Algebra 03

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~Practice Problems

How many terms of the sequence -9. -6. -3.
must be taken so U1at the sum Is 66? flAllJI L
® 11 C 7
B 6 D 10
2 Two numbers differ by 40. and \heir arithmetic mean
1 exceeds their positive geometnc mean by 2 What
Is the larger number?
A. 81 C 121
B 90 D 140

3 Is a sequence of terms whose reciprocals form an

anthmetic progression?
A Geometric progression C Algebraic progression
@1 Harmonic progression D Ratio and proportion
4 What Is the sum of the dates in a 31-day month?
@ 496 C 520 I /.-1.Jl.-
B 304 D 260

l 5. How many numbers of 4 different d1gIts each

greater than 5000 can~ formed from the digits
1,2,3.4.5,6,7? GJ ~"1:1'~ ~.
A. 30 C 60
B. 90 @360
6 ln how many ways that 8 d1aj1nct toys can be
distributed among 5 children? 9
© 390,625 C 56
B. 32,768 D. 6,720.

7 In how many ways can you elect a president and a

vice president from 3 presidenti<!! ca,Qd1dates and 4
candidates for vice president? r' 1l
@, 12 C 10
B 16 D 7
8. There are 6 geometric means between 4 and 8748
Find the sum of all terms
A. 15410 C 15920
B. 12370 (l5_) 13120
3 9 A factory building has 8 entrance doors In how
many ways can a person enter and leave by any
door and by different door?
64 ways : 56 ways C 63 ways : 50 ways
B 65 ways : 59 ways D. 66 ways : 54 ways
10. A group of 3 people enter a theater in how many
ways can they be seated? 3f.i • .•
A. 1 C. 3
B' 6 D 10
, _.- - - - - - - -
! r t

many ways can 5 people hne up to pay thJ
elednc bdls at Merak:o tf two of them don't wan\ to
each other?
36 C 12 _,
1s to be formed how many of such romm,ttees can
be formed
A 840
C 408
cm long ,n the first swrng, what w,R be the total length 39 A stack of br1cils 11as 61 bncks m the bottom layer
of the path which the pendulum descnbes before 11 1
comes to rest?
A 720 cm C 820 cm
58 bocks 1n the second layer. 55 bricks m the
third layer and so unltl there are 10 bncks in the
last layer How many bnd<s are there together ? '


21 Fmd the sum of the first 10 terms of the o 540 cm D 640 cm A 638 £ 640
11-- V'v'hat ts the number of arra~~I tbat,can be made B 637 ro) 639
geometric progression 2. 4, 8. 16 ~W- lfi•~
wrth the letters of the WOl'd t\AiQJEVAtl~ ,n wh\ A 1023 30 The time required for an elevator to hft a weightj 40 How many words can be made from the letters of
~~.,all vowels come together? C 225
@ 2046 vanes directly with the weight and the distance! the word COMMITTEE?~
D 1596
@ 120,960 C 140,540 22 On a certain exam,nallon,
the student must
through which 11 is to be lifted and inversely as the
power of the motors If rt lakes ~O secoods f0< a !2-:
A 91 g 9 1/2 1x2 1
B 130.i20 D 214 920 B 9 1 I2 1 £9 1 /(2 1 )>
answer 8 out of the 12 quesbons. including W2 motor to hft <2.QH thro:.igh 1.2..00..m what size of'
exactly 5 of the first 6 In how many ways can he motor 1s required to ltft 5,340 N in 30 seconds 41 Pnme numbers that appear 1n pa,r and differ by 2
13 II 15 people won pnzes ,n lhe slate lottery. in wnle lhe examination? U.'., 3 _.,.,-' b P:.) (eg 3 and 5. 11 and 13 etc ) are called_ __
through 12 OOm? 1 \ tl I
how many ways can these 15 people wm first A. 100 (Al A Mersenne pnmes
792 80 91 hp • C 89 10 hp twm pomes
second . third . fourth and filth pnzes ? B. 495 (Q) 120 B 90.81 hp D 79.50 hp B pnme number theorem D pseudo pnmes
@ 360,360
A 4. 845
B 116. 280 D 3,003 ~J
23 How man~ d1fferel};I sums money cal\~ made 31 There are two copies each of 4 d1fferenl books In How many 4-chgtt numbers can be formed using
~ma penny. a nl.';kel, a dtme, and a quarter how many ways can they be arranged on a shelf? , the digrts 0 2. 4. 6. 8 and 9 1f lhe repe1Jt1on of
14 Two°' more equaltons are equal 11 and only 1f they rA. 15 c 40 N:. .,. ·, N 2520 C 24 d,!9rts is not allowed? G~
have the same B 20 D 4 ~J:t-\ B. 40320 D 56 Z A 360 C 65
solution set C order
B degree 24 Four couples are to eat at a round table with the B 625 D 300
D vanable set 32 How many basketball quintets (5 men). can be
15 There are four balls of different colors Two balls I men and women alternating If the hostess
reserves a place for hersett, tn how many ways can
chosen from a group of 15 players?. r~XA
A 3003 C 2002
43 A rubber ball IS made lo fall from a height of 50 fl
and is observed lo rebound 2/3 of lhe distance 11 •
at a lime are taken and arranged m any way How
many such combmatt0ns are posstble ? A,-
she assign seats to the others? ( 4-J). • '~
A. 5040
® 1001 D 1050
11 .. /
falls How far will the ball travel before coming to
C 6
A. 36
B 3
6 -,~z
D 12 I B 4030 IQ, 144
25 A storage battery discharges at a rate proportional
33 Find the
A 1/10
B. 0102
4" term of the progress,~½.
D 0099-
0.2. 0 12'5

rest ,f the ball continues to fall in this manner?
AJ 2~
If 200
D 350
16 In a commercial survey involving LlKlD persons on to the charge If the charge 1s reduced by 50%.of 1\s
._..,. brand preference. 120 were found to prefer brand x 34 The seJfn.1 term is 56 and the 12 term 1s -1792
th 44 . In how many ways can 5 engineers & 4 nurses be
ongmal value at the end of 2 days. how long will ti arranged ,n a round table 1f the nurses are lo sit next
,, -only. prefer bmruL¥ onty, 1.50 prefer b.ra.Dd....z\ take to reduce the charge to 25% of ,ts original of the geometric progression Fmd lhe ralto and
only, J10 prefer eitbec brand x 0f.J/ but rim.z. 450, the first term . Assume the ratios are equal. to each other?
~arge? lc~Q.
prefer brand y or z but Ql2Ut, and 420 prefer~ A -2. 5/8 A 2880 C 720
3 days C. 5 days l ><. - 1. 7 /8
grand z or x but not y How many persons have nol B.-1,5/8 l!?)-2,7/8 B 5760 D 576
B 4 days D. 2 days I•
9{_and preference, satisfied w,lh any of the 3 brands 45 How many tlllles will a cJock strike in 24 hours 11 rt
230 26 From 7 consonants and .5.xo.wels. how many words 35 • There are 10 true or false questions in an
C 180 examination Then. these questions can be strikes only at the hours?
B 2~ can be formed consisting of 4 different moso.oants A 12
D 1~ answered in how many different ways? C 156 ...
and 3...d1fferent llllwels? The words need not have B 78
17 How many permutations can be made oU1 of the A 20ways @10C2ways D 124
letters of the word ENGINEERING? B 100 ways -D 1024 ways
A. 350 C 120 46 The symbol efb means the pnnc,pal nth root ·n· hi'
@ 277,200
B 178,000
C 54,560 @ 1,764,000 D 9,500,210 36. In how many different orders can 7 books be called the _ __
D 39,916.800 arranged on a shelf 11 a certain 3:-yolume book ,s
27. How many four d1g1I numbers can be formed by (II:) Rad1cand C radix
18 Determine the sum of the progression tf there are the use of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 ,f one digit not to be separated? CJ~'t 1- 5 B radical D index
7 arithmetic mean between 3 and 35 3 - - , - - - ,s used only once m one number ? Gf4 ® 720 C. 240
47 A witness to a hit-and-run accident told the police
(A) 171
l3 182
C 232 - - , A x 280
B 540 D. 1512
that the license number contamed the letter RLH

D. 216 ~,• . 8.320 (.01360 37. How dci you call an equation in x and y which 1s not
~r._ :a' followed by 3 digits, the first of which 1s a 5 If the
"19 How many hne seamenls are determined by"?!.~ 28. Find the 5"' term of an AP 11 the 3"' term 1s 10 and easily solved for y 1n terms of x ? Witness cannot recall the last two d,g,ts. but he ,s
disltnct points? iL 1
@28 C 56
10" term is - 4
A 5 C 8
1-t!}[ .,, .
., "'2 ~Jl,
1 :,1:!.
A exphctl
@ implicrt function
C d1scontinu1ly
D quadratic
certain that 11111 3 digits are different. find the
maximum number of aulomobtle reg,strat,ons that
B 16 D 4 @')6 D 15 38. II the 4"' term of GP is 216 and the 6°' term is 1944 the police may have to check
find the 8111 term \O.l ~,b, "lf1 ,, r ', A. 300 1Cl72
20 A PSME untl has 10 ME's . 8 PME's and 6 CPM's 29 A pendulum ,s bought lo rest by a,r resistance, each •
If a commrttee of 3 a;iem~rs one from each group swing being 11/2 as much as the preceding one If A. 18692 C 16486 B 45 0 87
r, 1 . fij, ~I the lower end of the pendulum describes ] ) 17496 D 21664
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _..,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/• I _ _ _an _arc __ 60..___ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.t.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(EIU: 4'" Fir. GMT Bldg. Cor. P. Del Rosano & JunqueB Sts. ~bu City Tel. No. (0321 416 8175 MANILA: 4"' Fir. CMMFI Bldg. A R. Papa SI. S11mpakM: Manila (Conbct: 0915 4322 735) ~on lo: -.prifflffft'N!WCC! fllet.COffl
I JI )

If w vanes directly as the product of x and y and 68 Boyle's law slates lhal::nslanl temperature, thel- of the class solved the first problem and 70% solve
C convergent sequence
inversely as the square of z and that w = 4 when x D finite sequence volume of a gas vanes Inversely as the pressure to the second?
which II Is subJected If volume = 10.000 when A 35% C 10%
: ~· Y = 6 and z = 3 Find w when x = 1, Y = '4 and z 58
If the 4 th term of GP Is 8 and the 7•• lerm Is 1, find pressure = 10 find the pressure when volume = BJ 25 % D 12 %
@3 C. 4 the 2"" term 12,000 77 The electrical resrstance of a wire made of a certain
B 2 D 1 1. 45 C 30 A 7 53 C. 543 material vanes as ,ts length and inversely as lhe
(BJ32 D 25 B 6 73 IQ) 8 33
49 The term ·ratio· comes from Lahn verb ·ratus· square of the diameter If a wire 100 m long and 1 25
which means what? 59 The set of all subsets of a given set. containing the 69 A club has a membership of 12 Mechanical/ mm m diameter has a resrstance of 30 ohms find
empty set and the original set the length of a wrre of the same material whose
© to divide C to get the mean
A lntersecllon C Proper subset
Engineers, 9 C1v1I Engineers 8 Chemical Engineers
one from each group. resistance and diameter are 25 ohms and O 75 mm
B lo estimate D to make a proportion If a committee of 3 members,
(al Power set D Improper subset Is to be formed, how many of such committees can respectively
50 In how many ways can a COID.tnlllee.of three be formed? ;. 26 m C 19
60. In a party there are 316 guests composed of men. D 56
consisting of two chemical engineers and one Ii:', 864 • C 1,034,880 §)30 m
women and children. There are 78 mnre chi.ldce.n
rnechamcaJ engineer can be formed from four B 29 D 3645 In the word and 56 moi:e woroeo tharwnen How 78 What is the permutahon of the letters
chemical engineers and three mechanical t/
many men in the party? 70 A set containing the elements that is common lo the BANANA?
engineers? C 52
A. 18
@42 C. 50 ong1nal sets. A. 36
C 32
B 64 D none of these
B 46 D 44 A. Union C. Normal set B) 60 D. 42
61 The receives from a hght source l£aileJ; (B) Intersection D Subset 79 A certain part can be defectrve becau~ it has one
51 A set containing the elements that Is common to as the sQuare ol tbe 41staore from the or more out of three possible defects lllSllfficient
the original sets source and dlr.eciJy as its caodle;>owef. Al what 71 The lotto uses numbers 1 - 42 A winning ~sllJm.gth, a burr or a diameter outside.of
C Normal set
A. Union
distance from a 50-cp light would the 1llummation be number consists of six different numbers in any tplerance llr:oits In a lot of 500 pieces rw 1 ,
® Intersection D Subset
one-half that received at 20 f1 from a 40-cp hghl? order Whal are your chances of winning 11? ,.,. ·, 19 have tensile strength
A. 10sq rt of10 C 10sq rt of5 5,245,786 C. 10,127.420 17 have burr
52 In Mathematics examination , a student may D 2, 546, 725
select 7 problems from a set of 10 problems In 8. 5 sq rt of 10 D. 3 sq rt 10 B 8,437, 224 11 have unacceptable diameter
how many ways can he make his choice ?loC • 72 Every posI1tve number has ____ nth root. / 12 have tensile strength and burr defects
@1w C 7W 62. What Is the sum of three arithrnelic means between A. zero C two 7 have ~ns1le stren_gjh and d1amerec defects
5and17? ti' ____ J:.. 1 5 have burr and diameter defects
B 530 D 320 (8) two D three
A 22 • C 25 2 have three defects
How many line segments can be formed with 6 @33 D. 30 73 In a certain factory, the ratio of the number of male How many of the pieces have no defects?
d1sltnct points , no two of which are collinear ? lo female workers is 2:3 If one hundred new C 500
A. 450
A 10 C 20 63 The number O 123123123. Is a/an female workers are hired. the number of female
A. 1rrattonal number © rahonal number @) 475 D 425
@ 15 D 25 workers wtlr increase to 65 % of the total number of
8. surd D transcendental workers. Find the ongmal number of workers in the
54 In a pile of logs, each layer contains one more log 80 An Engineer bought 24 boxes of screws for P
than the layer above and the top contains Just one 64 In how many ways 7 scientists be ~sJi.9ned to one 2,200 00. There were three types of screws bought
pile, how many triple and two double hotel rooms? • • 7(~ f A 600 C. 700
log If there are 105 logs in the 0.900 Screw A costs P 300 per box. saew B costs P 150
@ 210 C 300 " - B. 800
layers are there? and screw C cost PSO per box. How many boxes of
C 8 B 200 D. 230 l(z formed
A 12 74. The unending sequence of integers screw A did he buy?
@ 14 D 10
65 A seQuence of numbers where the succeeding term according to the rule that each integer Is the sum of
A 2
·{1 '!° 55 In how many ways can a committee of 3 men and 2 Is greater than the precedina_terrn Is called the preceding two. B. 10
,G'11 A dissonant senes divergent series A. Fermat's last theorem
women be chosen from 7 men and 5 women? 81 A meeting Is gathered and someone counted the
B convergent series D isometric series B Goldbach conjecture
;, • l
@ 350 C. 4200
Fibonacci numbers total number of handshakes to be 66 If each
6 66 ..Q_elermine the harmonic mean between a and b
B 250 D D. Tnangular numbers shakes hand with all the other, how many attended
56 In how many ways can 3 MARINES and 4 ® 2ab/(a + b ) C.(a + b)/ab t!J.e meeting? ,(. 1 f;
B. ab/(a - b) D 2ab/(b-a)
M-1~ 1 ~ 1~4 ARMIES be seated on a bench 1f the ARMIES 75 Find the sum of the 1nf1nite geometric series 2 + 2/5 ~)12 C 11 \I
1 1

must be seated together ? + 2/25 + 2/125 + .. + 2/5" + . B 10 D. 14

'67 A man on a stnct diet loss 18 pounds In 2 months,
A 640 (c) 576 12 pounds in the next 2 months, 8 pounds in the next A. 6/3 C 5/2
TI 144 82 Find the geometric mean of 64 and 4
B 720 two months and so on for a long time If the man B 7/2 D. 5/4
@ 16 C 32 I~
57 How do you call a sequence having a defined first initially weighs 190 lbs . what will be the resulting 76 Two problems were given during examination How B 34 D 28
and last terms ? weight? many were able to solve both problems 1f only 55%
A 158 C 90
A 1nf1n1te seQuence
B 234 D 136
divergent sequence
MANILA: 4'" Fir. CMMFI Bldg. A R. Papa Sl Sampaloc Manila (Conlact: 0915 022 735)
CEBU: ,4• Fir. GMT Bldg. Cor. P. Del Rosario & Junquer.a Sts. Cebu City Tel. No. (032) 416 8175

How many committees can be formed by
. 92. If the third term of a G P is 4 . what IS the product ol 100 Find the ratio of an infinite geometnc senes ,f the I
choosing 4 men from an organization of a the first five terms? sum 1s 2 and the frrst tenn is ½
membership of 15 men ? A2~ C 768 A 1~ C ~4
A 1390 C. 1435 8 512 D 1024 B 1/2 D 1/.
8 1240 @ 1365 Three times the first of three consecutive odd For more ELEMENTS in Mathematics. Study Yellow
84 "Every even integer greater than 2 can be written integers is three more than twice the third Find the Book'
as the sum of two pnrnes· This Is known third integer l
as _ _ _ __ A. 12 C 10 .../'.,'. ..
A Fermat's last theorem B 15 D 18
B Prime number theorem
There were two Calculus problems that came out in
© Goldbach coniecture the latest l10ensure examInatIons. How many were
D Me~nne primes
able to solve both problems rf 50% of them solve
the Integral problem and 75% solve the differential
85. If twice the 11" term of an AP is equal to 7 times
problem? The total number of examinees is 2000
the 21•• term. then what is the 25"' term?
A.250 C. 750
@o C 92
@soo D 700
8 24 D. 120
95 In a class of 40 students, 27 hke Calculus and 25
86. If the daily wage of a Mechanical Engineer and a
like Chemistry How many like both Calculus and
CPM are in the ratio 2.1 In a day, a Mechanical
Chemistry? t;;-6, ;-.
Engineer has to worl( 8 hrs but the CPM only 6 hrs.
A. 15 C. 2 l(__:iL,
Determine the ratio of their hour wages
8)12 D 5
A.83 C 63
8 3·2 D 4.3 96 The vibration frequency of a string varies as the '{ I
0I square root of the tension and inversely as the • / I J
87 Simplify-- product of the length and d1ameter of the string. If
( n-1) 1
the string ,s :ileel long and 0,03-jnch m drameter
vibrates at under ~nds
A. n + 1 C (n+1) 1 tension, at what frequency will a 2 feet long, 0 025-
8 n- 1 @n inch stnng vibrate under 2500 pounds tension
88 The 6" term of an AP is 3 and the 23"' term is 54. A._6210 C. 7514
Find the 35ri term. l'li. 3,l ~. ~t,ltr'" \ 1 ) (B)6830 D.5645
A 58 C. 80 97 A company will hire 7 men and 4 women. In how
@ 90 D 72 many ways can the company choose from 9 men
89 There are four balls of four different colors. Two and 6 women who qualified for the position? .f.1 '
balls are taken at a time and arranged In a A 560 C 504 rh=-6
definite order. For example 1f a white and a red (© 540 D. 480 i.:J
ball are taken, one definite arrangement Is white 98 A group of 6 speakers consists of 2 politicians
first red second and another arrangement Is red and 4 lawyers who are not politicians. In
first. white second How many such arrangements arrangements for a speaking order at a meeting ,
are possible ? the politicians will speak in succession and the
A 24 © 12 lawyers in succ.ession In how many ways can the
B 6 D. 36 order be arranged ? ti:: 214 1 , 2
90 Insert three geometric means between 2 and 162 A. 69 {Cl 96
Find the largest of the three geom~ric means 8 138 'tf. 192
A 6 (g,>54 3,t-, 99. The excess of the sum of the fourth and fifth parts
8 18 D 262 2,-,- 1- • over the difference of the half and the third parts of
91 Find the sum of all posIhve integers divisible by 11 a number Is 119. Find the number
between 1 and 1000. @420 C 320
A. 44955 C. 46046 8 500 D. 400
@)45045 D. 47047

CEBU: 4'" Fir. GMT Bldg.. Cor. P. Del Rourio & Junquera Sts. Cebu City Tel. No. (032) 416 8175 MANILA: ••• Fir. CMMFI Bldg. A R. Papa St. Sampaloc Manila (Contact: 0915 "322 7l5) log-on to: _ _

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