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WEEK 3 TO WEEK 4 regulatory authority, such as the Securities and

II. Regulatory Framework for Auditing in the Exchange Commission (SEC). This process
Philippines involves submitting necessary documentation,
The regulatory framework for auditing in the including details of the firm's structure,
Philippines is primarily governed by the Securities and ownership, qualifications of partners and
Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Board of employees, and compliance with relevant auditing
Accountancy (BOA) under the Professional Regulation standards.
Commission (PRC). Here's a sample outline of the 2. Licensing Requirements: The registration process
regulatory framework for auditing in the Philippines: includes obtaining the necessary licenses to
provide auditing services. The regulatory body,
I. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) such as the Board of Accountancy (BOA), ensures
A. Overview and Role of SEC in Auditing Regulation that the firm's partners and employees are
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) plays a licensed Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) with
vital role in the regulation of auditing in the Philippines. valid and up-to-date credentials.
As the primary regulatory body overseeing capital markets 3. Professional Standards and Quality Control:
and corporate governance, the SEC ensures the credibility Auditing firms are required to demonstrate
and transparency of financial reporting through effective adherence to professional standards, such as the
auditing regulation. Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSAs) and
The SEC's role in auditing regulation includes several key International Standards on Auditing (ISAs). These
aspects: standards ensure that the firm conducts audits in
1. Supervision of Auditing Firms: The SEC is a consistent, transparent, and reliable manner.
responsible for the registration and supervision of 4. Independence and Objectivity: During the
auditing firms operating in the Philippines. It registration process, auditing firms must declare
ensures that these firms comply with professional their independence and objectivity in performing
standards and ethical guidelines while conducting audit engagements. They are expected to maintain
audits. impartiality and avoid any conflicts of interest that
2. Financial Reporting Requirements: The SEC could compromise the integrity of the audit
establishes and enforces financial reporting process.
requirements for publicly listed companies and 5. Continuing Professional Development (CPD):
other entities operating in the capital markets. Auditing firms are encouraged to invest in the
These reporting standards, such as the Philippine professional development of their partners and
Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS), guide employees. Compliance with CPD requirements
auditors in evaluating and ensuring compliance set by the regulatory bodies ensures that auditors
with the relevant accounting principles. stay updated with the latest developments in
3. Enforcement of Auditing Standards: The SEC auditing practices and standards.
enforces auditing standards, such as the 6. Peer Review: As part of the supervision process,
Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSAs) and auditing firms may undergo periodic peer reviews.
International Standards on Auditing (ISAs), to These reviews assess the quality of the firm's audit
maintain consistency and quality in the audit engagements and internal control systems. The
process. Auditors are expected to follow these objective is to identify areas for improvement and
standards when conducting engagements. maintain high-quality auditing services.
4. Code of Ethics: The SEC upholds a Code of Ethics 7. Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement: The
for auditors and accountants to maintain the regulatory bodies regularly monitor auditing firms
highest level of professional conduct and integrity to ensure compliance with the established
in their engagements. This code emphasizes regulations and standards. Any violations or
principles such as independence, objectivity, and discrepancies discovered during inspections may
confidentiality to preserve public trust in the lead to disciplinary actions, such as fines or
auditing profession. license revocation, to uphold the integrity of the
5. Protection of Investor Interests: One of the SEC's audit profession.
primary objectives is to protect investor interests By implementing a robust registration and supervision
and promote investor confidence in the financial process, the regulatory bodies in the Philippines aim to
markets. Effective auditing regulation ensures enhance the overall quality of auditing services, instill
that audited financial statements provide reliable public confidence in financial reporting, and safeguard the
and accurate information to stakeholders. interests of stakeholders in the country's capital markets.
6. Regulatory Enforcement: The SEC has the
authority to enforce auditing regulations and take C. Financial Reporting Requirements for Publicly Listed
disciplinary actions against auditors or auditing Companies
firms found in violation of professional standards Financial reporting requirements for publicly listed
or ethical guidelines. This enforcement companies in the Philippines are stringent and designed to
mechanism acts as a deterrent against non- ensure transparency, accuracy, and comparability of
compliance and strengthens the integrity of the financial information. These requirements are governed by
audit profession. the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and aim
to provide investors and stakeholders with reliable
Overall, the SEC's oversight and regulation of auditing in information for making informed decisions.
the Philippines contribute to the stability and efficiency of Summary of Financial Reporting Requirements for Publicly
the capital markets, safeguarding public interest, and Listed Companies:
promoting confidence in financial reporting. Through its 1. Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS):
proactive approach to auditing regulation, the SEC fosters Publicly listed companies are required to prepare
a climate of trust and transparency, essential for the their financial statements in accordance with the
growth and development of the Philippine economy. Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS).
PFRS is based on the International Financial
B. Registration and Supervision of Auditing Firms Reporting Standards (IFRS) and ensures
The registration and supervision of auditing firms are consistency and comparability of financial
crucial components of the regulatory framework for statements both nationally and internationally.
auditing in the Philippines. The process involves oversight 2. Annual and Interim Financial Statements: Publicly
by regulatory bodies to ensure that auditing firms meet listed companies must prepare and publish
specific criteria, adhere to professional standards, and annual financial statements, including the
maintain ethical conduct in their operations. balance sheet, income statement, statement of
Summary of Registration and Supervision of Auditing changes in equity, and cash flow statement.
Firms: Additionally, they are required to disclose interim
1. Registration Process: Auditing firms wishing to financial statements on a quarterly basis.
operate in the Philippines must undergo a 3. Audited Financial Statements: The financial
registration process with the appropriate statements of publicly listed companies must
undergo an external audit by independent or revocation, depending on the severity of the
external auditors. The auditors' report provides violation.
assurance on the fairness and accuracy of the 5. Investigative Process: The regulatory bodies may
financial statements, enhancing their reliability for initiate investigations based on complaints or
investors and stakeholders. suspicious activities related to auditing
4. Timely Disclosure: Publicly listed companies must engagements. The investigative process aims to
adhere to strict timelines for submitting financial uncover any violations of auditing standards or
reports to the SEC and other regulatory bodies. ethical principles.
Timely disclosure ensures that investors receive 6. Reporting and Public Disclosure: The results of
updated information promptly, enabling them to quality control reviews, investigations, and
make well-informed investment decisions. disciplinary actions are documented and, if
5. Segment Reporting: Publicly listed companies with necessary, disclosed to the public. Public
multiple business segments are required to disclosure reinforces transparency and
provide segment reporting, disclosing financial accountability within the auditing profession.
information for each segment separately. This 7. Continuing Professional Development (CPD): To
facilitates a better understanding of the company's ensure ongoing compliance with standards and
diversified operations. ethical guidelines, CPAs are required to participate
6. Related Party Transactions: Companies must in CPD programs. CPD helps auditors stay
disclose related party transactions, including updated with the latest developments in auditing
those with directors, key management personnel, practices and regulations.
and their relatives. This disclosure ensures 8. Collaboration with Professional Organizations: The
transparency and mitigates potential conflicts of regulatory bodies collaborate with professional
interest. organizations, such as the Philippine Institute of
7. Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A): Certified Public Accountants (PICPA), to promote
Publicly listed companies are encouraged to and enforce professional standards and ethical
include an MD&A section in their financial conduct among auditors.
reports. This narrative provides management's
insights into the financial performance, prospects, Through rigorous enforcement of auditing standards and
and challenges faced by the company. the code of ethics, the regulatory bodies protect the public
8. Corporate Governance Disclosures: Companies are interest, maintain the credibility of financial reporting, and
required to disclose information on their corporate uphold the reputation of the audit profession in the
governance practices, including the composition of Philippines. This commitment to enforcement fosters trust
the board of directors, executive compensation, between auditors, clients, and stakeholders and
and risk management policies. Transparent contributes to the stability and efficiency of the country's
corporate governance practices promote financial markets.
accountability and shareholder confidence.
9. Electronic Filing: The SEC mandates publicly II. Board of Accountancy (BOA)
listed companies to file their financial reports A. Role and Responsibilities of BOA in Auditing
electronically, making them readily accessible to Regulation
the public through the SEC's online platform. The Board of Accountancy (BOA) in the
Philippines plays a pivotal role in the regulation of
By adhering to these financial reporting requirements, auditing and ensuring the competence and ethical
publicly listed companies in the Philippines uphold high conduct of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs).
standards of financial transparency, accountability, and Here's a sample summary of the role and
credibility. These requirements foster investor confidence, responsibilities of BOA in auditing regulation:
attract investments, and contribute to the overall growth
and stability of the capital markets in the country. Summary of Role and Responsibilities of BOA in
Auditing Regulation:
D. Enforcement of Auditing Standards and Code of Ethics
The enforcement of auditing standards and the code of 1. Licensing and Registration: BOA is
ethics is critical to maintain the integrity and credibility of responsible for the licensing and
the audit profession in the Philippines. Regulatory bodies, registration of CPAs in the Philippines. It
such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sets the qualifications and requirements
and the Board of Accountancy (BOA), play key roles in for individuals seeking to become CPAs,
ensuring compliance with these standards and ethical including educational attainment,
guidelines. Here's a sample summary of the enforcement practical experience, and passing the CPA
process: licensure examination.
Summary of Enforcement of Auditing Standards and Code
of Ethics: 2. Continuing Professional Development
1. Regulatory Oversight: The SEC and BOA are (CPD): BOA oversees the CPD program for
responsible for overseeing the auditing profession CPAs, which requires them to undergo
in the Philippines. They set and promulgate continuous training and education to stay
auditing standards, such as the Philippine updated with the latest developments in
Standards on Auditing (PSAs), and the Code of auditing practices, accounting standards,
Ethics for Professional Accountants. and regulatory requirements.
2. Mandatory Compliance: Auditing firms and
Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) are required 3. Development of Auditing Standards: BOA
to adhere to the established auditing standards is involved in the development and
and code of ethics during audit engagements and adoption of auditing standards applicable
other professional activities. in the Philippines. These standards, such
3. Quality Control Review: The regulatory bodies as the Philippine Standards on Auditing
conduct quality control reviews of auditing firms (PSAs), ensure consistency, quality, and
to assess their compliance with auditing transparency in audit engagements.
standards and the code of ethics. These reviews
help identify areas for improvement and ensure 4. Ethics and Professional Conduct: BOA
that audits are conducted in accordance with sets and enforces the Code of Ethics for
professional standards. Professional Accountants, which outlines
4. Disciplinary Actions: In cases of non-compliance the ethical principles and responsibilities
or ethical violations, the regulatory bodies have that CPAs must adhere to in their
the authority to take disciplinary actions against professional practice. This code
auditors or auditing firms. Disciplinary measures emphasizes independence, integrity, and
may include warnings, fines, license suspension, objectivity in auditing engagements.
5. Quality Control Review: BOA conducts continually enhance their knowledge and
quality control reviews of auditing firms to skills and stay up-to-date with the latest
assess their compliance with professional developments in the accounting
standards and ethics. The review process profession.
helps identify areas for improvement and
ensures that audit engagements are 4. Code of Ethics: CPAs are bound by a Code
conducted with competence and diligence. of Ethics for Professional Accountants,
established by the Board of Accountancy.
6. Regulatory Enforcement: BOA has the The code outlines ethical principles and
authority to investigate complaints and responsibilities that CPAs must uphold in
alleged violations of auditing standards or their professional practice, including
ethical guidelines by CPAs. If violations independence, integrity, and
are found, BOA may take disciplinary confidentiality.
actions, including sanctions, fines,
suspension, or revocation of CPA licenses. 5. Regulatory Compliance: The Board of
Accountancy ensures that CPAs comply
7. Collaboration with Professional with the regulatory requirements
Organizations: BOA collaborates with throughout their professional careers.
professional organizations, such as the CPAs are expected to adhere to the
Philippine Institute of Certified Public standards set by BOA and maintain their
Accountants (PICPA), to promote the licenses by fulfilling CPD obligations.
interests of the accounting profession and
align regulatory efforts with industry 6. Disciplinary Actions: In cases of
needs. professional misconduct or violations of
ethical guidelines, the Board of
8. Public Interest Protection: BOA's primary Accountancy has the authority to take
objective is to protect the public interest disciplinary actions against CPAs. These
by upholding high standards of actions may include sanctions, fines,
competence, integrity, and ethics in the suspension, or revocation of their CPA
audit profession. This commitment licenses, depending on the severity of the
ensures that auditors serve as trusted violation.
advisors in financial reporting and
corporate governance. 7. Collaboration with Professional
Organizations: The Board of Accountancy
Through its proactive approach to auditing collaborates with professional
regulation, BOA maintains the integrity and organizations, such as the Philippine
credibility of the CPA profession in the Philippines. Institute of Certified Public Accountants
By setting stringent licensing requirements, (PICPA), to promote the interests of the
enforcing ethical conduct, and fostering accounting profession and align
continuous professional development, BOA regulatory efforts with industry needs.
ensures that CPAs are well-equipped to meet the
challenges of auditing in a dynamic and evolving 8. Public Interest Protection: The licensing
business environment. and regulation of CPAs are designed to
B. Licensing and Regulation of Certified Public protect the public interest by ensuring
Accountants (CPAs) that individuals practicing as CPAs
The licensing and regulation of Certified Public possess the necessary qualifications,
Accountants (CPAs) in the Philippines are skills, and ethical standards to provide
overseen by the Board of Accountancy (BOA). This reliable and competent accounting
regulatory process ensures that CPAs meet services.
specific qualifications, demonstrate competence,
and adhere to ethical standards, thereby By overseeing the licensing and regulation of
upholding the integrity and credibility of the CPAs, the Board of Accountancy plays a crucial
accounting profession. Here's a sample summary role in maintaining the professional standards and
of the licensing and regulation of CPAs: ethical conduct of accountants in the Philippines.
This regulatory oversight enhances the credibility
Summary of Licensing and Regulation of Certified of the accounting profession and fosters public
Public Accountants (CPAs): trust in the financial reporting and assurance
services provided by CPAs.
1. Qualification Requirements: To become a
CPA in the Philippines, individuals must C. Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
meet specific qualification requirements Requirements for CPAs
set by the Board of Accountancy. These Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a
requirements typically include completing vital aspect of the regulatory framework for
a bachelor's degree in accounting or Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) in the
related fields, passing the CPA licensure Philippines. The Board of Accountancy (BOA)
examination, and fulfilling practical requires CPAs to undergo continuous learning and
experience hours. professional development to enhance their
knowledge, skills, and competencies. Here's a
2. CPA Licensure Examination: The CPA sample summary of the CPD requirements for
licensure examination is conducted by the CPAs:
Board of Accountancy. The exam assesses
candidates' knowledge and competency in Summary of Continuing Professional Development
various areas of accounting, auditing, (CPD) Requirements for CPAs:
taxation, and business law. Successful
candidates are granted their CPA licenses, 1. Mandatory CPD Program: The Board of
allowing them to practice as professional Accountancy has implemented a
accountants. mandatory CPD program for all CPAs in
the Philippines. This program is designed
3. Continuing Professional Development to ensure that CPAs continually update
(CPD): After obtaining their CPA licenses, their knowledge and stay abreast of the
CPAs are required to participate in latest developments in accounting,
Continuing Professional Development auditing, taxation, and other relevant
(CPD) programs. CPD ensures that CPAs areas.
enforcement of professional standards and ethics for
2. CPD Credit Units: CPAs are required to CPAs:
earn a specified number of CPD credit Summary of Enforcement of Professional Standards and
units within a defined period to maintain Ethics for CPAs:
their professional licenses. These credit 1. Code of Ethics for CPAs: The Board of
units are earned through attending CPD Accountancy (BOA) has established a
seminars, workshops, conferences, comprehensive Code of Ethics for Professional
training sessions, and other relevant Accountants that outlines the ethical principles
educational activities. and responsibilities expected of CPAs. This code
emphasizes integrity, objectivity, confidentiality,
3. Different CPD Categories: The CPD and professional behavior in all aspects of their
program offers various categories of practice.
learning opportunities, allowing CPAs to 2. Regulatory Oversight: The BOA and the
choose activities that align with their Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) play a
professional interests and areas of key role in regulating and overseeing CPAs'
expertise. These categories may include professional conduct. They are responsible for
technical, ethical, managerial, and other enforcing the Code of Ethics and professional
subjects relevant to the accounting standards established for the accounting
profession. profession.
3. Quality Control Reviews: The regulatory bodies
4. Accredited CPD Providers: The BOA conduct quality control reviews of auditing firms
accredits organizations and institutions as and CPAs to assess their compliance with
CPD providers to ensure the quality and professional standards and ethical guidelines.
relevance of the CPD activities offered to These reviews help identify any deficiencies or
CPAs. Accredited providers offer courses areas for improvement and ensure the delivery of
and programs that meet the standards set high-quality services.
by the BOA. 4. Investigative Process: The BOA and the PRC have
the authority to investigate complaints and
5. Compliance Reporting: CPAs are required reported violations of professional standards and
to document and keep records of their ethics by CPAs. The investigative process aims to
CPD activities, including certificates of uncover any misconduct, breaches of ethics, or
attendance or completion. They must non-compliance with standards.
submit reports of their completed CPD 5. Disciplinary Actions: In cases of proven violations,
credit units to the BOA during the license the regulatory bodies may take disciplinary
renewal process. actions against CPAs. These actions may include
warnings, fines, suspension, or revocation of the
6. Exemptions and Extensions: The BOA CPA license, depending on the gravity of the
may grant exemptions or extensions for offense.
CPD requirements in certain cases, such 6. Public Disclosure: The results of quality control
as medical reasons, military service, or reviews, investigations, and disciplinary actions
other valid reasons that hinder are documented and, if necessary, disclosed to the
compliance. However, CPAs must apply public. Public disclosure reinforces transparency
for exemptions or extensions and provide and accountability within the accounting
necessary documentation. profession.
7. Collaboration with Professional Organizations: The
7. Enforcement and Sanctions: Non- BOA collaborates with professional organizations,
compliance with CPD requirements may such as the Philippine Institute of Certified Public
result in sanctions by the BOA, ranging Accountants (PICPA), to promote and enforce
from warnings to the suspension or professional standards and ethical conduct among
revocation of the CPA license. Strict CPAs.
enforcement of CPD ensures that CPAs 8. Continuing Professional Development (CPD): The
maintain their competence and uphold CPD program also serves as a platform for
professional standards. reinforcing ethical principles and professional
standards. CPAs are encouraged to participate in
8. Professional Growth and Development: CPD activities that address ethical dilemmas and
CPD serves as a platform for CPAs to challenges in their profession.
enhance their skills, broaden their Enforcing professional standards and ethics for CPAs is
knowledge, and acquire new essential to safeguard the public interest, maintain trust
competencies. It helps CPAs remain in the accounting profession, and uphold the credibility of
relevant and competent in a dynamic and financial reporting. The regulatory bodies' commitment to
rapidly changing business environment. robust enforcement fosters accountability, transparency,
and ethical behavior among CPAs, ensuring that they
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is an continue to serve as reliable and trusted financial
integral part of a CPA's professional journey, professionals in the Philippines.
ensuring that they remain well-informed,
adaptable, and proficient in their roles. By III. Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS)
participating in CPD activities, CPAs continually A. Adoption and Application of PFRS
enhance their value as trusted financial
professionals, contributing to the overall growth The adoption and application of the Philippine
and credibility of the accounting profession in the Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS) is a
Philippines. significant milestone in the accounting and
financial reporting practices of companies in the
D. Enforcement of Professional Standards and Ethics for
CPAs Philippines. PFRS aligns the country's accounting
The enforcement of professional standards and ethics is a standards with the International Financial
crucial aspect of maintaining the integrity and credibility Reporting Standards (IFRS), promoting
of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) in the Philippines. consistency, comparability, and transparency in
Regulatory bodies, such as the Board of Accountancy financial reporting. Here's a sample summary of
(BOA) and the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), the adoption and application of PFRS:
are responsible for overseeing and enforcing these
Summary of Adoption and Application of
standards to ensure CPAs' adherence to ethical principles
and professional conduct. Here's a sample summary of the Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS):
1. Convergence with IFRS: The Philippine Financial summary of the role of auditors in ensuring
Reporting Standards (PFRS) were introduced to compliance with PFRS:
converge with the International Financial Summary of the Role of Auditors in Ensuring
Reporting Standards (IFRS). This convergence Compliance with Philippine Financial Reporting
aimed to enhance the credibility of financial Standards (PFRS):
reporting in the Philippines and facilitate cross- 1. Conducting Audits: Auditors are engaged by
border investment and comparison of financial companies to perform financial statement audits.
information globally. During these audits, auditors review and examine
2. Adoption Timeline: The adoption of PFRS occurred the financial records, transactions, and
in several phases, with the full adoption completed accounting practices of the entity to ensure
over a specific timeline. Companies were required compliance with PFRS.
to transition from the previous accounting 2. Evaluating Accounting Policies: Auditors assess
standards (Philippine Generally Accepted whether the entity's accounting policies are in
Accounting Principles or P-GAAP) to PFRS. accordance with the relevant PFRS requirements.
3. Financial Statement Presentation: PFRS outlines They verify that the selected accounting policies
the framework for the preparation and are applied consistently and result in accurate
presentation of financial statements. It provides financial reporting.
guidance on the format, content, and classification 3. Fair Value Assessments: When financial
of financial information to ensure consistency and instruments or assets are measured at fair value
comparability across entities. under PFRS, auditors evaluate the entity's fair
4. Accounting Policies: PFRS sets out the principles value assessments to ensure they are based on
and requirements for selecting and applying reliable and relevant information.
accounting policies. Entities must use judgment 4. Disclosure Verification: Auditors verify the
in applying these policies to present financial adequacy and accuracy of the disclosures made by
information that faithfully represents their the entity in its financial statements as required
financial position, performance, and cash flows. by PFRS. They ensure that all material
5. Fair Value Measurement: PFRS introduces the information is properly disclosed for stakeholders'
concept of fair value measurement for certain understanding.
assets, liabilities, and financial instruments. Fair 5. Assessment of Financial Statement Presentation:
value measurement enhances the relevance of Auditors evaluate the overall presentation of the
financial information and reflects market-based financial statements to confirm that they conform
values. to the prescribed formats and classifications
6. Disclosure Requirements: PFRS includes under PFRS.
comprehensive disclosure requirements, ensuring 6. Going Concern Assumption: Auditors assess
that entities provide sufficient and relevant whether the entity's financial statements are
information to users of financial statements. prepared on a going concern basis, as required by
These disclosures help stakeholders understand PFRS. They evaluate the entity's ability to
the company's financial position, performance, continue its operations for the foreseeable future.
and risks. 7. Auditor's Report: After completing the audit, the
7. Impact on Businesses: The adoption of PFRS auditor issues an audit report expressing their
required companies to undertake significant professional opinion on the fairness of the
changes in their accounting policies, systems, and financial statements in accordance with PFRS.
reporting processes. This transition involved The audit report provides stakeholders with
extensive training and adjustments to ensure assurance on the reliability of the financial
compliance with the new standards. information.
8. Continuing Updates and Amendments: PFRS is 8. Communication with Management and Audit
subject to updates and amendments to keep pace Committee: Throughout the audit process,
with changes in the global accounting landscape. auditors maintain communication with
Companies are required to stay informed about management and the audit committee to address
these updates and incorporate them into their any identified issues and provide
financial reporting. recommendations for improvement.
The adoption and application of PFRS in the 9. Ethical Considerations: Auditors adhere to a strict
Philippines have improved the quality and code of ethics, including independence, objectivity,
reliability of financial reporting, providing and confidentiality, while performing their audit
stakeholders with more meaningful and engagements to maintain the integrity and
comparable information. By aligning with credibility of their work.
international accounting standards, PFRS has By diligently fulfilling their role, auditors
enhanced the country's attractiveness to global contribute to the trust and confidence that
investors and strengthened its position in the stakeholders place in financial reporting. Their
international business community. independent and objective assessments help
ensure that entities comply with PFRS, enabling
B. Role of Auditors in Ensuring Compliance with stakeholders to make informed decisions based on
PFRS reliable financial information.

The role of auditors in ensuring compliance with

C. Reporting Requirements for Auditors under PFRS
the Philippine Financial Reporting Standards
(PFRS) is critical in maintaining the credibility and Under the Philippine Financial Reporting
reliability of financial statements. Auditors play a Standards (PFRS), auditors have specific reporting
fundamental role in assessing whether entities' requirements to communicate the results of their
financial statements conform to the prescribed audits and provide assurance on the fairness of
accounting standards and provide assurance to the financial statements. These reporting
stakeholders on the accuracy and fairness of the requirements are designed to enhance
reported financial information. Here's a sample transparency and accountability in financial
reporting. Here's a sample summary of the The Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSAs) are a
reporting requirements for auditors under PFRS: set of guidelines and principles that govern the
Summary of Reporting Requirements for Auditors conduct of audits in the Philippines. Issued by the
under Philippine Financial Reporting Standards Auditing Standards and Practices Council (ASPC),
(PFRS): these standards ensure consistency, quality, and
1. Auditor's Report: The primary reporting uniformity in the audit process, and they are
requirement for auditors under PFRS is the closely aligned with the International Standards
issuance of the Auditor's Report. This report on Auditing (ISAs). Here's a sample summary of
provides an independent and professional opinion the Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSAs):
on the fairness and reliability of the financial Summary of Philippine Standards on Auditing
statements prepared by the entity. (PSAs):
2. Expression of Opinion: In the Auditor's Report, 1. Purpose and Scope: The PSAs provide
auditors express their opinion on whether the comprehensive guidance to auditors on the
financial statements present fairly, in all material principles, procedures, and responsibilities
respects, the financial position, results of involved in conducting audits of financial
operations, and cash flows in accordance with statements. The standards outline the auditor's
PFRS. The opinion is either an unqualified opinion responsibilities, objectives, and procedures to
(clean opinion), qualified opinion (with exceptions), obtain reasonable assurance about the financial
adverse opinion (materially misstated), or statements' reliability.
disclaimer of opinion (unable to express an 2. Alignment with International Standards: The PSAs
opinion). are closely aligned with the International
3. Key Audit Matters (KAMs): For audits of listed Standards on Auditing (ISAs), issued by the
entities or other entities required by law or International Auditing and Assurance Standards
regulation, the Auditor's Report may include Key Board (IAASB). This alignment ensures
Audit Matters (KAMs). KAMs are significant consistency in auditing practices globally and
matters that the auditor considers most critical enhances the credibility of Philippine audits on
during the audit and require additional the international stage.
communication to stakeholders. 3. Structure and Format: The PSAs are organized in
4. Basis for Opinion: The Auditor's Report explains a logical sequence, addressing various aspects of
the basis for the auditor's opinion, including the the audit process, from planning to reporting.
audit procedures performed, the assessment of Each standard has a specific number and title,
accounting policies and estimates, and any making it easy to reference and apply in practice.
limitations encountered during the audit. 4. Fundamental Principles: The PSAs are
5. Emphasis of Matter: If auditors believe that underpinned by fundamental principles, including
certain matters warrant emphasis, but do not integrity, objectivity, professional competence and
affect the opinion, they may include an Emphasis due care, confidentiality, and professional
of Matter paragraph in the report. This draws behavior. These principles guide auditors in
stakeholders' attention to specific items in the maintaining ethical conduct and providing reliable
financial statements. audit services.
6. Other Reporting Obligations: In certain 5. Risk Assessment: The PSAs emphasize the
circumstances, auditors may be required to issue importance of risk assessment in audit planning.
special reports on other financial information, Auditors are required to understand the entity's
such as reports on condensed financial business and environment, identify and assess
statements or reports on specific engagements, as risks, and design appropriate audit procedures to
per applicable laws or regulations. address those risks effectively.
7. Compliance with International Standards on 6. Audit Evidence: The PSAs provide guidance on
Auditing (ISAs): Auditors are required to comply obtaining sufficient and appropriate audit
with the International Standards on Auditing evidence to support the auditor's conclusions and
(ISAs) when conducting their audit engagements. opinions. Auditors use various audit procedures,
Compliance with ISAs ensures consistency and such as inspection, observation, inquiry, and
quality in audit procedures and reporting. confirmation, to gather evidence.
8. Timeliness and Format: The Auditor's Report is 7. Documentation: The PSAs require auditors to
typically included in the entity's annual financial maintain detailed and organized audit
statements. It must be issued within a reasonable documentation, providing a record of the audit
timeframe after the completion of the audit. The work performed and the evidence obtained. This
report follows a standardized format as prescribed documentation supports the auditor's conclusions
by auditing standards. and serves as a reference for future audits.
The Auditor's Report serves as a crucial 8. Reporting: The PSAs set out the requirements for
communication tool between auditors and the auditor's report, including the format, content,
stakeholders, providing assurance of the reliability and expression of opinion. The report
of financial statements and enhancing confidence communicates the auditor's findings and opinion
in the entity's financial reporting. Through their on the fairness of the financial statements.
comprehensive and transparent reporting, By adhering to the Philippine Standards on
auditors play a vital role in upholding the Auditing (PSAs), auditors in the Philippines
credibility and integrity of financial information uphold a consistent and robust approach to
prepared under PFRS. conducting audits. The standards promote
transparency, accountability, and reliability in the
audit process, ensuring that financial statement
IV. Auditing Standards and Practices users can have confidence in the information
presented in audited financial statements.
A. Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSAs)
B. Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) in
the Philippines
C. International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and
In the Philippines, Generally Accepted Auditing Their Application in the Country
Standards (GAAS) are a set of principles and
guidelines that auditors follow when conducting The International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) are
audits of financial statements. These standards a set of globally recognized auditing standards
are issued by the Auditing Standards and issued by the International Auditing and
Practices Council (ASPC) and serve as the Assurance Standards Board (IAASB). These
foundation for the audit process, ensuring standards serve as a foundation for high-quality
consistency, quality, and professionalism in audit and consistent audit practices worldwide. In the
engagements. Here's a sample summary of the Philippines, the application of ISAs is essential in
Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) in ensuring that audits meet international
the Philippines: benchmarks and align with best practices. Here's
Summary of Generally Accepted Auditing a sample summary of the International Standards
Standards (GAAS) in the Philippines: on Auditing (ISAs) and their application in the
1. Purpose and Scope: Generally Accepted Auditing country:
Standards (GAAS) provide a framework for Summary of International Standards on Auditing
auditors to plan, perform, and report on financial (ISAs) and Their Application in the Philippines:
statement audits. These standards define the 1. Global Recognition: The International Standards
objectives of the audit and the auditor's on Auditing (ISAs) are widely accepted and
responsibilities in obtaining reasonable assurance recognized as the benchmark for auditing
about the financial statements' reliability. practices worldwide. The adoption of ISAs
2. Professional Competence: GAAS requires auditors enhances the credibility and quality of audit
to possess the necessary professional competence, engagements in the Philippines by aligning them
knowledge, and skills to perform audits effectively. with global standards.
Auditors are expected to have a thorough 2. Issuance and Updates: The International Auditing
understanding of accounting principles, auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) issues
standards, and relevant laws and regulations. and updates the ISAs regularly to address
3. Independence and Objectivity: GAAS emphasizes emerging challenges and changes in the business
the importance of auditor independence and environment. These updates ensure that auditors
objectivity. Auditors must maintain an in the Philippines are equipped to deal with
independent attitude and avoid any conflicts of contemporary audit issues.
interest that could compromise their impartiality 3. Adoption in the Philippines: The Philippine
in conducting the audit. Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA)
4. Planning and Supervision: GAAS requires auditors has adopted the ISAs as the basis for auditing
to plan the audit engagement carefully, including practices in the country. This adoption reflects the
assessing risks, establishing audit objectives, and commitment of the accounting profession in the
determining the audit approach. Adequate Philippines to adhere to internationally recognized
supervision ensures that audit procedures are audit standards.
performed with due care and consistency. 4. Application to All Audit Engagements: The ISAs
5. Audit Evidence: GAAS emphasizes the need for apply to all types of audit engagements, including
auditors to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit financial statement audits, internal audits, and
evidence to support their conclusions and other assurance engagements. By applying the
opinions on the financial statements. Auditors use ISAs, auditors ensure a systematic and consistent
a combination of tests and procedures to gather approach to their work.
relevant evidence. 5. Enhancing Audit Quality: The application of ISAs
6. Documentation: GAAS mandates auditors to in the Philippines helps enhance the quality of
maintain comprehensive audit documentation, audit engagements. Auditors follow the prescribed
recording the audit work performed, the evidence methodologies and procedures, ensuring a
obtained, and the conclusions reached. These comprehensive and robust examination of
audit files serve as a record of the audit and financial statements and relevant information.
facilitate review by supervisors or other auditors. 6. Focus on Risk Assessment: ISAs place significant
7. Reporting: GAAS sets out the requirements for the emphasis on risk assessment in the audit process.
auditor's report, which includes the expression of Auditors in the Philippines are required to
the auditor's opinion on the fairness of the understand the entity's operations, identify and
financial statements. The report communicates assess risks, and design audit procedures to
the auditor's findings and conclusions to the users address these risks effectively.
of the financial statements. 7. Communication of Findings: ISAs emphasize clear
8. Quality Control: GAAS stresses the importance of and transparent communication of audit findings.
maintaining an effective system of quality control The auditor's report provides stakeholders with
within the audit firm. Quality control procedures meaningful insights into the financial statements,
ensure that audits are conducted in accordance highlighting key audit matters and any material
with professional standards and that audit uncertainties.
engagements meet the required level of quality 8. Continuous Professional Development: The
and competence. application of ISAs requires auditors to stay
By adhering to the Generally Accepted Auditing informed about updates and developments in the
Standards (GAAS), auditors in the Philippines standards. Continuous professional development
uphold the integrity and credibility of the audit ensures that auditors in the Philippines are well-
profession. These standards provide a systematic equipped to apply the latest standards in their
and reliable approach to auditing, ensuring that engagements.
financial statement users can have confidence in The application of the International Standards on
the accuracy and reliability of the information Auditing (ISAs) in the Philippines underscores the
presented in audited financial statements. country's commitment to maintaining high-quality
and internationally recognized audit practices. By
adhering to these standards, auditors uphold the sample summary of the ethical principles and
credibility and reliability of financial reporting, responsibilities of auditors:
thereby fostering trust among stakeholders and Summary of Ethical Principles and Responsibilities of
contributing to the overall growth and stability of
1. Integrity: Auditors must demonstrate honesty,
the business environment. truthfulness, and ethical behavior in all aspects of
their work. They should be fair and
straightforward, avoiding any actions that could
V. Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants compromise their professional integrity.
A. Overview of the Code of Ethics for CPAs 2. Objectivity: Auditors must maintain an impartial
and unbiased mindset when conducting audits.
The Code of Ethics for Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) They should not allow personal or financial
is a fundamental set of ethical guidelines that govern the interests, relationships, or external pressures to
professional conduct of CPAs in their practice. Issued by influence their professional judgments.
the Professional Regulatory Board of Accountancy and the 3. Professional Competence and Due Care: Auditors
Professional Regulation Commission in the Philippines, are responsible for possessing the necessary
the Code of Ethics sets out the principles and knowledge, skills, and expertise to perform audits
responsibilities that CPAs must adhere to in their effectively. They must continuously update their
professional roles. Here's a sample summary of the professional knowledge and exercise due care in
overview of the Code of Ethics for CPAs: executing their audit procedures.
1. Fundamental Principles: The Code of Ethics for 4. Confidentiality: Auditors are entrusted with
CPAs is underpinned by fundamental principles sensitive financial information during the course
that guide their behavior and decision-making. of their work. They must respect the
These principles include integrity, objectivity, confidentiality of this information and refrain from
professional competence and due care, disclosing it to unauthorized individuals or
confidentiality, and professional behavior. organizations, except where required by law or
2. Integrity: CPAs are expected to be honest and with proper authority.
straightforward in all professional and business 5. Independence: Auditors must maintain
relationships. They must maintain their integrity independence in appearance and fact when
and avoid any act or omission that could discredit conducting audit engagements. They should avoid
the profession. any financial, personal, or other relationships that
3. Objectivity: CPAs must remain impartial and could compromise their objectivity.
unbiased in their judgments, ensuring that their 6. Professional Behavior: Auditors are
professional decisions are not influenced by representatives of the accounting profession and
personal interests or external pressures. must conduct themselves in a manner that
4. Professional Competence and Due Care: CPAs are upholds the reputation and credibility of the
required to maintain professional competence and profession. They should comply with applicable
continually develop their knowledge and skills. laws, regulations, and professional standards.
They must perform their duties with due care, 7. Responsibility to the Public Interest: Auditors have
diligence, and thoroughness. a responsibility to act in the public interest by
5. Confidentiality: CPAs must respect the ensuring the accuracy and reliability of financial
confidentiality of information acquired during the information. Their work directly impacts the
course of their work. They are obligated to disclose stakeholders' confidence in financial reporting.
such information only when required by law or 8. Communication and Transparency: Auditors
with proper authority. should communicate with stakeholders clearly
6. Professional Behavior: CPAs are expected to act in and transparently, providing meaningful insights
a manner consistent with the reputation of the into the audit process, findings, and any material
accounting profession. They must uphold the issues identified during the audit.
highest standards of professional behavior and 9. Ethical Dilemmas: Auditors may encounter ethical
promote trust and confidence in their services. dilemmas in their work. When faced with such
7. Independence: Independence is a critical aspect of situations, they should carefully assess the ethical
the Code of Ethics. CPAs must avoid any financial implications and make decisions that prioritize the
or other relationship that could compromise their public interest and their professional
independence in performing audit and assurance responsibilities.
engagements. 10. Continuing Professional Development: Auditors
8. Application to Different Services: The Code of are encouraged to pursue continuous professional
Ethics applies to CPAs across various services, development to enhance their knowledge and
including audit, assurance, taxation, advisory, skills, ensuring that they remain competent and
and consultancy. It ensures a consistent ethical informed about evolving auditing standards and
framework for all professional activities. ethical considerations.
9. Continuing Professional Development: CPAs are
encouraged to pursue continuous professional By adhering to these ethical principles and
development to stay updated with changes in responsibilities, auditors demonstrate their commitment to
accounting standards, laws, and regulations, upholding the highest standards of professional conduct
ensuring that they remain competent and capable and promoting trust and confidence in the financial
of upholding the Code of Ethics. reporting process. The ethical conduct of auditors is vital
in safeguarding the interests of stakeholders and
The Code of Ethics for CPAs serves as a guiding framework maintaining the credibility of the accounting profession.
for professional conduct, reinforcing the profession's
commitment to ethical behavior, transparency, and D. Independence and Objectivity in Auditing
accountability. By adhering to the principles outlined in
the Code, CPAs in the Philippines maintain public trust Independence and objectivity are two fundamental
and confidence, contributing to the reputation and principles that lie at the core of auditing. These
integrity of the accounting profession as a whole.
principles ensure that auditors maintain an
B. Ethical Principles and Responsibilities of Auditors unbiased and impartial mindset throughout the
audit process, thereby enhancing the credibility
The ethical principles and responsibilities of auditors form and reliability of audit engagements. Here's a
the foundation of their professional conduct and guide sample summary of the importance of
their behavior throughout the audit process. Upholding independence and objectivity in auditing:
these principles is essential in ensuring the integrity,
Summary of Independence and Objectivity in
objectivity, and reliability of audit engagements. Here's a
1. Independence: Independence is a critical ethical Audit quality is a crucial aspect of ensuring the
principle that requires auditors to maintain an credibility and reliability of financial reporting. It
impartial and unbiased attitude when conducting plays a fundamental role in safeguarding the
audit engagements. Auditors should be free from interests of stakeholders and promoting
any financial or non-financial relationships that transparency and accountability in financial
could compromise their ability to exercise statements. Here's a sample summary of the
professional judgment objectively. importance of audit quality in ensuring financial
2. Importance of Independence: Independence is vital reporting credibility:
in auditing because it provides stakeholders, Summary of the Importance of Audit Quality in
including investors, creditors, and the public, with Ensuring Financial Reporting Credibility:
confidence in the reliability of the audited 1. Stakeholder Confidence: High-quality audits
financial statements. It ensures that auditors' enhance stakeholders' confidence in the accuracy
opinions are not influenced by personal or and fairness of financial statements. When
financial interests, safeguarding the integrity of financial reporting is supported by a rigorous and
the audit process. thorough audit, stakeholders can rely on the
3. External and Internal Independence: Auditors information to make informed decisions.
need to maintain both external independence (in 2. Independent Verification: Audits provide
appearance and fact) and internal independence independent and objective verification of the
(mental attitude). External independence assures financial information presented in the financial
stakeholders that auditors are free from any statements. This independent scrutiny ensures
relationships that could impair their objectivity. that the financial reporting is free from material
Internal independence ensures that auditors misstatements or inaccuracies.
remain impartial and make unbiased judgments 3. Detection of Misstatements: High-quality audits
during the audit. are designed to detect material misstatements,
4. Threats to Independence: There are various whether due to error or fraud. The auditor's
threats to auditor independence, such as self- examination of the underlying records,
interest threats (financial interests), self-review transactions, and internal controls helps uncover
threats (auditing one's own work), advocacy any discrepancies and ensures that they are
threats (promoting a client's position), familiarity appropriately addressed.
threats (close relationships with clients), and 4. Compliance with Standards: Quality audits adhere
intimidation threats (coercive influence). Auditors to professional standards, such as the Philippine
must identify and address these threats to Standards on Auditing (PSAs) or the International
maintain their independence effectively. Standards on Auditing (ISAs). Compliance with
5. Objectivity: Objectivity is closely linked to these standards ensures consistency and
independence and requires auditors to approach uniformity in the audit process.
their work with an unbiased and neutral mindset. 5. Assurance to Investors and Creditors: Investors
Auditors should base their professional judgments and creditors rely on audited financial statements
solely on the audit evidence and avoid being to assess the financial health and performance of
influenced by personal or external factors. a company. A high-quality audit provides
6. Enhancing Objectivity: Objectivity is strengthened assurance that the financial information is
through robust audit planning, conducting accurate and trustworthy.
thorough and independent assessments, and 6. Protection of Public Interest: The credibility of
considering alternative explanations when financial reporting is essential to protect the
evaluating audit evidence. Documentation of the public interest. Reliable financial information
audit process and findings also reinforces the enables regulators, policymakers, and the public
objectivity of the auditor's conclusions. to monitor businesses, make informed decisions,
7. Impact on Audit Quality: Independence and and maintain market integrity.
objectivity significantly impact the quality and 7. Confidence in Capital Markets: High-quality
reliability of audit engagements. When auditors audits contribute to confidence in capital markets.
are independent and objective, they are more When investors have faith in the accuracy of
likely to detect material misstatements and financial reporting, they are more willing to invest,
provide accurate assessments of the financial fostering a healthy and thriving investment
statements' fairness. climate.
8. Regulatory Oversight: Professional standards, 8. Reduction of Information Asymmetry: Audit
such as the Philippine Standards on Auditing quality helps reduce information asymmetry
(PSAs) and the International Standards on between company management and external
Auditing (ISAs), emphasize the importance of stakeholders. By providing an independent
independence and objectivity. Regulatory bodies assessment of financial information, audits level
closely monitor compliance with these principles the playing field and ensure that stakeholders
to maintain the integrity of the auditing have access to reliable information.
profession. 9. Enhancing Corporate Governance: Quality audits
By upholding the principles of independence and play a significant role in strengthening corporate
objectivity, auditors play a crucial role in governance practices. A robust audit process
enhancing trust and credibility in the financial ensures that management is accountable for the
reporting process. These principles safeguard financial information they present to stakeholders.
stakeholders' interests, promote transparency, 10. Mitigating Fraud and Mismanagement: Through
and ensure that financial information is presented thorough examination and scrutiny, high-quality
accurately and fairly. audits act as a deterrent against fraudulent
activities and mismanagement. Audits hold
VI. Audit Quality and Peer Review management accountable and foster an
A. Importance of Audit Quality in Ensuring Financial environment of integrity and ethical behavior.
Reporting Credibility
Overall, audit quality is paramount in ensuring can contribute to the continuous development and
the credibility and integrity of financial reporting. improvement of auditing standards and
It instills confidence in stakeholders, supports guidelines.
market efficiency, and fosters a business In conclusion, peer review plays a vital role in
environment built on transparency and trust. By assessing and enhancing audit quality. Through
upholding audit quality, auditors contribute to the independent evaluation and feedback, it
overall health and stability of the financial contributes to the overall improvement of auditing
ecosystem. practices, instills confidence in the profession, and
reinforces the commitment of audit firms to
maintaining the highest standards of quality and
B. Role of Peer Review in Assessing Audit Quality
C. Compliance Requirements for Peer Review of
Peer review plays a crucial role in assessing audit Auditing Firms
quality and ensuring that auditing firms adhere to
the highest professional standards. It involves the Compliance requirements for peer review of
evaluation of an audit firm's policies, procedures, auditing firms are essential to ensure that audit
and practices by independent peers to identify practices meet high-quality standards and adhere
areas of improvement and ensure compliance with to the prescribed auditing procedures. The peer
auditing standards. Here's a sample summary of review process involves a comprehensive
the role of peer review in assessing audit quality: evaluation of an audit firm's policies, procedures,
Summary of the Role of Peer Review in Assessing and practices by independent peers. Here's a
Audit Quality: sample summary of the compliance requirements
1. Evaluation of Compliance: Peer review assesses for peer review of auditing firms:
whether an audit firm complies with relevant Summary of Compliance Requirements for Peer
professional standards, such as the Philippine Review of Auditing Firms:
Standards on Auditing (PSAs) or the International 1. Mandatory Peer Review: In many jurisdictions,
Standards on Auditing (ISAs). The review peer review is a mandatory requirement for audit
evaluates the firm's practices to ensure they align firms that perform attest and assurance
with the prescribed auditing procedures. engagements. Regulators and professional bodies
2. Independent Assessment: Peer review involves a impose this requirement to enhance audit quality
comprehensive and objective evaluation conducted and maintain the credibility of the profession.
by auditors external to the reviewed firm. This 2. Frequency of Reviews: The frequency of peer
independent assessment ensures a fair and reviews varies depending on the jurisdiction and
impartial evaluation of the audit quality. the size of the audit firm. Large firms typically
3. Continuous Improvement: Peer review serves as a undergo peer reviews more frequently than
mechanism for continuous improvement in audit smaller firms. Common review cycles include
quality. The feedback and recommendations triennial, biennial, or annual intervals.
provided by peer reviewers enable the audit firm to 3. Qualified Reviewers: Peer reviewers must be
enhance its procedures and address any identified qualified and experienced auditors external to the
weaknesses. firm being reviewed. They should possess the
4. Identification of Best Practices: Peer review offers necessary expertise to conduct a thorough and
an opportunity for audit firms to learn from each unbiased evaluation of the audit firm's practices.
other. Best practices observed during the review 4. Scope of Review: The scope of the peer review
can be shared and adopted, leading to overall encompasses various aspects of the audit firm's
improvements in the quality of audits. operations, including audit engagements, quality
5. Enhancing Public Confidence: The peer review control processes, compliance with professional
process enhances public confidence in the standards, and adherence to ethical principles.
auditing profession. It demonstrates that audit 5. Risk-Based Approach: Peer reviews are often risk-
firms are committed to upholding high-quality based, focusing on areas that have a higher
standards and are accountable for the quality of impact on audit quality and risk mitigation. The
their work. review assesses the firm's ability to identify and
6. Risk-Based Approach: Peer review is typically risk- address risks effectively.
based, focusing on areas that are more likely to 6. Confidentiality and Independence: Peer review
impact audit quality. This approach allows for a procedures must maintain strict confidentiality to
targeted evaluation of critical aspects of the firm's protect sensitive information about the audit
auditing practices. firm's clients. Reviewers must also maintain their
7. Feedback and Recommendations: Following the independence to ensure an objective evaluation.
review, the firm receives constructive feedback 7. Documentation: Both the reviewed firm and the
and recommendations to strengthen their audit peer reviewers must maintain detailed
processes. This feedback helps identify areas for documentation of the peer review process. This
improvement and provides guidance on enhancing includes the review plan, workpapers, findings,
audit quality. and recommendations.
8. Compliance with Regulatory Requirements: In 8. Remediation and Follow-up: If any deficiencies or
some jurisdictions, peer review is mandatory for areas for improvement are identified during the
audit firms to maintain their licensure or peer review, the audit firm is expected to take
registration. Compliance with peer review corrective actions. The firm may also be subject to
requirements demonstrates the firm's commitment follow-up procedures to ensure compliance with
to meeting regulatory expectations and ensuring the recommendations.
audit quality. 9. Reporting: Following the completion of the peer
9. Strengthening Professional Standards: The peer review, a report is issued, summarizing the
review process can help identify potential gaps or findings and conclusions. The report may include
challenges in auditing standards. Such insights
recommendations for improvement and highlight  Licensure and Registration of CPAs: The BOA
areas of strength in the firm's audit practices. conducts the licensure examinations for aspiring
10. Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with peer CPAs and issues certificates to those who meet the
review requirements is often a condition for qualification requirements. It also registers
maintaining the audit firm's licensure or accountancy firms in compliance with relevant
registration with regulatory bodies or professional laws and regulations.
associations.  Adoption of Standards: The BOA adopts and
By complying with the peer review requirements, implements accounting and auditing standards,
auditing firms demonstrate their commitment to including the Philippine Standards on Auditing
upholding high-quality standards, continuously (PSAs) and Philippine Financial Reporting
improving their audit practices, and enhancing Standards (PFRS), to ensure uniformity and
public confidence in the reliability of their audit consistency in financial reporting and auditing
engagements. Peer review is an integral part of the practices.
quality assurance process, supporting the
 Ethical Oversight: The BOA enforces the Code of
integrity and professionalism of the auditing
Ethics for CPAs, ensuring that all practitioners
adhere to the highest ethical principles and
professional conduct in their work.
VII. Regulatory Enforcement and Disciplinary Actions  Investigation and Disciplinary Actions: The BOA
A. Role of SEC and BOA in Regulatory Enforcement investigates complaints against CPAs or
accountancy firms and, when necessary, takes
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) disciplinary actions against those found to be in
and the Board of Accountancy (BOA) play critical violation of professional standards or ethical
roles in regulatory enforcement to maintain principles.
integrity, transparency, and compliance within the By fulfilling their respective roles, the SEC and
financial and accounting sectors in the BOA contribute to the stability and credibility of
Philippines. Both regulatory bodies have distinct the financial and accounting sectors in the
responsibilities that contributethe to effective Philippines. Their regulatory enforcement efforts
enforcement of rules and regulations. Here's a foster public trust, protect investor interests, and
sample summary of the role of SEC and BOA in uphold the integrity of financial reporting and
regulatory enforcement: auditing practices.
Summary of the Role of SEC and BOA in
Regulatory Enforcement: B. Disciplinary Actions and Sanctions for Non-
1. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): compliance with Auditing Standards and Ethics
 Oversight of Capital Markets: The SEC is primarily
Disciplinary actions and sanctions for non-
responsible for regulating and supervising the
compliance with auditing standards and ethics are
Philippine capital markets. It ensures that entities
essential mechanisms to uphold the integrity and
involved in securities transactions, including
credibility of the auditing profession. Both
listed companies, investment banks, and
regulatory bodies and professional associations
brokerage firms, comply with securities laws and
have the authority to take disciplinary actions
protect investors' interests.
against auditors or audit firms that fail to adhere
 Registration and Approval: The SEC reviews and
to the prescribed standards and ethical principles.
approves the registration of securities, such as
Here's a sample summary of disciplinary actions
stocks and bonds, to ensure that issuers provide
and sanctions for non-compliance with auditing
accurate and complete information to potential
standards and ethics:
Summary of Disciplinary Actions and Sanctions
 Enforcement of Securities Laws: The SEC enforces for Non-compliance with Auditing Standards and
the Securities Regulation Code (SRC) and other Ethics:
related laws. It investigates and takes legal actions 1. Regulatory Enforcement by SEC and BOA:
against individuals or entities engaged in
 Warning Letters: In cases of minor violations,
fraudulent practices, insider trading, or market
regulatory bodies like the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) and the Board of Accountancy
 Corporate Governance: The SEC promotes good (BOA) may issue warning letters to auditors or
corporate governance practices and requires audit firms. These letters serve as a notice to
companies to disclose relevant information to rectify the non-compliance and act as a first step
shareholders and the public. It sets standards for toward corrective action.
financial reporting and disclosure, contributing to
 Fines and Penalties: For more severe non-
transparency and accountability.
compliance, regulatory bodies have the authority
 Investor Protection: The SEC safeguards the rights to impose fines and penalties on auditors or audit
of investors by ensuring that companies adhere to firms. These financial sanctions serve as a
fair and ethical business practices. It provides deterrent and discourage future violations.
information and assistance to investors and takes
 License Suspension or Revocation: Regulatory
action against entities engaged in activities that
bodies may suspend or revoke the licenses of
harm investor interests.
auditors or audit firms found to be consistently
2. Board of Accountancy (BOA):
non-compliant with auditing standards and
 Regulation of the Accounting Profession: The BOA ethics. This action prevents them from conducting
is responsible for regulating the practice of audit engagements until they demonstrate
accountancy in the Philippines. It sets the adherence to the required standards.
standards for the licensure and registration of
 Criminal Charges: In cases involving fraud,
Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) and oversees
misrepresentation, or severe ethical breaches,
their professional conduct.
regulatory bodies may refer the matter to law
enforcement agencies for possible criminal
charges. This can result in legal proceedings and company management accountable for the
potential imprisonment or fines. accuracy and completeness of financial reporting.
2. Professional Association Actions: Audited financial statements provide stakeholders
 Reprimands: Professional associations, such as with insights into a company's financial health
the Philippine Institute of Certified Public and performance.
Accountants (PICPA), may issue reprimands to 5. Compliance with Standards: Auditors adhere to
members who violate ethical principles or auditing professional standards and ethical principles,
standards. A reprimand formally expresses ensuring that auditing practices consistently meet
disapproval of the member's conduct. high-quality benchmarks. Compliance with these
 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) standards enhances the credibility and integrity of
Requirements: Non-compliant auditors may be the audit process.
required to complete additional CPE courses to 6. Transparency and Accountability: Public interest
enhance their knowledge and understanding of is served when auditors provide transparent and
relevant standards and ethics. accountable audit reports. Clear communication
of audit findings and opinions allows stakeholders
 Ethics Education and Training: Professional
to make informed decisions based on reliable
associations may provide ethics education and
financial information.
training programs to members to reinforce the
7. Regulatory Oversight: Regulatory bodies, such as
importance of ethical behavior and professional
the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
and the Board of Accountancy (BOA), monitor
 Suspension or Expulsion: Professional
auditors' compliance with standards and ethical
associations have the authority to suspend or
conduct. The oversight ensures that auditors act
expel members who repeatedly violate auditing
in the best interest of the public.
standards or ethical principles. Suspension or
8. Investor Protection: Auditors protect investors'
expulsion indicates a serious breach of
interests by independently assessing the financial
professional conduct and may lead to the loss of
health of companies. This information aids
membership privileges.
investors in making informed choices about
Disciplinary actions and sanctions serve as crucial
allocating their resources and mitigating potential
deterrents against non-compliance with auditing
standards and ethics. They reinforce the
9. Contributing to Economic Stability: By fostering
importance of upholding professional standards
confidence in financial reporting and financial
and ethical behavior in the auditing profession,
markets, auditors contribute to economic stability.
protecting the interests of stakeholders and
Investors and businesses can make informed
promoting public trust in financial reporting and
decisions based on accurate financial information,
auditing practices.
promoting healthy economic growth.
10. Upholding Professionalism: The audit profession's
C. Protection of Public Interest in the Audit
Profession commitment to the protection of public interest
reinforces its professionalism and ethical
Protection of the public interest is a fundamental responsibility. Auditors act as watchdogs,
principle in the audit profession, aiming to ensure ensuring that companies adhere to accounting
the credibility and reliability of financial reporting standards and regulatory requirements.
and maintain public trust in the financial Overall, the protection of public interest is at the
markets. Auditors play a vital role in safeguarding core of the audit profession. Auditors' independent
the interests of various stakeholders, including assessments and objective evaluations instill
investors, creditors, regulators, and the general confidence in financial reporting, promote
public. Here's a sample summary of the protection accountability, and contribute to the overall
of public interest in the audit profession: stability and trustworthiness of the financial
Summary of Protection of Public Interest in the ecosystem.
Audit Profession:
1. Independent Assurance: Auditors provide an
independent and objective assessment of a VIII. Future Developments and Challenges in Auditing
company's financial statements. Their unbiased
A. Emerging Issues and Trends in Auditing
evaluation offers stakeholders confidence that the and Assurance
financial information presented is accurate and
reliable. Emerging issues and trends in auditing
2. Detecting Fraud and Mismanagement: By and assurance reflect the dynamic nature
conducting thorough examinations and of the business environment,
implementing risk-based audit procedures, technological advancements, and
auditors play a significant role in detecting fraud, changing stakeholder expectations.
mismanagement, and material misstatements in Auditors must adapt to these
financial statements. This helps protect developments to maintain the relevance
stakeholders from potential financial losses due to and effectiveness of their audit practices.
deceptive practices. Here's a sample summary of some
3. Enhancing Market Confidence: Reliable financial emerging issues and trends in auditing
reporting, verified through audits, enhances and assurance:
market confidence and encourages investment. Summary of Emerging Issues and Trends
Investors and creditors are more likely to engage in Auditing and Assurance:
with companies that undergo external audits, 1. Technology Integration: Technology is reshaping
knowing that their financial information is the audit landscape, with auditors increasingly
independently validated. leveraging data analytics, artificial intelligence,
4. Corporate Governance and Accountability: Audits and automation tools. These technologies enable
promote good corporate governance by holding auditors to analyze large datasets efficiently and
identify patterns or anomalies, enhancing the However, several challenges exist that can
audit's effectiveness and accuracy. potentially impact the effectiveness of
2. Cybersecurity and Data Privacy: With the rising audits and compromise auditors'
prevalence of cyber threats and data breaches, independence. Addressing these
auditors are focusing more on evaluating a challenges is essential to upholding the
company's cybersecurity measures and data integrity of the audit profession. Here's a
privacy controls. Assurance services related to sample summary of the challenges in
data protection and cybersecurity risk maintaining auditing quality and
management are becoming more prevalent. independence:
3. Sustainability and ESG Reporting: Stakeholders Summary of Challenges in Maintaining
are increasingly interested in a company's Auditing Quality and Independence:
environmental, social, and governance (ESG) 1. Time and Resource Constraints: Auditors often
performance. Auditors are exploring ways to face time and resource constraints, particularly
provide assurance on ESG disclosures to enhance when conducting complex audits for large or
transparency and address investor demands for multinational clients. Insufficient time may hinder
sustainable practices. the thoroughness of audit procedures and limit
4. Integrated Reporting: Auditors are adapting to the the ability to identify material misstatements.
trend of integrated reporting, where companies 2. Increasing Complexity of Financial Reporting: As
present financial and non-financial information in financial reporting standards evolve and become
a cohesive report. Integrated reporting provides a more intricate, auditors must continuously
comprehensive view of a company's performance enhance their technical expertise to keep up with
and impacts, requiring auditors to consider a the complexity. Navigating intricate accounting
broader range of information in their assessments. treatments and estimates requires advanced skills
5. Remote Auditing: The COVID-19 pandemic and knowledge.
accelerated the adoption of remote auditing 3. Pressure from Clients: Auditors may face pressure
practices. Auditors are leveraging technology to from clients to overlook or downplay certain
conduct virtual audits, reducing travel costs and accounting issues that could affect financial
increasing audit efficiency while addressing health reporting. Client pressure can compromise
and safety concerns. independence and objectivity if not appropriately
6. Assurance on Non-Financial Information: Beyond managed.
financial statements, auditors are being engaged 4. Familiarity Threats: Long-term client relationships
to provide assurance on non-financial information, can lead to familiarity threats, where auditors
such as sustainability reports, social impact develop close ties with management. This
metrics, and other key performance indicators. familiarity may affect auditors' objectivity and
7. Focus on Internal Controls: With heightened willingness to challenge management's assertions.
emphasis on corporate governance and risk 5. Non-Audit Services: Providing non-audit services
management, auditors are placing more emphasis to audit clients can create self-interest or advocacy
on evaluating the effectiveness of a company's threats to independence. Accepting substantial
internal controls. fees for non-audit services may impact the
8. Professional Skepticism: As audit complexity auditor's ability to remain unbiased during the
increases, auditors are enhancing their audit.
professional skepticism and critical thinking skills 6. Auditor Rotation Challenges: Mandatory auditor
to identify potential risks and inconsistencies in rotation, while intended to promote independence,
financial reporting. can create challenges when new auditors lack a
9. Continuous Monitoring and Reporting: Some deep understanding of the client's business and
auditors are exploring the concept of continuous operations.
monitoring and reporting, where real-time data 7. Technological Disruptions: The rapid advancement
analysis and reporting allow for ongoing of technology presents challenges and
assessment of a company's financial health. opportunities for auditors. While technology can
10. Stakeholder Engagement: Auditors are engaging enhance audit efficiency, auditors must also
with a broader range of stakeholders to ensure that reliance on automated tools does not
understand their expectations and needs better. compromise the quality of audit procedures.
Effective stakeholder engagement helps auditors 8. Globalization and Cross-Border Audits: Auditing
provide more relevant and valuable assurance international companies with diverse operations
services. and regulatory environments can pose challenges
To navigate these emerging issues and for auditors in obtaining consistent and reliable
trends, auditors must continuously audit evidence.
update their skills, embrace technology, 9. Talent Shortage: The demand for skilled auditors
and maintain a forward-thinking is growing, but there is a shortage of talent in the
approach. By staying ahead of these profession. Attracting and retaining qualified
developments, auditors can enhance the auditors remains a challenge for audit firms.
value they provide to clients and 10. Public Perception and Reputation: Negative
stakeholders and ensure the relevance incidents involving audit failures or ethical lapses
and effectiveness of audit and assurance can erode public trust in the audit profession.
services in a rapidly changing business Ensuring the integrity and credibility of audits is
landscape. crucial for rebuilding and maintaining public
B. Challenges in Maintaining Auditing To address these challenges, audit firms
Quality and Independence and regulatory bodies must work
collaboratively to implement effective
Maintaining auditing quality and
safeguards, promote continuous
independence is crucial for the credibility
professional development, and reinforce
and reliability of audit engagements.
ethical conduct. By actively addressing auditors and promotes the adoption of global best
these challenges, auditors can uphold the practices.
highest standards of quality and 8. Regulatory Influence and Advocacy: Working with
independence, contributing to the international regulatory bodies strengthens the
profession's trustworthiness and collective voice of national regulators. Together,
relevance in today's complex business they can advocate for regulatory reforms and
environment. policy changes that benefit the auditing profession
and public interest.
C. Collaboration with International Audit 9. Regional and Global Forums: Participating in
Regulatory Bodies regional and global forums allows audit regulators
to engage in dialogue, share insights, and develop
Collaboration with international audit
coordinated approaches to address emerging
regulatory bodies is essential for
issues in auditing and assurance.
promoting consistent global auditing
10. Reputation and Credibility: Active collaboration
standards, enhancing audit quality, and
with reputable international audit regulatory
fostering cross-border cooperation.
bodies enhances the reputation and credibility of
Auditing is increasingly influenced by
national regulators and the auditing profession in
global business practices, and
the global arena.
international collaboration enables
By fostering collaboration with
regulators and professional bodies to
international audit regulatory bodies,
address common challenges and align
national regulators and professional
their efforts effectively. Here's a sample
organizations demonstrate their
summary of the importance of
commitment to maintaining high-quality
collaboration with international audit
audit practices, safeguarding public
regulatory bodies:
interest, and contributing to a globally
Summary of Collaboration with
cohesive and robust audit profession. The
International Audit Regulatory Bodies:
collective efforts of global audit regulators
1. Global Harmonization of Standards: Collaboration
strengthen the profession's ability to
with international audit regulatory bodies
adapt to evolving challenges and ensure
facilitates the harmonization of auditing standards
the integrity and credibility of financial
and guidelines. Consistent global standards
reporting worldwide.
enhance the comparability of financial information
and bolster investor confidence in cross-border
investments. Note: The sample outline above provides an overview of the
2. Sharing Best Practices: International collaboration regulatory framework for auditing in the Philippines. The
enables the sharing of best practices and actual regulations and standards may be more detailed
successful initiatives in auditing and assurance. and subject to updates over time. Auditors, accounting
Regulators and professional bodies can learn from firms, and other stakeholders in the Philippines must
comply with the specific rules and guidelines set forth by
each other's experiences and adopt effective
the Securities and Exchange Commission, Board of
strategies to improve audit quality and Accountancy, and other relevant regulatory bodies.
3. Cross-Border Audit Oversight: Many companies II. Regulatory Framework for Auditing in the Philippines
operate in multiple jurisdictions, making cross- A. The Philippine Accountancy Act and Professional
border audit oversight challenging. Collaboration Regulations Commission (PRC)
with international regulatory bodies allows for the B. Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the
coordination of audit inspections and the
C. The role of the Board of Accountancy (BOA) in setting
exchange of information, ensuring effective auditing standards
oversight of multinational audit firms. Case study and Practical Application with answers please
4. Mutual Recognition Agreements: Collaborating
with international audit regulatory bodies can lead Case Study: Auditing Standards and Ethics Compliance
to the establishment of mutual recognition Company XYZ is a medium-sized manufacturing company
agreements, recognizing the equivalence of audit in the Philippines. They have engaged ABC Auditing Firm,
a reputable auditing firm registered with the Board of
qualifications across countries. This facilitates
Accountancy (BOA), to conduct their annual financial
auditor mobility and supports global talent statement audit. The audit partner assigned to the
development. engagement is Sarah, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
5. Crisis Management and Risk Mitigation: In times with extensive experience in auditing.
of financial crises or market disruptions, During the audit process, Sarah and her team identified
international collaboration helps regulators and several material misstatements in the company's financial
auditors work together to identify emerging risks statements. Some of these misstatements appeared to be
intentional attempts to inflate revenue and understate
and implement coordinated responses to protect
expenses to present a better financial performance. Sarah
the public interest. discussed these findings with the company's management,
6. Joint Research and Development: Collaborative who strongly requested her to overlook the misstatements,
efforts can lead to joint research and development stating that their competitors were doing the same, and it
initiatives in auditing practices and was necessary for the company's survival.
methodologies. Research partnerships contribute Practical Application Questions:
to the continuous improvement and innovation in 1. According to the Philippine Accountancy Act and
the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC),
the auditing profession.
what are the fundamental responsibilities of
7. Cross-Border Training and Professional auditors in conducting financial statement audits?
Development: Collaboration with international Answer: According to the Philippine Accountancy Act and
bodies facilitates the exchange of knowledge and the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC), the
expertise through training programs, workshops, fundamental responsibilities of auditors in conducting
and conferences. This enriches the skills of financial statement audits include exercising due
professional care, performing the audit with independence
and objectivity, and adhering to the ethical principles and of the audit process and ensure the reliability of financial
standards set by the Board of Accountancy (BOA). reporting, ultimately serving the public interest.
2. In this case, what specific ethical principles and
standards from the Code of Ethics for Professional Role Playing Scenario: Discussing Ethical Dilemmas in
Accountants in the Philippines should Sarah Auditing
consider when dealing with the identified
misstatements? Participants:
Answer: In this case, Sarah should consider the following
specific ethical principles and standards from the Code of Auditor - Alex (You)
Ethics for Professional Accountants in the Philippines: Audit Manager - Andrea
a. Integrity: Sarah should act with integrity and avoid any Scenario:
involvement in misrepresentations or fraudulent activities. Alex is a staff auditor working at ABC Auditing Firm.
b. Objectivity: Sarah must maintain objectivity throughout Andrea, the audit manager, calls Alex into her office to
the audit process and not allow personal biases or discuss an ethical dilemma that arose during a recent
external pressures to influence her professional judgment. audit engagement.
c. Professional Competence and Due Care: Sarah should
demonstrate professional competence and exercise due Andrea: Alex, thank you for coming in. I wanted to discuss
care in the performance of her audit procedures to identify an ethical situation that we encountered during the audit
and address material misstatements adequately. at Company XYZ. We found several material
d. Professional Behavior: Sarah should comply with all misstatements in their financial statements that appear to
relevant laws, regulations, and auditing standards while be intentional attempts to manipulate the numbers.
conducting the audit.
3. What is the role of the Board of Accountancy Alex: Yes, I noticed those misstatements during my audit
(BOA) in setting auditing standards in the procedures. It's concerning and could have a significant
Philippines, and how does it contribute to impact on the financial statements.
ensuring audit quality?
Answer: The Board of Accountancy (BOA) is responsible Andrea: Absolutely, it's crucial to address this issue
for setting auditing standards in the Philippines, which are appropriately. However, the company's management has
collectively known as the Philippine Standards on Auditing requested us not to report these misstatements and to
(PSAs). These standards provide comprehensive guidelines adjust the figures to make them look more favorable. They
and procedures that auditors must follow while argue that their competitors are doing the same, and it's
conducting audits. By setting these standards, the BOA necessary for the company's survival.
ensures uniformity, consistency, and high-quality audit
practices in the country. Compliance with PSAs enhances Alex: That puts us in a difficult position. As auditors, we
the credibility and reliability of financial reporting, have a duty to report any material misstatements and act
protects the interests of stakeholders, and upholds the in the public interest. Overlooking these misstatements
integrity of the auditing profession. would compromise our independence and objectivity.
4. How should Sarah and her team respond to the
company's management's request to overlook the Andrea: I completely agree. Upholding the Code of Ethics
misstatements? for Professional Accountants is essential for our integrity
Answer: Sarah and her team must respond to the and credibility. We must consider the ethical principles of
company's management firmly and professionally. They integrity, objectivity, professional competence, and due
should explain that as auditors, they are bound by care in handling this situation.
professional ethical standards and cannot overlook
material misstatements or engage in any unethical Alex: Yes, and we must also comply with the Philippine
conduct. They should reiterate their commitment to Accountancy Act and the guidelines set by the Board of
conducting the audit with independence, objectivity, and Accountancy (BOA) in setting auditing standards.
adherence to auditing standards. Sarah should also
inform the management that she is required to report any Andrea: Precisely. The BOA's standards, such as the
identified misstatements to the appropriate parties, as Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSAs), provide the
necessary, to uphold the integrity of the audit process and framework for conducting our audits and ensure
protect the public interest. consistent and high-quality practices.
5. What potential consequences might Sarah and
ABC Auditing Firm face if they fail to address the Alex: So, what should we do in this situation? How do we
misstatements properly? balance the company's request with our ethical
Answer: If Sarah and ABC Auditing Firm fail to address responsibilities?
the misstatements properly and compromise their
independence and objectivity, they may face severe Andrea: Our duty is to act in the public interest and
consequences, including: maintain our independence and objectivity. We cannot
a. Regulatory Sanctions: The Board of Accountancy (BOA) compromise the integrity of the audit process. We need to
could initiate disciplinary actions against Sarah and the discuss this matter with our engagement partner and
auditing firm for non-compliance with auditing standards inform them about the misstatements. If the company
and ethical principles. This could result in fines, penalties, refuses to make the necessary adjustments, we might have
or even the suspension or revocation of their audit to consider withdrawing from the engagement and, if
licenses. necessary, report our findings to the appropriate
b. Legal Liabilities: The company's stakeholders, such as authorities.
investors and creditors, may take legal action against
Sarah and the auditing firm for any damages caused due Alex: I understand the importance of acting ethically and
to misstatements that were not appropriately addressed. professionally. I will support your decision, and we should
c. Reputational Damage: Failure to uphold professional document all our discussions and the steps we take to
ethics and audit standards could lead to significant address this issue.
reputational damage for both Sarah and ABC Auditing
Firm, affecting their future business opportunities and Andrea: That's the right approach, Alex. Always remember
client trust. that our reputation and the credibility of our profession
d. Loss of Client Trust: The company, and potentially other are built on our commitment to upholding ethical
clients, may lose trust in Sarah and the auditing firm's standards and ensuring the accuracy and reliability of
ability to conduct unbiased and reliable audits, leading to financial reporting.
the loss of future engagements.
In conclusion, adherence to auditing standards and Role Playing Summary:
ethical principles is crucial for auditors to maintain their In this role-playing scenario, the auditor (Alex) and the
independence, objectivity, and professionalism. By audit manager (Andrea) engage in a discussion about an
upholding these principles, auditors protect the integrity ethical dilemma encountered during an audit engagement.
They emphasize the importance of adhering to the Code of
Ethics for Professional Accountants, the Philippine 6. Which of the following is responsible for adopting and
Accountancy Act, and the auditing standards set by the implementing the Philippine Standards on Auditing
Board of Accountancy. Both participants agree that their (PSAs)?
primary responsibility is to act in the public interest, a. Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants
maintain their independence and objectivity, and uphold (PICPA)
the integrity of the audit process. They conclude that b. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
reporting the misstatements to the appropriate authorities c. Professional Regulations Commission (PRC)
and potentially withdrawing from the engagement are d. Board of Accountancy (BOA)
necessary steps to ensure ethical conduct and protect the
credibility of the audit profession. 7. The Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSAs) provide
guidance on which of the following?
a. Financial reporting for non-profit organizations
b. Conducting audits of financial statements
c. Setting ethical standards for auditors
d. Implementing tax regulations for businesses

8. Which ethical principle requires accountants to be

straightforward and honest in all professional and
business relationships?
a. Professional Competence and Due Care
b. Objectivity
c. Confidentiality
d. Integrity

9. When faced with a conflict of interest, what ethical

principle requires accountants to maintain their
independence of mind and not allow bias, conflict of
interest, or undue influence to override their professional
a. Integrity
b. Objectivity
c. Professional Behavior
d. Professional Competence and Due Care
Which regulatory body is responsible for overseeing the 10. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the
practice of accountancy in the Philippines? Philippines is primarily based on the ethical framework
a. Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) provided by:
b. Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) a. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
c. Board of Accountancy (BOA) b. International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants
d. Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IESBA)
(PICPA) c. International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
d. Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS)
1. What is the primary objective of the Philippine
Accountancy Act? 11. A professional accountant who has a significant
a. To promote fair competition among accounting firms financial interest in a client entity may face a threat to
b. To protect the interests of accounting professionals their independence known as:
c. To regulate the practice of accountancy in the a. Advocacy threat
Philippines b. Self-interest threat
d. To ensure consistent financial reporting by all c. Familiarity threat
companies d. Intimidation threat

2. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the 12. Which regulatory body has the authority to suspend or
Philippines is based on which international ethics revoke the license of a Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
framework? found guilty of misconduct?
a. International Code of Ethics for Accountants (ICAEW) a. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
b. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) b. Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants
c. International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (PICPA)
(IESBA) c. Professional Regulations Commission (PRC)
d. International Standards on Auditing (ISA) d. Board of Accountancy (BOA)

3. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the 13. The Philippine Accountancy Act requires auditors to
Philippines applies to which of the following professionals? conduct their engagements with due professional care.
a. Lawyers and attorneys What does "due professional care" mean in this context?
b. Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) a. Exercising professional skepticism in all audit
c. Doctors and medical practitioners procedures
d. Engineers and architects b. Performing the audit in compliance with international
4. The Board of Accountancy (BOA) is a regulatory body c. Conducting the audit with the highest level of
under the supervision of the: professional judgment and diligence
a. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) d. Conducting the audit in a timely manner and within
b. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) budget constraints
c. Professional Regulations Commission (PRC)
d. Department of Finance (DOF) 14. A professional accountant who is aware of illegal acts
committed by their client but fails to report the matter to
5. What is the role of the Board of Accountancy (BOA) in the appropriate authorities may face a threat to their
the regulatory framework for auditing? compliance with which ethical principle?
a. Setting financial reporting standards for companies a. Professional Competence and Due Care
b. Overseeing the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) b. Integrity
c. Conducting inspections of audit firms c. Objectivity
d. Setting auditing standards in the Philippines d. Professional Behavior

15. What is the primary purpose of the Code of Ethics for

Professional Accountants in the Philippines?
a. To ensure accountants comply with tax regulations d. Professional Behavior
b. To set guidelines for financial reporting
c. To provide principles and ethical standards for 25. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the
accountants to follow Philippines is primarily based on the principles of:
d. To regulate the registration of Certified Public a. Competence, Confidentiality, and Objectivity
Accountants (CPAs) b. Integrity, Objectivity, and Professional Behavior
c. Integrity, Objectivity, Professional Competence, and Due
16. In the Philippines, who has the authority to investigate Care
and discipline professional accountants for violations of d. Integrity, Objectivity, and Confidentiality
the Code of Ethics?
a. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 26. The primary role of the Board of Accountancy (BOA) is
b. Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) to:
c. Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants a. Set and implement financial reporting standards for
(PICPA) companies in the Philippines
d. Board of Accountancy (BOA) b. Oversee the financial operations of publicly listed
17. A professional accountant who is offered gifts or c. Set and implement auditing standards for professional
excessive hospitality from a client may face a threat to accountants in the Philippines
their compliance with which ethical principle? d. Regulate the licensing and registration of accountants
a. Integrity in the country
b. Objectivity
c. Professional Competence and Due Care 27. In the Philippines, auditors are required to conduct
d. Professional Behavior their engagements in compliance with which set of
auditing standards?
18. What is the primary objective of the Philippine a. Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS)
Standards on Auditing (PSAs)? b. Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSAs)
a. To regulate the licensing of accountants in the c. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Philippines d. International Standards on Auditing (ISAs)
b. To provide guidance on financial reporting for public
companies 28. Which of the following best describes the role of the
c. To promote consistent and high-quality audit practices Board of Accountancy (BOA) in the regulatory framework
in the country for auditing?
d. To enforce compliance with international auditing a. Setting auditing standards and providing guidance for
standards audit engagements
b. Overseeing the financial operations of publicly listed
19. A professional accountant who has a close family companies
member employed by a client may face a threat to their c. Regulating the licensing and registration of professional
independence known as: accountants in the Philippines
a. Advocacy threat d. Enforcing compliance with international accounting
b. Self-interest threat standards
c. Familiarity threat
d. Intimidation threat 29. A professional accountant who performs an audit for
an entity where they have a financial interest may face a
20. The Philippine Accountancy Act is a legislative act that threat to their independence known as:
falls under which branch of the Philippine government? a. Advocacy threat
a. Legislative Branch b. Self-interest threat
b. Executive Branch c. Familiarity threat
c. Judicial Branch d. Intimidation threat
d. Regulatory Branch
30. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the
21. The Board of Accountancy (BOA) is composed of how Philippines applies to which of the following individuals?
many members? a. All employees of a company, regardless of their role
a. Three members b. All professional accountants, whether in public practice,
b. Five members business, the public sector, or academia
c. Seven members c. Only Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) who are in
d. Nine members public practice
d. Only accountants working for publicly listed companies
22. Which regulatory body in the Philippines is responsible
for regulating and supervising auditing firms? 31. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the
a. Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) Philippines requires accountants to comply with all
b. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) relevant laws and regulations. Which ethical principle does
c. Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants this requirement align with?
(PICPA) a. Integrity
d. Board of Accountancy (BOA) b. Objectivity
c. Professional Competence and Due Care
23. The primary purpose of the Code of Ethics for d. Professional Behavior
Professional Accountants in the Philippines is to:
a. Provide guidelines for financial reporting of publicly 32. The primary objective of the Philippine Accountancy
listed companies Act is to:
b. Establish ethical standards for accountants to follow in a. Regulate the financial reporting of publicly listed
their professional practice companies
c. Regulate the licensing and registration of accountants in b. Establish the qualifications and standards for the
the country practice of accountancy in the Philippines
d. Set guidelines for the taxation of businesses and c. Set the tax rates for businesses and individuals in the
individuals country
d. Oversee the operations of the Philippine Stock Exchange
24. Which ethical principle requires professional (PSE)
accountants to refrain from disclosing confidential
information obtained during the course of their 33. A professional accountant who performs an audit for a
professional duties? close friend may face a threat to their independence
a. Integrity known as:
b. Objectivity a. Advocacy threat
c. Confidentiality b. Self-interest threat
c. Familiarity threat b. Regulating the stock market operations
d. Intimidation threat c. Regulating the practice of accountancy and issuing
licenses to qualified accountants
34. The Board of Accountancy (BOA) is responsible for d. Setting financial reporting standards for businesses.
issuing which of the following licenses to qualified
individuals? 43. Which ethical principle requires professional
a. Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license accountants to provide services with competence,
b. Business Permit license diligence, and objectivity to clients?
c. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) license a. Integrity
d. International Standards on Auditing (ISA) license b. Objectivity
c. Professional Competence and Due Care
35. A professional accountant who is under significant d. Professional Behavior
pressure to agree to the conclusions of a client's
management may face a threat to their compliance with 44. The Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSAs) are
which ethical principle? primarily aimed at providing guidance to auditors on:
a. Integrity a. Taxation regulations for businesses
b. Objectivity b. Conducting audits of financial statements
c. Professional Competence and Due Care c. Setting financial reporting standards for companies
d. Professional Behavior d. Performing risk assessments for publicly listed
36. The Philippine Accountancy Act and the Code of Ethics
for Professional Accountants in the Philippines are both 45. A professional accountant who is pressured to change
aimed at: the conclusions of an audit report may face a threat to
a. Promoting fair competition among accounting firms their compliance with which ethical principle?
b. Protecting the interests of investors in publicly listed a. Integrity
companies b. Objectivity
c. Ensuring compliance with tax regulations for c. Professional Competence and Due Care
businesses d. Professional Behavior
d. Regulating the practice of accountancy and maintaining
high ethical standards for accountants 46. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the
Philippines requires accountants to avoid being associated
37. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the with information that they believe contains a materially
Philippines requires accountants to exercise due false or misleading statement. Which ethical principle does
professional care in their professional activities. What does this requirement align with?
"due professional care" mean in this context? a. Integrity
a. Exercising the highest level of professional judgment b. Objectivity
and diligence c. Confidentiality
b. Avoiding conflicts of interest in all professional and d. Professional Behavior
business relationships
c. Complying with all relevant laws and regulations 47. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the
d. Providing services with competence, diligence, and Philippines requires accountants to be straightforward and
objectivity honest in all professional and business relationships.
Which ethical principle does this requirement align with?
38. A professional accountant who has a close family a. Integrity
member serving as a key management personnel in a b. Objectivity
client entity may face a threat to their independence c. Confidentiality
known as: d. Professional Behavior
a. Advocacy threat
b. Self-interest threat 48. A professional accountant who is under pressure to
c. Familiarity threat compromise their independence to maintain a long-
d. Intimidation threat standing client relationship may face a threat to their
compliance with which ethical principle?
39. The Board of Accountancy (BOA) is responsible for the a. Integrity
setting, implementation, and enforcement of which of the b. Objectivity
following standards? c. Professional Competence and Due Care
a. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) d. Professional Behavior
b. Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS)
c. International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) 49. The Philippine Accountancy Act empowers the
d. Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSAs) Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) to investigate
and discipline Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) for
40. A professional accountant who is offered a job at a violations of the Act and the Code of Ethics. What
client entity may face a threat to their independence disciplinary actions can the PRC take in such cases?
known as: a. Impose fines and penalties
a. Advocacy threat b. Suspend or revoke the CPA's license
b. Self-interest threat c. Issue a warning letter to the CPA
c. Familiarity threat d. Require the CPA to undergo additional training
d. Intimidation threat
50. The Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) is
41. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the responsible for regulating the practice of which of the
Philippines applies to professional accountants in all following professions in the Philippines?
sectors, including those working in: a. Medicine
a. Public practice, business, and the public sector b. Engineering
b. The public sector and academia, but not public practice c. Law
or business d. All of the above
c. Public practice and academia, but not the public sector
or business 51. The Philippine Accountancy Act is embodied in which
d. The public sector and business, but not public practice Republic Act?
or academia a. Republic Act No. 9298
b. Republic Act No. 7942
42. The Philippine Accountancy Act empowers the c. Republic Act No. 9165
Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) to perform d. Republic Act No. 11223
which of the following tasks?
a. Issuing licenses for publicly listed companies
52. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the b. Objectivity
Philippines requires accountants to maintain which of the c. Professional Competence and Due Care
following principles while discharging their professional d. Confidentiality
a. Professional Independence 62. The Board of Accountancy (BOA) is responsible for
b. Professional Skepticism establishing which of the following accounting standards
c. Professional Integrity in the Philippines?
d. Professional Competence a. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
b. Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS)
53. The primary function of the Securities and Exchange c. Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSAs)
Commission (SEC) in the regulatory framework for d. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
auditing is to:
a. Set the Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS) 63. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the
b. Regulate the financial reporting of publicly listed Philippines requires accountants to avoid any
companies subordination of their judgment to others. Which ethical
c. Enforce the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants principle does this requirement align with?
d. Regulate the practice of accountancy in the Philippines a. Integrity
b. Objectivity
54. A professional accountant who has a close c. Professional Competence and Due Care
relationship with a director of a client entity may face a d. Professional Behavior
threat to their independence known as:
a. Advocacy threat 64. A professional accountant who is threatened with
b. Self-interest threat dismissal for disagreeing with a client's management may
c. Familiarity threat face a threat to their compliance with which ethical
d. Intimidation threat principle?
a. Integrity
55. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the b. Objectivity
Philippines is issued by which of the following bodies? c. Professional Competence and Due Care
a. Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants d. Professional Behavior
b. Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) 65. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in
c. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) the Philippines is responsible for regulating and
d. Board of Accountancy (BOA) supervising which of the following entities?
a. Banks and financial institutions
56. The Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSAs) are b. Publicly listed companies
based on which international auditing standards? c. Non-profit organizations
a. International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) d. Private educational institutions
b. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
c. International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants 66. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the
(IESBA) Philippines requires accountants to avoid conflicts of
d. International Accounting Standards (IAS) interest. Which ethical principle does this requirement
align with?
57. A professional accountant who is offered an expensive a. Integrity
gift from a client may face a threat to their independence b. Objectivity
known as: c. Professional Competence and Due Care
a. Advocacy threat d. Professional Behavior
b. Self-interest threat
c. Familiarity threat 67. A professional accountant who is offered an
d. Intimidation threat opportunity to invest in a client's business may face a
threat to their independence known as:
58. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the a. Advocacy threat
Philippines requires accountants to have which of the b. Self-interest threat
following skills and knowledge to perform their c. Familiarity threat
professional duties competently? d. Intimidation threat
a. Technical knowledge of taxation laws
b. Ability to prepare complex financial reports 68. The Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) is
c. Knowledge of relevant auditing standards responsible for the issuance and renewal of licenses for
d. Familiarity with legal and regulatory requirements Certified Public Accountants (CPAs). How often must CPAs
renew their license in the Philippines?
59. Which regulatory body has the authority to inspect a. Every two years
and assess the quality of audit services provided by b. Every three years
auditing firms in the Philippines? c. Every five years
a. Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) d. Every ten years
b. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
c. Board of Accountancy (BOA) 69. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the
d. Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants Philippines requires accountants to comply with relevant
(PICPA) laws and regulations and avoid any conduct that might
discredit the profession. Which ethical principle does this
60. The Philippine Accountancy Act grants the requirement align with?
Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) the power to a. Integrity
suspend the license of a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) b. Objectivity
for a period not exceeding: c. Professional Competence and Due Care
a. Two years d. Professional Behavior
b. Three years
c. Five years 70. Which ethical principle requires accountants to be
d. Ten years objective and not allow bias, conflict of interest, or undue
influence to override their professional judgment?
61. Which ethical principle requires accountants to treat a. Integrity
all information acquired during the course of their work as b. Objectivity
confidential and not disclose it to a third party without c. Confidentiality
proper and specific authority unless there is a legal or d. Professional Behavior
professional right or duty to disclose?
a. Integrity
71. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the 80. The Philippine Accountancy Act grants the
Philippines requires accountants to maintain their Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) the authority
professional knowledge and skill at a level required to to suspend the license of a Certified Public Accountant
ensure competent professional service. Which ethical (CPA) in case of:
principle does this requirement align with? a. Negligence in the practice of accountancy
a. Integrity b. Violation of the Code of Ethics for Professional
b. Objectivity Accountants
c. Professional Competence and Due Care c. Failure to submit annual audit reports to the SEC
d. Professional Behavior d. Non-compliance with tax regulations

72. A professional accountant who is pressured to 81. Which ethical principle requires accountants to be
manipulate financial statements may face a threat to their honest and straightforward in their professional and
compliance with which ethical principle? business relationships?
a. Integrity a. Integrity
b. Objectivity b. Objectivity
c. Professional Competence and Due Care c. Professional Competence and Due Care
d. Professional Behavior d. Professional Behavior

73. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 82. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in
the Philippines has the authority to investigate and the Philippines is responsible for enforcing compliance
discipline: with financial reporting standards for which type of
a. All accountants practicing in the country companies?
b. Only Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) who work for a. Sole proprietorships
publicly listed companies b. Private limited companies
c. Only Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) who are in c. Publicly listed companies
public practice d. Non-profit organizations
d. Only Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) who are
members of PICPA 83. A professional accountant who is under pressure to
disclose confidential client information to the public may
74. The Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) is face a threat to their compliance with which ethical
composed of how many commissioners? principle?
a. Three commissioners a. Integrity
b. Five commissioners b. Objectivity
c. Seven commissioners c. Confidentiality
d. Nine commissioners d. Professional Behavior

75. A professional accountant who has a close personal 84. The Board of Accountancy (BOA) in the Philippines is
relationship with a director of a client entity may face a composed of members who are appointed by the:
threat to their independence known as: a. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
a. Advocacy threat b. Professional Regulations Commission (PRC)
b. Self-interest threat c. Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants
c. Familiarity threat (PICPA)
d. Intimidation threat d. Department of Finance (DOF)

76. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the 85. The Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSAs) are
Philippines requires accountants to refrain from disclosing designed to ensure that auditors comply with which of the
any confidential information obtained during the course of following principles while conducting an audit
their work. Which ethical principle does this requirement engagement?
align with? a. Professional Independence
a. Integrity b. Professional Skepticism
b. Objectivity c. Professional Integrity
c. Confidentiality d. Professional Competence
d. Professional Behavior
86. A professional accountant who is pressured to
77. A professional accountant who is threatened with misrepresent financial information may face a threat to
legal action for disagreeing with a client's management their compliance with which ethical principle?
may face a threat to their compliance with which ethical a. Integrity
principle? b. Objectivity
a. Integrity c. Professional Competence and Due Care
b. Objectivity d. Professional Behavior
c. Professional Competence and Due Care
d. Professional Behavior 87. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the
Philippines requires accountants to provide professional
78. The Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSAs) are services diligently and in accordance with:
formulated to ensure that auditors conduct their audits a. The International Ethics Standards Board for
with: Accountants (IESBA) Code of Ethics
a. Due professional care b. The Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS)
b. Highest level of skepticism c. The International Standards on Auditing (ISAs)
c. Independence and objectivity d. The Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSAs)
d. Professional skepticism
88. A professional accountant who is under pressure to
79. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the issue an unqualified audit opinion when the financial
Philippines requires accountants to avoid conflicts of statements contain material misstatements may face a
interest, which means they should not: threat to their compliance with which ethical principle?
a. Have any financial interest in a client entity a. Integrity
b. Be associated with information they believe contains a b. Objectivity
false statement c. Professional Competence and Due Care
c. Perform audit engagements for friends or close family d. Professional Behavior
d. Accept gifts or hospitality that might impair their 89. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the
independence Philippines is responsible for promoting:
a. Competition among accounting firms
b. Fair competition among publicly listed companies
c. Transparency and accountability in financial reporting statements are fairly presented may face a threat to their
d. The use of international accounting standards in the compliance with which ethical principle?
country a. Integrity
b. Objectivity
90. A professional accountant who is pressured to change c. Professional Competence and Due Care
audit procedures to reduce the extent of testing may face a d. Professional Behavior
threat to their compliance with which ethical principle?
a. Integrity 99. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the
b. Objectivity Philippines requires accountants to avoid any action that
c. Professional Competence and Due Care may discredit the profession. Which ethical principle does
d. Professional Behavior this requirement align with?
a. Integrity
91. The Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSAs) are b. Objectivity
developed by the Board of Accountancy (BOA) in c. Professional Competence and Due Care
collaboration with which of the following organizations? d. Professional Behavior
a. Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants
b. Professional Regulations Commission (PRC)
c. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 1. True or False: The Philippine Accountancy
d. Philippine Financial Reporting Standards Council Act is a law that regulates the practice of
(FRSC) accountancy in the Philippines.

92. A professional accountant who is under pressure to 2. True or False: The Professional
issue a qualified audit opinion when the financial Regulations Commission (PRC) is
statements contain no material misstatements may face a responsible for regulating various
threat to their compliance with which ethical principle? professions in the Philippines, including
a. Integrity accountancy.
b. Objectivity
c. Professional Competence and Due Care 3. True or False: The PRC is composed of five
d. Professional Behavior commissioners who are appointed by the
President of the Philippines.
93. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the
Philippines requires accountants to act diligently in 4. True or False: The Code of Ethics for
accordance with applicable technical and professional Professional Accountants in the
standards. Which ethical principle does this requirement Philippines is issued by the Securities and
align with? Exchange Commission (SEC).
a. Integrity
b. Objectivity 5. True or False: The Code of Ethics for
c. Professional Competence and Due Care Professional Accountants in the
d. Professional Behavior Philippines applies only to Certified Public
Accountants (CPAs) in public practice.
94. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in
the Philippines is responsible for ensuring the accuracy 6. True or False: The Code of Ethics for
and completeness of financial statements of which type of Professional Accountants in the
companies? Philippines requires accountants to
a. Sole proprietorships comply with all relevant laws and
b. Partnership firms regulations.
c. Corporations and publicly listed companies
d. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) 7. True or False: The Code of Ethics for
Professional Accountants in the
95. A professional accountant who is threatened with Philippines requires accountants to
legal action for refusing to violate professional standards exercise due professional care in their
may face a threat to their compliance with which ethical professional activities.
a. Integrity 8. True or False: The Code of Ethics for
b. Objectivity Professional Accountants in the
c. Professional Competence and Due Care Philippines requires accountants to avoid
d. Professional Behavior conflicts of interest in all professional and
business relationships.
96. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the
Philippines requires accountants to comply with the 9. True or False: The Code of Ethics for
fundamental principles of: Professional Accountants in the
a. Integrity, Objectivity, and Independence Philippines requires accountants to
b. Integrity, Objectivity, Professional Competence, and Due refrain from disclosing any confidential
Care information obtained during the course of
c. Integrity, Objectivity, Professional Competence, and their work.
d. Integrity, Objectivity, Independence, and Professional 10. True or False: The Board of Accountancy
Behavior (BOA) is responsible for issuing licenses to
qualified Certified Public Accountants
97. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in (CPAs) in the Philippines.
the Philippines has the authority to impose sanctions and
penalties on publicly listed companies that fail to comply 11. True or False: The BOA is composed of
with financial reporting requirements. What type of seven commissioners who are appointed
sanctions can the SEC impose? by the Professional Regulations
a. Imprisonment for company directors Commission (PRC).
b. Fines and penalties
c. Suspension of company operations 12. True or False: The BOA is responsible for
d. Revocation of the company's business license setting and implementing auditing
standards in the Philippines.
98. A professional accountant who is under pressure to
issue an adverse audit opinion when the financial 13. True or False: The BOA works closely with
the Philippine Institute of Certified Public
Accountants (PICPA) to develop 28. True or False: The BOA has the authority
accounting and auditing standards. to issue the Philippine Financial Reporting
Standards (PFRS).
14. True or False: The BOA has the authority
to inspect and assess the quality of audit 29. True or False: The PSAs are formulated to
services provided by auditing firms in the ensure that auditors conduct their audits
Philippines. with professional skepticism.

15. True or False: The BOA is responsible for 30. True or False: The PSAs apply only to
enforcing compliance with financial auditors in public practice and do not
reporting standards for publicly listed cover auditors working in the public
companies in the Philippines. sector or business.

16. True or False: The Philippine Standards 31. True or False: The Philippine Accountancy
on Auditing (PSAs) are based on the Act grants the BOA the authority to issue
International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) licenses to individuals who have met the
issued by the International Auditing and qualification requirements for Certified
Assurance Standards Board (IAASB). Public Accountants (CPAs).

17. True or False: The PSAs provide guidance 32. True or False: The BOA is composed of
to auditors on how to conduct an audit nine commissioners who are appointed by
engagement and issue an audit report. the President of the Philippines.

18. True or False: The PSAs are primarily 33. True or False: The Code of Ethics for
aimed at providing guidance to companies Professional Accountants in the
on how to prepare their financial Philippines requires accountants to
statements. disclose any confidential information
obtained during the course of their work if
19. True or False: The Code of Ethics for required by law or authorized by the
Professional Accountants in the client.
Philippines requires accountants to
maintain their professional knowledge and 34. True or False: The BOA is responsible for
skill at a level required to ensure regulating the financial reporting of
competent professional service. publicly listed companies in the
20. True or False: The Code of Ethics for
Professional Accountants in the 35. True or False: The PSAs are based on the
Philippines requires accountants to be Philippine Financial Reporting Standards
honest and straightforward in all (PFRS) issued by the Philippine Financial
professional and business relationships. Reporting Standards Council (FRSC).

21. True or False: The Code of Ethics for 36. True or False: The PSAs are designed to
Professional Accountants in the ensure that auditors comply with the
Philippines requires accountants to avoid fundamental principles of integrity,
being associated with information they objectivity, professional competence, and
believe contains a materially false or confidentiality.
misleading statement.
37. True or False: The PSAs provide guidance
22. True or False: The Philippine Accountancy to auditors on how to prepare financial
Act grants the Professional Regulations statements and disclosures for various
Commission (PRC) the authority to types of entities.
suspend or revoke the license of a
Certified Public Accountant (CPA) for a 38. True or False: The Code of Ethics for
specified period. Professional Accountants in the
Philippines requires accountants to be
23. True or False: The Philippine Accountancy independent and avoid any relationship
Act requires all accountants, regardless of that may compromise their objectivity.
their role, to be licensed by the PRC to
practice accountancy in the Philippines. 39. True or False: The BOA has the authority
to suspend or revoke the license of a
24. True or False: The Philippine Accountancy Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
Act empowers the PRC to investigate and permanently for violations of the
discipline CPAs for violations of the Act Philippine Accountancy Act.
and the Code of Ethics.
40. True or False: The Philippine Accountancy
25. True or False: The Code of Ethics for Act empowers the BOA to inspect and
Professional Accountants in the assess the quality of audit services
Philippines requires accountants to provided by auditing firms in the
disclose confidential information if it is in Philippines.
the public interest to do so.
41. True or False: The Philippine Accountancy
26. True or False: The PRC is responsible for Act grants the BOA the authority to
regulating the financial reporting of investigate and discipline CPAs for
publicly listed companies in the violations of the Act and the Code of
Philippines. Ethics.

27. True or False: The Code of Ethics for 42. True or False: The Code of Ethics for
Professional Accountants in the Professional Accountants in the
Philippines requires accountants to avoid Philippines requires accountants to
any action that may discredit the provide services with professional
profession. competence and due care.
43. True or False: The BOA has the authority
to impose sanctions and penalties on 10. The ___________ is responsible for issuing licenses
publicly listed companies that fail to to qualified Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) in
comply with financial reporting the Philippines.
11. The BOA is composed of ___________
44. True or False: The PSAs are developed by commissioners who are appointed by the
the BOA in collaboration with the ___________.
Philippine Institute of Certified Public
Accountants (PICPA). 12. The BOA is responsible for setting and
implementing ___________ standards in the
45. True or False: The Philippine Accountancy Philippines.
Act empowers the PRC to suspend or
revoke the license of a Certified Public 13. The BOA works closely with the ___________ to
Accountant (CPA) permanently for develop accounting and auditing standards.
violations of the Act.
14. The BOA has the authority to inspect and assess
46. True or False: The Code of Ethics for the quality of ___________ provided by auditing
Professional Accountants in the firms in the Philippines.
Philippines requires accountants to avoid
any relationship that may compromise 15. The ___________ are formulated to ensure that
their independence. auditors conduct their audits with professional
47. True or False: The BOA has the authority
to issue licenses to qualified Certified 16. The PSAs provide guidance to auditors on how to
Public Accountants (CPAs) and oversee conduct an ___________ engagement and issue an
the accountancy profession in the audit report.
17. The PSAs are based on the ___________ issued by
48. True or False: The BOA is responsible for the ___________.
setting financial reporting standards for
publicly listed companies in the 18. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in
Philippines. the Philippines requires accountants to maintain
their professional ___________ and ___________ at a
49. True or False: The Philippine Accountancy level required to ensure competent professional
Act empowers the PRC to investigate and service.
discipline accountants for violations of the
Act, but it does not have the authority to 19. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in
revoke their licenses permanently. the Philippines requires accountants to be honest
and ___________ in all professional and business
50. True or False: The PSAs are designed to relationships.
ensure that auditors conduct their audits
with due professional care and objectivity. 20. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in
Answer: True the Philippines requires accountants to avoid
being associated with information they believe
FILL IN THE BLANK contains a materially ___________ statement.
1. The ___________ is a law that regulates the practice
of accountancy in the Philippines. 21. The Philippine Accountancy Act grants the PRC
the authority to ___________ the license of a
2. The ___________ is responsible for regulating Certified Public Accountant (CPA) for a specified
various professions in the Philippines, including period.
22. The Philippine Accountancy Act requires all
3. The PRC is composed of _________ commissioners accountants, regardless of their role, to be
who are appointed by the President of the ___________ by the PRC to practice accountancy in
Philippines. the Philippines.

4. The ___________ is issued by the Professional 23. The Philippine Accountancy Act empowers the
Regulations Commission (PRC) and provides PRC to ___________ and ___________ CPAs for
guidance to professional accountants in the violations of the Act and the Code of Ethics.
24. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in
5. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the Philippines requires accountants to disclose
the Philippines applies to all Certified Public ___________ information if it is in the ___________
Accountants (CPAs) in __________. interest to do so.

6. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in 25. The PRC is responsible for regulating the financial
the Philippines requires accountants to comply ___________ of ___________ in the Philippines.
with all relevant __________ and __________.
26. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in
7. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the Philippines requires accountants to avoid any
the Philippines requires accountants to exercise ___________ that may compromise their
due __________ in their professional activities. ___________.

8. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in 27. The BOA has the authority to ___________ or
the Philippines requires accountants to avoid ___________ the license of a Certified Public
conflicts of __________ in all professional and Accountant (CPA) permanently for violations of the
business relationships. Philippine Accountancy Act.

9. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in 28. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in
the Philippines requires accountants to refrain the Philippines requires accountants to avoid any
from disclosing any __________ information action that may ___________ the profession.
obtained during the course of their work.
29. The PSAs are designed to ensure that auditors 47. The PSAs are designed to ensure that auditors
conduct their audits with due professional conduct their audits with due professional
___________ and ___________. ___________ and ___________.

30. The PSAs apply to auditors in ___________ practice, 48. The PSAs apply to auditors in ___________ practice,
as well as auditors working in the public as well as auditors working in the public
___________ or business. ___________ or business.

31. The PSAs provide guidance to auditors on how to 49. The PSAs provide guidance to auditors on how to
prepare financial statements and ___________ for prepare financial statements and ___________ for
various types of ___________. various types of ___________.

32. The Philippine Accountancy Act grants the BOA 50. The Philippine Accountancy Act grants the BOA
the authority to issue ___________ to individuals the authority to issue ___________ to individuals
who have met the qualification requirements for who have met the qualification requirements for
Certified Public Accountants (CPAs). Certified Public Accountants (CPAs).

33. The BOA is composed of ___________

commissioners who are appointed by the

34. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in

the Philippines requires accountants to disclose
any confidential information obtained during the
course of their work if required by ___________ or
authorized by the ___________.

35. The BOA is responsible for regulating the financial

reporting of ___________ in the Philippines.

36. The PSAs are based on the Philippine Financial

Reporting ___________ (PFRS) issued by the
Philippine Financial Reporting Standards
___________ (FRSC).

37. The PSAs are designed to ensure that auditors

conduct their audits with fundamental ___________
of integrity, objectivity, professional competence,
and confidentiality.

38. The PSAs provide guidance to auditors on how to

conduct an audit engagement and issue an
___________ report.

39. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in

the Philippines requires accountants to be
___________ and avoid any relationship that may
compromise their ___________.

40. The BOA has the authority to ___________

sanctions and penalties on publicly listed
companies that fail to comply with financial
reporting requirements.

41. The PSAs are developed by the BOA in

collaboration with the ___________.

42. The Philippine Accountancy Act empowers the

PRC to ___________ or ___________ the license of a
Certified Public Accountant (CPA) permanently for
violations of the Act.

43. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in

the Philippines requires accountants to avoid any
___________ that may compromise their

44. The BOA has the authority to issue licenses to

qualified Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) and
oversee the accountancy ___________ in the

45. The BOA is responsible for setting financial

reporting standards for ___________ in the

46. The Philippine Accountancy Act empowers the

PRC to ___________ and ___________ accountants
for violations of the Act, but it does not have the
authority to revoke their licenses permanently.

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