SEN Software Engineering

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Class Test-' oo0.uek ee eer 4 Attempt [e Marks ce State Ah reeds decilica_of aftr a iz is_intagible annot eae fouched. | ale hon pent hab am it does nck degrrate overs i ay : SF 3s ea ponplicabe meaning id can be. coplA e y % Me f& | Define _saftusare 2 Sofhwarre neering 2 eas — 3 SPtwore + i “0 : - A software is," q set of inshucdion , (computer _pisag ) Shot uihen we execute it provide destred output. f reaathence | -&1 SoPware Eagineerting + = SoPlusdht fheonng is @ jon_of mnethod i __|| ond_Scientific J vreale practical _cast- eMfédhve D_| solutions fr the desi gn. cosheuction penation and _maintenen \ of softwere. \ | 5 tay Sour. ype: of _sAyare ? =) Ss sem ct yi p fe cotton a Gmbadded __d) Web a ; 4 §}] Engines ing [sejentiic sfhwart ie yn ag _and {didanhagea oP ale cagiles wae i ———_____ Aduactag aaa oven NS ae ee ents and cava: Dae eer, ae ear hod demonshated Fanchonaliy can be {evel ped reapi Rea Resoince ao axe_mifimum. | Qutable x fixed’ os changing se quire ment le jd model Rix environments that change steadily + i } i Model: 1 Mont. Ste aati maintainability and extensibility ependts eas _on_customéne interracion, 40 if custamen is’ not eae team ‘an_be daiven in the any dete Lhe Shick 7 eng ‘nitaseiett A les th oie Badin What is communicctian pvuckices aioe eee All Communication Pracices* - Communication is also called equivements elicitechon. Qofwarre sequirem eat analysis aluays begins with co: io! between tuo ox more eae AS ale has @ prrchlem ~Tn hi a we discu 2 uliteaiin -Aaadatca aad Concepts as they apply te customer communiccition, GOODLUCK fore 1 1 Plaoai Planning Pradices : oe Ia || = The communication ackivit discuded in previous sechian ol Aware Acam_+to_diefn ol hep i a i | management seam “te_defn sosist of a sot of technical andl at enable the suftuore prota its overall Syed | skralegies activities and_qoal: IL Tacmnice. F a road imap it Kavels towards #s ~ Niflerence helween #S-prresonph ve_prroce. 3 made] and_agle _prtace Mode) | Pre somphve—fracess_mode),_| Aa ess — i 7 ss. wad _|D oviented. Favour a oplet Jechnal A. Acaditionel 1 ev fbwore |) H is _an secon approach Roe _psodube_devdepmen! soy ee eesti project _manode ment Neon, meeat [oa Gicle ime -sechichion is mast _ i apo vt. en op is on tasks, teols such a8 5 Made) eases ov madalaty. —— i Stee e ne ay : fj . || Btbemp! any THREE, - See ged Reco. ows cove. -phaciples 2 =i lie reason it all exits / A gfhuave system exists fox one. impostor oreasva, the Seer ere decisions Pa coma ld be made wih his in_mind. | pecificcch on: helant nothing a piece f system Runchenality ees = Refisre pecilyi a_scflworre system crequiccernert ate. \cRve determining the development process cx herrd ware platfioxen ask yoursd Solle aa “quedisn | keep it imple_, stupid (kr38) ? Theme love mdny terms_and Paces ty consider in any las destan effort. All softyare desiyn should be as J B} mple 0 pessible bub no _simplere this_cineept Pocilitales a Jing o more 20 ily -undeseshoad and_easly maintain soPkuqve, 1 stem. hat you proce dhe will con sue: = Alway} f, desi kngui 0 lle\se will have wi uw ad what yo ain toduck of Scfhwarse devel pinent -Th clon is_any is potenti lyrge, Desig keeping She implementers in pind. ae eevee erty the users Cod with concern Hee Rene en e uhe muck erdend and maintain the sy Sem GoooLucK Qa. Attempt any THREE ie State ‘and “described Rar coe pinaples a), “The Reason Tt aw G4ist ? =A softwerre system exists fox one. imputtont “retason te _provide alue_te ds users. All decisis as_of a orst_aystem a LL -BRre specify Bing a dathaler op made with this in mind. ae rement_( gofkuyare system _arequi necificatons before nothing a iece of | ca 1 ayser! -Wncionality hebrd determin the deuclonment process a oh hardware pitti ask youre Falloaing questic. Keep It Simple, Stupid Ckr3s) : V There fare many tenes and Podwrs hs con: ide in Any 5 -_ | ware cles | - A soffusare design should be os Sinmple_ai posse aut not sim shis cept facilitates havin easil understood and easily maintained Software system. \anat ye produce ther will consume: = \us ay species d_ implemented \nowin ome ane. de mill have 42 understand what you are doing “The _customens “fos any produce oP oc development is = | Think * area = pre ——— | ~ This last cone_puind ple, of software system _i he mos overlooked tally \orcqe.. -Desian keeping the implementati in mind. fy ah an ene te the _usene Cole with concenns for Linea os and_mainloin.thesystere. fatally i GOODLUCK _ | oo a |g = Pad eh aft ban cbt alan duc oe hen Someone ee ore more They ty do it mig ht. - TP he/she. do hal k about “stray and nd shill de 4 tong th Jrecomes valu able exponen ce. | ofa ences ag 4 layered See aoa \ Tools C Methods ) Process — BS Layons of soffiware engineer are: ut Quality Rous: -& We cyclity fous is the basi of sofware enginee zing -} deBaes Ye conti nou! prices _imprnvement_p 1c pl J of_softwore. | -Tk provide integuity that tneans providing secusi qt | he Glo tds to be : bys ot on he outside con access. oe outhottized pests. dct -B Tt also focuses of noittsinabiliy_ond sable A Process = ~Thica base layer of software _engineesing _____— ath “hak lainds all the layeits -hagéthen ter sshich |Lenahles the evepment of auttinane before tie deadline ox on time. ~ psocess VeRnes_o Reamework ther musk bee tahilis hed GooDLUCK forthe active deliveny 0? sofkwarre. en mecong technalogy ~The software _pfocess covets all the aciities adion’s and tasks seequived te be comied out Rr _seftuere denelopmen-. l MeHn od : how--p's fx biilding Sofware. 5 ‘ . “yuh peogzam. con heudion, testing and suppor, 4) in i LP operat sph Re proces + and method f \ahecerrPa)) model Thovemental model | methods Pox \ lopment: NiL_phase: oxe_deody defined. 3 few of the steps ove defined ic DT is _interachve in _nohure a Being _oblest. this_ts_one © 3 Naw model for development. the “Hme esting methods. _4J|| Read gee ea rordy Pallow | TT provides on the -rigil a sequential model. a | aigid wm nature of. eqtential appr oa, h. Vode eA Nanette VERA ALtecetlens BF mee dat —“Wuetre_was Taner ee cs ap lef pete diles py mt isa, Sep oni phase. sequin Sess ent Const jeral model with neat lobded “dia invented by Da. Barry 15 ee 2 he "alsa an eae on be spr ieee i Pek ta ig model __ stasting \n communi vsicadion hacen, S GOODLUCK oe Sy cement pany. — ron Tat hoses ___ 2 | Cefn. -saS (Sftuure Requisrtment specification? — 3 The! software mequivements de document isan, official _staberment Hol what the system developers hould ioaplement. Pee Wea CERES G|B should indude both the. users csequisemnents far a System _ lancl_a detailed speuification of the. syskim scequirements an 31 Sefuyare requirement spedfeation/ is _a document thot complebdy — || desembes the" what thes sopased software should do sithouk “ ___ describing how software 'will do it | Se basic sal _of the. ag urement phase is. pepduce, the ARO The asic oe RM Yo peoauce the ae —1SRS hic of the poh se Wcofusare.

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