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[8:06 pm, 07/03/2024] JYOTI KANNURU: Subject: Request for Understanding: KFinTech Business

Analytics Application

Hi [Placement Officer's Name],

I trust you're doing well. It's Kannuru Ramya Jyothi (2208022). Unfortunately, I couldn't submit the
KFinTech form on time due to connectivity issues during my trip. I apologize for any inconvenience.
I'm genuinely excited about the Business Analytics role and would really appreciate your
consideration to continue in the interview process despite the delay.

Thanks for your understanding

[8:06 pm, 07/03/2024] JYOTI KANNURU: ChatGPT 3.5


Write an email to the placement officer saying I couldn't fill the Google form in intime for kfintech
business analytics role as I was in outoff station and I couldn't reach out the signal. So I request you
to please do consider my request to participate in the further process of the interview


Subject: Request for Consideration: KFinTech Business Analytics Role Application

Dear [Placement Officer's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a situation that unfortunately
impacted my ability to submit the Google form for the KFinTech Business Analytics role within the
specified timeframe.

Due to being out of station, I encountered connectivity issues that hindered my access to a stable
signal, preventing me from completing the form within the given deadline. I understand the
importance of punctuality in these processes and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused.

I am genuinely interested in the KFinTech Business Analytics role and am eager to participate in the
further stages of the interview process. I kindly request your understanding of the circumstances
and ask for your consideration to allow me to proceed in the recruitment process.
Thank you for your understanding, and I appreciate your time and consideration.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Contact Information]


Write it in 150 words add my name Kannuru Ramya Jyothi (2208022)


Subject: Request for Consideration: KFinTech Business Analytics Role Application

Dear [Placement Officer's Name],

I trust this email finds you well. I am Kannuru Ramya Jyothi (2208022), and I regret to inform you
that I encountered connectivity issues while out of station, preventing timely submission of the
Google form for the KFinTech Business Analytics role.

I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and express my genuine interest in the position.
Despite the technical challenges, I am eager to participate in the subsequent interview stages. I
kindly request your understanding of this unforeseen circumstance and seek your consideration to
allow my continued involvement in the recruitment process.

I appreciate your time and consideration. Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,

Kannuru Ramya Jyothi (2208022)

[Your Contact Information]

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