Vocab Unit 4

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Christian Mitchell

MS Taylor
12 December 2023
Nation Group of people w a common identity through
shared cultural traits
Ex The Maasai in East Africa a semi nomadic

ethnic group w a traditional culture language

Nation state Borders of a nation match
he borders of a state ideally only 1
No true ex
Japan Denmark Iceland don't
Stateless Nation Agroup of people w common identity that
have theirown political boarders
Ex Kurds Basque of Spain Palestine

Multinational States Multiple groups of people w common identity

eside in the same territory
Israel United states
identity living in multip

ulti state Nation A group of people w common

states territories afteritsdownfall
in former Soviet
Ex Ethnic Russians

Autonomous Region Region located in a state that's

from the national gov
givenauthority to govern independently
Ex Hong Kong Tibet
emiautonomous Region located in a state that's given
from national
artial aul y g p y g
x Native American
overeignty State's authority to
control its territory govern its

x US gaining sovereignty
aftertherevolutionary war
of all people to govern
elf determination Right
campaigning for
Ex Many Scottish people were a state
independent from Britain seeking selfdetermination
Authoritarian Government Gov w strong central power

no indivinal freedoms
constitutional accountabilityVietnamese CommunistParty
Ex Chinese Communist Party
where power resides w citizens who elect
Republic Gov them
people to represent
Ex The US Mexico India
Gov wherepower resides w the majority
Ex The U.s Canada
American Indian Reservations Land set aside for
Native Americans by the U.S.gov in AZNM UH
10million acres
Ex Navajo Nation reservation tied to
Irredentism A political strongly
reclaim territory
ationalism which intends to reunited a nation or
declared war on the U.K L i
Ex In theearly 1980 s Argentina
Colonialism Process where 1 nation exercises near
control over another state they've
settled in
complete America
period of British colonization in North
Ex and long
Africa India
Imperialism Prad other
countries y g force
power influence over typically through
state's expansion in the New
Ex European
Movements Effort people tocreate
Independence by devolutionfailed
a new state inside ofanother state
Ex Hong Kong in China
Transfer of from a central
Devolution Causes power
causes physical geography ethnic
to a lower level of gov economic spatialfaco
gov Scotland Wales Northern separatism
U.K where haveauthorityoverland
EX irelandremainpartofU.k but

Neocolonialism Control of less developed country

indirect means
developed country through
by a
Yen trade
of Algerian trade whilst Algeria
Ex Franceaccounts for
inbetween stronger
Shatterbelts A region that's becomeendangere
external cultural political forces
states sandwiched
contains manyunderdeveloped
Ex Eastern Europe of Russia western Europe
between the powerful global flow of
Points locations where the
Choke can
be choked off in the event of a
people goods

ExMountain Pass Bridge Valley

Process by which a politic unit w
Territoriality defended
boundaries are created expanded annexed and or
Ex Process of customs
Relic B B
function but can still be detected on the landscape

Ex Berlin Wall Great wall of China

Boundaries Political barriers created
for the inhabitants within
w complete disregard
division European Pie
LX Africa by powers
Boundaries formed
Subsequent Boundaries
differences between people after the
based on
the settlement of a region
Northern Ireland Rep ofIrela
EX Boundary between created
Antecendent Boundaries Boundaries
cultural landscape population
Border between U.S Canada
Geometric Boundaries Boundary by
lines of latitude longtitude
canada New Jersey
LX U.S New York
Boundaries Boundary
pposing cultural
ethnic or political groups
Ex Korean DMZ Northern Ireland border

Berlin Conference 1884 1885 major European

powers negotiated formalized the division ofAfrica
scramble for Africa

Colonialization Decolonization in Africa The

after math of WWII created the perfect political
economic and social conditions for decolonization
Europeans for
f territories formerly colonized
Demilitarized Zone DMZ Area where
is officially forbidden
military activity
Ex Korean DMZ
Agreements Aliance of 2
more countries seeking cooperation w o loss of
or self determination
Ex UN charter Treaty of Paris
International Sanctions Actions taken
by countries against other for political reasons
S Canada Russias central
EU U U.K Japan freezing
bank's reserves
Law of the Sea Body of customs
international agreements treaties to keep peaceful
ea relations
is under right ofinnocent
Ex Coastal state authority passage interritorial se

Boundaries Division of
land Maritime different or
ocean into areas controlled by gov
none all

Territorial Sea Belt of coastal waters

no more than 12 miles away from
have parts of the
Canada U.S Russia Norway
artic as national waters
Zone Area outside of territorial
Contigous exercise
sea in which the costal state may
control to prevent a conflict
the necessary
Ex Stopping illegal
EEZ Area of
Exclusive Economic Zone over
sea which a state has special rights
the exploration use of resources
to explore exploit conservemanag

EX U.S has sovereign rights theresources oftheirEE

Approach to
Medan L ne r ple pp g
boundaries the mid point between 2 places
EX U.S Cuba have 45 miles of EEZ each
Waters Area of sea
of under jurisdiction of any country
24 miles out from a state
Ex Water
for thepurpose
Voting District Area used
of administering elections

Ex Election precincts
Process where political officials
redraw electoral districts to favora politica

district boundaries based

on U.S Census data to reflect changing pop geo
borders due to population size
Ex Changing

State Sovereign
as a single entity supreme central gov
IX Republic of trance

Federal State Sovereign state where

is shared between central
gov powerauthorities
Subnational Political Territorial
Unit Resul
where a is given
of devolution region
from central gov
greater autonomy
Belgium Spain
Supranationalism Separate entities
to create benefits for all
coming together
Ex World Trade org NATO.EU
Democratization Process of establishing
forms of gov led by electedofficia
Ex South Afrie
United Nations UN Internation org
to peace deterconflict
formed in194s preserve
prosperity in the world
promote equality

European Union EU Political economic

union of 27 made to promote development w in

member states through economic cooperation

American Free Trade Agreement January 1ˢᵗ199
a of eliminating all trade tax barriers
w goal
etween Canada U.S Mexico
Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASEAN August 8
1967 in Bangkok Thailand w a goal of
economic growth social progress
cultural development to promote peace
security in Southeast Asia
North AtlanticTreaty Org NATO
alliance established by North Atlantic Treaty
April 4 1949
forum that
Artic Council Intergovernment
addresses issues faced by Artic gov
people from the Artie

African Union Intergovernmental org 2002

established to promote unity solidarity of African

countries defand state sovereignty eradicate
colonialism promote international cooperation
coordinate and harmonize member state's policies
Aliance Primary role is to protect peace
Military the territorial integrity political independence
and to guarantee
security of the member states
EX NORAD part of nato
Trade Agreement Any
their trade relations
between gov involving
Ex North American Free Trade Agreement

Cold War state of political hostility

between countries
conflict between Soviet
Ex Period of
US led western Powers 1945 1950
Economies of Scale a proportionate
in costs gained by an increased level
of production

EX Bulk for cheaper cost unit

The Paris Agreement Global agreement
to reduce
emissions combat g
climate change
Force Forces that divide
a state
cultural traits War Ethnocentrism
x varying
Centripetal Force Forces that unite a

Common cultural traits
Movement Collective
Ethnic Nationalist
deals actions of an ethnic nation
the identity
of an
esigned to promoteeconomic rights
in cultural political spheres
Ex Aztlan the republic of New Afrika
Ethnonationalism A form of nationalism
interms of ethnicity
Ex central Eastern Europe
Cultural Cohesion The capacity of
different national ethnic groups to make
a commitment to live in the same state
nation state has
Failed State A sovereign
lost the ability to maintain authority over
protect its national borders
to people and
Ex Yemen's state
Development Basic
structure or features of system affecting

urban development growth of

a state
EX Gov Services
Development Increasing in
Uneven gap
economic conditions between core and
outer regions as a result of the globalization
of the Non uniform advancement of humans
Ex Southeast Asia in the 1980 s

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