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Earth Science Project Rubric

Maya Chappell

Internship/Career Applied Learning Project Conclusion

There are many reasons a person might become a teacher but, in the end, they must The overall goal of my project was to make useful materials for my mentor’s classes Over the course of this semester from both in class research and my time at the
have the mindset of a mentor. A teacher’s job is not simply just to relay information to to use in the future. The best way to do this was to make a product that she could use to internship working with my mentor and her students I have learned a lot about the hard
children. They serve as a guide for children as they grow and learn to live life help teach her students. After some discussion with my mentor, she expressed work and the dedication it takes to be a teacher. I saw firsthand the many responsibilities
independently. A teacher’s job is to positively influence the future generations of the world how for one topic the students' only assignment is a reading packet with coloring pages at of being a teacher. It was incredible to be able to see the behind the scenes that, as a
and encourage sucess. Teachers teach children different knowledge and skills they will the end to help express their understanding. During my time at my internship, I got to see student, you would never see.
need to make it in life. Providing opportunities for children to fail and succeed without the them work through this topic, many of the students didn’t understand the topic after I learned about the teamwork involved in teach from watching Mrs. Holder work
same repercussions they would face when they grow up and are in the real world. having time to work through the assignment. My project is a project for the students to do together with her fellow teachers to problem solve over the course of my internship. As
In the United States, children most often spend ages five through eighteen in in place of the reading packet so they can engage with a more interactive and hands-on much as she works independently, she is also a part of a team. Just like any machine all
school. That is 10 months or roughly 180 days a year, for 13 years. Over time that learning assignment but also comprehend the necessary information. the parts must work together to get things moving. There are days when life happens, and
adds up, to 2,340 out of 6,570 days spent in a classroom. At the end of high school, they This project is important for several reasons. Firstly, it offers students a hands-on teacher must work fast to keep things flowing otherwise things will pile up and become
would have spent 35.62% of their lives attending school. A lot of students will continue to learning experience, which is often more effective than passive methods like reading or more complicated for the students. Mrs. Holder has taught me a teacher's top priority in
attend a higher level of school after high school to further their education. listening. By physically constructing the layers of the Earth, students gain a deeper the classroom is their students’ success and well being.
Teachers are meant to be an influence as they are the building blocks in a student’s understanding of their characteristics and relationships. Additionally, creating a 3D model While working with students, I was able to understand a new point of view that had
success. They help with not only general knowledge but emotional, social, and logical provides a visual representation that enhances comprehension. Seeing the layers not really occurred to me before. I was also able to understand in more depth how the way
knowledge. Without teachers, there would be no one to pass on important knowledge that represented in a tangible form helps students visualize the ideas and grasp information the kids react to a lesson can mean a few things. One, if the student’s seemed confused
cannot be found already written in books. They play a vital role in shaping the future of more easily. Furthermore, designing and constructing the model encourages students to after the description of the lesson, it could be that the lesson was not conveyed in a way
individuals and society would greatly suffer in their absence. express their creativity and problem-solving skills. They must decide how to accurately that was easy to understand. Therefore, one might strive to explain the lesson plan in a
The job of a teacher comes with many responsibilities. They focus on relaying represent each layer using the materials available, fostering critical thinking and different way or take things slower to ensure that all the students understand the lesson.
specific academic knowledge to students in a format that can be understood at innovation. Additionally, students develop research skills as they conduct research to Two, if a student doesn’t understand the lesson, it could also be that they are personally
their specific age. They create lessons, activities, and work that are used to help students learn about the composition, thickness, and characteristics of Earth's layers before lost and could use a bit of extra explanation to help them understand the lesson in more
understand the topic. Teachers also guide students by helping them create essential life constructing the model. Overall, this project provides a dynamic and interactive way for depth. It is part of a teacher's job to be able to recognize when this occurs and guide the
skills such as teamwork, communication, and critical thinking. They are a major support students to explore and understand fundamental concepts about the Earth, laying a solid student in a direction they can understand.
system for student success. foundation for further scientific inquiry and discovery. Similarly, I have also learned that a teacher needs to be kind and approachable. The
At a minimum, a teacher needs a bachelor’s degree from a university (Holder). Creating lessons, worksheets, projects, tests, quizzes, and other learning materials students need to feel comfortable enough to come to you for help or when they
Depending on which grade level they teach they might need a degree in a specific subject. is a common practice for a teacher. Tasks like these can become very tedious and time- have questions. One way to earn that is through kindness and respect. Treating the
After obtaining their degree they may participate in student teaching opportunities before consuming for teachers. During my time at my internship, there were days I was students with kindness and respect helps them know you and trust you. Students being
they become independent teachers. Each state and school may have its requirements for tasked with creating material for her students to use to study and I was able to see first- hesitant to approach you is only harmful to their success and the overall teacher-student
teachers, some of which would include a teaching license or certification. hand how tedious these tasks were. My rubric is one example of the type of material I relationship.
Teachers are found in any type of school. Teachers can be found at would have to create as a teacher. Reading and identifying these two reactions as well as performing this specific form
elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools. Typically, they work with students of student-teacher relations, are only a few of the many skills that I have learned thus far at
from kindergarten through twelfth grade ranging from ages 5 to 18 and are typically small
in numbers. When getting a higher education, the teacher becomes a professor.
Product my internship. I have also learned so many other human mannerisms just by studying Mrs.
Holder’s class. This has helped me strengthen my understanding of social sciences and
Professors deal with a mix of ages in their classes, have more students, and are less Layers of the Earth Model this understanding can help me tremendously in my future internships and careers. These
hands-on with their students. Teachers can also teach virtually to students who do not Students must demonstrate an understanding of the Earth’s Layers through the crea6on
of a 3D model. The model should accurately represent each layer of the Earth and be
Required on Model: social skills will also help me in future careers that involve a group system.
• Crust (Oceanic and Con0nental)
accompanied by a wri?en descrip6on for each layer. These descrip6ons must be wri?en using
or cannot attend an in-person class or school. research done and should include essen6al details such as the composi6on, thickness, and state
• Inner core
• Outer core
In conclusion, this internship has helped me grow in more ways than one. It has
of ma?er of each layer.
The average salary for a kindergarten through twelfth grade teacher in Georgia is Needs
• Upper mantel/ Lithosphere
• Middle mantle/ Asthenosphere
taught me so many new skills as well as help me strengthen the ones I had already
Excellent (4) Good (3) Improvements (2) Not Evident (1) • Lower mantle
$56,035 ( A schoolteacher’s salary has many factors. Things as specific as Earths Layers All layers of the Most layers of Some layers of earth Inaccurate possessed. This was truly and amazing opportunity that I am so lucky to have
Earth are the Earth are are represented, but representa6on Required Labels and Descrip5ons:
location, the grade level taught, how many classes are being taught, and whether the accurately accurately with significant of most layers • Crust (Oceanic and Con0nental) experienced.
represented with represented, but inaccuracies or of the Earth. • Inner core
school is public or private. If the demand for teachers is high the salary might correct one or two missing features • Outer core

propor6ons and layers have • Upper mantle
increase. Also, if the person applying for the job has a higher education, they are worth features are 3D. minor
• Middle mantle
• Lower mantle
more and may have a higher salary. Labels Clear and
accurate labeling
Labels for each
layer are mostly
Labels are present,
but some are
Labels are
missing or
• Lithosphere
• Asthenosphere
• Convec0on Currents
There will always be jobs for teachers for as long as people go to school, they have of each layer with
appropriate 6tles
clear and
accurate but
unclear or
inaccurate, making it
hindering the

a job. The growth and unemployment rates predominantly vary on the number of students and descrip6ons
that clearly
there may be
some minor
difficult to iden6fy
of the model.
Please answer the following ques5ons:
1. What happens to the temperature as we traveled closer to the center of the Earth?
Holder (n.d.). Internship Interview. Interview by Chappell. [MP3]. (n.d.). Public
iden6fy them. errors.
available to attend school in a location. Employment of all elementary, middle, and high Descrip6ons Detailed Descrip6ons Descrip6ons are Descrip6ons
descrip6ons provide basic and lack are missing or 2. What happens to the pressure as we travel down? school teacher salary in Georgia. Retrieved April 25, 2024, from
school teachers is projected to show very little to no change as of 2022-2032, this is due to accompanying adequate sufficient detail or insufficient,
each layer informa6on accuracy. providing li?le
the quick turnover rate (U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics). explaining its about each layer to no
3. What rocks make up most of the Earth’s crust?
a. Oceanic-
composi6on, but may lack informa6on
b. Con0nental-
The skills a teacher requires to be successful include leadership, organization, and characteris6cs,
and significance.
detail or clarity. about the
4. Why do you think the ocean crust contains rocks that are denser than the rocks found on
patience. Teachers oversee many bodies at once which can become overwhelming at Crea6veness/ Crea6ve Some crea6ve Limited crea6vity Lacks land? Indeed. (2023, March 30). Types of Teaching Degrees.
Neatness approach evident elements apparent in the crea6vity.
in the design, incorporated design. Model:
times. They must be able to guide the students but also keep calm and stay in order. If construc6on, and into the model Models: -has no color 5. What makes up the lithosphere?
presenta6on of design. -Lacks color -unreadable
they are not able to the classroom will not be able to properly function. They also must be the layers. Model: -Looks rushed
Model is: -has color -unorganized 6. The plates of the lithosphere move slowly because they float on top of the
forgiving and compassionate. It is part of growing up to make mistakes and it’s a teacher’s -colorful -is readable asthenosphere. Describe how the molten material in the mantle causes this movement U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2024, April 17). Occupational Outlook Handbook.
-neat -somewhat of the lithospheric plates.
job to correct them and help them avoid their mistakes in the future. -organized organized

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