carryied fewer passengers compared to the previous three subways, which with Washington DC (144
million), Kyoto (45 million,) and Los Angeles (50 million). Full suggestion: In contrast, Washington DC,
Kyoto, and Los Angeles were built several decades later, sequentially in 1976, 1981, and 2001, with
shorter routes. These trains carry fewer passengers compared to the previous three subways, with
Washington DC serving 144 million, Kyoto 45 million, and Los Angeles 50 million passengers per year.
TA: 6, CC: 6, LR: 5, GRA: 5, Overall: 5.5


This table provides information about quality (characteristics) of the underground train systems in six
cities (London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angeles) by their date opened,
kilometres of route, and the number of passangerspassengers per year.

Overall, it is clear that London, Paris, and Tokyo have older subways, longer routes, and more
passangerspassengers than the Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angeles. Ok

Looking into more detail, London is the oldest subway which opened in 1863, followed by
Paris( 1900) and Tokyo (1927). These three3 big cities’ trains have travelled with long distance at 394
km, 199 km, 155km respectively. Paris and Tokyo have served more than 1000 passengers ( 1191 and
1927 people) then bit fewer for tokyofolloweed by London (wrong data) with 775
passangerspassengers per year.

On the other hand, Tubes belonging to Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angeles are the three
youngest, each of them having opened sequentially in 1976, 1981, and 2001. Washington DC has has
traveled 126 kilometers, while Kyoto and Los Angeles have traveled slightly shorter routes with only
11 and 28 kilometers, sequencelysequentially.

TA: 7, CC: 7, LR: 6, GRA: 6, Overall: 6.5


The table presents the system of Subway in six citiestowns (London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC,
Kyoto and Los Angeles). Overall, London is has the oldest and the longest underground railway
followed by Paris and Tokyo, and they have been serving many passengers per year. MeanwWhile,
the three others country are in opposite. The table presents the subway systems in six cities:
London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angeles. Overall, London has the oldest and
longest underground railway, followed by Paris and Tokyo. These three cities have served many
passengers per year. In contrast, the other three cities have the opposite characteristics.

The London Tube has operated since 1863 and has 394 kilometres of route with 775 passengers,
even though it is older and longer than Underground Train in Paris and Tokyo which are operated
first in 1900 and 1927 with 199 and 155 kilometres length of route, both Paris and Tokyo tube has
carried away more passengers than London (approximately 1191 and 1927) (run on, confusing,
clarity problem). The London Tube has operated since 1863 and has a 394-kilometer route, serving
775 million passengers. Even though it is older and longer than the underground trains in Paris and
Tokyo, which began operation in 1900 and 1927 respectively with route lengths of 199 and 155
kilometers, both Paris and Tokyo's subways carry more passengers than London (approximately 1191
and 1927 million).

In contrast, Washington DC and Kyoto were opened in 1976 and 1981 with routes of 126 and 11
length respectively, andwhich only accommodate 144 and 45 passengers annually. However, Los
Angeles’s Ssubway is the newest. It was starting to operate in 2001 with and comprisesd only 28
kilometres of trackaccess and used by 50 people per year. In contrast, Washington DC and Kyoto
were opened in 1976 and 1981 with routes of 126 and 11 kilometers, respectively, and only
accommodate 144 and 45 passengers per year. However, Los Angeles's subway is the newest. It
began operating in 2001 and only comprises 28 kilometers of track, used by 50 people per year.

TA: 6, CC: 6, LR: 5, GRA: 5. Overall: 5.5


The presented table delineates information about the underground railway system built in six cities:
London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angeles based on the year opened, kilometres
of route, and passengers per year. Ok

It is conspiciousconspicuous that London initiated the underground railway system in the beginning,
exhibiting the highest number oflongest the route and the highest number quantity of
passengerpassengers, followed by Paris and Tokyo. Meanwhile, Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los
Angeles was were on in reverse. Those ranked the third (pronoun reference problem) in the newest
subway system, resulting in the lowest kilometres of the route and the commuter among the sixth.
(wordy and inefficient part. Make it shorter) It is clear that London established the first underground
railway system, boasting the longest route and serving the highest number of passengers, followed
by Paris and Tokyo. In contrast, Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angeles have newer systems, the
shortest route lengths, and the lowest passenger numbers among the six.

To commence, the first underground railway system established in 1863, London, reaching reached a
peak level of route in 394 kilometres (non dynamic trend). This early tube operation carried people
that commute accounted (double verbs) to 775 million annually. Subsequently, Tokyo's subway
system stood on in the the second place of in terms of the number of routes (around 155 kilometre),
experiencing the highest rate of passenger (1927 million people each year) since it was opened in
1927. Paris' underground railway system opened in 1900, ensuingly, showing more routes used
compared to Tokyo (nearly 199 kilometre), but fewer people that being served (roughly 1191).
However, Paris' commuter still higher than BritishLondon’s. To begin, London has the first
underground railway system, established in 1863, and has the longest route, reaching 394
kilometers. This early tube system serves an impressive 775 million passengers annually.
Subsequently, Tokyo's subway system holds the second place in terms of route length (around 155
kilometers) and experiences the highest passenger rate (1927 million people each year) since it
opened in 1927. Paris' underground railway system opened in 1900, with slightly longer routes
compared to Tokyo (nearly 199 kilometers) but serving fewer passengers (roughly 1191 million).
However, Paris' passenger numbers are still higher than London's.

On the other hand, Washington DC's subway system launched in 1976, generating serves the
commuter around 144 million per year (missing verb). This system possessesed the most longest
routes among Kyoto and Los Angeles, that were frequently taken, at around 126 kilometre, between
Kyoto and Los Angeles. The Kyoto's Kyoto train started to operatinge in 1991, attaining the least
number of route (only 11 kilometre) and accomodating accommodating the fewest people in
annually (just 45 million). Lastly, Los Angeles was has the newest underground railway system settled
in 2001, achieving encompassing 28 kilometres of route and transporting 55 million people per year.

TA: 7, CC: 6, LR: 6, GRA: 5, Overall: 6

Asman Hafiz:

The table outlines the subway systems in six prominent towns, from datea opened to the number of
occupants per year. Ok. Other version: The table outlines the subway systems in six major cities, from
the year they opened to the annual passenger numbers.

Overall, London, Paris and Tokyo become the oldest cities (ambiguous) with more number of
passeangers, (run on) they also reach the longest kilometres of route; however other three places
show an the opposite data . Overall, London’s, Paris’, and Tokyo’s railway systems are the oldest, with
the most passengers, and the longest route lengths, while the other three cities show opposite

According to the picture, since it was buildwas built in 1863, London becomes has become the oldest
city (ambiguous pronoun reference), which serves 775 millions of people and travels 394 kilometres
of route. Meanwhile, Paris and Tokyo begin to operate their underground trains in the nineteenth
century and cary carry more than 1000 people per year with 199 and 155 kilometres successively.
According to the information provided, London has the oldest railway system, established in 1863,
serving 775 million passengers and having a route length of 394 kilometers. Meanwhile, Paris and
Tokyo began operating their underground trains in the 19th century and carry more than 1,000
passengers per year, with route lengths of 199 and 155 kilometers, respectively.

Looking at to Washington DC and Kyoto also start (double verbs) their tubes operation in 19th
century, where passangers commute on subway only 144 and 45 respectively. Finally, Lost Angeles
is the latest (noun needed) which opens (tenses problem) in 2001 and (who travels?) travels 28
kilometres of route and accomodates accommodates 45 people each year. Looking at Washington DC
and Kyoto, their subway systems also started operating in the 19th century, but passengers only use
the subway for 144 and 45 kilometers, respectively. Finally, Los Angeles has the newest underground
railway system, established in 2001. It has a route length of 28 kilometers and serves 50 million
people per year.

TA: 6, CC: 5 (unclear pronoun reference), LR: 6, GRA: 5, Overall: 5.5 (double verbs, run on, tenses


This table provides information about the underground tube travel systems (underground railway
system) in six cities, by date opened, route distances, and passengers per year in six cities.

Overall, older cities based on the opening time of the underground tube systems have long route
distances and high ridership per year, while younger cities have shorter route distances and low
ridership per year. It is also worth noting that the trend remains the same regardless of the oldest or
youngest city. Overall, older railway systems based on the opening date tend to have longer route
distances and higher passenger numbers per year, while younger cities have shorter routes and lower

London, Paris, and Tokyo are the oldest cities to open underground tube systems in 1863, 1900, and
1927, respectively. The route distance is also linear with the opening time, i.e. the older a city is,
the longer the route, e.g. London (less efficient) (394 kilometers), Paris (199 kilometers), and Tokyo
(155 kilometers) resulting in a high number of passengers per year: , i.e. London (775 million), Paris
(1,091 million), and Tokyo (1,927 million). London, Paris, and Tokyo have the oldest subway,
established in 1863, 1900, and 1927, respectively. The route distance is directly proportional to the
opening time, meaning that older cities tend to have longer routes. For example, London has the
longest route (394 kilometers), followed by Paris (199 kilometers) and Tokyo (155 kilometers). This
translates to a high number of passengers per year: London (775 million), Paris (1,191 million), and
Tokyo (1,927 million).

Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angeles are the youngest cities that opened underground tube
systems in 1976, 1981, and 2001, resulting in shorter route distances of 126 kilometers, 11
kilometers, and 28 kilometers respectively, with the number of passengers per year also decreasing
(this is not about a dynamic trend) to 144 million, 45 million, and 50 million. Washington DC, Kyoto,
and Los Angeles have the youngest underground railway systems, opened in 1976, 1981, and 2001,
respectively. This results in shorter route distances: 126 kilometers for Washington DC, 11 kilometers
for Kyoto, and 28 kilometers for Los Angeles. Consequently, the number of passengers per year also
decreases, with 144 million for Washington DC, 45 million for Kyoto, and 50 million for Los Angeles.

TA: 6, CC: 5, LR: 5, GRA: 6, Overall: 5.5

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