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Research Paper 1

Research Paper

Maya R Chappell

Harrison High School

IV: Advanced Scientific Research/Internship

Nancy Curran

Apr. 24 2024
Research Paper 2


Chapter 1: Career Choice ................................................................................................................ 3

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3

Job Description ............................................................................................................................ 4

A Day in the Life ..................................................................................................................... 5

Pros and Cons .......................................................................................................................... 6

Chapter 2: From Here to There ....................................................................................................... 7

Profession Profile .................................................................................................................... 7

Education................................................................................................................................. 8

Budgeting ................................................................................................................................ 9

Chapter 3: Personal Assessment .................................................................................................... 10

My Skills ............................................................................................................................... 10

My Personality ...................................................................................................................... 11

My Motivation....................................................................................................................... 12

Chapter 4: Productivity ................................................................................................................. 13

My Project ............................................................................................................................. 13

Career Connection ................................................................................................................. 14

References ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Research Paper 3

Chapter 1: Career Choice


There are many reasons a person might become a teacher but in the end, they must have

the mindset of a mentor. A teacher’s job is not simply just to relay information to children.

They serve as a guide for children as they grow and learn to live life independently. A teacher’s

job is to positively influence the future generations of the world and encourage

success. The experiences children have during school shape not only their future but also, the

future of the world.

After family and friends, teachers and other students are the next influence on a child’s

life. Teachers dedicate a lot of their time to their students both during class and outside of

class. The way they interact with the students impacts how kids will think and respond to

life. Teachers teach children different knowledge and skills they will need to make it in

life. Providing opportunities for children to fail and succeed without the same repercussions they

would face when they grow up and are in the real world.

In the United States, children most often spend ages five through eighteen in school.

That is 10 months or roughly 180 days a year, for 13 years. Over time that adds up, to 2,340 out

of 6,570 days spent in a classroom. At the end of high school, they would have spent 35.62% of

their lives attending school. A lot of students will continue to attend a higher level of school

after high school to further their education.

Teachers are meant to be an influence as they are the building blocks in a student’s

success. They help with not only general knowledge but emotional, social, and logical

knowledge. Without teachers, there would be no one to pass on important knowledge that
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cannot be found already written in books. They play a vital role in shaping the future of

individuals and society would greatly suffer in their absence.

Job Description

The job of a teacher comes with many responsibilities. They focus on relaying specific

academic knowledge to students in a format that can be understood at their specific age. They

create lessons, activities, and work that are used to help students understand the topic. Teachers

also guide students by helping them create essential life skills such as teamwork,

communication, and critical thinking. They are a major support system for student success.

At a minimum, a teacher needs a bachelor’s degree from a university (Holder).

Depending on which grade level they teach they might need a degree in a specific subject. After

obtaining their degree they may participate in student teaching opportunities before they become

independent teachers. Each state and school may have its requirements for teachers, some of

which would include a teaching license or certification.

Teachers are found in any type of school. Teachers can be found at elementary schools,

middle schools, and high schools. Typically, they work with students from kindergarten through

twelfth grade ranging from ages 5 to 18 and are typically small in numbers. When getting a

higher education, the teacher becomes a professor. Professors deal with a mix of ages in their

classes, have more students, and are less hands-on with their students. Teachers can also teach

virtually to students who do not or cannot attend an in-person class or school.

The average salary for a kindergarten through twelfth teacher in Georgia is $56,035

( A schoolteacher’s salary has many factors. Things as specific as location, the
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grade level taught, how many classes are being taught, and whether the school is public or

private. If the demand for teachers is high the salary might increase. Also if the person applying

for the job has a higher education, they are worth more and may have a higher salary.

There will always be jobs for teachers for as long as people go to school, they have a job.

The growth and unemployment rates predominantly vary on the number of students available to

attend school in a location. Employment of all elementary, middle, and high school teachers is

projected to show very little to no change as of 2022-2032, this is due to the quick turnover rate

(U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics).

The skills a teacher requires to be successful include leadership, organization, and

patience. Teachers oversee many bodies at once which can become overwhelming at times. They

must be able to guide the students but also keep calm and stay in order. If they are not able

to the classroom will not be able to properly function. They also must be forgiving and

compassionate. It is part of growing up to make mistakes and it’s a teacher’s job to correct them

and help them avoid their mistakes in the future.

A Day in the Life

A typical day for a teacher is a mix of planning, instructions, notes, teaching, and more.

Their day begins before the students enter the classroom. They must prepare for the day by

setting the room up for their class or classes which could include making copies of papers,

setting up stations, and resetting the room from the previous day. In some cases, students may be

there early for study sessions or make-up work.

When students do start to arrive, the teacher will be there to welcome each into their

classroom eventually leading to the delivery of instructions for the day. Throughout the day a
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teacher will have to present information and reinstruct the students on their tasks. Students ask

many questions on and off-topic, it is the teacher’s job to keep them on task and help them

achieve the day’s goal so learning can advance the next day.

In between all the tasks the teacher is performing, they will provide support and guidance

where it is needed. It could be academic support for students who are struggling with the day’s

content. There is also the chance that emotional support is needed when a student has difficulty

in their life. Teachers must be able to adapt to the many situations that may arise in their


Even when the students go home the day is not over. Teachers must manage their time to

keep both them and their students caught up. After school, they may have meetings with other

teachers, administrators, parents, or students. They will have to find time to grade their students’

work so they can evaluate if the students are learning the content. At times they may need to

create or adjust their lesson plans so that they align with their students.

Pros and Cons

One of the many pros that come with being a teacher is the schedule. With an additional

hour or two a teacher can have an ideal work schedule. If a person has a child or a family, these

hours will work well and be ideal as they would have time in the afternoon and at night as well

as weekends to be with their family. Some schools also provide paid sick days and most provide

days off with the required school breaks.

Another pro of being a teacher is there will always be a demand for the career. School is

a key part of modern society and as long as people see it as beneficial for their children, teachers
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will always be needed. With the help of technology, teachers can now even reach the populations

that need education the most.

One challenge that comes with being a teacher is limited growth in position. Unlike other

jobs, teaching is very still. Sometimes teachers are able to advance through years of experience

but most often a promotion is obtained through additional education, such as getting a master’s

degree or moving up to an administrative role. The limited growth can cause teachers to seek out

professions with more growth opportunities.

Teachers are not only responsible for themselves but also for the many students in their

class. This can become difficult for some. Depending on their behavior and maturity they may

not have the manners that are expected by adults. It’s part of a teacher’s role to enforce these

roles and provide discipline. This can be draining for some people. This can cause teachers to

burn out and become frustrated with their jobs.

Chapter 2: From Here to There

Profession Profile

Teachers are known for the time and dedication they put towards helping their

students. A teacher must have a natural talent for nurturing and guiding others. They must take

joy in helping people understand concepts that they may find difficult. The ability to inspire is a

must for a teacher to help the students to be able to reach their full potential and have a positive

impact on their lives.

Teachers cannot see teaching simply as a job. They are being tasked with developing the

future generations. Teaching must be a calling for an individual. They must approach it with

dedication and enthusiasm. They must have a genuine concern and interest in the young
Research Paper 8

children’s success in education. It is very important for these young children to receive attention

to allow for not only their academic growth but also their personal development and ability to

navigate the challenges they will face in the future.

In addition to their nurturing personality, good teachers also have good communication

skills. They should be able to listen to their students’ questions and concerns and be able

to provide constructive feedback. The environment a teacher creates for their students must

make the students feel heard and valued.

As a teacher was once a student, they should also understand that not every student

learns in the same way. Teachers must adapt their class procedures, routines, and teaching to

accommodate those who learn differently from others. For student success, their various

needs need to be met in all ways possible. Teachers have to be able to address the needs of all

their students.


To start a career in teaching, people must meet specific requirements. The most common

of which is to obtain a bachelor's degree. However, in some cases, especially for advanced

positions, a master's degree may be necessary. A higher level of education provides teachers with

the needed knowledge in the fields necessary.

Recommended majors for future teachers can focus on overall education or childhood

development (Indeed). Colleges provide a foundation in teaching methods, curriculum

development, and classroom management. The most important aspects of early childhood

education revolve around a young child’s ability to develop necessary skills of understanding,

social, and emotional.

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Those who intend to teach specific subjects or grades may take a major in the core

classes. The core classes are known as math, science, English, and social studies. This pathway

allows teachers to establish their expertise for the specific subject which they will use to assist

their students.

The college education needed for a teacher can be factual knowledge as well as the

skills needed to handle the growth of children. Depending on the grade intended to be

taught the education pathway may vary. The coursework completed over time to obtain the

degree will help a person in their goal to become a teacher.

Certification may be required by a graduate to be able to teach in public schools. Having

a teaching certification differs from state to state. It would require completing a state-approved

test or program that would expand on their education obtained through college. The

certification will also require to be renewed periodically to keep teachers updated with new

methods and technology.


When choosing a career in teaching the weight of the cost of higher education must be

considered. A college education will include tuition fees, books, and other expenses for studies.

Depending on the program the cost can vary significantly. However, the overall investment for

future teachers is lower compared to more advanced fields.

After college, some teachers who have to obtain a state-approved teaching license or

certification may have additional costs. They may be required to pay for exam fees and

application costs that are needed to maintain proper certification. These fees can add up over

time especially if there is intent to pursue advanced degrees or other specialized certifications.
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When considering the college payoff of teaching it is essential to consider non-financial

factors as well. Teachers are often given benefits such as job stability, retirement plans, types of

health insurance, and dedicated time off during the year. Financial factors can vary depending on

the location, level of education, experience teaching, and what is being taught.

In terms of risk-to-reward ratio, teaching is generally considered a very rewarding career

path in terms of stability and job demands. The need for teachers remains constant, and

educators are typically sought after across multiple grade levels and subject areas. However, the

financial reward can seem disappointing, and teachers may feel challenged with their classes and

responsibilities as educators. Teaching may not be the most profitable career, but a lasting impact

on students and makes it feel like the most rewarding job.

Chapter 3: Personal Assessment

My Skills

Throughout my time at my internship at McClure Middle School, I have learned what

skills of mine are beneficial for being a teacher. Patience is a must-have when in a teaching

position. The whole purpose of a student is to learn and that happens at different paces for each

student. A Teacher must have patience when dealing with students because they all learn and

understand things differently. You as a teacher must be patient and work with them to keep them

at your pace.

My skills of problem-solving, and adaptability is also necessary as a teacher. You will

face challenges with not only your students but also lesson planning and time

management. There can be conflicts between students, with students and their work, and students

and their overall behavior. As a teacher, you must be ready to handle these situations. Depending
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on the severity you may have to rely on not only the higher-ups in the school system but also you

may have to get the students’ parents involved. On the other hand, having to keep an eye out for

yourself, the class may take more days for a topic than planned as a teacher is your job to adapt

and problem-solve so that your students can get all the material they need, keep to the schedule,

and be successful.

I’ve also learned that a teacher needs to be kind and approachable. The students need to

feel comfortable enough to come to you for help or when they have questions. One way to earn

that is through kindness and respect. Treating the students with kindness and respect helps them

know you and trust you. Students being hesitant to approach you is only harmful to their success

and the overall teacher-student relationship.

My Personality

According to the CareerOneStop Interest Assessment, the interest areas I scored the

strongest in were social, artistic, and realistic. Social is the biggest interest that aligns with

the career of being a teacher. The social interest from the interest assessment describes people

with this interest as people who like to counsel and inspire others, share information, help

people, and cooperate in groups. The description of the social interest is very accurate with the

qualities of a teacher. A teacher’s whole job is to help children learn new information and

inspire students to want to continue learning.

One of the other interests, Artistic, is also somewhat similar to the qualities found in a

teacher. The artistic interest is described as people who enjoy, making arts of different kinds,

doing ordinary things in new ways, and designing objects or materials. Throughout my
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internship, I have seen that in activities that are hands-on and often some type of craft, the

students tend to be more engaged. Being able to create such activities is crucial in the classroom.

The least connected to the career is the realistic interest people like to spend time

outdoors, focus on real-world things like plants and animals, take machines apart, and fix things.

Although at first glance it may not seem like any of these descriptions are fitting for a teacher, I

find that the quality of taking things apart and fixing them can be applied to being a teacher.

For teachers to teach concepts they have to break things down for the students so they can piece

them back together to understand them. It’s not physically taking things apart but mentally so

that the processes can be taught and learned.

My Motivation

Throughout all my research on teaching majority of what it entails lines up with

what I would like to do in the future. There are many aspects to a career such as the pay, work

hours, skills, personality, responsibilities, and many more. Many of the aspects I fit the

box for while some seem out of alignment. Overall, the research done has reassured me that this

is a career that could be my future.

Teaching as a career is very stable as there is always a demand for teachers.

Schools are located all over the world so depending on what I require I have flexibility of where

I could go. There is also a lot of flexibility in the actual subjects I could teach, depending on

what schooling I get, and if needed I could always get more, I can direct myself to

teach certain subjects and even grade levels. My mentor, Mrs. Holder, started as an eighth-grade

physical science teacher before moving down to sixth grade to become an earth science teacher.
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Another contributing factor is the non-physical rewards that come out of teaching.

One of the greatest feelings is when hard work pays off and you can see the success of it. When

asked what my mentor believed was most rewarding, she responded with “When the kids

understand something they light up and they are so excited to see you every day” Watching the

students be successful is such a great feeling when the person who helps them succeed. There is

a lot of joy that comes out of teaching. From the ten weeks I spent with my mentor the class had

its moments of seriousness and strictness, but there were more times when everyone was

enjoying the classroom. My interactions with the students left me smiling at the end of every

internship day.

Chapter 4: Productivity

My Project

The overall goal of my project was to make useful materials for my mentor’s classes to

use in the future. The best way to do this was to make a product that she could use to help teach

her students. After some discussion with my mentor, she expressed how for one

topic the students' only assignment is a reading packet with coloring pages at the end to help

express their understanding. During my time at my internship, I got to see them work through

this topic, many of the students didn’t understand the topic after having time to work through the

assignment. My project is a project for the students to do in place of the reading packet so they

can engage with a more interactive and hands-on learning assignment but also comprehend the

necessary information.

My project is a rubric meant to guide the students to make a 3D model of the layers of the

earth. The project is a rubric meant to replace the reading worksheet the students
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would normally have to do. The goal is to get them more engaged in the topic by having them do

a hands-on task. The project will force the kids to think outside the box to create a 3d model

using whatever materials they have. They will learn the layers and their importance by labeling

each with a quick description. The project is something they would be able to complete in a two

to three-class period span.

The rubric is broken down into different parts and overall is to guide the students through

the assignment. The rubric states what task is to be done and the level it is expected to be

done. There are different criteria that it is graded on for example creativeness and neatness. Each

of the criteria will have a breakdown of what is expected to be able to earn the points assigned.

The project is meant to get students, with a hands-on learning style, to understand and engage

with the topic without direct guidance from the teacher. Even though the students weren’t able

to do the project I created, I believe that it will be useful for my mentor to use in her future


Career Connection

Throughout the weeks at the internship and working with my mentor and her students I

have learned a lot about the hard work and dedication it takes to be a teacher. One of the many

things I saw my mentor do with her students were quick projects and activities meant to

accelerate the students' understanding of the topic. As they were working on their assignments, I

could see the look of understanding come across their faces.

Creating lessons, worksheets, projects, tests, quizzes, and other learning materials is a

common practice for a teacher. Tasks like these can become very tedious and time-consuming

for teachers. During my time at my internship, there were days I was tasked with creating
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material for her students to use to study and I was able to see first-hand how tedious these tasks

were. My rubric is one example of the type of material I would have to create as a teacher.

In the end, the project is a great way to get the kids excited and engaged with the

subject. Although some kids will prefer a simple reading and labeling worksheet the rubric

would be an alternative assignment for those who struggle with longer reading assignments.
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Holder (n.d.). Internship Interview. Interview by Chappell. [MP3]. (n.d.). Public school teacher salary in Georgia. Retrieved April 25, 2024, from

Indeed. (2023, March 30). Types of Teaching Degrees.


U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2024, April 17). Occupational Outlook Handbook.

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